1000 resultados para Economia del bienestar -- Colombia


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Based on four different public R&D calls from the Catalan government, this article evaluates the propensity of entrants and young firms to apply for R&D public grants and, as compared to their counterparts, their capacity for obtaining subsides. This analysis is particularly relevant since entrants and young firms encounter greater market difficulties. Our sample contains 22,139 firms and corresponds to a merge of two databases: one from the Catalan agency responsible for promoting private innovation (ACC1Ó) and the other from the Mercantile Register. Merging these databases has two advantages. Firstly, participants and non-participants in the public R&D call (“InnoEmpresa”) are included and, secondly, it provides us with information at firm and project level. The period of observation is between 2006 and 2010, since some explanatory variables are lagged by one period. We apply a two-step methodology. Our results show that entrants and young firms show a lower propensity to apply for R&D subsidies and to obtain R&D public grants. Firm size, exports and participation in a previous call show a positive impact on the likelihood of applying, and firms located in the Barcelona metropolitan area have a greater propensity to apply. Additionally, project quality and R&D cooperative reports presented jointly with other partners have a positive impact on the likelihood of obtaining the R&D subsidy. Finally, firms that have previously obtained an R&D subsidy do not exhibit a greater propensity for obtaining subsequent grants. Keywords: R&D subsidies, entrants and young firms Classification JEL: L53, L25, O38


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Two speed management policies were implemented in the metropolitan area of Barcelona aimed at reducing air pollution concentration levels. In 2008, the maximum speed limit was reduced to 80 km/h and, in 2009, a variable speed system was introduced on some metropolitan motorways. This paper evaluates whether such policies have been successful in promoting cleaner air, not only in terms of mean pollutant levels but also during high and low pollution episodes. We use a quantile regression approach for fixed effect panel data. We find that the variable speed system improves air quality with regard to the two pollutants considered here, being most effective when nitrogen oxide levels are not too low and when particulate matter concentrations are below extremely high levels. However, reducing the maximum speed limit from 120/100 km/h to 80 km/h has no effect – or even a slightly increasing effect –on the two pollutants, depending on the pollution scenario. Length: 32 pages


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In this paper we investigate the optimal choice of prices and/or exams by universities in the presence of credit constraints. We first compare the optimal behavior of a public, welfare maximizing, monopoly and a private, profit maximizing, monopoly. Then we model competition between a public and a private institution and investigate the new role of exams/prices in this environment. We find that, under certain circumstances, the public university may have an interest to raise tuition fees from minimum levels if it cares for global welfare. This will be the case provided that (i) the private institution has higher quality and uses only prices to select applicants, or (ii) the private institution has lower quality and uses also exams to select students. When this is the case, there are efficiency grounds for raising public prices


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The spatial distribution of economic activity has often been analysed for wide geographical areas such as regions or metropolitan areas, but it has rarely been subject to microanalysis, especially outside the U.S. In this paper we focus on what happens within a large European city (Par is), and analyse how the industrial composition of its districts differs and how these districts evolve. We also analyse suburbanization process for both residents and the workforce and provide empirical evidence about the changing roles of the core and intramuros periphery. Keywords: agglomeration, suburbanization, Paris, micropolitan analysis


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During the first decade of this century, Spain experienced the most important economic and housing boom in its recent history. This situation led the lending industry to dramatically expand through the mortgage market. The high competition among lenders caused a dramatic lowering of credit standards. During this period, lenders operating in the Spanish mortgage market artificially inflated appraised home values in order to draw larger mortgages. By doing this, lenders gave financially constrained households access to mortgage credit. In this paper, we analyze this phenomenon for this first time. To do so, we resort to a unique dataset of matched mortgage-dwelling-borrower characteristics covering the period 2004–2010. Our data allow us to construct an unbiased measure of property’s over-appraisal, since transaction prices in our data also includes any potential side payment in the transactions. Our findings indicate that i) in Spain, appraised home values were inflated on average by around 30% with respect to transaction prices; ii) creditconstrained households were more likely to be involved in mortgages with inflated house values; and iii) a regional indicator of competition in the lending market suggests that inflated appraisal values were also more likely to appear in more competitive regional mortgage markets. Keywords: Housing demand, appraisal values, house prices, housing bubble, credit constraints, mortgage market. JEL Classification: R21, R31


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This paper estimates the determinants of productivity differentials across urban areas in Spain. To do so we resort to Spanish Social Security administrative data (MCVL) matched with workers’ fiscal information. We use two-step approach that allows us to control for the confounding effects due to the sorting of more productive workers and more productive firms in bigger cities. Our results indicate that city size is a significant determinant of productivity differentials across Spanish urban areas. We estimate an elasticity of urban agglomeration of 3.3%, which is within the range of values already observed in other countries. We also find that the level of human capital, firm size and the level of industrial specialization also matters in order explain productivity differentials across Spanish cities. Keywords: Agglomeration, wages, productivity, city size. JEL codes: R10, R23, J31


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Les decisions sobre patents tenen una dimensió global i poc hi podem influir, però sí que podem adoptar algunes polítiques que afavoreixin determinades inversions en R+D. No hi ha dubte que aquest és un tema transcendent en l'economia del coneixement i que no pot quedar en mans de la improvisació


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He defensat reiteradament que per poder transformar el país i fer-lo competitiu, Catalunya ha d'optar per l'economia del coneixement. Això no és només produir amb menys cost, que ho és, és produir coses amb noves característiques, amb valor afegit, i arribar a més gent a preus assequibles. La manera de fer això és optar per la recerca, el desenvolupament, la innovació i la transferència del coneixement entre els sectors públic i privat


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En síntesi, l'economia del coneixement, per la qual hem d'apostar, no és eliminar la indústria, és una cosa ben diferent. Apostar per la recerca i la innovació sí, però també una indústria forta que les integri. El govern explica en el seu pla d'acció que s'han identificat i definit set àmbits en els quals centrarà les seves prioritats en política industrial i orientarà les seves accions


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A Catalunya parlar d'innovació s'ha convertit gairebé en un tòpic. Sentim en declaracions i discursos que la R+D+I hauria de salvar l'economia del país, però, realment, quants dels que ho diuen s'ho creuen? No ho sé, però és evident que per sortir enfortits de la crisi necessitem innovar. Tanmateix, perquè la innovació es converteixi en un motor de l'economia fan falta polítiques que ho facin possible. La innovació no la fa l'administració, també ha d'innovar, com qualsevol organització, però no és l'administració la que té aquesta funció. Amb tot, sense l'administració la innovació no reïx. Els països que han fet de la innovació una prioritat política han crescut més


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This paper is about location decisions of Creative Industries and the role played by existent spatial distribution and agglomeration economies of these kinds of activities in order to analyse their location determinants. Our main statistical source is the REIC (Catalan Manufacturing Establishments Register), which has plant-level microdata on location of new plants. Using Count Data Models, our main results show that location determinants are quite similar between both industries and also both non-creative and creative firms are positively influenced by the specialisation level in Creative Industries of municipalities. Moreover, our results provide evidence that the unobserved ‘creative milieu’ has a limited impact on attracting firms. Keywords: creative industries, creative milieu, count data models, industrial location, agglomeration economies


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En esta nota se analiza la financiación definitiva de las comunidades autónomas de régimen común en el año 2011 a la luz de la liquidación del sistema correspondiente a dicho ejercicio, que ha sido hecha pública recientemente.


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En el actual contexto de la sociedad del bienestar y de la información, la salud es una forma de vivir y de actuar que inunda nuestra cotidianidad a nivel individual y social. Los ciudadanos cada vez son más autónomos para gestionar su propia salud y participar en la promoción de la salud comunitaria. Para ello necesitan estar informados sobre todos aquellos temas que ayuden a tener cuidado de la salud y mejorarla. Es así como los medios de comunicación se han convertido en fuentes principales de información y su incremento viene acusado desde la irrupción de Internet y los medios digitales. El periodismo digital puede ofrecer formas de información plural, de calidad y equitativa gracias a las características propias del medio. Póster presentado en el XI Encuentro del Programa de Actividades Comunitarias en Atención Primaria, celebradas en Pamplona el 24/4/2009


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Les plantes médicinales jouent un rôle central, tant pour la médicine traditionnelle de certaines cultures, que pour la satisfaction d’une demande commerciale, souvent lointaine. Face à la forte pression qui pèse actuellement sur les populations de plantes médicinales - due à l'augmentation de la surexploitation commerciale et à la perte d'habitats - il est crucial de trouver des options qui permettront une gestion durable de cette ressource tout en contribuant à maintenir le bien-être socioéconomique des communautés locales qui en dépendent. Ainsi il est important de comprendre les perceptions que les populations ont des plantes médicinales, de la façon de les exploiter et de les gérer. L’objectif, donc, de ce projet est de mieux comprendre les interactions existantes entre savoir traditionnel et gestion des plantes médicinales. La présente étude de cas constitue une étude géographique et ethnobotanique inductive/exploratoire. Nous dressons dans cette recherche le portrait des dynamiques utilisées par les communautés Nahuas de la Huasteca Potosina pour la gestion des plantes médicinales. L’information qui est présentée a été obtenue par une combinaison de données descriptives, historiques, qualitatives, quelques unes quantitatives, qui sont le produit d’une revue bibliographique et d’un travail de terrain. Notre recherche démontre un éventail de pratiques de gestion, d’intérêts, de valeurs ainsi que de représentations sociales des plantes médicinales au sein d’une même ethnie. Cette étude met en évidence l’importance des pratiques locales de gestion pour élaborer des recommandations dans le domaine de la gestion durable des plantes médicinales.


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Manual dirigido a los alumnos universitarios que cursan la diplomatura de Educación Social y que aborda las áreas formativas de la misma así como sus posibilidades y campos profesionales. En la tercera parte del libro se sistematiza el trabajo del educador social entre el Estado del Bienestar y el mercado, deteniéndose en la importancia del prácticum como espacio formativo fundamental que pretende unir la formación universitaria con la práctica laboral.