1000 resultados para Dumont de Frainays family
Using length-frequency samples from the local fisheries and length-age data from otolith readings, von Bertalanffy growth parameters were estimated for the four species representing the Clupeidae family in Sierra Leone, Sardinella aurita, S. maderensis, Ethmalosa fimbriata and Ilisha africana showed the highest and lowest values of f, respectively, while Sardinella sp. were found to occupy the central position.
O Orógeno Ribeira representa um cinturão de dobramentos e empurrões, gerado no Neoproterozóico/Cambriano, durante a Orogênese Brasiliana, na borda sul/sudeste do Cráton do São Francisco e compreende quatro terrenos tectono-estratigráficos: 1) o Terreno Ocidental, interpretado como resultado do retrabalhamento do paleocontinente São Francisco, é constituído de duas escamas de empurrão de escala crustal (Domínios Andrelândia e Juiz de Fora); 2) o Terreno Oriental representa uma outra microplaca e abriga o Arco Magmático Rio Negro; 3) o Terreno Paraíba do Sul, que constitui-se na escama superior deste segmento da faixa; e 4) o Terreno Cabo Frio, cuja docagem foi tardia, ocupa pequena área no litoral norte do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Em todos os diferentes compartimentos do segmento central da Faixa Ribeira podem ser identificadas três unidades tectono-estratigráficas: 1) unidades pré-1,8 Ga. (ortognaisses e ortogranulitos do embasamento); 2) rochas metassedimentares pós-1,8 Ga; e 3) granitóides/charnockitóides brasilianos. O Complexo Mantiqueira é composto por ortognaisses migmatíticos, tonalíticos a graníticos, e anfibolitos associados, constitui o embasamento pré-1,8 Ga das rochas da Megasseqüência Andrelândia no domínio homônimo do Terreno Ocidental. Foram integrados 68 dados litogeoquímicos dentre ortognaisses e metabasitos do Complexo Mantiqueira. As rochas dessa unidade pertencem a duas séries distintas: série calcioalcalina (rochas intermediárias a ácidas); e série transicional (rochas básicas, ora de afinidade toleítica, ora alcalina). Com base em critérios petrológicos, análise quantitativa e em valores [La/Yb]N, verificou-se que o Complexo Mantiqueira é bastante heterogêneo, incluindo diversos grupos petrogeneticamente distintos. Dentre as rochas da série transicional, foram identificados 2 conjuntos: 1) rochas basálticas toleiíticas, com [La/Yb]N entre 2,13 e 4,72 (fontes do tipo E-MORB e/ou intraplaca);e 2) rochas basálticas de afinidade alcalina, com [La/Yb]N entre 11,79 e 22,78. As rochas da série calciolacalina foram agrupadas em cinco diferentes conjuntos: 1) ortognaisses migmatíticos quartzo dioríticos a tonalíticos, com [La/Yb]N entre 11,37 e 38,26; 2) ortognaisses bandados de composição quarzto diorítica a granodiorítica, com [La/Yb]N entre 4,35 e 9,28; 3) ortognaisses homogênos de composição tonalítica a granítica, com [La/Yb]N entre 16,57 e 38,59; 4) leucognaisses brancos de composição tonalítica/trondhjemítica a granítica, com [La/Yb]N entre 46,69 e 65,06; e 5) ortognaisse róseo porfiroclástico de composição tonalítica a granítica, com [La/Yb]N entre 82,70 e 171,36. As análises geocronológicas U-Pb SHRIMP foram realizadas no Research School of Earth Science (ANU/Canberra/Austrália). Foram obtidas idades paleoproterozóicas para as rochas das duas séries identificadas, interpretadas como a idade de cristalização dos protólitos magmáticos desses gnaisses e metabasitos. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma variação de idades de cristalização de 2139 35 a 2143,4 9,4, para as rochas da série transicional, e de 2126,4 8 a 2204,5 6,7, para aquelas da série calcioalcalina. Dentre todas as amostras estudadas, apenas a amostra JF-CM-516IV forneceu dados discordantes de idades arqueanas (292916 Ma), interpretados como dados de herança. Contudo, evidências dessa herança semelhantes a esta são observadas em outras amostras. Ambas as séries também apresentaram idades de metamorfismo neoproterozóico, no intervalo de 548 17 Ma a 590,5 7,7 Ma que é consistente com o metamorfismo M1 (entre 550 e 590 Ma), contemporâneo à colisão entre os Terrenos Ocidental e Oriental do setor central da Faixa Ribeira (Heilbron, 1993 e Heilbron et al., 1995).
Molecular phylogeny of the fern family Dryopteridaceae inferred from chloroplast rbcL and atpB genes
A developmental series of larval and pelagic juvenile pygmy rockfish (Sebastes wilsoni) from central California is illustrated and described. Sebastes wilsoni is a non- commercially, but ecologically, important rockfish, and the ability to differentiate its young stages will aid researchers in population abundance studies. Pigment patterns, meristic characters, morphometric measurements, and head spination were recorded from specimens that ranged from 8.1 to 34.4 mm in standard length. Larvae were identified initially by meristic characters and the absence of ventral and lateral midline pigment. Pelagic juveniles developed a prominent pigment pattern of three body bars that did not extend to the ventral surface. Species identification was confirmed subsequently by using mitochondrial sequence data of four representative specimens of various sizes. As determined from the examination of otoliths, the growth rate of larval and pelagic juvenile pygmy rockfish was 0.28 mm/day, which is relatively slow in comparison to the growth rate of other species of Sebastes. These data will aid researchers in determining species abundance.
Larval and juvenile development of finescale menhaden (Brevoortia gunteri) is described for the first time by using wild-caught individuals from Nueces Bay, Texas, and is compared with larval and juvenile development of co-occurring gulf menhaden (B. patronus). Meristics, morphometrics, and pigmentation patterns were examined as development proceeded. An illustrated series of finescale menhaden is presented to show changes that occurred during development. For finescale menhaden, transformation to the juvenile stage was completed by 17−19 mm standard length (SL). By contrast, transformation to the juvenile stage for gulf menhaden was not complete until 23−25 mm SL. Characteristics useful for separating larval and juvenile finescale menhaden from gulf menhaden included 1) the presence or absence of pigment at the base of the insertion of the pelvic fins; 2) the standard length at which medial predorsal pigment occurs; 3) differences in the number of dorsal fin ray elements; and, 4) the number of vertebrae.
The rockfishes of the sebastid genus Sebastes are a very important fishery resource off the coasts of California and southern Oregon. How-ever, many of the 54 managed stocks of west coast rockfish have recently reached historically low population levels, leading fishery managers to re-examine current management practices. Management of rockfish stocks as multispecies aggregates, as opposed to independent stocks within the ground-fish fishery, can be more desirable when nontargeted bycatch, discard, and management complexity are considered. Rockfish assemblage structure and species co-occurrences were determined by using data from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center triennial continental shelf bottom trawl survey. The weight of rockfish species in trawl catches was expressed as a catch-per-unit-of-effort (CPUE) statistic, from which species spatial distributions, overlaps, diversity, and richness were analyzed. Multidimensional scaling of transformed CPUE data was employed in indirect gradient and multivariate partitioning analyses to quantify assemblage relationships. Results indicated that rockfish distributions closely match the bathymetry of coastal waters. Indirect gradient analysis suggested that depth and latitude are the principal factors in structuring the spatial distributions of rockfish on trawlable habitat. In addition, four assemblages were identified through the joint evaluation of species’ distributions and multivariate partitioning analyses: 1) deep-water slope; 2) northern shelf; 3) southern shelf; and 4) nearshore. The slope, shelf, and near-shore groups are found in depth ranges of 200–500 m, 100–250 m, and 50–150 m, respectively. The division of northern and southern shelf assemblages occurs over a broad area between Cape Mendocino and Monterey Canyon. The results of this analysis are likely to have direct application in the management of rockfish stocks off the coasts of southern Oregon and California.