982 resultados para Elastically restrained edges


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The graph-partitioning problem is to divide a graph into several pieces so that the number of vertices in each piece is the same within some defined tolerance and the number of cut edges is minimised. Important applications of the problem arise, for example, in parallel processing where data sets need to be distributed across the memory of a parallel machine. Very effective heuristic algorithms have been developed for this problem which run in real-time, but it is not known how good the partitions are since the problem is, in general, NP-complete. This paper reports an evolutionary search algorithm for finding benchmark partitions. A distinctive feature is the use of a multilevel heuristic algorithm to provide an effective crossover. The technique is tested on several example graphs and it is demonstrated that our method can achieve extremely high quality partitions significantly better than those found by the state-of-the-art graph-partitioning packages.


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Anisotropic conductive films (ACFs) are widely used in the electronic packaging industries because of their fine pitch potential and the assembly process is simpler compared to the soldering process. However, there are still unsolved issues in the volume productions using ACFs. The main reason is that the effects of many factors on the interconnects are not well understood. This work focuses on the performance of ACF-bonded chip-on-flex assemblies subjected to a range of thermal cycling test conditions. Both experimental and three-dimensional finite element computer modelling methods are used. It has been revealed that greater temperature ranges and longer dwell-times give rise to higher stresses in the ACF interconnects. Higher stresses are concentrated along the edges of the chip-ACF interfaces. In the experiments, the results show that higher temperature ranges and prolonged dwell times increase contact resistance values. Close examination of the microstructures along the bond-line through the scanning electron microscope (SEM) indicates that cyclic thermal loads disjoint the conductive particles from the bump of the chip and/or pad of the substrate and this is thought to be related to the increase of the contact resistance value and the failure of the ACF joints.


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The possible failure mechanisms of anisotropic conductive film (ACF) joints under isothermal ageing conditions have been identified through experiments. It has been found that ACF joints formed at higher bonding temperatures can prevent increases in the contact resistance for any ageing temperature. The higher the ageing temperature the higher the electrical failure rate is. The formation of conduction gaps between the conductive particles and the pads and damages to the metal coatings of the particle have been identified as the reasons behind the electrical failures during ageing. In order to understand the mechanism for the formation of the conduction gap and damages in metal coatings during the isothermal ageing, computer modelling has been carried out and the results are discussed extensively. The computer analysis shows that stresses concentrate at the edges of the particle–pad interface, where the adhesive matrix meets the particle. This could lead to subsequent damages and reductions in the adhesion strength in that region and it is possible for the conductive particle to be detached from the pad and the adhesive matrix. It is believed that because of this a conduction gap appears. Furthermore, under thermal loading the thermal expansion of the adhesive matrix squeezes the conductive particle and damages the metal coatings. Experimental evidences support this computational finding. It is, therefore, postulated that if an ACF-based electronic component operates in a high temperature aging condition, its electrical and mechanical functionalities will be at risk.


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In this paper we investigate a number of gas flames for fire polishing borosilicate glass capillaries used in the manufacturing of IVF micro-pipettes. Hydrofluoric acid (HF) was also used as an alternative to finish the pipette end. Glass micro tools in the IVF industry are drawn from hollow glass capillaries of diameter 1 mm. These capillaries are cut manually to a length of 100 mm from hollow glass rods resulting in sharp and chipped edges. These capillaries are held in a customised holder having padding of soft silicone or rubber. Sharp and uneven edges of these capillaries pick up particles of rubber or soft silicone shavings, rendering them ineffective for IVF treatments. The working range of borosilicate glass is 800-1,200 degrees C. The experiments involved analysis of fire polishing process for borosilicate glass capillaries using candle, butane, propane, 2350 butane propane, oxyacetylene gas flames, finding the optimum distance of the capillary relative to the flame, optimum time for which the capillary should be held in the flame and optimum region of the flame which gives the required temperature range. The results show that 2350 butane propane gas mix is optimum for fire polishing of borosilicate glass capillaries. The paper is concluded by comparing the results of fire polishing with the results of acid polishing, in which HF of 1.6% concentration is used to etch the ends of the borosilicate glass pipettes.


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Continuous Plankton Recorder data suggest that the Irminger Sea supports a major proportion of the surface-living population of the copepod Calanus finmarchicus in the northern North Atlantic, but there have been few studies of its population dynamics in the region. In this paper, we document the seasonal changes in the demographic structure of C finmarchicus in the Irminger Sea from a field programme during 2001/2002, and the associations between its developmental stages and various apparent bio-physical zones. Overwintering stages were found widely at depth (>500 m) across the Irminger Sea, and surviving females were widely distributed in the surface waters the following spring. However, recruitment of the subsequent generation was concentrated around the fringes of the Irminger Sea basin, along the edges of the Irminger and East Greenland Currents, and not in the central basin. In late summer animals were found descending back to overwintering depths in the Central Irminger Sea. The key factors dictating this pattern of recruitment appear to be (a) the general circulation regime, (b) predation on eggs in the spring, possibly by the surviving GO stock, and (c) mortality of first feeding naupliar stages in the central basin where food concentrations appear to be low throughout the year. We compared the demographic patterns in 2001/2002 with observations from the only previous major survey in 1963 and with data from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) surveys. In both previous data sets, the basic structure of GO ascent from the central basin and G1 recruitment around the fringes was a robust feature, suggesting that it is a recurrent phenomenon. The Irminger Sea is a complex mixing zone between polar and Atlantic water masses, and it has also been identified as a site of sporadic deep convection. The physical oceanographic characteristics of the region are therefore potentially sensitive to climate fluctuations. Despite this, the abundance of C finmarchicus in the region, as measured by the CPR surveys, appears not to have responded to climate factors linked to the North Atlantic Oscillation Index, in contrast with the stocks in eastern Atlantic areas. We speculate that this may because biological factors (production and mortality), rather than transport processes are the key factors affecting the population dynamics in the Irminger Sea. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Satellite-based remote sensing of active fires is the only practical way to consistently and continuously monitor diurnal fluctuations in biomass burning from regional, to continental, to global scales. Failure to understand, quantify, and communicate the performance of an active fire detection algorithm, however, can lead to improper interpretations of the spatiotemporal distribution of biomass burning, and flawed estimates of fuel consumption and trace gas and aerosol emissions. This work evaluates the performance of the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (SEVIRI) Fire Thermal Anomaly (FTA) detection algorithm using seven months of active fire pixels detected by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) across the Central African Republic (CAR). Results indicate that the omission rate of the SEVIRI FTA detection algorithm relative to MODIS varies spatially across the CAR, ranging from 25% in the south to 74% in the east. In the absence of confounding artifacts such as sunglint, uncertainties in the background thermal characterization, and cloud cover, the regional variation in SEVIRI's omission rate can be attributed to a coupling between SEVIRI's low spatial resolution detection bias (i.e., the inability to detect fires below a certain size and intensity) and a strong geographic gradient in active fire characteristics across the CAR. SEVIRI's commission rate relative to MODIS increases from 9% when evaluated near MODIS nadir to 53% near the MODIS scene edges, indicating that SEVIRI errors of commission at the MODIS scene edges may not be false alarms but rather true fires that MODIS failed to detect as a result of larger pixel sizes at extreme MODIS scan angles. Results from this work are expected to facilitate (i) future improvements to the SEVIRI FTA detection algorithm; (ii) the assimilation of the SEVIRI and MODIS active fire products; and (iii) the potential inclusion of SEVIRI into a network of geostationary sensors designed to achieve global diurnal active fire monitoring.


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New regional swath and near-bottom bathymetric data provide constraints on shallow structures at the Hess Deep Rift, an oceanic rift that exposes the crust and upper mantle of fast-spreading oceanic lithosphere created at the East Pacific Rise. These data reveal the presence of a lobate structure with a length of ~ 4 km and a width of ~ 6 km south of an Intrarift Ridge, north of Hess Deep. The lobe consists of a series of concentric benches that are widest in the center of the lobe and narrower at the edges, with a dominant bench separating two distinct morphologic regions in the lobe. There are two end-member possible interpretations of this feature: 1) the lobate structure represents a mass failure with little translation that contains coherent blocks that preserve rift-related lineaments; or 2) it represents degraded tectonic structures, and the lobate form is accounted for by, for example, two intersecting faults. We favor the slump interpretation because it more readily accounts for the lobate form of the feature and the curved benches and based on the presence of other similar lobes in this region. In the slump model, secondary structures within the benches may indicate radial spreading during or after failure. The large lobate structure we identify south of the Intrarift Ridge in Hess Deep is one of the first features of its kind identified in an oceanic rift, and illustrates that mass failure may be a significant process in these settings, consistent with the recognition of their importance in mid-ocean ridges, oceanic islands, and continental rifts. Understanding the structure of the Hess Deep Rift is also important for reconstructing the section of fast-spreading oceanic crust exposed here.


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A weighted variant of Hall's condition for the existence of matchings is shown to be equivalent to the existence of a matching in a lexicographic product. This is used to introduce characterizations of those bipartite graphs whose edges may be replicated so as to yield semiregular multigraphs or, equivalently, semiregular edge-weightings. Such bipartite graphs will be called semiregularizable. Some infinite families of semiregularizable trees are described and all semiregularizable trees on at most 11 vertices are listed. Matrix analogues of some of the results are mentioned and are shown to imply some of the known characterizations of regularizable graphs.


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The corrosion of reinforcement in bridge deck slabs has been the cause of major deterioration and high costs in repair and maintenance.This problem could be overcome by reducing the amount of reinforcement and/or altering the location.This is possible because, in addition to the strength provided by the reinforcement, bridge deck slabs have an inherent strength due to the in-plane arching forces set up as a result of restraint provided by the slab boundary conditions. This is known as arching action or Compressive Membrane Action (CMA). It has been recognised for some time that laterally restrained slabs exhibit strengths far in excess of those predicted by most design codes but the phenomenon has not been recognised by the majority of bridge design engineers. This paper presents the results of laboratory tests on fifteen reinforced concrete slab strips typical of a bridge deck slab and compares them to predicted strengths using the current codes and CMA theory. The tests showed that the strength of laterally restrained slabs is sensitive to both the degree of external lateral restraint and the concrete compressive strength.The tests particularly highlighted the benefits in strength obtained from very high strength concrete slabs. The theory extends the existing knowledge of CMA in slabs with concrete compressive strengths up to 100 N/mm[2] and promotes more economical and durable bridge deck construction by utilising the benefits of high strength concrete.


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The electron energy-loss near-edge structure (ELNES) at the oxygen K-edge has been investigated in a range of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) materials. The electronic structure of the three polymorphs of pure ZrO2 and of the doped YSZ structure close to the 33 mol %Y2O3 composition have been calculated using a full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital method (NFP-LMTO) as well as a pseudopotential based technique. Calculations of the ELNES dipole transition matrix elements in the framework of the NFP-LMTO scheme and inclusion of core hole screening within Slater's transition state theory enable the ELNES to be computed. Good agreement between the experimental and calculated ELNES is obtained for pure monoclinic ZrO2. The agreement is less good with the ideal tetragonal and cubic structures. This is because the inclusion of defects is essential in the calculation of the YSZ ELNES. If the model used contains ordered defects such as vacancies and metal Y planes, agreement between the calculated and experimental O K-edges is significantly improved. The calculations show how the five different O environments of Zr,Y,O, are connected with the features observed in the experimental spectra and demonstrate clearly the power of using ELNES to probe the stabilization mechanism in doped metal oxides.


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Wideband far infrared (FIR) spectra of complex permittivity e(p) of ice are calculated in terms of a simple analytical theory based on the method of dipolar autocorrelation functions. The molecular model represents a revision of the model recently presented for liquid water in Adv. Chem. Phys. 127 (2003) 65. A composite two-fractional model is proposed. The model is characterised by three phenomenological potential wells corresponding to the three FIR bands observed in ice. The first fraction comprises dipoles reorienting in a rather narrow and deep hat-like well; these dipoles generate the librational band centred at the frequency approximate to 880 cm(-1). The second fraction comprises elastically interacting particles; they generate two nearby bands placed around frequency 200 cm(-1). For description of one of these bands the harmonic oscillator (HO) model is used, in which translational oscillations of two charged molecules along the H-bond are considered. The other band is produced by the H-bond stretch, which governs hindered rotation of a rigid dipole. Such a motion and its dielectric response are described in terms of a new cut parabolic (CP) model applicable for any vibration amplitude. The composite hat-HO-CP model results in a smooth epsilon(nu) ice spectrum, which does not resemble the noise-like spectra of ice met in the known literature. The proposed theory satisfactorily agrees with the experimental ice spectrum measured at - 7 degrees C. The calculated longitudinal optic-transverse optic (LO-TO) splitting occurring at approximate to 250 cm(-1) qualitatively agrees with the measured data. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A broad survey of harmonic dynamics in AB(2) clusters with up to N = 3000 atoms is performed using a simple rigid ion model, with ionic radii selected to give rutile as the ground state structure for the corresponding extended crystal. The vibrational density of states is already close to its bulk counterpart for N similar to 500, with characteristic differences due to surfaces, edges and vertices. Two methods are proposed and tested to map the cluster vibrational states onto the rutile crystal phonons. The net distinction between infrared (IR) active and Raman active modes that exists for bulk rutile becomes more and more blurred as the cluster size is reduced. It is found that, in general, the higher the IR activity of the mode, the more this is affected by the system size. IR active modes are found to spread over a wide frequency range for the finite clusters. Simple models based on either a crude confinement constraint or surface pressure arguments fail to reproduce the results of the calculations. The effects of the stoichiometry and dielectric properties of the surrounding medium on the vibrational properties of the clusters are also investigated.


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Palladium clusters have been deposited on the surface of a Au(111) electrode with the tip of a scanning tunnelling microscope. The distance over which the tip was moved towards the surface has a decisive influence on the properties of the clusters: the larger this distance, the larger the generated clusters, and the more stable they are. These findings are supported by computer simulations, which further suggest that the larger clusters contain a sizable amount of gold, which enhances their stability. Dissolution of the clusters occurs from the edges rather than layer by layer.


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The properties of palladium clusters, generated with the electrochemical scanning tunneling microscope, have been investigated both by experiments and by computer simulations. The clusters are found to be larger and more stable if the tip is moved further towards the electrode surface in the generation process. The simulations suggest that the larger clusters consist of a palladium - gold mixture, which is more stable than pure palladium. Dissolution of the clusters occurs from the edges rather than layer by layer


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Anisotropic metamaterials composed of 2D periodic infi- nite and finite periodic lattices of lumped inductor (L) and capacitor (C) circuits have been explored. The unique features of wave channeling on such anisotropic lattices and scattering at their interfaces and edges are reviewed and illustrated by the examples of the specific arrangements. The lattice unit cells composed of inductors and capacitors (basic mesh) as well as of assemblies comprised of double series, double parallel, and mixed parallel-series L-C circuits are discussed.