1000 resultados para Diabetes e gravidez


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OBJECTIVES: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is associated with considerable cardiovascular morbidity that has not yet been directly compared with other diseases with known cardiovascular risk. METHODS: Two hundred and forty-one patients of the multicentre Swiss SLE cohort study (SSCS) were cross-sectionally assessed for coronary heart disease (CHD), cerebrovascular disease (CVD) and peripheral artery disease (PAD). SLE patients were compared with a cohort of 193 patients with type-1 diabetes mellitus being followed at the University Hospital Basel. A subgroup analysis of 50 age- and sex-matched patients from the University Hospital Basel was performed. RESULTS: Of patients within the SSCS 13.3% had one or more vascular events: 8.3% CHD, 5% CVD and 1.2% PAD. In type-1 diabetes mellitus patients, 15% had vascular events: 9.3% CHD, 3.1% CVD and 5.6% PAD. In the matched subgroup, 26% of SLE patients had vascular events (14% CHD) compared with 12% in type-1 DM patients (2% CHD). Cardiovascular risk factors were similar in both groups. Vascular events in SLE patients were associated with age, longer disease duration, dyslipidaemia, and hypertension. CONCLUSION: Cardiovascular morbidity in SLE is at least as frequent as in age- and sex-matched type-1 diabetes mellitus patients. Therefore, aggressive screening and management of cardiovascular risk factors should be performed.


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of problems with treatment adherence among type-2 diabetic patients with regards to medication, dietary advice, and physical activity; to identify the associated clinical and psychosocial factors; and to investigate the degree of agreement between patient-perceived and GP-perceived adherence. METHODS: Consecutive patients were solicited during visits to 39 GPs. In total, 521 patients self-reported on treatment adherence, anxiety and depression, and disease perception. The GPs reported clinical and laboratory data and patients' adherence. A multivariate analysis identified the factors associated with adherence problems. RESULTS: Problems of adherence to medication, dietary advice, and physical activity recommendations were reported by 17%, 62%, and 47% of the patients, respectively. Six independent factors were found associated with adherence problems: young age, body-mass index (BMI) > 30 kg/m(2), glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA(1c)) > 8%, single life, depression, and perception of medication as a constraint. Agreement between patients' and GPs' assessments of treatment problems reached 70%. CONCLUSION: In type 2 diabetes, problems with dietary advice or physical activity are far more frequent than problems with medication, and not all physicians are fully aware of patients' problems. More active listening and shared decision-making should enhance adherence and improve outcomes.


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Rapport de synthèse : Introduction : plusieurs études observationnelles suggèrent qu'il existe une association entre le tabagisme actif et l'incidence du diabète de type 2. Toutefois de telles études n'ont jamais été synthétisées de façon systématique. Objectif : conduire une revue systématique avec meta-analyse des études évaluant l'association entre le tabagisme actif et l'incidence du diabète de type 2. Méthode : nous avons effectué une recherche dans les bases de donnée électroniques MEDLINE et EMBASE de 1966 à mai 2007, et l'avons complétée par une recherche manuelle des bibliographies des articles clés retenus ainsi que par la recherche d'abstracts de congrès scientifiques et le contact d'experts. Pour être inclues dans notre revue, les études devaient avoir un design de type cohorte, reporter un risque de glycémies jeun élevée, d'intolérance au glucose ou de diabète de type 2 en relation avec le statut tabagique des participants lors du recrutement et devaient exclure les sujets avec un diabète au début de l'étude. Deux auteurs ont sélectionné de façon indépendante les études et ont extrait les données. Les risques relatifs de diabète étaient ensuite compilés, utilisant un modèle de type « random effect ». Résultats : la recherche a aboutit à 25 études de cohorte prospectives (N=1'165'374 participants) et a reporté en tout 45'844 cas de diabète de type 2 pendant une durée de suivi s'étendant sur 5 à 30 années. Sur les 25 études, 24 reportaient un risque augmenté de diabète chez les fumeurs par comparaison aux non fumeurs. Le risque relatif (RR) commun de toutes les études était de 1.44 (intervalle de confiance (IC) à 95% : 1.31-1.58). Le risque de diabète était plus élevé chez les fumeurs de plus de 20 cigarettes par jour (RR : 1.61, IC 95% : 1.43-1.80) en comparaison aux fumeurs ayant une consommation inférieure (RR : 1.29, IC 95% : 1.13-1.48) et le risque était moindre pour les anciens fumeurs (RR :1.23; IC 95% : 1.14-1.33) comparé aux fumeurs actifs. Ces éléments parlent en faveur d'un effet dose-réponse et donc d'une relation de causalité, sans pour autant la prouver. Conclusion : notre étude révèle que le tabagisme actif est associé avec un risque augmenté de 44% de diabète de type 2. Des recherches futures sont nécessaires pour évaluer si cette association est causale et pour clarifier les mécanismes d'action. Dans l'intervalle, les professionnels de santé devraient mentionner l'éviction du diabète comme une raison supplémentaire d'arrêter de fumer ou de ne pas commencer à fumer.


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Progressive destruction of the insulin-producing beta cells in nonobese diabetic mice is observed after infiltration of the pancreas with lymphocytes [Makino, S., Kunimoto, K., Muraoka, Y., Mizushima, Y., Katagiri, K. & Tochino, Y. (1980) Exp. Anim. (Tokyo) 29, 1-13]. We show that the genes for tumor necrosis factor alpha and granzyme A, a serine protease associated with cytoplasmic granules of cytotoxic cells, are expressed during the development of spontaneous diabetes mellitus in the nonobese diabetic mouse. Granzyme A-positive cells are found both in and surrounding the islets, implying induction prior to islet infiltration. Tumor necrosis factor alpha expression is exclusively observed in the intra-islet infiltrate, predominantly in lymphocytes adjacent to insulin-producing beta cells, the targets of the autoimmune destruction, implying that tumor necrosis factor alpha expression is induced locally--i.e., in the islet. A considerable portion of cells expressing tumor necrosis factor alpha appear to be CD4+ T cells. This T-cell subset was previously shown to be necessary for development of the disease. Thus, these findings may be important for understanding the pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes mellitus and potentially also for that of other T-cell-mediated autoimmune diseases.


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BACKGROUND. Glomerular hyperfiltration (GHF) is a well-recognized early renal alteration in diabetic patients. As the prevalence of GHF is largely unknown in populations in the African region with respect to normal fasting glucose (NFG), impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and type 2 diabetes [diabetes mellitus (DM)], we conducted a cross-sectional study in the Seychelles islands among families including at least one member with hypertension. METHODS. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR), effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) and proximal tubular sodium reabsorption were measured using inulin, p-aminohippurate (PAH) and endogenous lithium clearance, respectively. Twenty-four-hour urine was collected on the preceding day. RESULTS. Of the 363 participants (mean age 44.7 years), 6.6% had IFG, 9.9% had DM and 63.3% had hypertension. The prevalence of GHF, defined as a GFR >140 ml/min, was 17.2%, 29.2% and 52.8% in NFG, IFG and DM, respectively (P trend <0.001). Compared to NFG, the adjusted odds ratio for GHF was 1.99 [95% confidence interval (CI) 0.73-5.44] for IFG and 5.88 (2.39-14.45) for DM. Lithium clearance and fractional excretion of lithium were lower in DM and IFG than NFG (P < 0.001). CONCLUSION. In this population of African descent, subjects with impaired fasting glucose or type 2 diabetes had a high prevalence of GHF and enhanced proximal sodium reabsorption. These findings provide further insight on the elevated incidence of nephropathy reported among African diabetic individuals.


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Smoking, obesity and diabetes are among the leading cause of premature death worldwide. Smokers have globally a lower body weight compared with non smokers but they tend to accumulate more fat in the abdomen. Most smokers gain weight when they quit smoking, however this does not seem to diminish the health benefits associated with smoking cessation. Smoking increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Among people with diabetes, smoking significantly increases the risks of complications and mortality. Interventions with pharmacologic help should be offered to all smokers, with or without diabetes, in order to increase smoking cessation rates and limit weight gain.


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Background and objective: Optimal care of diabetic patients (DPs) decreases the risk of complications. Close blood glucose monitoring can improve patient outcomes and shorten hospital stay. The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the treatment of hospitalized DPs according to the current standards, including their diabetic treatment and drugs to prevent diabetes related complications [=guardian drugs: angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) or Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers (ARB), antiplatelet drugs, statins]. Guidelines of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) [1] were used as reference as they were the most recent and exhaustive for hospital care. Design: Observational pilot study: analysis of the medical records of all DPs seen by the clinical pharmacists during medical rounds in different hospital units. An assessment was made by assigning points for fulfilling the different criteria according to ADA and then by dividing the total by the maximum achievable points (scale 0-1; 1 = all criteria fulfilled). Setting: Different Internal Medicine and Geriatric Units of the (multi-site) Ho^pital du Valais. Main outcome measures: - Completeness of diabetes-related information: type of diabetes, medical history, weight, albuminuria status, renal function, blood pressure, (recent) lipid profile. - Management of blood glucose: Hb1Ac, glycemic control, plan for treating hyper-/hypoglycaemia. - Presence of guardian drugs if indicated. Results: Medical records of 42 patients in 10 different units were analysed (18 women, 24 men, mean age 75.4 ± 11 years). 41 had type 2 diabetes. - Completeness of diabetes-related information: 0.8 ± 0.1. Information often missing: insulin-dependence (43%) and lipid profile (86%). - Management of blood glucose: 0.5 ± 0.2. 15 patients had suboptimal glycemic balance (target glycaemia 7.2-11.2 mmol/ l, with values[11.2 or\3.8 mmol/l, or Hb1Ac[7%), 10 patients had a deregulated balance (more than 10 values[11.2 mmol/l or \3.8 mmol/l and even values[15 mmol/l). - Presence of guardian drugs if indicated: ACEI/ARB: 19 of 23 patients (82.6%), statin: 16 of 40 patients (40%), antiplatelet drug: 16 of 39 patients (41%). Conclusions: Blood glucose control was insufficient in many DPs and prescription of statins and antiplatelet drugs was often missing. If confirmed by a larger study, these two points need to be optimised. As it is not always possible and appropriate to make those changes during hospital stay, a further project should assess and optimise diabetes care across both inpatient and outpatient settings.


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The control of body weight and of blood glucose concentrations depends on the exquisite coordination of the function of several organs and tissues, in particular the liver, muscle and fat. These organs and tissues have major roles in the use and storage of nutrients in the form of glycogen or triglycerides and in the release of glucose or free fatty acids into the blood, in periods of metabolic needs. These mechanisms are tightly regulated by hormonal and nervous signals, which are generated by specialized cells that detect variations in blood glucose or lipid concentrations. The hormones insulin and glucagon not only regulate glycemic levels through their action on these organs and the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system, which are activated by glucose or lipid sensors, but also modulate pancreatic hormone secretion and liver, muscle and fat glucose and lipid metabolism. Other signaling molecules, such as the adipocyte hormones leptin and adiponectin, have circulating plasma concentrations that reflect the level of fat stored in adipocytes. These signals are integrated at the level of the hypothalamus by the melanocortin pathway, which produces orexigenic and anorexigenic neuropeptides to control feeding behavior, energy expenditure and glucose homeostasis. Work from several laboratories, including ours, has explored the physiological role of glucose as a signal that regulates these homeostatic processes and has tested the hypothesis that the mechanism of glucose sensing that controls insulin secretion by the pancreatic beta-cells is also used by other cell types. I discuss here evidence for these mechanisms, how they integrate signals from other nutrients such as lipids and how their deregulation may initiate metabolic diseases.


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The thermogenic response to a 100 g oral glucose load was measured prospectively (by indirect calorimetry) in three groups of obese subjects: (1) normal glucose tolerance (n = 12, initial weight 86.4 +/- 3.9 kg, BMI 30.4 +/- 1.1 kg/m2; (2) impaired glucose tolerance (n = 8, initial weight 105.3 +/- 7.6 kg, body mass index (BMI) 37.6 +/- 2.9 kg/m2; (3) diabetes (n = 12), initial weight 102.1 +/- 5.3 kg, BMI 36.2 +/- 2.0 kg/m2). The thermogenic response to glucose averaged 6.8 +/- 1.1 and 7.0 +/- 1.0 per cent, in the two non-diabetic obese groups respectively, and was significantly lower in the obese diabetic group (3.1 +/- 0.8 per cent). With the evolution of obesity (i.e. 6 years later), the glucose-induced thermogenesis (GIT) was significantly reduced in the non-diabetic groups (P less than 0.05) to 4.1 +/- 0.8 and 3.0 +/- 1.1 per cent respectively, and was still blunted in the diabetic group (2.1 +/- 0.7 per cent). The decrease in GIT was accompanied by a reduction in glucose tolerance and insulin response with no change in fasting plasma insulin. These effects were observed despite the fact that the body weight of the subject did not change significantly over the 6-year period. It is concluded that the decrease in GIT which accompanies the worsening of glucose tolerance and the occurrence of diabetes is a mechanism which may contribute to maintain the obesity state by a reduction of energy expenditure.