919 resultados para Development of education
Tese de Doutoramento Biologia Molecular e Ambiental - Especialidade em Biologia Celular e Saúde
Polymer based wicking structures were fabricated by sintering powders of polycarbonate (PC), ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene and polyamide 12, aiming at selecting a suitable material for an innovative electroencephalography (EEG) bio-electrode. Preliminary experiments showed that PC based wicks displayed the best mechanical properties, therefore more detailed studies were carried out with PC to evaluate the influence of powder granulometry and processing parameters (pressure, temperature and time) on the mechanical properties, porosity, mean pore radius and permeability of the wicks. It was concluded that the mechanical properties are significantly enhanced by increasing the processing time and pressure, although at the expense of a significant decrease of porosity and mean pore diameter (and thus permeability), particularly for the highest applied pressures (74kPa). However, a good compromise between porosity/permeability and mechanical properties could be obtained by sintering PC powders of particle sizes below 500μm at 165°C for 5min, upon an applied pressure of 56kPa. Moreover, PC proved to be chemically stable in contact with an EEG common used disinfectant. Thus, wicking structures with appropriate properties for the fabrication of reusable bio-electrodes could be fabricated from the sintering of PC powders.
The usual high cost of commercial codes, and some technical limitations, clearly limits the employment of numerical modelling tools in both industry and academia. Consequently, the number of companies that use numerical code is limited and there a lot of effort put on the development and maintenance of in-house academic based codes. Having in mind the potential of using numerical modelling tools as a design aid, of both products and processes, different research teams have been contributing to the development of open source codes/libraries. In this framework, any individual can take advantage of the available code capabilities and/or implement additional features based on his specific needs. These type of codes are usually developed by large communities, which provide improvements and new features in their specific fields of research, thus increasing significantly the code development process. Among others, OpenFOAM® multi-physics computational library, developed by a very large and dynamic community, nowadays comprises several features usually only available in their commercial counterparts; e.g. dynamic meshes, large diversity of complex physical models, parallelization, multiphase models, to name just a few. This computational library is developed in C++ and makes use of most of all language capabilities to facilitate the implementation of new functionalities. Concerning the field of computational rheology, OpenFOAM® solvers were recently developed to deal with the most relevant differential viscoelastic rheological models, and stabilization techniques are currently being verified. This work describes the implementation of a new solver in OpenFOAM® library, able to cope with integral viscoelastic models based on the deformation field method. The implemented solver is verified through the comparison of the predicted results with analytical solutions, results published in the literature and by using the Method of Manufactured Solutions.
[Excerpt] The advantages resulting from the use of numerical modelling tools to support the design of processing equipment are almost consensual. The design of calibration systems in profile extrusion is not an exception . H owever , the complex geome tries and heat exchange phenomena involved in this process require the use of numerical solvers able to model the heat exchange in more than one domain ( calibrator and polymer), the compatibilization of the heat transfer at the profile - calibrator interface and with the ability to deal with complex geometries. The combination of all these features is usually hard to find in commercial software. Moreover , the dimension of the meshes required to ob tain accurate results, result in computational times prohibitive for industrial application. (...)
The MAP-i Doctoral Program of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto
[Extrat] Currently there is a growing interest in the development of eco-efficient bio-based packaging, being active, smart and intelligent packaging the most highlighted among various innovations. Intelligent packaging has the ability to detect and mark, in real time, changes that might occur within the package/in the food product. Their main purpose is to help the consumer decide whether to buy a certain food product, ensuring that when it is bought it has not suffered significant changes influencing its quality and safety. (...)
Magnetoelectric microspheres based on piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and magnetrostrictive CoFe2O4 (CFO), a novel morphology for polymer-based ME material, have been developed by an electrospray process. The CFO nanoparticles content in the (3-7 μm diameter) microspheres reaches values up to 27 wt.%, despite their concentration in the starting solution reaching values up to 70 wt.%. Additionally, the inclusion of magnetostrictive nanoparticles into the polymer spheres has no relevant effect on the piezoelectric β-phase content (≈60%), crystallinity (40%) and the onset degradation temperature (460º-465ºC) of the polymer matrix. The multiferroic microspeheres show a maximum piezoelectric reponse |d33|≈30 pC.N-1, leading to a magnetoelectric response of Δ|d33|≈5 pC.N-1 obtained when a 220 mT DC magnetic field was applied. It is also shown that the interface between CFO nanoparticles and PVDF (from 0 to 55%) has a strong influence on the ME response of the microspheres. The simplicity and the scalability of the processing method suggest a large application potential of this novel magnetoelectric geometry in areas such as tissue engineering, sensors and actuators.
[Excerpt] Bone tissue engineering is a very challenging and promising field, which handles with the limitations of bone regenerative capacity and the failure of current orthopedic implants [1]. This work describes the preparation and characterization of an injectable dextrin-based hydrogel (oDex) able to incorporate nanoparticles, cells, biomolecules or Bonelike~ granules [2]. (...)
Concrete is the primary construction material for civil infrastructures and generally consists of cement, coarse aggregates, sand, admixtures and water. Cementitious materials are characterized by quasi-brittle behaviour and susceptible to cracking [1]. The cracking process within concrete begins with isolated nano-cracks, which then conjoin to form micro-cracks and in turn macro-cracks. Formation and growth of cracks lead to loss of mechanical performance with time and also make concrete accessible to water and other degrading agents such as CO2, chlorides, sulfates, etc. leading to strength loss and corrosion of steel rebars. To improve brittleness of concrete, reinforcements such as polymeric as well as glass and carbon fibers have been used and microfibers improved the mechanical properties significantly by delaying (but could not stop) the transformation of micro-cracks into macro forms [2]. This fact encouraged the use of nano-sized fillers in concrete to prevent the growth of nano-cracks transforming in to micro and macro forms. Nanoparticles like SiO2, Fe2O3, and TiO2 led to considerable improvement in mechanical performance and moreover, nano-TiO2 helped to remove organic pollutants from concrete surfaces [3].
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Industrial
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Biomédica (área de especialização em Engenharia Clínica)
In the present work we explored the ABP-CM4 peptide properties from Bombyx mori for the creation of biopolymers with broad antimicrobial activity. An antimicrobial recombinant protein-based polymer (rPBP) was designed by cloning the DNA sequence coding for ABP-CM4 in frame with the N-terminus of the elastin-like recombinamer consisting of 200 repetitions of the pentamer VPAVG, here named A200. The new rPBP, named CM4-A200, was purified via a simplified nonchromatographic method, making use of the thermoresponsive behavior of the A200 polymer. ABP-CM4 peptide was also purified through the incorporation of a formic acid cleavage site between the peptide and the A200 sequence. In soluble state the antimicrobial activity of both CM4-A200 polymer and ABP-CM4 peptide was poorly effective. However, when the CM4-A200 polymer was processed into free-standing films high antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi was observed. The antimicrobial activity of CM4-A200 was dependent on the physical contact of cells with the film surface. Furthermore, CM4-A200 films did not reveal a cytotoxic effect against both normal human skin fibroblasts and human keratinocytes. Finally, we have developed an optimized ex vivo assay with pig skin demonstrating the antimicrobial properties of the CM4-A200 cast films for skin applications.