966 resultados para Enterococcus faecium CRL 183 - Teses
"May 1967."
Stephen G. Porter, chairman.
Block print.
Vorbesitzer: Theodor Oehler
Este estudo visa analisar as interferencias do Banco Mundial na Educacao Brasileira a partir do estudo de seis teses (aqui identificadas pelas iniciais A,B,C, D, E e F) de doutorado relativas ao tema, defendidas na Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp), sendo quatro delas (A, B, C, e D) voltadas a area de educacao e duas (E e F) a area de Ciencias Sociais e Economia. O estudo das teses parte dos objetivos de cada uma, que podem ser resumidos da seguinte forma: a Tese A - ¡ªA Mundializacao da Educacao: o Projeto Neoliberal de Sociedade e de Educacao no Brasil e na Venezuela. (MELO, 2003) -, sob a orientacao do Prof. Dr. Nilson Joseph Demange, teve como objetivo investigar o processo de mundializacao da educacao como elemento de uma nova fase de internacionalizacao e acumulacao capitalista, conduzida hegemonicamente pelos sujeitos politicos coletivos que assumem o projeto neoliberal de sociabilidade, especialmente o Fundo Monetario Internacional e o Banco Mundial, que buscam ser condutores das reformas estruturais para a America Latina e Caribe; a Tese B . ¡ªO Capital Financeiro e a Educacao no Brasil. (DEITOS, 2005) -, sob a orientacao da Profa. Dra. Maria Elizabete Sampaio Prado Xavier, teve como objetivo definir quais as consequencias da consolidacao do projeto, para a redefinicao das politicas educacionais na America Latina e Caribe; a Tese C . ¡ªGlobalizacao e Descentralizacao: o Processo de Desconstrucao do Sistema Educacional Brasileiro pela Via da Municipalizacao. (ROSAR, 1995) -, sob a orientacao do Prof. Dr. Demerval Saviani, teve como objetivo analisar as reformas educacionais empreendidas no Brasil, no periodo de 1995-2002, particularmente a politica educacional nacional para o ensino medio e profissional, com financiamento externo do Banco Internacional para Reforma e Desenvolvimento (BIRD); a Tese D . ¡ªAs Politicas Educacionais para o Desenvolvimento e o Trabalho Docente. (SOUZA, 1999) ., sob a orientacao da Profa. Dra. Liliana Rolisen Petrilli Segnini, trata da politica educacional para o ensino de 1¨¬ grau, tracada segundo a visao de seu autor no ambito de projetos federais, com o objetivo de induzir a municipalizacao do ensino, transferindo encargos para o municipio, sem a realizacao de investimentos financeiros satisfatorios nessa instancia; a Tese E . ¡ªEconomia, poder e influencias externa: O Grupo Banco Mundial e as Politicas de Ajustes Estruturais na America Latina, nas Decadas de Oitenta e Noventa. (COELHO, 2002) ., sob a orientacao do Prof. Dr. Sebastiao Carlos Velasco e Cruz, teve como objetivo analisar as relacoes entre o projeto educacional implementado pelo governo estadual, no periodo entre 1995 e 1998 e suas concepcoes de politicas educacionais; a Tese F - ¡ªA Questao Social e os Limites do Projeto Liberal no Brasil. (GIMENES, 2007) ., sob a orientacao do Prof. Dr. Carlos Alonso Barbosa de Oliveira, teve como objetivo analisar a relacao entre a economia, o poder politico e a influencia externa, focalizando o Grupo Banco Mundial e os programas de ajustamento estrutural na America Latina. Por fim este estudo mescla teses brasileiras advindas da area da Educacao e da Economia; foca o banco mundial e sua influencia no Brasil, oferecendo uma visao das conexoes logicas existentes entre elas. Como conclusao deste trabalho, apresentaremos as consideracoes finais de cada uma das teses, bem como as limitacoes e sugestoes para
The effect of growth conditions on both the appearance and the antigenic profile of cells of Enterococcus faecalis was investigated using electron micrographs of ruthenium red stained and sectioned cells and SDS-PAGE and blotting techniques respectively. Three specific antigens of molecular weights 73, 40 and 37 kdaltons were of particular interest being expressed most strongly after growth in serum. This medium was deemed to most closely mimic jn vjvo growth conditions reflecting an environment similar to that which the microorganisms would encounter during bacteraemia, preceding the colonisation of the endocardium and the development of infective endocarditis. The 40 and 37 kdalton antigens were shown by immunoqold labelling to be exposed on the surface of the cells although they did not appear to be connected with the fimbriae shown to exist on some of the E. faecalis cells examined by negative staining. The 73, 40 and 37 kdalton antigens were crudely purified using sarkosyl and ammonium sulphate precipitation, and used as the basis of a serodiagnostic test for E. faecalis endocarditis using an ELISA system. This was tested in a blind trial and the success rates were 94% for positives, 90% for negatives with endocarditis caused by other organisms and 80% for E. faecalis infections other than endocarditis. The binding of E.faecalis cells to the serum proteins fibronectin and albumin was investigated using 125I labelled proteins, followed by Scatchard analysis. This showed that· E.faecalis cells do loosely bind large amounts of both of these proteins, thus surely affecting the way in which the host's immune system perceives the cells. The E.faecalis receptor for fibronectin was partially characterised and appeared to involve protein and/or carbohydrate containing components. but did not involve LTA or the 40 and 37 kdalton species specific antigens.
(Pages 133-183) Bottom photographs of manganese nodules fields and crusts observed in the open ocean
This research aims to make a reflective analysis about the academic production originated in the stricto sensu post graduation programs in the country, produced in the period of 1990 to 2010, in the field of History of Mathematics, especifically on works about the History of Mathematics in Mathematics education and that present pedagogical proposals that make use of the History of Mathematics in order to teach Mathematics. Defending the thesis that the researches on mathematics education with goals turned to the use of didactic proposals related to the history of mathematic that take in consideration the coherency between epistemological aspects inherent to mathematics history and anthological elements materialized on the conceptions of mathematics and mathematics history and of apprenticeship (implicitly or explicitly exposed) may originate significant contribution to the field of history of mathematics on education. Among these, nine were Master’s Degree dissertations and five PHD’s theses. The reflective analysis was accomplished from two matrixes; one from theoretical nature and the other, ontologic nature, elaborated from the pretexts of Sanches Gamboa, about the epistemological analysis from academic production in the field of Mathematics Education and the following theoretical perspectives in the field of History of Mathematics Education, that are: linear evolutionary theory, structural construtivist operative, evolutionary discontinuous, historical and socialcultural investigation and the use of activities estimulating the usage of verbal and nonverbal expressions. These perspectives were based on the works of Miguel and Miorim, Mendes and Radford. As results, we have detected some established dissonances between the categories related to theoretical and ontologic levels and the pedagogical proposal presented in these researches. On the other hand, we have discovered works that are able to establish consonances between the theoretical and ontological elements and the presented pedagogical proposal. These works carry significative contributions to the field of History of Mathematics applied to Mathematics pedagogical practice, inclusively presenting significative theoretical elements to the production of knowledge recognized as scientific in the Mathematics field
This doctoral dissertationproposes the description, interpretation and analysis of the compositional structure of thesis and dissertation abstracts, with regard to the linguistic mechanisms that evidence text zones of different typological sequences, such as those of the text plan. Along these lines, the research problem was developed from the notion of compositional structure (sequences and text plans), as one of the levels or plans of text analysis, according to the theoretical framework proposed by Jean-Michel Adam (2011a). The main objective of this study was to recognize how the compositional structure, of thesis and dissertation abstracts, is achieved, with respect to text units and the global organization of this text category. The hypothesis posed in this research posits that specific informational text composition categories of abstracts are necessary to process the representation of the original text and the way in which it makes its meaning. Subsequently, this study is based on the theoretical and methodological framework of Text Linguistics (TL) and, above all, Textual Discourse Analysis (TDA), as we endeavor to understand the organizational structure of abstracts from both a linguistic and textual perspective. This structure involves the text plan of abstracts, with respect to their communicative purpose, i.e, the sharing of scientific information in its standard textual form. Thus, the development of this study, from a theoretical and methodological perspective, is based on the theoretical and descriptive premises from TDA (ADAM, 2011a, 2012; PASSEGGI et al., 2010), and also from TL (BEAUGRANDE; DRESSLER, (2012 [1981]); COSERIU; LAMAS (2010); MARCUSCHI, 2009 [1983]; FÁVERO; KOCH, 1994;KOCH, 2006; BENTES, 2004; BENTES; LEITE, 2010), within the field of text studies. The methodology of this study relies on empirical, documental research, which is qualitative, and adopts a descriptive and interpretive approach. From the empirical perspective, our objective is to understand the problems pertaining to the textual composition of abstracts, aiming to elucidate them in light of the theoretical and methodological framework previously mentioned. The corpus of the analysis is comprised of seven abstracts designated for systematic data collection. These texts, written between 2004 and 2011,were selected from Master’s theses and Doctoral dissertations in their electronic version, from the graduate program at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. A thorough review of the literature reveals a clear fluctuation in the terminology of the concept, ‘abstract’. The results of the analysis revealed that the abstracts, which comprise the corpus of analysis in this study, in general, present typological heterogeneity, while the text plan remains fixed. Finally, the new knowledge gained in this research contributes both to the understanding of the compositional structure of abstracts as well as their production.
Il lavoro di questa tesi è focalizzato sulla valutazione della sensibilità delle microonde rispetto a differenti idrometeore per le frequenze a 89 GHz e 150 GHz e nella banda di assorbimento del vapor d'acqua a 183.31 GHz. Il metodo di indagine consiste nell'utilizzo del modello di trasferimento radiativo RTTOV (Eyre, 1991) per simulare radianze dei canali dei sensori satellitari nelle microonde Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-B (AMSU-B) e Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS). Le simulazioni basate sul modello RTTOV si sono focalizzate su tre dataset indipendenti, forniti da ECMWF. Il primo passo tiene conto di una selezione di categorie dei profili atmosferici basato su una distinzione della fase delle idrometeore, LWP, IWP e WVP, con sottoclassi terra e oceano. La distinzione in diverse categorie permette di valutare la sensibilità di ciascuna frequenza utilizzata nelle simulazioni al variare del contenuto di acqua e ghiaccio. Un secondo approccio è usato per valutare la risposta di ciascuna frequenza nei casi di nevicate sulla terraferma. Questa indagine ha permesso lo sviluppo di un nuovo algoritmo prototipale per la stima dell'intensità di precipitazione nevosa basato su una serie di test a soglia e una equazione di combinazione lineare multipla che sfrutta una combinazione dei canali più sensibili alla snowfall: 150, 186 e 190 GHz. Una prima verifica su casi di studio pre-selezionati di snowstorm sembra fornire risultati promettenti. Infine è stato realizzato uno studio di sensibilità dell’algoritmo 183-WSL (Laviola and Levizzani, 2011) utilizzando le simulazioni di RTTOV con precipitazione/non precipitazione come predittori discreti e con le intensità di precipitazione come predittori continui. Le simulazioni RTTOV rivelano una sovrastima delle radianze in presenza di profili di pioggia e ciò potrebbe essere dovuto alle approssimazioni e parametrizzazioni adottate nel modello RTTOV-SCATT usato per la risoluzione dello scattering in presenza di precipitazione.