984 resultados para Dual-fuel Diesel RCCI LTC


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The Free Open Source Software (FOSS) seem far from the military field but in some cases, some technologies normally used for civilian purposes may have military applications. These products and technologies are called dual-use. Can we manage to combine FOSS and dual-use products? On one hand, we have to admit that this kind of association exists - dual-use software can be FOSS and many examples demonstrate this duality - but on the other hand, dual-use software available under free licenses lead us to ask many questions. For example, the dual-use export control laws aimed at stemming the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Dual-use export in United States (ITAR) and Europe (regulation 428/2009) implies as a consequence the prohibition or regulation of software exportation, involving the closing of source code. Therefore, the issues of exported softwares released under free licenses arises. If software are dual-use goods and serve for military purposes, they may represent a danger. By the rights granted to licenses to run, study, redistribute and distribute modified versions of the software, anyone can access the free dual-use software. So, the licenses themselves are not at the origin of the risk, it is actually linked to the facilitated access to source codes. Seen from this point of view, it goes against the dual-use regulation which allows states to control these technologies exportation. For this analysis, we will discuss about various legal questions and draft answers from either licenses or public policies in this respect.


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Eukaryotic mRNA transcription and turnover is controlled by an enzymatic machinery that includes RNA polymerase II and the 3' to 5' exosome. The activity of these protein complexes is modulated by additional factors, such as the nuclear RNA polymerase II-associated factor 1 (Paf1c) and the cytoplasmic Superkiller (SKI) complex, respectively. Their components are conserved across uni- as well as multi-cellular organisms, including yeast, Arabidopsis, and humans. Among them, SKI8 displays multiple facets on top of its cytoplasmic role in the SKI complex. For instance, nuclear yeast ScSKI8 has an additional function in meiotic recombination, whereas nuclear human hSKI8 (unlike ScSKI8) associates with Paf1c. The Arabidopsis SKI8 homolog VERNALIZATION INDEPENDENT 3 (VIP3) has been found in Paf1c as well; however, whether it also has a role in the SKI complex remains obscure so far. We found that transgenic VIP3-GFP, which complements a novel vip3 mutant allele, localizes to both nucleus and cytoplasm. Consistently, biochemical analyses suggest that VIP3-GFP associates with the SKI complex. A role of VIP3 in the turnover of nuclear encoded mRNAs is supported by random-primed RNA sequencing of wild-type and vip3 seedlings, which indicates mRNA stabilization in vip3. Another SKI subunit homolog mutant, ski2, displays a dwarf phenotype similar to vip3. However, unlike vip3, it displays neither early flowering nor flower development phenotypes, suggesting that the latter reflect VIP3's role in Paf1c. Surprisingly then, transgenic ScSKI8 rescued all aspects of the vip3 phenotype, suggesting that the dual role of SKI8 depends on species-specific cellular context.


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La luxation d'une prothèse totale de la hanche est une complication majeure en termes de morbidité pour le patient et des coûts pour le système de santé. Cette complication est retrouvée entre 2 à 3% selon les séries (1-3) pour des prothèses primaires, et beaucoup plus élevée suite à des révisions. Pour remédier à ce problème, des systèmes de prothèses contraintes sont une option, cependant associés à des descellements fréquents entre 10 à 26 % selon les séries (4-6). Ces échecs étant en partie expliqués par une usure rapide des surfaces de frottements due aux fortes contraintes, mais également par les contraintes cupule-os occasionnant des descellements mécaniques (7). Par conséquent, pour augmenter la stabilité, tout en évitant les contraintes sur le couple de frottement, Bousquet développe, en 1976, une prothèse totale de hanche « à double mobilité ». Ce système consiste à combiner deux articulations apparentes, premièrement une tête métallique dans un insert de polyéthylène, articulé lui- même dans la concavité d'une cupule métallique fixée au bassin. En tant que tel, ce système biomécanique réduirait en théorie le risque de luxation. Dès lors, on aperçoit depuis environ 15 ans une augmentation progressive de l'utilisation de ce type d'implants que ce soit comme implant primaire ou secondaire, chez des patients jeunes ou âgés. Cependant, des études in vitro, ont montré que des grandes surfaces de friction sont associées à une augmentation de l'usure du polyéthylène (8). En revanche, les données sur la cinématique et l'usure, in vivo, de ce type d'implant étaient jusqu'alors limitées. Depuis quelques années, un certain nombre d'études cliniques avec un follow up significatif ont été publiées. CONCLUSIONS ET PERSPECTIVES FUTURES La prothèse totale de hanche à double mobilité, développée par Bousquet dans les années 1970, est un concept novateur dans l'arthroplastie totale de hanche. Depuis sa première conception, de nombreuses améliorations ont été adoptées. Cependant, ses effets à long terme sur la survie de l'implant doivent encore être effectué. Certes, des études ont montré un net effet sur la réduction du taux de luxation des prothèses primaires, lors de révision ou après résection tumorale. Toutefois, compte tenu des données limitées à long terme sur le taux d'usure et le descellement aseptique, il convient d'utiliser ce type d'implant avec prudence, en particulier lors d'arthroplastie primaire chez des patients jeunes.


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Kaasunkäyttö liikennepolttoaineena on Suomessa vielä melko vähäistä. Maa- ja biokaasun käyttöä pyritään kuitenkin lisäämään, sillä EU:n jäsenvaltioiden tulee korvatavuoteen 2010 mennessä 5,75 % nykyisistä liikenteen polttoaineista biopolttoaineilla ja vuoteen 2020 mennessä jopa 20 %:a. Tässä työssä tutkittiin kaasukäyttöisen (CNG) jäteauton vahvuuksia ja heikkouksia dieseljäteautoon verrattuna. Ensimmäinen CNG-jäteauto aloitti liikennöinnin Pääkaupunkiseudun yhteistyövaltuuskunnan alueella joulukuussa 2005. Kaasujäteautolle suoritettujen melu- ja pakokaasupäästömittausten perusteella selvisi, että CNG-jäteauto on ympäristön kannalta dieseljäteautoa puhtaampi vaihtoehto. Kaasujäteautolla on myös yrityksen imagoon positiivinen vaikutus. Jäteautojen kustannuslaskelmat osoittivat, että kaasujäteauto tulee kokonaiskustannuksiltaan kalliimmaksi kuin dieseljäteauto. Ainoastaan CNG-jäteauton polttoainekustannukset ovat toistaiseksi edullisemmat kuin dieseljäteauton. Kaasujäteautokannan lisääntyminen edellyttää kaasun liikennepolttoainekäytön tukemista esimerkiksi antamalla lisäpisteitä urakkatarjouskilpailuissa. Tällöin eri polttoainevaihtoehtojen välillesyntyy kilpailua, millä voi tulevaisuudessa olla vaikutusta CNG-jäteauton kokonaiskustannusten alenemiseen ja kaasun käytön lisäämiseen taloudellisesti kannattavasti. Myös edistämällä biokaasun hyötykäyttöä liikennepolttoaineena saavutetaan maakaasua paremmat ympäristöhyödyt ja saadaan kaatopaikoilla muodostuva metaani talteen. Biokaasu on hiilidioksidineutraali polttoaine, joten sen poltosta ei synny kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä.


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Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho foi quantificar o efeito do tipo de diesel e da concentração de biodiesel na mistura combustível sobre as emissões de gases por motor agrícola submetido a diferentes cargas. Foram testados dois tipos de diesel: S10, com baixo teor de enxofre; e S500, com alto teor de enxofre; bem como suas misturas com 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 e 100% de biodiesel. O motor, de quatro cilindros, turboalimentado e com 105 cv de potência máxima, foi submetido a oito modos de operação, sob diferentes rotações e torques. O ensaio seguiu a metodologia prevista na norma NBR ISSO 8174-4:2012, tendo-se analisado as emissões de O2, CO2, NO2, NO, CO e de hidrocarbonetos (HC). Somente as emissões de HC foram influenciadas pelo tipo de diesel utilizado. As emissões de NO2 e O2 aumentaram com o aumento da concentração de biodiesel na mistura, enquanto as emissões de CO2, NO, CO e HC diminuíram. A carga aplicada ao motor esteve diretamente relacionada às emissões, exceto para O2. O combustível S10, com 20% de biodiesel, reduz as emissões, em comparação ao diesel comercial (S500), sem perda no desempenho do motor.


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BRAF inhibitory therapy is the mainstream treatment for BRAF mutant advanced melanoma. However vemurafenib, a type I mutant BRAF V600 inhibitor, induces an array of proliferative skin disorders from keratosis pilaris-like and keratoacanthoma-like lesions to locally aggressive cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cuSCC). Dual BRAF/MEK inhibition is known to lower the incidence of such manifestations, but it is not known whether it can counteract established lesions. Here we show, for the first time, a dramatic response and a restitution ad integro upon dual inhibition of a widespread proliferative affection induced by BRAF monotherapy. A 75-year-old woman was diagnosed with a BRAF V600E mutated metastatic melanoma. Following dacarbazine (DTIC) and ipilimumab, the patient was started on 960 mg twice daily vemurafenib (Zelboraf), which resulted in complete response, but the patient also developed grade IV skin toxicity. Despite dose-reduction to 720 mg twice daily the side effects persisted. We hypothesized that a switch to double inhibition of the mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway with dabrafenib and trametinib could lead to improvement of the skin lesions, while preserving tumor control. The patient was closely followed for changes in skin lesions. We witnessed a rapid regression followed by complete disappearance of all side effects of vemurafenib except for grade I fatigue. The biopsied skin lesions show regression of established keratoacanthoma-like lesions with signs of apoptosis. Switching from the current standard of care vemurafenib therapy to the double BRAF/MEK inhibition in BRAF mutant melanoma patients results in rapid disappearance of established proliferative skin disorders.


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In this article, the author provides a framework to guide¦research in emotional intelligence. Studies conducted up¦to the present bear on a conception of emotional intelligence¦as pertaining to the domain of consciousness and¦investigate the construct with a correlational approach.¦As an alternative, the author explores processes underlying¦emotional intelligence, introducing the distinction¦between conscious and automatic processing as a potential¦source of variability in emotionally intelligent¦behavior. Empirical literature is reviewed to support the¦central hypothesis that individual differences in emotional¦intelligence may be best understood by considering¦the way individuals automatically process emotional¦stimuli. Providing directions for research, the author¦encourages the integration of experimental investigation¦of processes underlying emotional intelligence with¦correlational analysis of individual differences and¦fosters the exploration of the automaticity component¦of emotional intelligence.


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PURPOSE This prospective multicenter phase III study compared the efficacy and safety of a triple combination (bortezomib-thalidomide-dexamethasone [VTD]) versus a dual combination (thalidomide-dexamethasone [TD]) in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) progressing or relapsing after autologous stem-cell transplantation (ASCT). PATIENTS AND METHODS Overall, 269 patients were randomly assigned to receive bortezomib (1.3 mg/m(2) intravenous bolus) or no bortezomib for 1 year, in combination with thalidomide (200 mg per day orally) and dexamethasone (40 mg orally once a day on 4 days once every 3 weeks). Bortezomib was administered on days 1, 4, 8, and 11 with a 10-day rest period (day 12 to day 21) for eight cycles (6 months), and then on days 1, 8, 15, and 22 with a 20-day rest period (day 23 to day 42) for four cycles (6 months). Results Median time to progression (primary end point) was significantly longer with VTD than TD (19.5 v 13.8 months; hazard ratio, 0.59; 95% CI, 0.44 to 0.80; P = .001), the complete response plus near-complete response rate was higher (45% v 25%; P = .001), and the median duration of response was longer (17.2 v 13.4 months; P = .03). The 24-month survival rate was in favor of VTD (71% v 65%; P = .093). Grade 3 peripheral neuropathy was more frequent with VTD (29% v 12%; P = .001) as were the rates of grades 3 and 4 infection and thrombocytopenia. CONCLUSION VTD was more effective than TD in the treatment of patients with MM with progressive or relapsing disease post-ASCT but was associated with a higher incidence of grade 3 neurotoxicity.


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Severe acute refractory respiratory failure is considered a life-threatening situation, with a high mortality of 40 to 60%. When conservative oxygenation methods fail, a lifesaving measure is the introduction of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Venovenous ECMO (VV-ECMO) is a preferred modality of support for patients with refractory acute respiratory failure. Specifically, bicaval VV-ECMO is a well-recognized and validated therapy, where single or double periphery venous access is used for the insertion of two differently sized cannulas in order to achieve adequate blood oxygenation. Compared to venoarterial ECMO, in VV-ECMO, the rate of complications, such as thrombosis, bleeding, infection and ischemic events, is lower. On the other hand, the size and insertion location is an obstacle to patient mobilization. This is a considerable problem for patients where the time interval for lung recovery and the bridge to the transplantation is prolonged. To address this issue, a dual-lumen, single venovenous cannula was introduced. Here, by insertion of one single catheter in one target vessel, in a majority of cases in the right internal jugular vein, satisfactory oxygenation of the patient is achieved. In this form, the instituted VV-ECMO enables patient mobility, better physical rehabilitation and facilitates pulmonary extubation and toilet. However, relatively early, after the first short-term reports were published, a relatively high complication rate became evident. In the recent literature, the complication rate using actual commercially available double-lumen venovenous cannula ranges between 5 and 30%. These cases were mostly conjoined to the implantation phase or the early postoperative phase and vary between right heart perforation to migration of the cannula. This review focuses on complications allied to commercially available dual-lumen, single, venovenous cannula implantation, pointing out the critical segments of the implantation process and analyzing the structure of the device.


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We have developed an activator/repressor expression system for budding yeast in which tetracyclines control in opposite ways the ability of tetR-based activator and repressor molecules to bind tetO promoters. This combination allows tight expression of tetO-driven genes, both in a direct (tetracycline-repressible) and reverse (tetracycline-inducible) dual system. Ssn6 and Tup1, that are components of a general repressor complex in yeast, have been tested for their repressing properties in the dual system, using lacZ and CLN2 as reporter genes. Ssn6 gives better results and allows complete switching-off of the regulated genes, although increasing the levels of the Tup1-based repressor by expressing it from a stronger promoter improves repressing efficiency of the latter. Effector-mediated shifts between expression and non-expression conditions are rapid. The dual system here described may be useful for the functional analysis of essential genes whose conditional expression can be tightly controlled by tetracyclines.


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Membrane-permeable calmodulin inhibitors, such as the napthalenesulfonamide derivatives W-7/W-13, trifluoperazine, and calmidazolium, are used widely to investigate the role of calcium/calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM) in living cells. If two chemically different inhibitors (e.g. W-7 and trifluoperazine) produce similar effects, investigators often assume the effects are due to CaM inhibition. Zeta potential measurements, however, show that these amphipathic weak bases bind to phospholipid vesicles at the same concentrations as they inhibit Ca 2 /CaM; this suggests that they also bind to the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane, reducing its negative electrostatic surface potential. This change will cause electrostatically bound clusters of basic residues on peripheral (e.g. Src and K-Ras4B) and integral (e.g. epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)) proteins to translocate from the membrane to the cytoplasm. We measured inhibitor-mediated translocation of a simple basic peptide corresponding to the calmodulin-binding juxtamembrane region of the EGFR on model membranes; W-7/W-13 causes translocation of this peptide from membrane to solution, suggesting that caution must be exercised when interpreting the results obtained with these inhibitors in living cells. We present evidence that they exert dual effects on autophosphorylation of EGFR;W-13 inhibits epidermal growth factordependent EGFR autophosphorylation under different experimental conditions, but in the absence of epidermal growth factor, W-13 stimulates autophosphorylation of the receptor in four different cell types. Our interpretation is that the former effect is due toW-13inhibition of Ca 2 /CaM, but thelatter results could be due to binding of W-13 to the plasma membrane.


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Background: Although the studies published so far have found an affectation in the Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) in both psychiatric and substance use dependence disorders, very few studies have applied HRQOL as an assessment measure in patients suffering both comorbid conditions, or Dual Diagnosis. The aim of the current study was to assess HRQOL in a group of patients with Dual Diagnosis compared to two other non-comorbid groups and to determine what clinical factors are related to HRQOL. Methods: Cross-sectional assessment of three experimental groups was made through the Short Form 36 Item Health Survey (SF-36). The sample consisted of a group with Dual Diagnosis (DD; N=35), one with Severe Mental Illness alone (SMI; N=35) and another one with Substance Use Dependence alone (SUD; N=35). The sample was composed only by males. To assess the clinical correlates of SF-36 HRQOL, lineal regression analyses were carried out. Results: The DD group showed lower scores in most of the subscales, and in the mental health domain. The group with SUD showed in general a better state in the HRQOL while the group with SMI held an intermediate position with respect to the other two groups. Daily medication, suicidal attempts and daily number of coffees were significantly associated to HRQOL, especially in the DD group. Conclusions: The DD group showed lower self-reported mental health quality of life. Assessment of HRQOL in dual patients allows to identify specific needs in this population, and may help to establish therapeutic goals to improve interventions.