1000 resultados para Diagnóstico viral
The interaction of man with viral agents was possibly a key factor shaping human evolution, culture and civilization from its outset. Evidence of the effect of disease, since the early stages of human speciation, through pre-historical times to the present suggest that the types of viruses associated with man changed in time. As human populations progressed technologically, they grew in numbers and density. As a consequence different viruses found suitable conditions to thrive and establish long-lasting associations with man. Although not all viral agents cause disease and some may in fact be considered beneficial, the present situation of overpopulation, poverty and ecological inbalance may have devastating effets on human progress. Recently emerged diseases causing massive pandemics (eg., HIV-1 and HCV, dengue, etc.) are becoming formidable challenges, which may have a direct impact on the fate of our species.
Estudi retrospectiu de les troballes ecogràfiques abdominals en 37 bebés menors de 5 mesos amb icterícia colestásica amb revisió de les dades clíniques, patológiques i d´imatge desde l´any 2000 al 2010. L´ecografia es l´estudi d´imatge inicial i es imprescindible distinguir entre les dues entitats més freqüents: atresia de vies biliars i hepatitis neonatal idiopàtica. Les troballes referides a la vesícula, arteria hepàtica i a les característiques del fetge van ser estadísticamente significatives. La valoració conjunta de les mateixes demostra que l´ecografia abdominal és una eina imprescindible per el diagnóstic de l´atresia de vies biliars.
Evaluar la utilidad de 75SeHCAT como prueba de primera línea en el diagnóstica en el síndrome diarreico crónico (SDC). Se estudiaron prospectivamente 47 pacientes. En todos se midió la retención abdominal a los 7 días post-administración 75SeHCAT (RA7). Los pacientes con prueba alterada se evaluo la respuesta a la resincolestiramina y se realizó un nuevo test a los 3 meses. çEn nuestro estudio se objetivo que la medición de la RA7 de 75SeHCAT permite un diagnóstico precoz de la malabsorción de sales biliares en el 42.5 % de pacientes con SDC.
The western region of the Brazilian Amazon Basin has long been shown to be a highly endemic area for hepatitis B and hepatitis D viruses. Data concerning the prevalence of hepatitis C and E viruses in this region are still scarce. In this study we investigated the presence of hepatitis A, B, C, D and E viruses infection in communities that live along the Purus and Acre rivers in the states of Acre and Amazonas within the Amazon Basin. A total of 349 blood samples were collected and tested for hepatitis A-E serological markers (antibodies and/or antigens) using commercial enzyme linked immunosorbent assays. Anti-HCV positive sera were further assayed by an immunoblot. HBsAg positive sera were subtyped by immunodifusion. The overall prevalence for hepatitis A, B, C, and E were 93.7%, 66.1%, 1.7%, and 4%, respectively. A very high prevalence of delta hepatitis (66.6%) was found among HBsAg positive subjects. Hepatitis A, B and D viruses were shown to be largely disseminated in this population, while hepatitis C and E viruses infection presented low prevalence rates in this region. The analysis of risk factors for HBV infection demonstrated that transmission was closely associated with sexual activity.
A seroprevalence study was carried out among a group of women in Rio de Janeiro to determine the prevalence of different markers for viral hepatitis given the limited data among healthy populations. Blood samples collected and tested from 874 women before or after delivery in a public county maternity hospital demonstrated age to be directly related to markers for hepatitis A virus and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection. The prevalence of HBV and hepatitis C virus infection were lower than that observed in the blood donor population and might be explained by the younger age group and gender.
Objectiu. Analitzar l’impacte de la immunoquimioteràpia antilimfomatosa en l’estat immunològic i virològic a llarg termini dels pacients amb leucèmia/limfoma de Burkitt i infecció pel virus de la immunodeficiència humana (VIH). Pacients y mètode. Dels 25 pacients VIH positius inclosos en l’assaig clínic BURKIMAB del grup cooperatiu PETHEMA entre juliol de 2003 i febrer de 2009, 14 van tenir un seguiment superior a un any. Tots ells van rebre teràpia antirretroviral de gran activitat durant i després de la immunoquimioteràpia. En aquests pacients es va avaluar la resposta virològica (CV & 50 còpies/mL) i immunològica (limfòcits CD4 & 200/L), així com els events tardans relacionats amb el VIH. Resultats. Tretze pacients (93%) eren homes, amb una mediana d’edat de 37 (extrems 31-54) anys. El seguiment medià dels 14 pacients va ser de 37 mesos, (extrems 13-43). Tres (21%) presentaven una resposta immunològica i virològica al TARGA en el moment del diagnòstic de la LB i tots ells van romandre en aquesta situació després de completar la immunoquimioteràpia i durant el seguiment a llarg termini. Quatre (29%) pacients en resposta immunològica però amb càrrega viral detectable en el moment del diagnòstic van assolir la resposta virològica i la van mantenir. Finalment, 5/7 (71%) pacients amb infecció pel VIH no controlada en el moment del diagnòstic van assolir i mantenir la resposta immunològica i virològica després de la immunoquimioteràpia. Després d’un seguiment de 496 pacients-any no s’ha reportat cap pèrdua de resposta al tractament amb TARGA. S’han diagnosticat 4 infeccions associades al VIH: infeccions por micobactèries (2), gastroenteritis de repetició per Blastocystis hominis i sífilis. Un pacient va desenvolupar un sarcoma de Kaposi. Fins la data no s’ha produït cap mort en aquests pacients. Conclusions: La immunoquimioteràpia en els pacients afectes de LB i infecció pel VIH no ha afectat negativament a la resposta virològica ni immunològica obtinguda amb el TARGA y s’ha associat a una baixa incidència d’events relacionats amb el VIH.
La citologia anal és un mètode sensible en el despistatge de la neoplàsia de canal anal i similar a la biòpsia dirigida mitjançant rectoscopi i tinció amb àcid acètic al 5%, sobretot en lesions d’alt grau de malignitat; a més de ser una prova adequada en el seguiment d’aquestes lesions. Els pacients VIH homes que tenen sexe amb altres homes tenen major incidència i prevalència de virus papiloma humà i major nombre d’anormalitats en la mucosa del canal anal que els VIH negatius.
L'objectiu va ser avaluar la persistència de resposta viral sostinguda als 5 anys de seguiment en pacients amb hepatitis crònica per virus C tractats amb interferó pegilat i ribavirina. Des d'agost de 2001 fins a maig de 2004, es van incloure tots els pacients del nostre centre tractats amb interferó pegilat i ribavirina que van assolir resposta viral sostinguda. Es van recollir dades demogràfiques, histològiques, bioquímics i virològiques durant el tractament i als 5 anys d'haver obtingut la resposta viral sostinguda. Només un dels pacients va presentar recurrència virològica (taxa de recurrència viral a llarg termini molt baixa).
The present study was conducted to investigate a possible correlation between plasma (PVL) and seminal viral load (SVL) on treatment-naïve HIV-1-infected patients in Vitória, ES, Brazil. We also evaluated whether the progressive immunosuppression associated with HIV disease (as evidenced by declining CD4 T cell counts) has any impact on the correlation between PVL and SVL HIV-1. Viral load on paired blood and semen samples from 56 consecutive treatment-naïve patients were evaluated and compared to CD4 cell counts. Viral load and T cell counts (cells/µl) were determined by NASBA and by flow cytometry, respectively. Overall, a strong positive correlation between PVL and SVL (rho = 0.438, p = 0.001) was observed. However, when patients were grouped according to their CD4 counts, this correlation was only significant among patients with CD4 counts > 200 cells/µl. Results presented here demonstrate the existence of a strong correlation between PVL and SVL on patients with CD4 cell counts > 200 cells/µl, suggesting that this association may correlate with disease progression.
L'objectiu de l'estudi ha estat conèixer l'etiologia,característiques clíniques, tractament i evolució dels pacients diagnosticats de bronquiectàsies i controlats en el Servei de Pneumologia de l'H Llàtzer. Des de gener 2003 fins juny 2009 s'identifiquen 48 pacients, amb edat mitjana de 60 a. i predomini de dones. L'etiologia més freqüent va ser la post-infecciosa i P. aeruginosa el germen més habitual. El patró ventilatori dominant va ser el obstructiu. Després de 45 mesos de seguiment no es va apreciar deteriorament de la funció pulmonar, probablement relacionat amb el tractament antibiòtic i antiinflamatori en la colonització / infecció bronquial crònica. Paraules clau: bronquiectàsies, Pseudomona aeruginosa, Tomografia computada (TC) de tòrax.
We investigated the seroprevalence of hepatitis A virus (HAV) and hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection in subjects living in the community of Manguinhos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and assisted at the Health Unit of Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. After formal consent, individuals were submitted to an interview using a standardized questionnaire. Anti-HAV and anti-HEV antibodies were detected by ELISA. Statistical analysis was carried out using the Epi-Info 6.04b software, to investigate possible associations between serological markers and risk factors. Results were regarded as significant when p value < 0.05. Although a high prevalence of anti-HAV was observed (87%), almost 50% of subjects under the age of 10 were susceptible to HAV infection, an unexpected rate in endemic areas. This fact could be attributed to improvements in environmental sanitation, occurring in this area in the last years. The increasing proportion of susceptible people may result in outbreaks of HAV infection, since the virus still circulates in this area, as verified by the detection of anti-HAV IgM in some individuals. No statistical association was met between HAV infection and the risk factors here assessed. The anti-HEV IgG prevalence found in this population was 2.4%, consistent with the one found in non-endemic areas.
Acute respiratory infections (ARI) caused by respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) were studied in 482 children from Salvador, BA, Brazil, over a period of 12 months. The epidemic period of RSV infections in Salvador occurred from February (summer) to August (winter), with peaks in May, June, and July. The grouping characteristics of 84 RSV present in nasopharyngeal secretions of children seen at a reference university hospital were analyzed. RSV represented 17.4% of all cases and 54.5% of the positive samples. Sixty-four RSV strains were assigned to group A and 14 to group B. Both groups circulated in the five months of the epidemic period studied. Infections by both groups of RSV were more frequent in children up to one year of age. The incidence of RSV ARI was slightly more frequent in males, although group B had more infected females.
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Background: Recombinant viruses based on the attenuated vaccinia virus strain NYVAC are promising HIV vaccine candidates as phase I/II clinical trials have shown good safety and immunogenicity profiles. However, this NYVAC strain is non-replicating in most human cell lines and encodes viral inhibitors of the immune system. Methods: With the aim to increase the immune potency of the current NYVAC-C vector (expressing the codon optimized clade C HIV-1 genes encoding gp120 and Gag-Pol-Nef polyprotein), we have generated and characterized three NYVAC-C-based vectors by, 1) deletion of the viral type I IFN inhibitor gene (NYVAC-CdeltaB19R), 2) restoration of virus replication competence in human cells by re-inserting K1L and C7L host range genes (NYVAC-C-KC) and, 3) combination of both strategies (NYVACC- KC-deltaB19R). Results: Insertion of the KC fragment restored the replication competence of the viruses in human cells (HeLa cells and primary dermal fibroblasts and keratinocytes), increased the expression of HIV antigens by more than 3-fold compared to the non-replicating homologs, inhibited apoptosis induced by the parental NYVAC-C and retained attenuation in a newborn mouse model. In adult mice, replication-competent viruses showed a limited capacity to replicate in tissues surrounding the inoculation site (ovaries and lymph nodes). After infection of keratinocytes, PBMCs and dendritic cells these viruses induced differential modulation in specific host cell signal transduction pathways, triggering genes important in immune modulation. Conclusion: We have developed improved NYVAC-C-based vectors with enhanced HIV-1 antigen expression, with the ability to replicate in cultured human cells and partially in some tissues, with an induced expression of cellular genes relevant to immune system activation, and which trigger IFN-dependent and independent signalling pathways, while maintaining a safety phenotype. These new vectors are promising new HIV vaccine candidates. These studies were performed within the Poxvirus Tcell Vaccine Discovery Consortium (PTVDC) which is part of the CAVD program.
The biosynthesis of fusion-competent envelope glycoproteins (GPs) is a crucial step in productive viral infection. In this issue, Klaus et al. (2013) identify the cargo receptor endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-Golgi intermediate compartment 53 kDa protein (ERGIC-53) as a binding partner for viral GPs and a crucial cellular factor required for infectious virus production.