862 resultados para Doctrine of right


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The central thesis that we aim to survey in this paper is that the present South-American political scene has required of the American imperialism a strategical redesign, in the sense of the neutralization, weakening and, if it is possible, destruction of regional political experiences/tendencies not aligned to its foreign politics. Under the mask of the defense of democracy and beneath the argument that Latin American "market oriented politics" are at stake, due to questions that goes back from the "delin-quency" —in Mexico—, the global terrorism, the organized international crime up to the worldwide drug traffic, the global strategy of American imperialism then sets up the definition of a new doctrine of preventive war that justifies the utilization of hard power against any country, in the name of its own defense. At the heart of the question what —actually— is in the agenda is the defense (and reproduction) of the benefits of its multinationals corporations and financial capital, by means of the international sub-traction of profitable assets, such as financial, energetic, communicational and natural resources, in addition to the domination of local markets, beyond facilitating capital flee amongst others.


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This study did evaluate the handgrip strength capacity of bull riding practitioners and recreational practitioners in order to obtain parameters of the muscular fitness of subjects undertaken this sports practice. Twenty right-handed subjects were grouped into bull riding athletes (10 individuals at AMT: 174.5 ± 5.2 cm of height, 78.9 ± 12 kg of body weight, 24.7 ± 6.1 years, and 13,8 ± 2.4% for body fat) and non-athletes (10 subjects n-AMR: 178.5 ± 7.3 cm of height, 81.2 ± 8.8kg of body weight, 21.7 ± 2.3 years, and 13.8 ± 1.9% of body fat). They were underwent to protocols of handgrip strength evaluation by a standard and specific dynamometry (simulating a bull riding posture) of right (DPD e DED) e left (DEP e DEE) hands. The dynamic force values from one repetition to maximum test (1RM) were either obtained in conventional load-based system for upper limbs exercises. The values were compared by the test-t for independent data, assuming ρ ≤ 0.05. The relationship between the values of strength from handgrip and dynamic exercises were drawn by Pearson correlation. The results of the AMT to DPD (43.8 ± 6.8kgf), DPE (39.4 ± 7.7kgf), DED (44.9 ± 5.6kgf), and DEE (39.8 ± 8.3kgf). For the n-AMT in DPD (47.0 ± 3.0kgf), DPE (42.2 ± 6.1kgf), DED (49.2 ± 1.5kgf), and DEE (46.2 ± 4.1kgf). Significant difference was observed between DED and DEE. The strength tests of 1RM at bench press (73.2 ± 12.0kg and 82.0 ± 12.0kg), arm-curl (45.2 ± 8.9kg and 43.8 ± 8.9kg), triceps pulley (67.0 ± 6.3kg and 72.0 ± 6.3kg), and pulley (73.5 ± 8.5kg and 73.7 ± 7.5kg) for groups n-AMT and AMT did not showed differences. Correlations were showed between all handgrip tests and elbow flexor force for AMT, and between DPD and elbow extensor, abductor, adductor and extensor of shoulder for n-AMT. influences to the performance of the force dynamometry. It could be concluded that handgrip force and dynamic strength of upper limbs did not were putative responses for bull riding practice.


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Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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It was the romanticists who tended to write poetry of “autobiography,” who inquired of themselves concerning themselves, and assumed that the world was interested in what they found. Nor was the habit of self-consciousness regarding the poetic office let drop by their successors. That the words poet and poetry were so often on Emerson’s lips would be evidence enough to students of literature, in its changing temper and shifting modes, of his probable localization in time. It is also evidence of his relation to certain European movements of thought to which he gave—comparatively late in their currency and much tempered —American expression. In his doctrine of the superiority and the aloofness of the poet, of the latter’s severance from others to whom he yet bears messages of light, in his self-sufficiency and his sovereignty, his belief in the intrinsic goodness of nature and of man, and his concern with poetic thought rather than poetic form, Emerson may be termed the American representative of ideas which already had had wide circulation in Europe. In great part they emanated from Rousseau, and some of them, especially the gospel of the rights and the supremacy of the individual, had metamorphosed the politics and the map of Europe as well as its literature.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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PURPOSE: To investigate the facial symmetry of high and low dose methotrexate (MTX) treated rats submitted to experimentally displaced mandibular condyle fracture through the recording of cephalometric measurements. METHODS: One hundred male Wistar rats underwent surgery using an experimental model of right condylar fracture. Animals were divided into four groups: A - saline solution (1mL/week); B - dexamethasone (DEX) (0,15mg/Kg); C - MTX low dose (3 mg/Kg/week); D - MTX high dose (30 mg/Kg). Animals were sacrificed at 1, 7, 15, 30 and 90 days postoperatively (n=5). Body weight was recorded. Specimens were submitted to axial radiographic incidence, and cephalometric mensurations were made using a computer system. Linear measurements of skull and mandible, as well as angular measurements of mandibular deviation were taken. Data were subjected to statistical analyses among the groups, periods of sacrifice and between the sides in each group (alpha=0.05). RESULTS: Animals regained body weight over time, except in group D. There was reduction in the mandibular length and also changes in the maxilla as well as progressive deviation in the mandible in relation to the skull basis in group D. CONCLUSION: Treatment with high dose methotrexate had deleterious effect on facial symmetry of rats submitted to experimentally displaced condylar process fracture.


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We study baryon asymmetry generation originated from the leptogenesis in the presence of hypermagnetic fields in the early Universe plasma before the electroweak phase I ransition (EWPT). For the simplest Chern-Simons (CS) wave configuration of hypermagnetic field we find the baryon asymmetry growth when the hypermagnetic field value changes due to alpha(2)-dynamo and the lepton asymmetry rises due to the Abelian anomaly. We solve the corresponding integro-differential equations for the lepton asymmetries describing such selfconsistent dynamics for lepto- and baryogenesis in the two scenarios: (i) when a primordial lepton asymmetry sits in right electrons e(R); and (ii) when, in addition to e(R), a left lepton asyninwtty for e(L) and v(eL) at due to chirality flip reactions provided by in Iiigg,s decays at the temperatures, T < T-RL similar to 10 TeV. We find that the baryon asymmetry of the Universe (BAU) rises very fast through such leptogenesis, especially, in strong hypermagnetic fields. Varying (decreasing) the CS wave number parameter k(0) < 10(-7) T-EW one can recover the observable value of BAU, eta(B) similar to 10(-9), where k(0) = 10(-7) T-EW corresponds to the ataxinittat value for CS wave number surviving ohmic dissipation of hypermagnetic field. In the scenario (ii) one predicts the essential difference of the lepton numbers of right- and left electrons at EWPT time, L-eR - L-eL similar to (mu(eR) / mu(eL))/T-EW = Delta mu/T-EW similar or equal to 10(-5) that can be used as an initial condition for chiral asymmetry after EWPT.


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Objective: A morphological analysis of the bone structure of 02 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in order to enhance the security of the stabilization procedures for this vertebra. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 20 CT scans of the cervical spine performed in patients with rheumatoid arthritis; the following parameters were measured: spinolaminar angle, thickness and length of C2 lamina. Results: The mean values are: 5.92mm and 5.87mm for thickness of right and left laminae retrospectively, 27.75mm for right lamina length and 27.94mm for left lamina length, and 44.7 degrees for spinolaminar angle. Conclusion: The values obtained are consistent with studies in normal subjects published by other groups, with no apparent need for change in the screw placement technique. Level of Evidence IV, Case Series.


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Kawasaki disease (KD) is a common vasculitis in childhood. To the authors' knowledge, only one case of juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (JSLE)-like onset mimicking KD and another case of KD and JSLE association have previously been described. However, the prevalence of this association of the two diseases was not reported. Therefore, over 27 consecutive years, 5419 patients were followed at the Pediatric Rheumatology Unit and 271 (5%) of them met the ACR classification criteria for JSLE. Two (0.7%) of them were female. These also had KD according to European League against Rheumatism / Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (EULAR/PReS) consensus criteria and are described in this report. One case was a 13-year-old who presented all six KD criteria. Echocardiogram showed pericardial effusion, dilatation and tortuosity of right and left coronary, and her symptoms promptly improved after treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). Lupus diagnosis was established a few days later. Another case was a 4-year-old who had also met all six KD criteria, with improvement after IVIG, and lupus diagnosis was made 1 year later. In conclusion, the frequency of the association between these two autoimmune diseases was rare. The occurrence of a second autoimmune systemic disease in a patient with a history of KD should also be considered. Furthermore, the initial presentation of lupus may mimic KD. Lupus (2012) 21, 89-92.


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Justificativa e objetivos: As ligas acadêmicas vêm se firmando como instrumentos de ensino médico e inserção dos estudantes de medicina na prática das especialidades, inclusive na anestesiologia. Como o papel das ligas no processo de desenvolvimento de competências e aprendizado de seus alunos não é bem conhecido, avaliou-se o aprendizado dos integrantes de uma liga acadêmica de anestesiologia após um ano de participação nas suas atividades. MÉTODO: Os alunos de uma liga acadêmica de anestesiologia foram acompanhados de março a dezembro de 2010 e avaliados por meio de testes cognitivos objetivos de múltipla escolha aplicados antes do início das atividades e após sua conclusão. A frequência nas atividades e o perfil epidemiológico dos alunos foram correlacionados aos resultados dos testes. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 20 acadêmicos do 3º ao 6º ano, com média de idade de 22,8 (21-26) anos. A frequência média nas atividades propostas foi 10,4/13 (80%). A média de acertos no primeiro teste foi 8,1/17 (47,6%), sendo que os alunos do 3º ano apresentam notas menores (p < 0,02) em relação aos demais. No teste pós-liga, a média de acertos foi 11,9/17 (70%), mostrando melhora no desempenho dos alunos (p < 0,05), e não houve diferença entre as notas dos diferentes anos da graduação. Foi encontrada relação forte entre frequência nas atividades e melhora nas notas (r = 0,719; p < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: Os alunos que participaram da liga apresentaram melhora nos testes de avaliação de conhecimento, sugerindo que a liga é útil instrumento de ensino e promove ganho de aprendizado em anestesiologia. As atividades desenvolvidas nas ligas podem ter papel positivo na formação acadêmica dos graduandos, destacando-se, neste artigo, a anestesiologia.


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Abstract Objective This case report describes an unusual presentation of right upper lobe atelectasis associated with refractory hypoxemia to conventional alveolar recruitment maneuvers in a patient soon after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Method Results The alveolar recruitment with PEEP = 40cmH2O improved the patient’s atelectasis and hypoxemia. Conclusion In the present report, the unusual alveolar recruitment maneuver with PEEP 40cmH2O showed to be safe and efficient to reverse refractory hypoxemia and uncommon atelectasis in a patient after cardiac surgery.


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My research focuses on the mentality of catholic entrepreneurs and managers in Italy between the 1930's and the 1950's. The main source of my study is the archive of an organization called Unione Cristiana Imprenditori Dirigenti [Christian Entrepreneurs and Managers Association], which was founded in Milan in 1945 with the pedagogic intent to foster higher moral standards and social responsibility in the milieux of catholic entrepreneurs, in the spirit of the Social Doctrine of the Church. This experience was set in the social and political context of the Italian post-war years, but it was also rooted in the debate – started during the 1930s - on the rise of a new catholic leadership in society.