956 resultados para ECONOMIC REFORMS


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The implementation of the European Commission Services Directive initiated the modernization process of services markets within the European Union. The objective was to guarantee the creation of a single market by ensuring the freedom of establishment and circulation. The transposition of the Directive in Spain triggered an initial wave of reforms in the Spanish legal system. A second package of reforms is currently underway, following recommendations by the EC, IMF and OECD, which highlight the relative lack of competition in Spain’s services as one of the major imbalances in its economy, alongside the public deficit and unemployment. Both the implemented and planned reforms represent a major step forward. Nevertheless, the government has recently announced modifications to the draft bill of the Professional Services and Associations Law, which is expected to soon be submitted for parliamentary debate and approval. Taking into consideration modifications already introduced, together with anticipated further changes, it will be important to maintain the main points of the draft bill and to introduce a deeper review of the legal framework for professional services, of the professional associations themselves, and for the activities that are subject to compulsory membership within a professional association. Spain’s territorial map of professional associations must too be redrawn.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the implications of the fish export trade on the fishers and the fisheries resources of Lake Victoria, Uganda with respect to sustainability. Eight fish processing factories and ninety fishers were qualitatively investigated. Socio-economic characteristics of fishers and the economic characteristics of fish factories formed a basis for the analysis. Results of the research indicate that there is a relationship between the growth in fish export trade, particularly the growth in industrial fish processing (for export) and declining fisheries resources of the lake. However, whether or not that impact is positive or negative, and to what extent there is an impact, is highly dependent upon the underlying socio-economic considerations of the fishers to the process. The fish-ban imposed by the European Union countries was particularly decried by fishers and factory owners as the main cause for the present poverty among the fishers. Fundamentally, several conflicting issues: ecological, physical and economic activities are a threat to the sustainability of the Lake Victoria fisheries, and for all that depend on and interact with the lake. There is urgent need to address the immediate issue of the growing riparian population and the global fish trade, to educate and train all the relevant actors in appropriate fisheries management techniques. Attitudes of fishers towards the fish factory developments are positive and this is a way forward for co-management for the sustainability of the fisheries resource.


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A dissertação analisa as possibilidades e apresenta os pressupostos para harmonização do Direito Penal Económico na África Austral. Nela trabalha-se com a hipótese de que o referido processo é inexorável no âmbito da integração regional. Para o efeito, são abordadas questões criminologicas, exigências político-criminais bem como dogmáticas que permitam propor a referida harmonização legislativas, na perspectiva do direito a constituir. É destacada a pertinência de se empreenderem reformas nas legislações penais dos Estados-membros, com vista a atender aos ilícitos econômicos, considerando que a acentuada disparidade legislativa é um factor que, de certa forma, pode cercear as acções que têm sido realizadas no âmbito da prevenção e combate a criminalidade econômica na região. Disserta-se sobre as peculiaridades do delinquente e especificidades da delinquência econômica ao nível da SADC e, seguidamente, se descreve a forma de concretização da almejada harmonização, tendo como base dois estudos realizados sobre a matéria e igual número de modelos, os quais priorizam dois eixos, designadamente: o eixo dos delitos e o das penas; sendo que no primeiro descata-se a necessidade de uniformizar não só as condutas delituosas a tipificar, mas, sobretudo a técnica para sua tipificação. Como segundo eixo, aborda-se a pertinência de se aproximar as medidas de reação penal as sanções penais. Por fim, em sede da conclusão realça-se a existência de fundamentos e requisitos dogmáticos, político-criminais e criminológicos que permitem realizar a harmonização do Direito penal econômico na SADC, como medida necessária para a prevenção e represão da criminalidade econômica transnacional, intrínsecamente ligada aos processos da globalização e de integração regional em curso.


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Background: Bronchiolitis caused by the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and its related complications are common in infants born prematurely, with severe congenital heart disease, or bronchopulmonary dysplasia, as well as in immunosuppressed infants. There is a rich literature on the different aspects of RSV infection with a focus, for the most part, on specific risk populations. However, there is a need for a systematic global analysis of the impact of RSV infection in terms of use of resources and health impact on both children and adults. With this aim, we performed a systematic search of scientific evidence on the social, economic, and health impact of RSV infection. Methods: A systematic search of the following databases was performed: MEDLINE, EMBASE, Spanish Medical Index, MEDES-MEDicina in Spanish, Cochrane Plus Library, and Google without time limits. We selected 421 abstracts based on the 6,598 articles identified. From these abstracts, 4 RSV experts selected the most relevant articles. They selected 65 articles. After reading the full articles, 23 of their references were also selected. Finally, one more article found through a literature information alert system was included. Results: The information collected was summarized and organized into the following topics: 1. Impact on health (infections and respiratory complications, mid-to long-term lung function decline, recurrent wheezing, asthma, other complications such as otitis and rhino-conjunctivitis, and mortality; 2. Impact on resources (visits to primary care and specialists offices, emergency room visits, hospital admissions, ICU admissions, diagnostic tests, and treatments); 3. Impact on costs (direct and indirect costs); 4. Impact on quality of life; and 5. Strategies to reduce the impact (interventions on social and hygienic factors and prophylactic treatments). Conclusions: We concluded that 1. The health impact of RSV infection is relevant and goes beyond the acute episode phase; 2. The health impact of RSV infection on children is much better documented than the impact on adults; 3. Further research is needed on mid-and long-term impact of RSV infection on the adult population, especially those at high-risk; 4. There is a need for interventions aimed at reducing the impact of RSV infection by targeting health education, information, and prophylaxis in high-risk populations.


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Since 2008, Western countries are going through a deep economic crisis whose health impacts seem to be fundamentally counter-cyclical: when economic conditions worsen, so does health, and mortality tends to rise. While a growing number of studies have presented evidence on the effect of crises on the average population health, a largely neglected aspect of research is the impact of crises and the related political responses on social inequalities in health, even if the negative consequences of the crises are primarily borne by the most disadvantaged populations. This commentary will reflect on the results of the studies that have analyzed the effect of economic crises on social inequalities in health up to 2013. With some exceptions, the studies show an increase in health inequalities during crises, especially during the Southeast Asian and Japanese crises and the Soviet Union crisis, although it is not always evident for both sexes or all health or socioeconomic variables. In the Nordic countries during the nineties, a clear worsening of health equity did not occur. Results about the impacts of the current economic recession on health equity are still inconsistent. Some of the factors that could explain this variability in results are the role of welfare state policies, the diversity of time periods used in the analyses, the heterogeneity of socioeconomic and health variables considered, the changes in the socioeconomic profile of the groups under comparison in times of crises, and the type of measures used to analyze the magnitude of social inequalities in health. Social epidemiology should further collaborate with other disciplines to help produce more accurate and useful evidence about the relationship between crises and health equity.


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Esta dissertação, inserida na linha de pesquisa de Política e Cultura, trata da visão crítica de Eça de Queiroz sobre a Igreja Católica, sobre o catolicismo popular e a relação Igreja-Estado em Portugal do século XIX. O trabalho aprofunda as idéias do autor estabelecidas no momento histórico do chamado movimento da Regeneração, na segunda metade do século, marcado por propostas de denúncias da decadência da sociedade e de mudanças e reformas modernizantes nas estruturas econômicas, sociais, políticas educacionais e culturais do país. Analisa questões relevantes ligadas à política da época como o liberalismo monárquico, a política do estado constitucional português, a política ultramontana do Vaticano e seus desdobramentos em Portugal, além do catolicismo institucionalizado nas práticas políticas e culturais. A partir de fontes primárias como os trabalhos jornalísticos do autor, publicados no Brasil e em Portugal, assim como cartas para seus amigos intelectuais da chamada Geração 70, aborda questões como o anticlericalismo, antijesuitismo, Padroado, regalismo e o projeto cultural português de secularização. Observando o extremo espírito perspicaz e sarcástico do autor, o trabalho conclui por entender o escritor como forte defensor de reformas nas práticas, discursos e preocupações da Igreja Católica de seu tempo, assim como voz exigente e consonante a outros intelectuais da época em prol de novo comprometimento e atuação dessa mesma Igreja. Por fim, estabelece o autor como um expoente entre a intelectualidade por ser protagonista de um movimento de renovação política e cultural, como catalisador da opinião pública de seu tempo, e acima de tudo, autor de uma obra de relevância literária e jornalística, capaz de impor-se como efetiva proposta inovadora para a modernidade portuguesa da época.


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Ao longo do século XX, o Direito do Trabalho esteve associado a um arranjo político e social cujos sentidos estavam vinculados, entre outros aspectos, à civilização das relações de classe e à reprodução do capitalismo com democracia, no âmbito dos Estados nacionais. O propósito desta pesquisa é investigar como ocorreu o processo de deslocamento e reinterpretação desses sentidos (equivalente à codificação da razão do mais forte), no contexto da forte hegemonia política da coalizão de centro-direita que governou o país entre 1995 e 2002. Nesse período, o Poder Executivo Federal, as principais organizações patronais, setores importantes da mídia impressa e a Força Sindical estiveram empenhados na promoção de profunda alteração dos traços centrais do modelo brasileiro de relações de trabalho, no qual a lei é mais importante na definição dos direitos substantivos do trabalho do que os contratos coletivos. Para justificar politicamente essas alterações, o Poder Executivo e seus apoiadores apontaram a responsabilidade do modelo legislado pelos elevados custos do emprego formal, a perda de competitividade da indústria, o aumento da informalidade e do desemprego durante o governo FHC. Por meio da leitura das justificativas dos projetos encaminhados ao Congresso Nacional pelo Poder Executivo, das manifestações de suas principais lideranças e dos apoiadores na mídia e no meio sindical, a pesquisa busca interpretar o sentido político dessa leitura, apresentada como se fosse solução técnica e modernizante para uma legislação que estaria ultrapassada. Consideramos que a reforma trabalhista tinha claros propósitos políticos pois, além de repassar aos trabalhadores os custos do ajuste econômico nos anos 90, permitiu justificar na cena pública a retração do papel do Estado, bem como fortalecer o apoio de setores importantes do patronato a esse projeto político.


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This paper analyses the economic inequality in the municipalities of the Basque Country during the period 1996 and 2010. We have used dates from the Udalmap database mainly the GDP per capita. We have drawn Lorenz Curves and also we have computed Gini indexes to analyse the evolution of inequality during this period. Therefore, we have concluded that there has been an increase of the economic inequality in the municipalities of the Basque Country during this period of time.


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modelo económico sobre la privatización de Telefónica


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In this End of Degree Dissertation I built a basic economic model, where two perfectly competitive markets interact, as a tool to understand, illustrate and evaluate environmentalfiscal reforms that have already been implemented or have been announced in many developed countries. Thus, in this dissertation I try to explain as simply as possible the theorical aspects of the “double dividend” hyphotesis and provide a numerical example with illustrative purpose.


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As a result of the natural evolution of the economy, ever-changing, unpredictable and cyclical, companies must adapt as far as possible to the changes that have taken place in order to continue with their normal operating activities. Likewise, they should also try to maintain a structure for long-term growth, trying at all times to generate the maximum value. The main objective of this project is to provide financial advisory services to a business group, trying to forward solutions and measures that according to the author can be effective. For this end, the situation of the group in question is analysed from early 2008 to the present day, examining its evolution, what steps have been taken together with their corresponding results and the economic-financial situation of the company at the end of last year. Contact with the company was kept throughout the process of analysis and assessment trying to take advantage of the feedback generated so that the appropriate measures can be adopted if the management considers it to be adequate.


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This academic work is based on the study of the gold standard, its evolution over the years, their periods of boom and crisis. We will also discuss the arguments that some economists back the return to this monetary system.


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A presente tese se empenha na análise comparada de corte polanyiano da trajetória de liberalização econômica do Brasil e Índia. O objetivo é compreender os padrões de mudança institucional que organizam as reformas orientadas para o mercado. Para isso empregou uma análise que combina modelos de coalizão de interesse, dependência de trajetória e comunidades epistêmicas empregados de forma interdependente para entender as adaptações ao cenário de globalização financeira. Os mecanismos de fertilização mútua dessas variáveis causais desempenham um papel analítico crucial porque permitiu escapar de modelos monocausais que tendem a ficar presos a explicações que sobredeterminam exclusivamente restrições externas, padrões institucionais domésticos ou legados institucionais estatais. Ao empregar esse instrumento, a tese procura mostrar as diferenças no grau de liberdade das capacidades estatais entre Brasil e Índia no contexto das reformas e as semelhanças em termos da estratégia incremental das reformas.