979 resultados para Disciplines graphiques


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La thèse montre le développement parallèle, entre le XIXe et le début du XXe siècle, de la prise en charge sociale et médicale des personnes ayant des infirmités corporelles en Suisse romande. Au cours de cette période, qui fait suite à l'avènement de la médecine clinique, bon nombre de personnes atteintes de maladie chronique, déformations osseuses, paralysie ou « infirmités de l'âge » sont déclarées incurables ou infirmes et chassées des hôpitaux, au profit des cas cliniques guérissables. Elles sont alors « récupérées », d'une part, par des institutions philanthropiques émanant de milieux ecclésiastiques ou médicaux, parfois conservateurs. D'autre part, dans les cantons romands institués au début du siècle suite à la Révolution helvétique, un certain nombre de lois viennent renforcer le pouvoir des nouveaux gouvernements autonomes, imposant notamment leurs objectifs institutionnels dans les domaines de la santé et de l'assistance. La seconde moitié du siècle voit aussi l'avènement de l'Etat progressiste promu par les radicaux ainsi que de la médecine universitaire dite moderne, favorisant l'essor d'institutions privées puis publiques visant la curabilité et l'éducation des personnes atteintes de déficiences physiques, principalement les enfants. La rencontre entre charité privée et assistance publique en matière de prise en charge sociale et médicale de l'infirmité est alors souvent complémentaire, parfois aussi conflictuelle, reflétant les enjeux sociaux, économiques, politiques et culturels qui se jouent autour des conceptions du corps individuel, mais aussi du corps social.La thèse examine donc, dans une première partie intitulée « L'assistance des infirmes et des incurables : lois et institutions d'une nouvelle problématique sociale », les constructions institutionnelles et normatives du secours organisé dans les différents cantons romands par les pouvoirs publics et la philanthropie, où s'expriment médecins, politiques et théologiens sur les catégories d'individus déclarés incurables et infirmes. En interrogeant le passage de l'incurabilité à la curabilité, la seconde partie de la thèse, intitulée « La médecine de la scoliose au pied bot : développement de thérapies techniques et physiques autour du corps infirme », se centre ensuite sur l'histoire médicale ayant trait au corps handicapé, prenant comme terrain d'investigation les cantons de Vaud et de Genève du fait du rayonnement et de l'essor des Hôpitaux cantonaux et des Facultés de médecine dans ces deux régions au cours du XIXe siècle. Tout en s'intéressant aux diverses affections concernées, la scoliose et le pied bot, considérés comme des affections orthopédiques typiques du XIXe siècle, constituent une sorte de fil rouge heuristique qui traverse le siècle, permettant de comprendre l'histoire médicale du corps infirme dans ses multiples dimensions : l'essor d'institutions et de disciplines médicales, les développements techniques, les théories et les pratiques des divers champs médicaux tels que l'orthopédie, la chirurgie et certaines thérapies physiques (hydrothérapie, massage, gymnastique médicale, mécanothérapie) ; une interrogation portant sur les rapports sociaux de sexe ainsi que sur les rapports de classe permet d'affiner l'analyse. L'ensemble de la thèse est en outre ponctuée d'exemples de parcours de vie de personnes dites infirmes, incurables, ou désignées comme « cas orthopédiques », soit par l'évocation des « experts » sociaux et médicaux, soit, plus rarement, par les témoignages des principaux concernés. L'examen de l'ensemble de ces processus vise à l'élaboration d'une histoire inédite de la prise en charge sociale et médicale du corps handicapé en Suisse romande au cours du « long » XIXe siècle, participant aussi à l'histoire socioculturelle des représentations du handicap corporel.


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With the free movement of people in the European Union, medical mobility has increased significantly. This is notably the case for disciplines for which shortage of well-trained staff has occurred. Pathology is among those specialties and effectively the discipline is confronted with a striking increase in mobility among trainees and qualified specialists. The presumption underlying unlimited mobility is that the competencies of the medical specialists in the European countries are more or less equal, including significant similarities in the postgraduate training programs. In order to assess whether reality corresponds with this presumption, we conducted a survey of the content and practice requirements of the curricula in the EU and affiliated countries. The results indicate a striking heterogeneity in the training program content and practice requirements. To name a few elements: duration of the training program varied between 4 and 6 years; the number of autopsies required varied between none at all and 300; the number of biopsies required varied between none at all and 15,000. We conclude that harmonization of training outcomes in Europe is a goal that needs to be pursued. This will be difficult to reach through harmonization of training programs, as these are co-determined by political, cultural, and administrative factors, difficult to influence. Harmonization might be attained by defining the general and specific competencies at the end of training and subsequent testing them through a test to which all trainees in Europe are subjected.


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The Andalusian eHealth Library (Biblioteca Virtual del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía, BV-SSPA), created in June 2006 as a strategic action of the Andalusian Government with the aim of becoming the engine for the knowledge management of the health system in the region, has meant a radical change of mind in the way libraries can be managed: - As a regional library, it coordinates the 42 document library centers of the hospital network. - It is an organization in charge of its own budget and management. - It is the only intermediary for contracting health science resources. These factors have empowered the library in its dealings with other organizations such as stakeholders, suppliers, universities, etc. The centralization of the purchasing and the librarian network has made this library strong enough to deal with the economic recession and budgetary problems.


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OBJETIVE: To report the data of the Home Parenteral Nutrition (HPN) registry of the NADYA-SENPE working group for the years 2011 and 2012. METHODOLOGY: We compiled the data from the on-line registry introduced by reviewers of NADYA group responsible for monitoring of NPD introduced by since January 1, 2011 to december 31, 2012. Included fields were: age, sex, diagnosis and reason for HPN, access path, complications, beginning and end dates, complementary oral or enteral nutrition, activity level, autonomy degree, product and fungible material supply, withdrawal reason and intestinal transplant indication. RESULTS: Year 2010: 184 patients from 29 hospitals , representing a rate of 3.98 patients/million inhabitants/ year 2011, with 186 episodes were recorded NPD . During 2012, 203 patients from 29 hospitals , representing a rate of 4.39 patients/million inhabitants/year 2012 , a total of 211 episodes were recorded NPD . CONCLUSIONS: We observe an increase in registered patients with respect to previous years.Neoplasia remains as the main pathology since 2003. Although NADYA is consolidated registry and has been indispensable source of information relevant to the understanding of the progress of Home Artificial Nutrition in our country, there is ample room for improvement. Especially that refers to the registration of pediatric patients and the registration of complications.


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BACKGROUND The diagnosis of infant cerebral palsy (ICP) is a traumatic event that can provoke multiple effects and changes in the family. The aim of the study is to discover the difficulties that parents face in the process of parenting, especially in the initial period following diagnosis. METHODS A qualitative study was carried out through semi-structured interviews. Sixteen mothers and fathers whose children were diagnosed with cerebral palsy participated in the study. Data analysis was performed with Atlas.ti 6.2 software following a strategy of open coding. RESULTS The reception of the diagnosis is perceived as an unexpected event that makes parents change expectations and hopes related to their children. The mode of relation with the child with ICP is different from that with other children as parents are more focused on the possibility of improvement and the future evolution of their child. Changes in different aspects of the lives of these parents are shown, such as demands on time, their economic and labour situation, as well as the relationship of the couple. CONCLUSIONS In providing care for children with cerebral palsy it is necessary to take the problems of the parents into account, especially in the initial period after diagnosis. The process of parenting a child with cerebral palsy entails many changes in the family so a global perspective is needed to organize interventions.


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Objective: To outline the treatment by patches of microcurrent at home of patients with disabling knee osteoarthritis to perform their activities of daily life and work. Material and methods: We selected 80 patients in the surgical waiting list for total knee arthroplasty. 40 of whom received active patch and 40 inactive. All were given exercise protocol knee. The variables analyzed were: pain (VAS), joint balance, muscular balance and quality of life (SF-12). Patients were reviewed after two months of treatment. Variables were analyzed with SPSS 17.0 statistical program. Results: Statistically significant results were obtained (p <0.05) for decrease in mean pain according to VAS scale. No significant differences for other variables were found. Conclusions: Microcurrent therapy could be an alternative in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis pain, with no differences with the traditional treatment.


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Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Calidad, Innovación y Salud Pública de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales


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OBJECTIVE Delusional disorder has been traditionally considered a psychotic syndrome that does not evolve to cognitive deterioration. However, to date, very little empirical research has been done to explore cognitive executive components and memory processes in Delusional Disorder patients. This study will investigate whether patients with delusional disorder are intact in both executive function components (such as flexibility, impulsivity and updating components) and memory processes (such as immediate, short term and long term recall, learning and recognition). METHODS A large sample of patients with delusional disorder (n = 86) and a group of healthy controls (n = 343) were compared with regard to their performance in a broad battery of neuropsychological tests including Trail Making Test, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Colour-Word Stroop Test, and Complutense Verbal Learning Test (TAVEC). RESULTS When compared to controls, cases of delusional disorder showed a significantly poorer performance in most cognitive tests. Thus, we demonstrate deficits in flexibility, impulsivity and updating components of executive functions as well as in memory processes. These findings held significant after taking into account sex, age, educational level and premorbid IQ. CONCLUSIONS Our results do not support the traditional notion of patients with delusional disorder being cognitively intact.


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Trois constats majeurs sont à l'origine de notre étude. Premièrement, les processus d'acquisition mobilisés par l'enseignement bilingue ont fait l'objet de très peu de recherches, alors que les résultats issus de ce type d'enseignement ont été largement explorés et ont globalement reçu une évaluation positive. Deuxièmement, l'apprentissage de la langue seconde (L2) et le bénéfice qu'il peut tirer d'un enseignement bilingue reste l'objet privilégié pour la plupart des études, alors que les particularités et les enjeux de l'apprentissage des disciplines dites "non linguistiques" (DNL) (telles l'histoire, la physique ou les mathématiques) restent largement inexplorées. Troisièmement, l'intégration a été souvent étudiée au niveau du curriculum scolaire pour dégager les interrelations entre enseignement de la L2 et enseignement des DNL, mais l'intégration demandait encore à être décrit de manière détaillée en tant qu'incorporation de l'apprentissage des savoirs disciplinaires et linguistiques et en tant que travail intégré des savoirs linguistiques et disciplinaires.Notre analyse s'inscrit alors dans une triple perspective prenant en compte ces trois axes de recherche : une perspective interactionniste et située de l'apprentissage des langues permettant d'envisager les processus d'acquisition mobilisés par l'enseignement bilingue in situ ; une perspective bi-plurilingue qui invite à étudier les spécificités de l'enseignement bilingue et s'affilie à une didactique du plurilinguisme valorisant un travail bilingue et intégré en classe ; une perspective des DNL permettant de considérer les enjeux de l'enseignement bilingue pour l'apprentissage des DNL, et non seulement pour l'apprentissage de la L2, et de considérer le travail intégré des savoirs linguistiques et disciplinaires.Ainsi, notre étude vise la description des pratiques effectives en classe bilingue s'appuyant sur l'analyse d'un important corpus d'interactions enregistrées dans diverses classes du secondaire II, orientée vers une méthodologie à caractère ethnographique et basée sur une démarche empirique et descriptive, ainsi que sur les outils de l'analyse conversationnelle appliquée à l'apprentissage des L2.Dans ce contexte, notre travail repose sur l'hypothèse que l'enseignement bilingue profite non seulement à l'apprentissage des savoirs linguistiques, mais également à celui des savoirs disciplinaires, lorsqu'il se base sur un travail intégré de la dimension linguistique et disciplinaire de cet apprentissage, et qu'un travail dans les deux langues en présence contribue à une intégration forte des savoirs linguistiques et disciplinaires. Il vise alors l'examen de l'articulation entre travail disciplinaire et travail linguistique dans différentes DNL et activités, ainsi que l'élaboration bilingue des concepts disciplinaires.D'abord, nos analyses montrent deux manières d'aborder l'élaboration des concepts disciplinaires dans les classes bilingues observées, le mode unilingue et le mode bilingue, et mettent en lumière l'apport du mode bilingue ou travail bilingue à l'élaboration des savoirs disciplinaires. Puis, la description détaillée de séquences-types permet de dégager les fonctionnements spécifiques à un enseignement bilingue et intégré, ainsi que les degrés et les procédés d'intégration des savoirs linguistiques et disciplinaires dans l'apprentissage en classe bilingue.En résumé, nos observations montrent que le bénéfice de l'enseignement bilingue réside dans l'attention particulière portée aux enjeux linguistiques des DNL et dans le travail linguistique, lorsqu'il est orienté vers un but disciplinaire. Aussi, cette orientation s'affirme dans la dynamique entre travail sur la dimension disciplinaire et travail sur la dimension linguistique.


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BACKGROUND It is not clear to what extent educational programs aimed at promoting diabetes self-management in ethnic minority groups are effective. The aim of this work was to systematically review the effectiveness of educational programs to promote the self-management of racial/ethnic minority groups with type 2 diabetes, and to identify programs' characteristics associated with greater success. METHODS We undertook a systematic literature review. Specific searches were designed and implemented for Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, ISI Web of Knowledge, Scirus, Current Contents and nine additional sources (from inception to October 2012). We included experimental and quasi-experimental studies assessing the impact of educational programs targeted to racial/ethnic minority groups with type 2 diabetes. We only included interventions conducted in countries members of the OECD. Two reviewers independently screened citations. Structured forms were used to extract information on intervention characteristics, effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness. When possible, we conducted random-effects meta-analyses using standardized mean differences to obtain aggregate estimates of effect size with 95% confidence intervals. Two reviewers independently extracted all the information and critically appraised the studies. RESULTS We identified thirty-seven studies reporting on thirty-nine educational programs. Most of them were conducted in the US, with African American or Latino participants. Most programs obtained some benefits over standard care in improving diabetes knowledge, self-management behaviors and clinical outcomes. A meta-analysis of 20 randomized controlled trials (3,094 patients) indicated that the programs produced a reduction in glycated hemoglobin of -0.31% (95% CI -0.48% to -0.14%). Diabetes knowledge and self-management measures were too heterogeneous to pool. Meta-regressions showed larger reduction in glycated hemoglobin in individual and face to face delivered interventions, as well as in those involving peer educators, including cognitive reframing techniques, and a lower number of teaching methods. The long-term effects remain unknown and cost-effectiveness was rarely estimated. CONCLUSIONS Diabetes self-management educational programs targeted to racial/ethnic minority groups can produce a positive effect on diabetes knowledge and on self-management behavior, ultimately improving glycemic control. Future programs should take into account the key characteristics identified in this review.


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BACKGROUND It has been identified differences of medical care practice in primary care related to physician's sex. Simultaneously, there are gender inequalities in the assignment of health resources. Both aspects give rise to an increasing growing interest in the management and provision of health services. OBJECTIVES To examine the differences in the referral practice made by female and male primary care physicians working in health centers in Andalusia, to consider whether there are disparities in referrals received by men and women, and to examine the interaction between patient's sex and physician's sex. METHODS Observational, cross-sectional, and multicenter study. POPULATION 4 health districts in Andalucía and their physicians. SAMPLE 382 physicians. MEASUREMENTS referral rate per visit (RV), referral rate per patient quota (RQ), patient's sex, physician: sex, age, postgraduate family medicine specialty, size of the patient quota by sex, mean number of patients/day by sex, mean age of the patient quota by sex, and proportion of men in the quota. Health center: urban / rural, size of the team, enrolled population, and postgraduate family medicine specialty's accreditation. SOURCES databases of health districts. PERIOD OF STUDY 2010. ANALYSIS Bivariate and multivariate multilevel analysis of the referral rate per visit with mixed Poisson model. RESULTS In 2010 382 physicians made 129,161 referrals to specialized care. The RQ was 23.47 and the RV was 4.92. The RQ in women and men was 27.23 and 19.78 for women physicians, being 27.37 and 19.51 for male physicians. The RV in women and men was 4.92 and 5.48 for women physicians, being 4.54 and 4.93 for male physicians. CONCLUSION There are no differences in referral according to physician's sex. However, there are signs that might indicate the existence of gender inequality, and women patient received less referrals. There are no physician-patient's sex interaction.


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BACKGROUND Compared to food patterns, nutrient patterns have been rarely used particularly at international level. We studied, in the context of a multi-center study with heterogeneous data, the methodological challenges regarding pattern analyses. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS We identified nutrient patterns from food frequency questionnaires (FFQ) in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) Study and used 24-hour dietary recall (24-HDR) data to validate and describe the nutrient patterns and their related food sources. Associations between lifestyle factors and the nutrient patterns were also examined. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied on 23 nutrients derived from country-specific FFQ combining data from all EPIC centers (N = 477,312). Harmonized 24-HDRs available for a representative sample of the EPIC populations (N = 34,436) provided accurate mean group estimates of nutrients and foods by quintiles of pattern scores, presented graphically. An overall PCA combining all data captured a good proportion of the variance explained in each EPIC center. Four nutrient patterns were identified explaining 67% of the total variance: Principle component (PC) 1 was characterized by a high contribution of nutrients from plant food sources and a low contribution of nutrients from animal food sources; PC2 by a high contribution of micro-nutrients and proteins; PC3 was characterized by polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin D; PC4 was characterized by calcium, proteins, riboflavin, and phosphorus. The nutrients with high loadings on a particular pattern as derived from country-specific FFQ also showed high deviations in their mean EPIC intakes by quintiles of pattern scores when estimated from 24-HDR. Center and energy intake explained most of the variability in pattern scores. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE The use of 24-HDR enabled internal validation and facilitated the interpretation of the nutrient patterns derived from FFQs in term of food sources. These outcomes open research opportunities and perspectives of using nutrient patterns in future studies particularly at international level.