705 resultados para Duodenal microflora


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Introduction, objective: To present a case report in which the finding of non-coeliac gluten sensitivity was decisive for the treatment of a complex autoimmune disease. Materials and methods: A 43-year-old woman with polyarthritis, psoriatic features, anti-SSA/Ro and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, with refractory course, was evaluated for gluten sensitivity despite negative serology for coeliac disease. Results: The patient carried the HLA DQ2 haplotype and duodenal biopsy showed lymphocytic enteritis. A gluten-free diet resolved the clinical picture and permitted tapering of immunosuppressive therapy. Conclusion: Non-coeliac gluten sensitivity can be associated with autoimmunity despite the absence of the specific autoantibodies of coeliac disease.


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O iogurte é um produto lácteo que é obtido a partir da acidificação controlada ou espontânea do leite, sendo o seu processo de fermentação desencadeado pela ação de culturas láticas. Este produto apresenta propriedades benéficas para a saúde, como é o caso da regulação do balanço da microflora intestinal, melhoramento da resposta imunitária, redução dos sintomas alérgicos, redução do colesterol sérico e níveis séricos de glicose. Em relação à alga S. platensis, esta apresenta benefícios cardiovasculares, é eficaz no tratamento de certas alergias, cancro, doenças virais, hiperglicemia, imunodeficiência e processos inflamatórios. Esta dissertação teve como objetivo desenvolver um iogurte suplementado com a microalga Spirulina platensis, com posterior caracterização do produto final, em termos físico-químicos, microbiológicos e sensoriais. Foram efetuadas várias experiências de receitas de iogurte até chegar à formulação final, tendo sido testadas diversas variantes. Na avaliação da qualidade físico-química, o iogurte produzido com Spirulina apresentou ao longo do tempo sempre valores mais elevados nos seguintes parâmetros: teor de proteína bruta, teor de lactose, teor de fibras e hidratos de carbono. Foram detetadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os parâmetros e o tipo de iogurte nos seguintes casos: teor de matéria gorda, teor de proteína bruta, teor de humidade, hidratos de carbono, valor energético e pH. Foram detetadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os parâmetros e o tempo de produção apenas no teor de cinzas. Na avaliação da qualidade microbiológica, o iogurte produzido com Spirulina não se destacou por apresentar valores mais elevados. Quando avaliados os fatores tipo de iogurte e tempo de produção, não foram detetadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas em nenhum dos parâmetros microbiológicos. Na avaliação da qualidade sensorial, no iogurte produzido com leite meio gordo com lactose, foi possível verificar que todos os parâmetros sensoriais analisados e as amostras de iogurte são independentes. Em relação ao iogurte produzido com leite meio gordo sem lactose, verificou-se que os parâmetros doce e ácido não são independentes das amostras de iogurte. Em termos de preferência, 71% dos provadores escolheram o iogurte com agar. Relativamente à prova afetiva, não foram detetadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre a amostra preferida e qualquer um dos fatores avaliados (idade e género do provador). Em termos de preferência, 66% dos provadores escolheram o iogurte sem lactose. No que diz respeito à prova triangular, não foram detetadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as escolhas da amostra diferente e amostra preferida em relação ao género do provador. Apesar de 63% dos provadores terem preferido a amostra com 0 dias, apenas 44% conseguiram distinguir entre o iogurte com 0 dias e com 30 dias, o que sugere que mesmo ao fim de 1 mês, o iogurte continua agradável. Com base em todos os resultados obtidos, conclui-se que o iogurte produzido com S. platensis é um produto inovador e saudável, pelos inúmeros benefícios presentes no iogurte, conjugados com os benefícios da microalga.


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Objectives: To report a case of intravascular lymphoma (IVL) in a Caucasian patient who presented with anasarca as his sole clinical sign. Material and Methods: A man presented with anasarca-type oedema and fatigue. After excluding heart failure, hepatic cirrhosis, nephrotic syndrome, hypothyroidism, AL-amyloidosis and adverse drug reaction which can all cause oedema, we turned our attention to capillary permeability disorders. Results: Closer review of the bone marrow aspirate demonstrated haemophagocytic histiocytosis, while core, renal and duodenal biopsies showed a B-cell IVL. Conclusion: The differential diagnosis of anasarca, a relatively common clinical sign, should include IVL although the diagnosis may still be challenging.


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Milk contains numerous bioactive substances including immunoglobulins, cytokines, growth factors and components that exert antibiotic and prebiotic activity (Field, 2005). Little is known about the biological effects of individual milk bioactives, despite the fact that natural milk improves intestinal development and immune system functions in neonates (Donovan et al., 1994; Field, 2005) relative to milk formula. Characterization of the biological effects of such components is important for optimal production of infant milk formulas to be used when mother’s milk is not available. Milk components with preliminary evidence of positive effects on the intestinal growth and mucosal immunity include osteopontin (OPN). Osteopontin is a phosphorylated acidic glycoprotein expressed by a number of different immune and non-immune cells and tissues (Sodek et al., 2000). It is also present in body fluids including blood, bile and milk (Sodek et al., 2000). Osteopontin is a multifunctional protein that is implicated in a wide number of biological processes including cell survival, bone remodeling, and immune modulatory functions (Sodek et al., 2000). Furthermore, Schack and colleagues (2009) demonstrated that the concentration of OPN in human milk is considerably higher than in bovine milk and infant formulas. Taken together, it is likely that OPN plays a role in the early development of gastrointestinal tract and mucosal immune responses in infants. Since the neonatal pig shares anatomical, physiological, immunological, and metabolic similarities with the human infants (Moughan, et al., 1992), they were selected as the animal model in our studies. Our first aim was to investigate the effects of OPN on piglet intestinal development. Newborn, colostrum-deprived piglets (n=27) were randomized to receive three treatments: formula with bovine OPN (OPN; 140 mg/L); formula alone (FF); or sow reared (SR) for 21 days. Body weight, intestinal weight and length, mucosal protein and DNA content, disaccharidase activity, villus morphology, and crypt cell proliferation were measured. Statistical significance was assigned at P<0.05. No significant effects of OPN were observed for body weight, intestinal weight and length. Mucosal protein content of SR piglets was lower than FF and OPN piglets in the duodenum, but higher than FF and OPN piglets in the ileum. No significant effects of diet in mucosal DNA content were detected for the three regions of the small intestine. Lactase and sucrase activities of SR piglets were higher than the two formula-fed groups in the duodenum, lower in the ileum. No significant effects of diet on lactase and sucrase activities were noted between two formula-fed groups in the duodenum and ileum. Jejunal lactase activity of FF piglets was higher than SR piglets, whereas no significant effect of diet was observed in jejunal sucrase activity among the three groups. Duodenal and ileal villus height and villus area of SR piglets were lower than two formula-fed groups, while OPN piglets did not differ from FF piglets. There was a significant effect of diet (P<0.0001) on jejunal crypt cell proliferation, with proliferation in OPN piglets being intermediate between that of FF and SR. In summary, supplemental OPN increased jejunal crypt cell proliferation, independent of evident morphological growth, and had a minor impact on disaccharidase activity in the small intestine of neonatal piglets. Rotavirus (RV) is the most common viral cause of severe gastroenteritis in infants and young children worldwide (Parashar et al., 2006). Maeno et al. (2009) reported that OPN knockout (OPN-KO) suckling mice were more susceptible to RV infection compared to wild-type (WT) suckling mice. To detect the role of OPN in intestinal immune responses of neonates, the goal of the second study was to evaluate whether supplemental OPN influenced the serum antibody responses to RV vaccination in neonatal piglets. Newborn, colostrum-deprived piglets were randomized into two dietary groups: formula with bovine OPN (OPN; 140 mg/L) and formula alone (FF) for 35 days. On d7, piglets in each dietary group were further randomized to receive rotavirus (RV) vaccination (Rotarix®) (FF+RV and OPN+RV) or remained non-vaccinated (FF+NV and OPN+NV). Booster vaccination was provided on d14. Blood samples were collected on d7, 14, 21, 28 and 35. RV-specific serum immunoglobulin (Ig) G, IgA, IgM and total serum IgG, IgA, IgM were measured by ELISA. Statistical significance was assigned at P<0.05, with trends reported as P<0.10. Body weight gain was unaffected by diet and/or vaccination. No significant effect of oral OPN supplementation was observed for RV-specific antibody responses and total Igs levels. After the combination of dietary groups, RV piglets had significantly higher RV-specific IgM concentrations compared to NV piglets. Although there were higher means of RV-specific IgG and RV-specific IgA concentrations in RV group than their counterparts in NV group, the difference did not reach statistical significance. RV-specific IgM reached a peak at d7 post booster vaccination (PBV), whereas the RV-specific IgG and IgA peaked later at PBV 14 or 21. Total Igs were unaffected by RV vaccination but were significantly increased over time, following similar pattern as RV-specific Igs. In summary, neonatal piglets generated weak antibody responses to RV vaccination. Supplemental OPN did not enhance RV-specific serum antibody responses and total serum Igs levels in neonatal piglets with or without RV vaccination. In conclusion, we observed normal developmental changes in the small intestine and serum Igs levels in neonatal piglets over time. Oral OPN supplementation showed minimal impacts on intestinal development and no effect on serum Igs levels. The role of supplemental OPN on the growth and development of infants is still inconclusive. Future studies should measure other physiological and immunological parameters by using different models of vaccination or infection.


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Hintergrund: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) zählt trotz abnehmender Inzidenz zu den häufigsten bakteriellen Infektionskrankheiten des Menschen. Die Infektion mit H. pylori ist ein Risikofaktor für Krankheiten wie gastroduodenale Geschwüre, Magenkarzinomen und MALT (Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue)-Lymphomen. Zur Diagnostik von H. pylori stehen verschiedene invasive und nichtinvasive Verfahren zur Verfügung. Der 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtest wird zur Kontrolle einer Eradikationstherapie empfohlen, kommt in der Primärdiagnostik von H. pylori derzeit jedoch nicht standardmäßig in Deutschland zum Einsatz. Fragestellung: Welchen medizinischen und gesundheitsökonomischen Nutzen hat die Untersuchung auf H. pylori-Besiedlung mittels 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtest in der Primärdiagnostik im Vergleich zu invasiven und nichtinvasiven diagnostischen Verfahren? Methodik: Basierend auf einer systematischen Literaturrecherche in Verbindung mit einer Handsuche werden Studien zur Testgüte und Kosten-Effektivität des 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtests im Vergleich zu anderen diagnostischen Verfahren zum primären Nachweis von H. pylori identifiziert. Es werden nur medizinische Studien eingeschlossen, die den 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtest direkt mit anderen H. pylori-Testverfahren vergleichen. Goldstandard ist eines oder eine Kombination der biopsiebasierten Testverfahren. Für die gesundheitsökonomische Beurteilung werden nur vollständige gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationsstudien einbezogen, bei denen die Kosten-Effektivität des 13C Harnstoff-Atemtests direkt mit anderen H. pylori-Testverfahren verglichen wird. Ergebnisse: Es werden 30 medizinische Studien für den vorliegenden Bericht eingeschlossen. Im Vergleich zum Immunglobulin G (IgG)-Test ist die Sensitivität des 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtests zwölfmal höher, sechsmal niedriger und einmal gleich, und die Spezifität 13-mal höher, dreimal niedriger und zweimal gleich. Im Vergleich zum Stuhl-Antigen-Test ist die Sensitivität des 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtests neunmal höher, dreimal niedriger und einmal gleich, und die Spezifität neunmal höher, zweimal niedriger und zweimal gleich. Im Vergleich zum Urease-Schnelltest sind die Sensitivität des 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtests viermal höher, dreimal niedriger und viermal gleich und die Spezifität fünfmal höher, fünfmal niedriger und einmal gleich. Im Vergleich mit der Histologie ist die Sensitivität des 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtests einmal höher und zweimal niedriger und die Spezifität zweimal höher und einmal niedriger. In je einem Vergleich zeigt sich kein Unterschied zwischen 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtest und 14C-Harnstoff-Atemtest, sowie eine niedrigere Sensitivität und höhere Spezifität im Vergleich zur Polymerase-Kettenreaktion (PCR). Inwieweit die beschriebenen Unterschiede statistisch signifikant sind, wird in sechs der 30 Studien angegeben. Es werden neun gesundheitsökonomische Evaluationen in dem vorliegenden Bericht berücksichtigt. Die Test-and-Treat-Strategie mittels 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtest wird in sechs Studien mit einem Test-and-Treat-Verfahren auf Basis der Serologie sowie in drei Studien mit einem Test-and-Treat-Verfahren auf Basis des Stuhl-Antigen-Tests verglichen. Dabei ist das Atemtestverfahren dreimal kosteneffektiv gegenüber der serologischen Methode und wird von der Stuhl-Antigen-Test-Strategie einmal dominiert. Vier Studien beinhalten einen Vergleich der Test-and -Treat-Strategie auf Basis des 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtests mit einer empirischen antisekretorischen Therapie, wobei sich das Atemtesverfahren zweimal als kosteneffektive Prozedur erweist und zwei Studien einen Vergleich mit einer empirischen Eradikationstherapie. In fünf Studien wird das Test-and-Treat-Verfahren mittels 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtest einer endoskopiebasierten Strategie gegenübergestellt. Zweimal dominiert die Atemteststrategie die endoskopische Prozedur und einmal wird sie von dieser Strategie dominiert. Diskussion:Sowohl die medizinischen als auch die ökonomischen Studien weisen mehr oder minder gravierende Mängel auf und liefern heterogene Ergebnisse. So werden in der Mehrzahl der medizinischen Studien keine Angaben zur statistischen Signifikanz der berichteten Unterschiede zwischen den jeweiligen Testverfahren gemacht. Im direkten Vergleich weist der 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtest überwiegend eine höhere Testgüte als der IgG und der Stuhl-Antigen-Test auf. Aus den Vergleichen mit dem Urease-Schnelltest lassen sich keine Tendenzen bezüglich der Sensitivität ableiten, wohingegen die Spezifität des 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtests höher einzuschätzen ist. Für die Vergleiche des 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtest mit der Histologie, dem 14C-Harnstoff-Atemtest und der PCR liegen zu wenige Ergebnisse vor. In der eingeschlossenen ökonomischen Literatur deuten einige Studienergebnisse auf eine Kosten-Effektivität der Test-and-Treat-Strategie mittels 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtest gegenüber dem Test-and-Treat-Verfahren auf Basis der Serologie und der empirischen antiskretorischen Therapie hin. Um Tendenzen bezüglich der Kosten-Effektivität der Atemteststrategie gegenüber der Test-and-Treat-Strategie mittels Stuhl-Antigen-Test sowie der empirischen Eradikationstherapie abzuleiten, mangelt es an validen Ergebnissen bzw. ökonomischer Evidenz. Die Untersuchungsresultate hinsichtlich eines Vergleichs mit endoskopiebasierten Verfahren fallen diesbezüglich zu heterogen aus. Insgesamt kann keines der ökonomischen Modelle der Komplexität des Managements von Patienten mit dyspeptischen Beschwerden gänzlich gerecht werden. Schlussfolgerungen/Empfehlungen: Zusammenfassend ist festzuhalten, dass die Studienlage zur medizinischen und ökonomischen Beurteilung des 13C-Harnstoff-Atemtests im Vergleich zu anderen diagnostischen Methoden nicht ausreichend ist, um den Atemtest als primärdiagnostisches Standardverfahren im Rahmen einer Test-and-Treat-Strategie beim Management von Patienten mit dyspeptischen Beschwerden für die deutsche Versorgungslandschaft insbesondere vor dem Hintergrund der Leitlinien der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Verdauungs- und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS) anstelle einer endoskopiebasierten Methode zu empfehlen.


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Postharvest treatments with nano-silver (NS) alleviate bacteria-related stem blockage of some cut flowers to extend their longevity. Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus) is a commercially important cut flower species. For the first time, the effects of NS pulses on cut gladiolus ‘Eerde’ spikes were investigated towards reducing bacterial colonization of and biofilm formation on their stems. As compared with a deionized water (DIW) control, pulse treatments with NS at 10, 25 and 50 mg L−1 for 24 h significantly (P ≤ 0.05) prolonged the vase life of cut gladiolus spikes moved into vases containing DIW. The NS treatments enhanced floret ‘opening rate’ and ‘daily ornamental value’. Although there were no significant differences among NS treatments, a 25 mg L−1 NS pulse treatment tended to give the longest vase life and the best ‘display quality’. All NS pulse treatments significantly improved water uptake by and reduced water loss from flowering spikes, thereby delaying the loss of water balance and maintaining relative fresh weight. Fifty (50) mg L−1 NS pulse-treated cut gladiolus spikes tended to exhibit the most water uptake and highest water balance over the vase period. However, there was no significant difference between 25 and 50 mg L−1 NS pulse treatments. Observations of stem-end bacterial proliferation during the vase period on cut gladiolus spikes either with or without NS pulse treatments were performed by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). As compared to the control treatment, they revealed that the 25 mg L−1 NS pulse treatment effectively inhibited bacterial colonization and biofilm formation on the stem-end cut surface and in the xylem vessels, respectively. In vitro culture of the bacterial microflora and analysis of biofilm architecture using CLSM revealed that NS treatment restricted bacterial biofilm formation. After static culture for 24 h at 35 °C with 25 mg L−1 NS in the medium, no biofilm form or structure was evident. Rather, only limited bacterial cell number and scanty extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) material were observed. In contrast, mature bacterial biofilm architecture comprised of abundant bacteria interwoven with EPS formed in the absence of NS.


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Alvinella pompejana is a polychaetous annelid that inhabits high temperature environments associated with active deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the East Pacific Rise. A unique and diverse epibiotic microflora with a prominent filamentous morphotype is found associated with the worm's dorsal integument. A previous study established the taxonomic positions of two epsilon proteobacterial phylotypes, 13B and 5A, which dominated a clone library of 16S rRNA genes amplified by PCR from the epibiotic microbial community of an A. pompejana specimen. In the present study deoxyoligonucleotide PCR primers specific for phylotypes 13B and 5A were used to demonstrate that these phylotypes are regular features of the bacterial community associated with A. pompejana. Assaying of other surfaces around colonies of A. pompejana revealed that phylotypes 13B and 5A are not restricted to A. pompejana. Phylotype 13B occurs on the exterior surfaces of other invertebrate genera and rock surfaces, and phylotype 5A occurs on a congener, Alvinella caudata. The 13B and 5A phylotypes were identified and localized on A. pompejana by in situ hybridization, demonstrating that these two phylotypes are, in fact, the prominent filamentous bacteria on the dorsal integument of A. pompejana. These findings indicate that the filamentous bacterial symbionts of A. pompejana are epsilon Proteobacteria which do not have an obligate requirement for A. pompejana.


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Background - Several studies have shown that celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that occurs in genetically susceptible individuals, is highly prevalent among relatives of celiac patients. Aim - To determine the prevalence of celiac disease in a group of first degree relatives of Brazilian celiac patients. Methods - First degree relatives of celiac patients attending the Brasilia University Hospital Pediatric Gastroenterology Outpatient Clinic or the Celiac Disease Investigation Center, Brasília, DF, Brazil, between March 2001 and November 2004 were invited to undergo serological screening for celiac disease applying the IgA anti-endomysium antibody test (IgA-EMA). All positive IgA-EMA sera underwent a second screening using the IgA anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies test. Duodenal or small intestinal biopsies were performed in all subjects positive to serological testing. Biopsy samples were classified as type (O) normal, (I) infiltrative, (II) infiltrative hyperplastic, (III) flat destructive, and (IV) atrophic hypoplastic. The final diagnosis was ascertained in subjects showing positive serological tests and a grade I to III small intestinal lesion. Results - Nine new cases of celiac disease were found among the 188 first degree relatives tested (4.8%). Conclusion - The present study confirms the high prevalence of celiac disease among first degree celiac patients’ relatives and reinforces the need of extensive diagnostic screening in this specific group.


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Background and aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of endoscopic band ligation (EBL) in carefully selected patients who would benefit from this method of resection. Methods: Patients with early upper gastrointestinal and small (< 15 mm) lesions treated with EBL (Duette® Multi-Band Mucosectomy) were prospectively recruited and retrospectively analyzed between 2010 and 2015. All cases were discussed in a multidisciplinary cancer committee and it was concluded that, owing to patient conditions, surgery was not possible and that not conducting histology would not change the clinical management. A first endoscopic control with biopsies was planned at 4-8 weeks. If there was no persistence of the lesion, new controls were programmed at 6 and 12 months. Results: The group (n = 12) included 5 esophagus lesions (adenosquamous carcinoma, n = 1; carcinoma squamous, n = 2; adenocarcinoma, n = 2); 4 gastric lesions (high grade dysplasia, n = 1; adenocarcinoma, n = 2; neuroendocrine tumor [NET], n = 1), and 3 duodenal lesions (NETs) (n = 3). The mean tumor diameter was 9.6 ± 2.8 mm (range 4-15). Only one minor adverse event was described. At first follow-up (4-8 weeks), there was 91.6% and 75% of endoscopic and histological remission, respectively. At 6-month follow-up there was 70% of both endoscopic remission and negative biopsies. And at 12 months, there was 100% and 75% of endoscopic and histological remission, respectively. Persisting lesions were T1 cancers. The median follow-up was 30.6 months. Conclusion: EBL without resection is an easy and safe technique that should be considered in patients with multiple morbidities and small superficial UGI lesions.


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Background: The microflora hypothesis may be the underlying explanation for the growth of inflammatory disease. In addition to many known affecting factors, knowing the gut microbiota of healthy newborns can help to understand the gut immunity and modulate it. Objectives: This study examined the microbiota of healthy newborns from urban regions. Patients and Methods: We enrolled 128 full-term newborns, born at Seoul St. Mary and St. Paul hospital from January 2009 to February 2010. All 143 samples of feces were cultivated in six culture plates to determine the amounts of total bacteria, anaerobes, gram-positive bacteria, coliforms, lactobacilli, and bifidobacteria. The samples were evaluated with a bivariate correlation between coliforms and lactobacilli. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis with HhaI and MspI and a clustering analysis were performed for determination of diversity. Results: Bacteria were cultured in 61.5% of feces in the following order: anaerobes, gram-positive bacteria, lactobacilli, coliform, and bifidobacteria. The growth of total bacteria and lactobacilli increased in feces defecated after 24 hours of birth (P < 0.001, P = 0.008) and anaerobes decreased (P = 0.003). A negative correlation between the growth of lactobacilli and coliforms was found (r = -463, P < 0.001). Conclusions: This study confirms that bacterial colonization of healthy newborns born in cities is non-sterile, but has early diversification and inter-individuality.


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Purpose: To investigate the effect of ampicillin on rat intestinal microflora and liver in the presence of high carbohydrate and protein diets. Methods: Male Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups. The first group served as the control, the second group was treated with ampicillin (50 mg/kg for 3 weeks) and fed with a standard diet, while the third and fourth groups were treated with the same dose of ampicillin and fed with acarbohydrateand protein-rich diets, respectively, to observe the effect of diet on gut flora and liver. Fecal specimens were collected and used for qualitative determination of gut microbiota composition. Serum hepatospecific markers (AST, ALT and ALP) were estimated. The antioxidant status of liver tissues was estimated for GSH, MDA, GST, LDH and vitamin C l, in addition to sodium and potassium. Results: Administration of orogastric dose of ampicillin for 3 weeks induced inhibition of E.coli, yeasts, total anaerobes, and anaerobic lactobacilli with new growth of P. vulgaris and K. pneumonia. The levels of serum AST, ALT and ALP showed significant (p ˂ 0.05) increase to 163, 112.38 and 115.35 %, respectively in ampicillin-treated animals, compared to control. Also significant (p ˂ 0.05) increase in lipid peroxidation (120 %) and LDH (111 %) coupled with significant (p ˂ 0.05) decrease in glutathione (74.57 %), vitamin C (63.49 %) and glutathione S-transferase (41.51 %) were observed in ampicillintreated groups. No significant variation (p ˂ 0.05) in sodium and potassium levels were found between control and the treated group after 3 weeks of treatment. Conclusion: These results confirm that extended ampicillin therapy disrupts gut flora, which results in liver injury; hence, overuse of antibiotics should be avoid.


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Probiotics are living microorganisms which, when ingested in certain amounts, have a positive impact on human health, mainly due to their roles in improving the balance of the intestinal microflora. On the other hand, the prebiotic are food ingredients that may also have a positive impact in the improvement of the intestinal flora. These components, which fall into the category of fibers, are not digested in the upper gastrointestinal tract, and therefore reach the colon where they stimulate the growth and/or the activity of some types of bacteria. The term synbiotic is used for products that contain both probiotics and prebiotics, thus taking advantage of both the addition of beneficial bacteria and the encouragement of the growth of resident beneficial bacteria. The present chapter aims to review the scientific literature related to prebiotics, probiotics and synbiotics, including their identification, properties and health benefits.


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A microflora presente nos cachos de uva abriga microrganismos que podem promover a fermentação, conferir propriedades organolépticas agradáveis ao produto final e também impedir que outros agentes microbianos se desenvolvam na superfície das bagas, em especial, os fungos fitopatogênicos. Problemas fitopatológicos comprometem tanto aspectos econômicos quanto a qualidade do produto final. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de leveduras killer com relação ao controle de fungos fitopatogênicos Botrytis cinerea, Glomerella cingulata e Penicillium expansum.


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Il Lavoro di Tesi è stato condotto a Modigliana, comprensorio viticolo di frontiera ai confini tra Romagna e Toscana caratterizzato da elevata biodiversità, suddiviso in tre vallate (Ibola, Acerreta e Tramazzo). Sono stati presi in esame tre vigneti di Sangiovese uno per ogni valle, considerando anche specie arboree e arbustive presenti nelle aree contigue. Il Sangiovese, interagendo con i vari elementi del Terroir si è adattato a diversi ambienti donando uve con qualità diverse. Le uve dei tre vigneti erano contraddistinte da una minore concentrazione di monoterpeni e C13-norisoprenoidi ed un più alto livello di acidi grassi ed esteri rispetto ai dati riportati in altre ricerche. Nella classe degli alcoli alifatici, l’1-esanolo e il 2-esen-1-olo, rappresentano i composti preponderanti nelle uve dei vigneti delle valli di Modigliana. In particolare, nelle uve del vigneto della valle Ibola, essi superano nettamente le concentrazioni riportate in altri studi. L’1-esanolo e il 2-esen-1-olo sono responsabili degli aromi erbacei nelle uve e nel vino. Questa caratteristica delle uve trova corrispondenza con la descrizione dei vini di Sangiovese di Modigliana, caratterizzato da note verdi, definite “nobili” poiché evolvono nel tempo regalando complessità. I rilievi sulla microflora delle uve hanno evidenziato la presenza di diverse specie di lieviti non-Saccharomyces, che ricoprono importanti ruoli in vinificazione. Dal vigneto della valle Tramazzo sono stati isolati ceppi H. uvarum, I. occidentalis, M. pulcherrima e Pichia spp. Dal vigneto della valle Ibola sono stati isolati ceppi appartenenti solo alla specie Hanseniaspora uvarum. Dal vigneto della valle Acerreta sono stati identificati ceppi di H. uvarum, I. occidentalis, I. terricola, Pichia spp. e Aureobasidium spp. Nel proseguo dello studio sarà importante valutare la ripetibilità dei risultati nel tempo, monitorando anche le cinetiche di fermentazione, includendo la caratterizzazione e l’evoluzione dei vini.


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Esse trabalho apresenta uma proposta para a reorganização da Atenção å Saúde da Mulher na prevenção do câncer cérvico-uterino, no Centro de Saúde Diamante, regional Barreiro de Belo Horizonte. O câncer cérvico-uterino é considerado um problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Mundialmente é a segunda principal causa de morte por câncer em mulheres e no Brasil, é o segundo tipo de câncer mais incidente na população feminina. A principal estratégia para a detecção precoce/rastreamento do câncer cérvico-uterino é o exame citopatológico cérvico-vaginal e microflora, conhecido popularmente como Papanicolaou. O Ministério da Saúde recomenda que o exame citopatológico seja realizado em mulheres de 25 a 60 anos de idade, e que já tiveram relação sexual. A recomendação é de que se faça o exame uma vez por ano e, após dois exames anuais consecutivos negativos, a cada três anos. Estima-se que cerca de 40 das mulheres brasileiras nunca tenham sido submetidas ao exame citopatológico. Foi realizado um levantamento de dados no Centro de Saúde Diamante, no qual detectou-se que apenas 4,73 da população feminina de 25 a 60 anos estava com o exame preventivo em dia. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor estratégias para aumento da cobertura do exame preventivo entre as mulheres de 25 a 60 anos na área de abrangência deste Centro de Saúde. A revisão de literatura foi feita através da leitura de artigos nas bases LILACS, SCIELO e BIREME e de publicações do Ministério da Saúde. Evidenciou-se que a baixa adesão está relacionada à dificuldade de acesso ao exame e a obstáculos que as mulheres colocam, tais como vergonha, medo, desinformação, ausência de queixas ginecológicas. Propõe-se estratégias para a reorganização do serviço e melhoria da assistência å mulher, ações educativas para a população e capacitação dos profissionais de saúde. Espera-se com as ações propostas aumentar a cobertura do exame preventivo e reduzir a incidência e mortalidade pelo câncer cérvico-uterino.