863 resultados para Desemprego involuntário


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The study is about the non-insertion of the Social Assistant in the work market of Natal/RN, emphasizing the perception those Social Assistants have about this problem. We try to analyze the relation that those workers figure out about their non-insertion in the work market and their professional formation. The problem is related to the present unemployment rates in our society, which results of the changes that have affected the world of work as a whole in the wake of the Productive Restructuring and State Reformation supported by the neo-liberalism ideological system. We realize that these factors have deeply affected the configurations of the work market in general; especially those related to professions whose challenges multiply obstacles not only to the insertion of new workers, but to their staying in their job. We note that the reality of the work market has been built up on the decrease of the work force opportunities and the increase of the selectivity criteria to insertion of new workers. In consequence, unemployment rates increase everywhere, regardless of place, profession or education level of the workers. Work and management changes have brought about new challenges to professional formation. The presence of neo-liberalism productive and market logic demands a more adequate professional formation to work market from their candidates to a job. Due to the numberless difficulties workers face nowadays to enter the world of work, society itself and workers in general begin to question the profession of their choice, the kind of formation they have got, and frequently they lay the blame of their professional difficulties on it. This result has come out from the research we did with some social assistants not inserted in the professional work market in Natal/RN. The research reveals too that those unemployed professionals see their difficulties connected to their professional formation and they happen to say that the main challenge they face today is to get acknowledgment to the significance and importance of their profession


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This paper discusses the expression of informality in contemporary capitalism. Thematic of relevance to the analysis of the reality of work today and the logic that moves the capital, its real presence in the lives of individuals. The street trading of Pau dos Ferros town, popularly known as "street market" was chosen as the search space. The main objective is to seize and examine the articulations and logic, present in the configuration of the street trading of this city, located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, explaining the functionality of informality for capitalist accumulation, but also for the reproduction of segments of the working class. Our analysis is based in the perspective of totality, trying to grasp the historical determinations of the phenomenon in focus. It includes the analysis of the mechanisms used by the capital to reproduce itself in the current historical context, which has been implicated in the composition of the labor markets of different countries and in various forms of exploitation to which workers in general are subject. It also means discussing the development of capitalism in Brazil, the logic that permeates its dependence, and especially the use of over-exploitation of labor, as a lever for internal accumulation. The course of investigation consisted of theoretical research to form the basis of theoretical and methodological analysis and to outline the context in which our research object is inserted, and field research conducted in two phases: systematic observation, which allowed to map traders features and the infrastructure of commerce, and the conduction of interviews with key informants. The material collected was scrutinized according to analytical scheme inspired by the content analysis. Among the main considerations developed from the research process we include: the street trading of Pau dos Ferros remains shrouded in the majority sale of agricultural products, this demonstrates the structural characteristics of the region. However, the supply of this product is no longer restricted to the excess of small local producers. The presence of the dealer changed the distribution of the product, streamlining it. In parallel, business practices are developed, practices in which traded goods (industrial) reflect the moment of capitalist restoration, a larger business network. The reflections also made it possible to show that street trading follows developing on the basis of informal work, which gains functionality to the system, as it is configured as a space commonly used to drain part of the production, of industries (clothing/shoes), especially if the distribution is considered as an essential element of the complex process that aims at capital appreciation. This activity has been functioning as a place of employment and income generation for the subjects who are away from formal employment, masking, this way, unemployment, moreover, they allow them to continue as consumers. Such expressions reflect the ability and the logic of capital to expand and aggregate into so many realities. It is underway today, the logic that has led many workers to join the project of domination of capital, by the illusory chance to become capitalists. The aim has been to turn the subject into a consumer and the worker an enterprising


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The thesis presented here is of interest management to analyze the performance of the State, through the materialization of the professional courses, the process of integration of users CRAS-Pajuçara informal. Therefore, we assume that poverty and inequality reach a significant portion of the world population, in a context where the working class family is seen as an alternative to face the multiple expressions of social issues. Thus, before the changes of Productive Restructuring, marked by flexibility, outsourcing and casualization of labor relations in the world, the working class family must find ways to ensure their survival. In this direction, we discuss the advances, limitations and challenges posed to the Social Assistance Policy in contemporary, situating this context, the role of the state. Furthermore, we discussed the functionality of informality to the capitalist system, showing how capital appropriates of informal work, placing it in its logic, and thus makes the capital-labor ratio increasingly predatory, inhuman and unequal. The methodological procedures for the preparation of this study constitute a literature and documentary, beyond 10 semi-structured interviews directed to users of CRAS-Pajuçara, participants of training courses for the period 2010-2011. In light of the critical-dialectical rationality, and in a context where informal work has increasingly been co-opted as an alternative to huge unemployment in the same direction in which the welfare rises in tackling social inequality, the scope of this study, discusses and reveals the truths and misconceptions that surround this bourgeois discourse, in times of crisis of capital, the city of Natal, Brazil


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O objetivo do artigo é tratar das mutações sociais que ocorrem no mundo do trabalho a partir da era neoliberal no Brasil. Examina-se a precarização do trabalho como sendo elemento compositivo do novo metabolismo social que emerge com a reestruturação produtiva do capital e a constituição do Estado neoliberal. Apresenta-se como bases objetivas da precarização do trabalho, a intensificação (e ampliação) da exploração (e espoliação) da força de trabalho, o desmonte de coletivos de trabalho e de resistência sindical-corporativa; assim como a fragmentação social nas cidades em virtude do crescimento exacerbado do desemprego em massa.


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La santé et la maladie sont des objets de préoccupation dans la société. Tout au long de l'histoire de l'humanité, ils ont été traités sous différents yeux. La géographie est une façon de comprendre les processus liés à des questions de santé et de maladie, de façon privilégiée dans le but d'être une science concernées par la zone géographique où cela implique non seulement une structure de la matière, mais les personnes et les flux découlant de la relation est établie Entre la société et la nature. Un lien est établi entre l'organisation spatiale de la santé-maladie est au c ur de ce travail, avec la coupe Guarapes espace du quartier, situé dans l'ouest de la Région administrative de Natal (plus bolsão pauvreté de la ville) pour la période correspondante de la 1990 par 2004 (jalon important pour le bien et la dynamique des populations de la zone d'étude) et de réduire le temps de la recherche. Au cours de l'analyse procède à l'étude des formes de production et d'organisation de l'espace vécu. Depuis comprendre le quotidien des personnes souffrant d'un réseau de relations, motivés par les besoins et la solidarité qui génèrent des formes et des contenus qui façonnent l'aire géographique. Sur la base de revue de la littérature, la recherche empirique à travers la réalisation des feuilles de route des entretiens avec le représentant des gens du quartier (résidents, des dirigeants communautaires, des coordonnateurs pédagogiques, des infirmières et des agents de santé de la PSF). Outre les visites effectuées à l'Agence de régulation des services d'assainissement de la municipalité de Noël - ARSBAN, le Secrétariat spécial pour l'Environnement et Urbanisme - SEMURB, secrétaire du Travail et de la protection sociale SEMTAS, Secrétariat municipal de la santé - SMS. Sur la base de l'espace vécu voir que les éléments du quotidien local exercer une forte influence sur la santé et La maladie de la population étudiée, avec un accent sur les problèmes découlant de chômage, sous-emploi, l'insécurité et un manque d'assiduité de certains responsables de l'USF - Guarapes. La production et l'organisation de la région convergent à l'apparition de maisons, les rues et les petits commerces non équipés de l'infrastructure de base dédiée à la prise en charge des personnes favorables à l'occupation désordonnée et non planifiée pour plusieurs zones du district, ainsi que l'apparition De vecteurs transmetteurs de maladies


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In view of the diversity and the heterogeneity of the existing cities in Brazil, our approach refers to the urban and non-metropolitan areas. Aiming to foment the studies on small cities e to apprehend the sociospatial configuration of the urban environment in such cities, this piece of work elaborates and analyzes the urban profile of the small cities of the Agreste Potiguar region, using as a theoretical reference landmark the production of the urban and regional space, from the decade of 1970 to 2000. Starting from this reference, this piece of work presents an urban sociospatial characterization of the small cities of the Agreste Potiguar region, with emphasis on the economic framework, on the population dynamics, on the main social data, culminating in the main characteristics of the local daily life. The study of the small cities of the Agreste Potiguar region makes it possible the comprehension of the problems that involve the cities of this size, above all, those inserted in economically fragile regions. In the analyzed period, the changes occurred in the productive structure of the State of Rio Grande do Norte triggered a great crisis in the economy of the Agreste Potiguar region. This aspect, allied to the insufficient performance of the public power, contributed to the sprouting of some sociospatial problems, amongst which may be distinguished: the economic fragility, the generalized unemployment, the lack of security and the urban infrastructure absence sufficient to take care of the social demand. Even facing the existing problems, the small cities must be seen as potential spaces, capable to promote the regional development. To do so, it is necessary a process of democratization of the public administration, an ample popular participation and the establishment of a new urban policy, that aims at the social promotion of the individuals, the guarantee of basic necessities and the access to the necessary services to a dignified life


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The study in screen it has as objective the understanding of the space circuit of production and the circles of cooperation of the soy that if develop in the Maranhão in the technician-scientific-informational period. Characterized for the material and incorporeal flows if they develop in the Maranhão, from the moment where it had a process of integration of the maranhense territory while peripheral space of the capitalist dynamics, that if gave through the politics of regional integration created by the State, but when it had a process of selective modernization, also partial and conservative of the agriculture, that made possible the significant increase of the production and reproduction of the capital. The study sample that with the advent of the soy, had a concentration of the production techniques, mainly in the agricultural region of Balsas, due to bigger it offers of lands, time of implantation of the culture, technique accumulated in the production, whereas in the agricultural region of Chapadinha, these indices still are without representation. Moreover, the intensification of the agricultural credit, the agrarian politics and tax incentives are elements that have propitiated increase of the production of the soy. The development of the space circuit and circles of cooperation of the soy, a side, create new forces politics in the Maranhão that can result in the creation of a new state, the other, are responsible, for the elimination of part of the subsistence agriculture, producing social problems as, agrarian concentration and unemployment. The study it still evidences the appropriation of the place for a small number of companies that has generated, beyond an intense concentration of income, an alienation of the territory, in view of that this is used for a strange purpose to the place and the yearning of the population does not stop


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CONTEXTO: O transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo (TOC) foi considerado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde como a 10ª causa de anos vividos com incapacidade, mas pesquisas sobre qualidade de vida (QV) nesse transtorno ainda são relativamente raras. OBJETIVOS: O objetivo deste trabalho foi fazer uma revisão convencional da literatura a respeito de estudos sobre qualidade de vida no TOC, publicados em português e inglês. MÉTODOS: A busca de artigos foi feita pelos sistemas MEDLINE, PsicoInfo e LILACS, cobrindo o período de 1980 a 2007, utilizando-se como palavras-chave: qualidade de vida, transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo, prejuízo funcional e incapacidade. RESULTADOS: Estudos populacionais apresentam indicadores indiretos de comprometimento na QV em pessoas com TOC, como mais desemprego, menor renda e menor índice de união conjugal estável, além de taxas relativamente altas de ideação e tentativas de suicídio. Estudos clínicos encontraram mais comprometimento na QV no TOC em comparação com algumas doenças clínicas crônicas, outros transtornos de ansiedade, quadros depressivos e mesmo esquizofrenia, em alguns aspectos. CONCLUSÃO: O impacto negativo do TOC sobre a QV de seus portadores pode ser grande, afetando vários domínios da vida e repercutindo também nos familiares. A reabilitação psicossocial deve ser vista como parte integrante essencial do tratamento e é preciso aumentar a conscientização da população sobre o problema, assim como o acesso a tratamentos adequados, para minimizar tal impacto, por vezes devastador.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O fenômeno da errância, impulsionado por motivos sócio-econômicos ou mesmo por razões pessoais, traz consigo profundas transformações no plano psicossocial. A presente pesquisa se propôs a investigar as razões que levam os trecheiros à ruptura com a vida sedentária e o papel que o alcoolismo exerce nesse processo de deserção. Foram entrevistados doze sujeitos que fazem uso de bebidas alcoólicas, albergados numa Instituição Assistencial da cidade de Assis, SP, sendo as entrevistas submetidas, posteriormente, a uma análise de conteúdo. Os resultados mostraram que a morte dos pais, os conflitos familiares e o desemprego têm sido um dos principais motivos para a ruptura com o sedentarismo. O uso do álcool, no trecho, é atribuído pelos próprios sujeitos à necessidade de esquecer problema, maior encorajamento e apaziguar conflitos remanescentes, em geral, conflitos afetivos que possuem como epicentro a infidelidade conjugal.


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O nomadismo contemporâneo associado à migração, pobreza, desemprego e desfiliação social é uma característica marcante de nosso tempo e se expressa com maior radicalidade no fenômeno da errância, compreendida por uma perambulação a pé do indivíduo pelas rodovias, sem rumo certo e destino definido. O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar a relação entre a errância e a normalização social, tendo como foco de análise o caso dos andarilhos de estrada.


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