953 resultados para Endogenous circadian rhythms
We develop a portfolio balance model with real capital accumulation. The introduction of real capital as an asset as well as a good produced and demanded by firms enriches extant portfolio balance models of exchange rate determination. We show that expansionary monetary policy causes exchange rate overshooting, not once, but twice; the secondary repercussion comes through the reaction of firms to changed asset prices and the firms' decisions to invest in real capital. The model sheds further light on the volatility of real and nominal exchange rates, and it suggests that changes in corporate sector profitability may affect exchange rates through portfolio diversification in corporate securities.
This paper examines whether the presence of informal credit markets reduces the cost of credit rationing in terms of growth. In a dynamic general equilibrium framework, we assume that firms are heterogenous with different degrees of risk and households invest in human capital development. With the help of Indian household level data we show that the informal market reduces the cost of rationing by increasing the growth rate by 0.7 percent. This higher growth rate, in the presence of an informal sector, is due to the ability of the informal market to separate the high risk from the low risk firms thanks to better information. But even after such improvement we do not get the optimum outcome. The findings, based on our second question, suggest that the revelation of firms' type, based on incentive compatible pricing, can lead to almost 2 percent higher growth rate as compared to the credit rationing regime with informal sector.
The effect of time (i.e., biologic time structure) of drug administration on the bioavailability of theophylline was investigated in man after both a single dosage as well as after repeated, or chronic, drug administrations. Preliminary laboratory investigations on Balb-C mice showed the toxic
Many lines of clinical and experimental evidence indicate a viral role in carcinogenesis (1-6). Our access to patient plasma, serum, and tissue samples from invasive breast cancer (N=19), ductal carcinoma in situ (N=13), malignant ovarian cancer (N=12), and benign ovarian tumors (N=9), via IRB-approved and informed consent protocols through M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, as well as normal donor plasmas purchased from Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center (N=6), has allowed us to survey primary patient blood and tissue samples, healthy donor blood from the general population, as well as commercially available human cell lines for the presence of human endogenous retrovirus K (HERV-K) Env viral RNA (vRNA), protein, and viral particles. We hypothesize that HERV-K proteins are tumor-associated antigens and as such can be profiled and targeted in patients for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. To test this hypothesis, we employed isopycnic ultracentrifugation, a microplate-based reverse transcriptase enzyme activity assay, reverse transcription – polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), cDNA sequencing, SDS-PAGE and western blotting, immunofluorescent staining, confocal microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy to evaluate v HERV-K activation in cancer. Data from large numbers of patients tested by reverse transcriptase activity assay were analyzed statistically by t-test to determine the potential use of this assay as a diagnostic tool for cancer. Significant reverse transcriptase enzyme activity was detected in 75% of ovarian cancer patients, 53.8% of ductal carcinoma in situ patient, and 42.1% of invasive breast cancer patient samples. Only 11.1% of benign ovarian patient and 16.7% of normal donor samples tested positive. HERV-K Env vRNA, or Env SU were detected in the majority of cancer types screened, as demonstrated by the results shown herein, and were largely absent in normal controls. These findings support our hypothesis that the presence of HERV-K in patient blood circulation is an indicator of cancer or pre-malignancy in vivo, that the presence of HERV-K Env on tumor cell surfaces is indicative of malignant phenotype, and that HERV-K Env is a tumor-associated antigen useful not only as a diagnostic screening tool to predict patient disease status, but also as an exploitable therapeutic target for various novel antibody-based immunotherapies.
HUMAN ENDOGENOUS RETROVIRUS K AS A NOVEL TUMOR-ASSOCIATED ANTIGEN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AN OVARIAN CANCER VACCINE Publication No.________Kiera Rycaj, B.S.Supervisory Professor: Feng Wang-Johanning, Ph.D., M.D. Ovarian cancer (OC) is the fourth most common cancer in women, and the most lethal gynecologic malignancy in the United States. Adequate screening methodologies are currently lacking and most women first present with either stage III or IV disease. To date, there has been no substantial decrease in death rates and the majorities of patients relapse and die from their disease despite response to first-line therapy. Several proteins, such as CA-125, are elevated in OC, but none has proven specific and sensitive enough to serve as a screening tool or for tumor cell recognition and lysis. It has been proposed that human endogenous retrovirus sequences (HERVs) may play a role in the etiology of certain cancers. In a previous study, we showed that HERV-K envelope (env) proteins are widely expressed in human invasive breast cancer (BC) and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), and elicit both serologic and cell-mediated immune responses in BC patients. We also reported the expression of multiple HERV genes and proteins in OC cell lines and tissues. In this study, we strengthened our previous data by determining that HERV-K env mRNAs are expressed in 69% of primary OC tissues (n=29), but in only 24% of benign tissues (N=17). Immmunohistochemistry (IHC) staining revealed HERV-Kpositivecancer cells detected in endometrioid adenocarcinoma and serous adenocarcinoma but not in benign cyst or normal epithelium biopsies. Immunofluorescence staining (IFS) showed greater cell surface expression of HERV-K in OC samples compared to adjacent uninvolved samples. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) data confirmed that a humoral immune response is elicited against HERV-K in OC patients. T-cell responses against HERV-K in lymphocytes from OC patients stimulated with autologous HERV-K pulsed dendritic cells included induction of T-cell proliferation and IFN-γ production. HERV-K–specific cytolytic T cells induced greater specific lysis of OC target cells compared to benign and adjacent uninvolved target cells. Finally, upon T regulatory cell (T-reg) depletion, 64% of OC patients displayed an increase in the specific lysis of target cells expressing HERV-K env protein. These findings suggest that HERV-K env protein is a tumor-associated antigen capable of activating both T-cell and B-cell responses in OC patients, and has great potential in the development of immunotherapy regimens against OC.
Nitric oxide is involved in a multitude of processes including regulation of vascular tone, neurotransmission, immunity, and cancer. Evidence suggests that nitric oxide exhibits anti-apoptotic activity in melanoma cells. Our laboratory showed that tumor expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase correlated strongly with poor survival in stage III and IV melanoma patients, suggesting an antagonistic role for nitric oxide in melanoma response to therapy. Therefore, the hypothesis that endogenously produced nitric oxide antagonizes chemotherapy-induced apoptosis was formed. Using cisplatin as a model for DNA damage in melanoma cell lines, the capacity of nitric oxide to regulate cell growth and apoptotic responses to cisplatin treatment was examined. The depletion of endogenously generated nitric oxide resulted in changes in cell cycle regulation and enhanced cisplatin-induced apoptosis in melanoma cells. Since nitric oxide was shown to be involved in the regulation of p53 stability, conformation and DNA binding activity, whether signaling through wild-type p53 in melanoma cells is regulated by nitric oxide was tested. Cisplatin-induced p53 accumulation and p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 expression in nitric oxide-depleted melanoma cells were found to be strongly suppressed. When p53 binding to the p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 promoter was examined, it was found that nitric oxide depletion significantly reduced the cisplatin-induced formation of p53-DNA complexes. These results suggest that nitric oxide is required for activation of wild-type p53 after DNA damage in melanoma cells. Finally, whether signaling through p53 controls melanoma response to DNA damage was examined. Transfection of a plasmid containing a dominant negative form of mutated p53 inhibited p21 Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 expression and concomitantly enhanced apoptosis after cisplatin treatment. These data suggest that the induction of wild-type p53 protects melanoma cells against DNA damage via the up-regulation of p21 Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1. Together, these data strongly support the model that endogenous nitric oxide is required for p53 activation and p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 expression after DNA damage, which can enhance melanoma resistance to therapy. Thus, in context of melanoma cells with wild-type p53 , low levels of endogenous constitutively-produced nitric oxide appear to facilitate the activation of p53 in response to DNA damage, thereby allowing for cell cycle arrest via p21Waf1/Cip1/Sdi1 induction, adequate DNA repair, and ultimately enhanced resistance to apoptosis. ^
El objetivo general de esta Tesis Doctoral ha sido tratar de mejorar los parámetros reproductivos de las conejas primíparas lactantes, empleando dos métodos de manejo (destete temprano y extensificación del ritmo reproductivo), que están directamente relacionados con su balance energético. Para ello, se diseñaron 2 experimentos en este tipo de hembras. En el primero, se estudió el efecto del destete a 25 días post-parto (dpp) sobre la actividad ovárica y el metabolismo energético de las conejas una semana más tarde (32 dpp). Un total de 34 primíparas lactantes con 8 gazapos fueron distribuidas en tres grupos: 10 conejas se sacrificaron a los 25 dpp (grupo L25), 13 fueron destetadas a los 25 dpp y sacrificadas a los 32 dpp (grupo NL32), y 11 conejas no se destetaron y fueron sacrificadas a los 32 dpp (grupo L32). No se observaron diferencias significativas entre grupos en el peso corporal, el peso del ovario, ni en las concentraciones séricas de ácidos grasos no esterificados y de proteínas totales. A pesar de que el grupo NL32 presentó un bajo consumo de alimento (122 ± 23,5 g / día, p <0,001), su contenido corporal estimado de lípidos (16,9 ± 1,09%, P <0,008), proteínas (19,7 ± 0,07%, P <0,0001), y energía (1147 ± 42,7 MJ / kg, p <0,006) fueron más elevados y las concentraciones séricas de glucosa (158 ± 24,5 mg/dl, p <0,04) más bajas que en los grupos L25 (11,9 ± 1,3%, 18,5 ± 0,08%, 942 ± 51,3 MJ/kg y 212 ± 27,9 mg/dl) y L32 (13,4 ± 1,03%, 18,5 ± 0,1%, 993 ± 40,4 MJ/kg y 259 ± 29,5 mg/dl), respectivamente. En el grupo L25 se observó un menor número medio de folículos ≥ 1 mm en la superficie ovárica en comparación con los grupos NL32 y L32 (12,7 ± 1,5 vs. 18,0 ± 1,45 y 17,6 ± 1,67, p <0,05). La población folicular ovárica en las secciones histológicas y la inmunolocalización de los receptores de prolactina fueron similares en todos los grupos. En el grupo L25, tanto la maduración nuclear de oocitos, medida en términos de tasas alcanzadas de Metafase II (67,0 vs. 79,7 y 78,3%, P <0.05) y la maduración citoplasmática, medida por el porcentaje de gránulos corticales (GC) total o parcialmente migrados en los oocitos, fueron significativamente menores que en los grupos NL32 y L32 (16,0 vs 38,3 y 60,0%, P <0.05). En conclusión, a pesar de que el destete precoz a 25 dpp pareció mejorar las reservas de energía de las conejas primíparas, este hecho no se reflejó claramente a nivel ovárico a los 32 dpp y fue similar independientemente del destete, por lo que éste último podría llevarse a cabo más tarde. En el segundo experimento, se compararon dos ritmos reproductivos. Se utilizaron un total de 48 conejas primíparas lactantes con 8 gazapos que se asignaron al azar en dos grupos experimentales: a) lactantes sacrificadas a comienzos del post-parto (11 dpp) de acuerdo a un ritmo semi-intensivo (n = 24), y b) lactantes sacrificadas al final del período post-parto (25 dpp) de acuerdo con un ritmo más extensivo (n = 24). En ellas, se estudió el peso vivo, la composición corporal estimada, parámetros metabólicos y endocrinos (estradiol y progesterona) y características ováricas como la población folicular y la tasa de atresia, así como la maduración nuclear y citoplásmica de los oocitos. En este estudio, el peso vivo, el contenido de energía corporal, los depósitos grasos y los ácidos grasos no esterificados disminuyeron a lo largo del post-parto con respecto al momento del parto (P <0,05). Las concentraciones séricas de proteínas y glucosa aumentaron en el mismo periodo post-parto (P <0,05). Se observaron similares niveles de estradiol y progesterona en ambos ritmos, así como una población folicular, tasas de maduración nuclear (tasa de oocitos en metafase II) y citoplasmática (porcentaje de oocitos con gránulos corticales migrados), similares en ambos momentos del post-parto. Sin embargo, el número de folículos preovulatorios en la superficie ovárica fue menor (P <0,05) y la tasa de atresia tendió a ser mayor con un porcentaje también menor de folículos sanos (P <0,1) en los ovarios de las hembras sometidas al ritmo extensivo. En conclusión, al final del post-parto (25 días), las conejas primíparas sin destetar muestran un deterioro de sus reservas corporales, de sus parámetros metabólicos séricos y de la calidad de sus oocitos; incluso se ha observado una ligera influencia negativa en el desarrollo de sus folículos ováricos. Por esta razón, se considera que en las conejas primíparas lactantes el manejo reproductivo extensivo (25 dpp) no presenta ninguna ventaja en comparación con el semi-intensivo (11 dpp). A la vista de los resultados de estos dos experimentos, podemos decir que ni el destete temprano, ni la extensificación del ritmo reproductivo han conseguido una mejora en los parámetros reproductivos de una hembra primípara. Por ello, son necesarios más estudios sobre el estado metabólico de la coneja primípara lactante para conseguir métodos o estrategias que lo mejoren y tengan consecuencias directas sobre la actividad reproductiva y sobre su éxito productivo. The general aim of this Thesis was to study two management methods (early weaning and extensive reproductive rhythm) linked to the energy balance of the primiparous rabbit does to improve their reproductive performance. In this sense, 2 experiments were conducted using this kind of females. In the first experiment, the effect of weaning at 25 days post-partum (dpp) on ovarian activity and energetic metabolism one week later (32 dpp) was studied. A total of 34 primiparous lactating rabbit does were used and distributed among three groups: 10 does euthanized at 25 dpp (group L25), 13 does weaned at 25 dpp and euthanized at 32 dpp (group NL32), and 11 non weaned does euthanized at 32 dpp (group L32). No significant differences were observed in live body weight, ovary weight, serum non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and total protein concentration among groups. Although NL32 does had a low feed intake (122±23.5 g/Day; P < 0.001), their estimated lipids (16.9±1.09%, P < 0.008), protein (19.7±0.07%, P < 0.0001), and energy (1147±42.7 MJ/kg, P < 0.006) body contents were higher and their serum glucose concentrations (158±24.5 mg/dl, P < 0.04) were lower compared to L25 does (11.9±1.3%, 18.5±0.08%, 942±51.3 MJ/kg and 212±27.9 mg/dl) and L32 does (13.4±1.03%, 18.5±0.1%, 993±40.4 MJ/kg and 259±29.5 mg/dl, respectively). A lower number of follicles ≥1mm was observed compared to NL32 and L32 groups (12.7±1.5 vs. 18.0±1.45 and 17.6 ±1.67; P < 0.05) in the ovarian surface of L25 does. Follicular population in the histological ovarian sections and immunolocalization of prolactin receptor were similar in all groups. In group L25, both nuclear maturation of oocytes in terms of Metaphase II rate (67.0 vs. 79.7 and 78.3%; P < 0.05) and cytoplasmic maturation measured by percentage of cortical granules (CG), totally or partially migrated in oocytes were significantly lower than in groups NL32 and L32 (16.0 vs. 38.3 and 60.0%; P < 0.05). Consequently, a higher rate of oocytes with non-migrated CGs was found in group L25 than in groups NL32 and L32 (76.0 vs. 46.8 and 33.3%; P < 0.05). In conclusion, even though early weaning at 25 dpp seemed to improve body energy stored in primiparous does, this fact was not well reflected on the ovarian status at 32 dpp, which was similar regardless of weaning time. In the second experiment, two reproductive rhythms were compared. A total of 48 primiparous Californian x New Zealand White rabbit does suckling 8 kits were randomly allocated in two experimental groups: a) lactating does euthanized at early post-partum period (11 dpp) according to a semi-intensive rhythm (n = 24), and b) lactating does euthanized on later post-partum period (25 dpp) according to a more extensive rhythm (n = 24). Live weight, estimated body composition, serum metabolic and endocrine parameters (oestradiol and progesterone concentrations) and ovarian features like follicle population and atresia rate, and oocyte maturation were studied. Live weight, body energy content, lipid depots and serum non esterified fatty acids (NEFA) concentrations diminished from parturition time to post-partum period (P < 0.05). In addition, serum protein and glucose concentrations increased along postpartum time (P < 0.05). Similar oestradiol and progesterone levels were shown in rhythms as well as similar follicle population and nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation rates measured as metaphase II and cortical granule migration, respectively in both postpartum times. However, number of preovulatory follicles on the ovarian surface was lower (P < 0.05) and atresia rate tended to be higher with also lower percentage of healthy follicles (P < 0.1) in ovaries of females of extensive group. In conclusion, primiparous non-weaned rabbits does at late post-partum time (25 days), Did no show any improvement regarding body reserves, serum metabolic parameters and oocyte quality; even a slight negative influence has been observed in the development of their ovarian follicles. Thus this reproductive management does not present any advantage compared to earlier post-partum (11 days) reproductive rhythm. In summary, according to the obtained results from these two experiments, we can say that the application of early weaning and the extensive rhythms did not achieve an improvement in the reproductive performance of primiparous does. Thus, it is necessary to conduct more studies about the metabolic status of the primiparous lactating doe to achieve strategies in order to improve it and consequently, to improve the reproductive activity and their productive success.
Fixation-off sensitivity (FOS) denotes the forms of EEG abnormalities, which are elicited by elimination of central vision or fixation. The phenomenon seems to depend on variables that modulate the alpha rhythm, however, the cerebral mechanisms underlying FOS remain unclear [1]. The scarce previous fMRI findings related to FOS have shown activation in extrastriate cortex [2] and also in frontal areas [3][4]. On the other hand, simultaneous EEG-fMRI technique has been used to assess the relationship between spontaneous power fluctuations of electrical rhythms and associated fMRI signal modulations. These studies have identified that lateral frontoparietal networks show a negative correlation with alpha band in healthy subjects. This neuroanatomical pattern is related to attentional processes and cognitive resources. Moreover, a sub-beta band (17-23 Hz) has been identified with posterior cingulate, temporoparietal junction and dorso-medial prefrontal cortex activations, which correspond to the DMN [5][6].
Fixation-off sensitivity (FOS) denotes the forms of epilepsy elicited by elimination of fixation. FOS-IGE patients are rare cases [1]. In a previous work [2] we showed that two FOS-IGE patients had different altered EEG rhythms when closing eyes; only beta band was altered in patient 1 while theta, alpha and beta were altered in patient 2. In the present work, we explain the relationship between the altered brain rhythms in these patients and the disruption in functional brain networks.
Dormancy is an adaptive mechanism that allows woody plants to survive at low temperatures during the winter. Disruption of circadian clock genes in winter or under low temperatures, both in long days as in short days, were described in our group few years ago (Ramos et al., 2005). Basic mechanisms of the circadian clock function are similar in herbaceous as well as in woody plants although there are differences in their response to low temperatures (Bieniawska et al., 2008). Woody plants growing in daylight conditions should have a specific transcriptional control above the circadian clock genes, which is responsible of their constitutive transcriptional activation observed under low temperatures conditions. In order to understand this regulatory process, we are analyzing the behavior of a circadian clock gene in poplar. To this aim, we have isolated its promoter region and fused to the luciferase reporter gene. This construct has been transformed into Populus tremula x P. alba 717-1B4 INRA clone. Here we present the characterization of these transgenic lines under different conditions of light and temperature.
The neurophysiological changes associated with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) include an increase in low frequency activity, as measured with electroencephalography or magnetoencephalography (MEG). A relevant property of spectral measures is the alpha peak, which corresponds to the dominant alpha rhythm. Here we studied the spatial distribution of MEG resting state alpha peak frequency and amplitude values in a sample of 27 MCI patients and 24 age-matched healthy controls. Power spectra were reconstructed in source space with linearly constrained minimum variance beamformer. Then, 88 Regions of Interest (ROIs) were defined and an alpha peak per ROI and subject was identified. Statistical analyses were performed at every ROI, accounting for age, sex and educational level. Peak frequency was significantly decreased (p < 0.05) in MCIs in many posterior ROIs. The average peak frequency over all ROIs was 9.68 ± 0.71 Hz for controls and 9.05 ± 0.90 Hz for MCIs and the average normalized amplitude was (2.57 ± 0.59)·10−2 for controls and (2.70 ± 0.49)·10−2 for MCIs. Age and gender were also found to play a role in the alpha peak, since its frequency was higher in females than in males in posterior ROIs and correlated negatively with age in frontal ROIs. Furthermore, we examined the dependence of peak parameters with hippocampal volume, which is a commonly used marker of early structural AD-related damage. Peak frequency was positively correlated with hippocampal volume in many posterior ROIs. Overall, these findings indicate a pathological alpha slowing in MCI.
Little is known about plant circadian oscillators, in spite of how important they are to sessile plants, which require accurate timekeepers that enable the plants to respond to their environment. Previously, we identified a circadian clock-associated (CCA1) gene that encodes an Myb-related protein that is associated with phytochrome control and circadian regulation in plants. To understand the role CCA1 plays in phytochrome and circadian regulation, we have isolated an Arabidopsis line with a T DNA insertion that results in the loss of CCA1 RNA, of CCA1 protein, and of an Lhcb-promoter binding activity. This mutation affects the circadian expression of all four clock-controlled genes that we examined. The results show that, despite their similarity, CCA1 and LHY are only partially redundant. The lack of CCA1 also affects the phytochrome regulation of gene expression, suggesting that CCA1 has an additional role in a signal transduction pathway from light, possibly acting at the point of integration between phytochrome and the clock. Our results indicate that CCA1 is an important clock-associated protein involved in circadian regulation of gene expression.
Adipose differentiation is an important part of the energy homeostasis system of higher organisms. Recent data have suggested that this process is controlled by an interplay of transcription factors including PPARγ, the C/EBPs, and ADD1/SREBP1. Although these factors interact functionally to initiate the program of differentiation, there are no data concerning specific mechanisms of interaction. We show here that the expression of ADD1/SREBP1 specifically increases the activity of PPARγ but not other isoforms, PPARα, or PPARδ. This activation occurs through the ligand-binding domain of PPARγ when it is fused to the DNA-binding domain of Gal4. The stimulation of PPARγ by ADD1/SREBP1 does not require coexpression in the same cells; supernatants from cultures that express ADD1/SREBP1 augment the transcriptional activity of PPARγ. Finally, we demonstrate directly that cells expressing ADD1/SREBP1 produce and secrete lipid molecule(s) that bind directly to PPARγ, displacing the binding of radioactive thiazolidinedione ligands. These data establish that ADD1/SREBP1 can control the production of endogenous ligand(s) for PPARγ and suggest a mechanism for coordinating the actions of these adipogenic factors.