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This paper examines the social dynamics of electronic exchanges in the human services, particularly in social work. It focuses on the observable effects that email and texting have on the linguistic, relational and clinical rather than managerial aspects of the profession. It highlights how electronic communication is affecting professionals in their practice and learners as they become acculturated to social work. What are the gains and losses of the broad use of electronic devices in daily lay and professional, verbal and non-verbal communication? Will our current situation be seriously detrimental to the demeanor of future practitioners, their use of language, and their ability to establish close personal relationships? The paper analyzes social work linguistic and behavioral changes in light of the growth of electronic communication and offers a summary of merits and demerits viewed through a prism emerging from Baron’s (2000) analysis of human communication.
The deposition of stiff and strong coatings onto porous templates offers a novel strategy for fabricating macroscale materials with controlled architectures at the micro- and nanoscale. Here, layer-by-layer assembly is utilized to fabricate nanocomposite-coated foams with highly customizable properties by depositing polymer–nanoclay coatings onto open-cell foam templates. The compressive mechanical behavior of these materials evolves in a predictable manner that is qualitatively captured by scaling laws for the mechanical properties of cellular materials. The observed and predicted properties span a remarkable range of density-stiffness space, extending from regions of very soft elastomer foams to very stiff, lightweight honeycomb and lattice materials.
Our key contribution is a flexible, automated marking system that adds desirable functionality to existing E-Assessment systems. In our approach, any given E-Assessment system is relegated to a data-collection mechanism, whereas marking and the generation and distribution of personalised per-student feedback is handled separately by our own system. This allows content-rich Microsoft Word feedback documents to be generated and distributed to every student simultaneously according to a per-assessment schedule.
The feedback is adaptive in that it corresponds to the answers given by the student and provides guidance on where they may have gone wrong. It is not limited to simple multiple choice which are the most prescriptive question type offered by most E-Assessment Systems and as such most straightforward to mark consistently and provide individual per-alternative feedback strings. It is also better equipped to handle the use of mathematical symbols and images within the feedback documents which is more flexible than existing E-Assessment systems, which can only handle simple text strings.
As well as MCQs the system reliably and robustly handles Multiple Response, Text Matching and Numeric style questions in a more flexible manner than Questionmark: Perception and other E-Assessment Systems. It can also reliably handle multi-part questions where the response to an earlier question influences the answer to a later one and can adjust both scoring and feedback appropriately.
New question formats can be added at any time provided a corresponding marking method conforming to certain templates can also be programmed. Indeed, any question type for which a programmatic method of marking can be devised may be supported by our system. Furthermore, since the student’s response to each is question is marked programmatically, our system can be set to allow for minor deviations from the correct answer, and if appropriate award partial marks.
In our systematic review of protocolised weaning from mechanical ventilation (Blackwood 2014) we found significant heterogeneity that could not be explained by subgroup analysis (type of protocol, ICU). We suspected that factors unreported in the trials relating to context and mechanisms of using the weaning protocols contributed to the heterogeneity. Therefore we set out to conduct a Cochrane qualitative evidence-synthesis of ‘sibling studies’ (qualitative studies undertaken alongside the included trials that may have examined these factors) and ‘stand-alone’ qualitative studies reporting barriers and facilitators to successful implementation of weaning protocols. The qualitative review was novel, there were few templates or guidelines which challenged us to consider how best to synthesise and report this evidence. However, the benefits of conducting this review are that not only do we have a template for future qualitative syntheses for the ACE group, but specifically for trials of weaning protocols, we found context-specific evidence concerning if, how and why specific protocols have been effective in the settings in which they were delivered and received.
Five G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) have been identified to be activated by free fatty acids (FFA). Among them, FFA1 (GPR40) and FFA4 (GPR120) bind long-chain fatty acids, FFA2 (GPR43) and FFA3 (GPR41) bind short-chain fatty acids and GPR84 binds medium-chain fatty acids. Free fatty acid receptors have now emerged as potential targets for the treatment of diabetes, obesity and immune diseases. The recent progress in crystallography of GPCRs has now enabled the elucidation of the structure of FFA1 and provided reliable templates for homology modelling of other FFA receptors. Analysis of the crystal structure and improved homology models, along with mutagenesis data and structure activity, highlighted an unusual arginine charge pairing interaction in FFA1-3 for receptor modulation, distinct structural features for ligand binding to FFA1 and FFA4 and an arginine of the second extracellular loop as a possible anchoring point for FFA at GPR84. Structural data will be helpful for searching novel small molecule modulators at the FFA receptors.
In dieser Arbeit werden optische Filterarrays für hochqualitative spektroskopische Anwendungen im sichtbaren (VIS) Wellenlängenbereich untersucht. Die optischen Filter, bestehend aus Fabry-Pérot (FP)-Filtern für hochauflösende miniaturisierte optische Nanospektrometer, basieren auf zwei hochreflektierenden dielektrischen Spiegeln und einer zwischenliegenden Resonanzkavität aus Polymer. Jeder Filter erlaubt einem schmalbandigem spektralen Band (in dieser Arbeit Filterlinie genannt) ,abhängig von der Höhe der Resonanzkavität, zu passieren. Die Effizienz eines solchen optischen Filters hängt von der präzisen Herstellung der hochselektiven multispektralen Filterfelder von FP-Filtern mittels kostengünstigen und hochdurchsatz Methoden ab. Die Herstellung der multiplen Spektralfilter über den gesamten sichtbaren Bereich wird durch einen einzelnen Prägeschritt durch die 3D Nanoimprint-Technologie mit sehr hoher vertikaler Auflösung auf einem Substrat erreicht. Der Schlüssel für diese Prozessintegration ist die Herstellung von 3D Nanoimprint-Stempeln mit den gewünschten Feldern von Filterkavitäten. Die spektrale Sensitivität von diesen effizienten optischen Filtern hängt von der Genauigkeit der vertikalen variierenden Kavitäten ab, die durch eine großflächige ‚weiche„ Nanoimprint-Technologie, UV oberflächenkonforme Imprint Lithographie (UV-SCIL), ab. Die Hauptprobleme von UV-basierten SCIL-Prozessen, wie eine nichtuniforme Restschichtdicke und Schrumpfung des Polymers ergeben Grenzen in der potenziellen Anwendung dieser Technologie. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass die Restschichtdicke gering und uniform ist, damit die kritischen Dimensionen des funktionellen 3D Musters während des Plasmaätzens zur Entfernung der Restschichtdicke kontrolliert werden kann. Im Fall des Nanospektrometers variieren die Kavitäten zwischen den benachbarten FP-Filtern vertikal sodass sich das Volumen von jedem einzelnen Filter verändert , was zu einer Höhenänderung der Restschichtdicke unter jedem Filter führt. Das volumetrische Schrumpfen, das durch den Polymerisationsprozess hervorgerufen wird, beeinträchtigt die Größe und Dimension der gestempelten Polymerkavitäten. Das Verhalten des großflächigen UV-SCIL Prozesses wird durch die Verwendung von einem Design mit ausgeglichenen Volumen verbessert und die Prozessbedingungen werden optimiert. Das Stempeldesign mit ausgeglichen Volumen verteilt 64 vertikal variierenden Filterkavitäten in Einheiten von 4 Kavitäten, die ein gemeinsames Durchschnittsvolumen haben. Durch die Benutzung der ausgeglichenen Volumen werden einheitliche Restschichtdicken (110 nm) über alle Filterhöhen erhalten. Die quantitative Analyse der Polymerschrumpfung wird in iii lateraler und vertikaler Richtung der FP-Filter untersucht. Das Schrumpfen in vertikaler Richtung hat den größten Einfluss auf die spektrale Antwort der Filter und wird durch die Änderung der Belichtungszeit von 12% auf 4% reduziert. FP Filter die mittels des Volumengemittelten Stempels und des optimierten Imprintprozesses hergestellt wurden, zeigen eine hohe Qualität der spektralen Antwort mit linearer Abhängigkeit zwischen den Kavitätshöhen und der spektralen Position der zugehörigen Filterlinien.
This draft policy has been updated to reflect changes in structures and legislation. The draft policy outlines how communities, organisations and individuals must work to ensure children and young people in Northern Ireland are safeguarded as effectively as possible. Consultation Documents Draft Co-operating to Safeguard Children and Young People (PDF 356KB) Draft Co-operating to Safeguard Children and Young People (MS WORD 463KB) Co-operating to Safeguard Children and Young People - (easy read) (PDF 15MB) Preliminary Equality Screening, Disability Duties and Human Rights Assessment (PDF 99KB) Regulatory Impact Assessment, and Rural proofing Assessments (PDF 37KB) Consultation Response Questionnaire Consultation Response Questionnaire (MS Word 38KB) How to respond to the consultation Please use the questionnaire to tell us your views on the draft policy. An Equality Impact Assessment, a Regulatory Impact Assessment and Rural Proofing templates are attached in respect of the draft policy. The deadline for responses is 5.00 pm on 21 August 2015. Please email the questionnaire response to: Child.Safeguarding@dhsspsni.gov.uk Or post it to: DHSSPSNIChild Safeguarding Policy TeamRoom A3.5Castle BuildingsStormont EstateBelfastBT4 3SQ The Department will consider requests to produce this document in other languages or in alternative formats – Braille, audio, large print or as a PDF document. If you require the document in these or other formats please contact us using the details provided above or telephone 02890522543.
This template covers the final sections of a thesis - appendices, glossary, list of references and bibliography. Support materials for using the template are referenced near the start of the file. You will want to use this in conjunction with the Front Matter http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/9405/ and Chapter http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/9403/ templates.
Les petites molécules de type p à bandes interdites étroites sont de plus en plus perçues comme des remplaçantes possibles aux polymères semi-conducteurs actuellement utilisés conjointement avec des dérivés de fullerènes de type n, dans les cellules photovoltaïques organiques (OPV). Par contre, ces petites molécules tendent à cristalliser facilement lors de leur application en couches minces et forment difficilement des films homogènes appropriés. Des dispositifs OPV de type hétérojonction de masse ont été réalisés en ajoutant différentes espèces de polymères semi-conducteurs ou isolants, agissant comme matrices permettant de rectifier les inhomogénéités des films actifs et d’augmenter les performances des cellules photovoltaïques. Des polymères aux masses molaires spécifiques ont été synthétisés par réaction de Wittig en contrôlant précisément les ratios molaires des monomères et de la base utilisée. L’effet de la variation des masses molaires en fonction des morphologies de films minces obtenus et des performances des diodes organiques électroluminescentes reliées, a également été étudié. La microscopie électronique en transmission (MET) ou à balayage (MEB) a été employée en complément de la microscopie à force atomique (AFM) pour suivre l’évolution de la morphologie des films organiques minces. Une nouvelle méthode rapide de préparation des films pour l’imagerie MET sur substrats de silicium est également présentée et comparée à d’autres méthodes d’extraction. Motivé par le prix élevé et la rareté des métaux utilisés dans les substrats d’oxyde d’indium dopé à l’étain (ITO), le développement d’une nouvelle méthode de recyclage eco-responsable des substrats utilisés dans ces études est également présenté.
Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa ökar i hela världen, även i Sverige, främst hos den unga, kvinnliga befolkningen. Psykiska problem är ofta kopplade till somatisk ohälsa. Kvaliteten på den somatiska vården blir ofta sämre, mycket på grund av att många sjuksköterskor inte har tillräckligt med kunskap och erfarenhet inom psykiatriska omvårdnaden. Syfte: Föreliggande arbete avser att undersöka sjuksköterskors attityder och erfarenheter av patienter med psykisk ohälsa inom den somatiska vården. Metod: Litteraturöversikt av vetenskapliga artiklar. Litteratursökning i databaser med hjälp av lämpliga sökord. Artiklarnas kvalitet granskas sedan med hjälp av granskningsmallar. Resultat: Sammanlagt granskades 15 artiklar, varav 8 kvalitativa och 7 kvantitativa. Undersökningen visar att sjuksköterskor ofta har negativa erfarenheter av att vårda patienter med psykisk ohälsa. En förklaring kan vara bristande kunskap och färdigheter, vilket leder till rädsla, frustration och stress i mötet med dessa patienter. Även miljön nämns som som en stress- och orsaksfaktor till detta. Dessa faktorer leder till att sjuksköterskor till övervägande del har negativa attityder mot denna patientgrupp. Slutsats: Slutsatsen av undersökningen visar att de identifierade bristerna när det gäller kunskap och färdigheter bland annat leder till otrygghet vid vård av patienter med psykisk ohälsa inom den somatiska vården. Förbättring av detta tillstånd kan uppnås genom att höja sjuksköterskors kompetens, t.ex. genom att lägga större vikt på den psykiatriska omvårdnaden inom den praktiska utbildningen.
Les anodes de carbone sont des éléments consommables servant d’électrode dans la réaction électrochimique d’une cuve Hall-Héroult. Ces dernières sont produites massivement via une chaine de production dont la mise en forme est une des étapes critiques puisqu’elle définit une partie de leur qualité. Le procédé de mise en forme actuel n’est pas pleinement optimisé. Des gradients de densité importants à l’intérieur des anodes diminuent leur performance dans les cuves d’électrolyse. Encore aujourd’hui, les anodes de carbone sont produites avec comme seuls critères de qualité leur densité globale et leurs propriétés mécaniques finales. La manufacture d’anodes est optimisée de façon empirique directement sur la chaine de production. Cependant, la qualité d’une anode se résume en une conductivité électrique uniforme afin de minimiser les concentrations de courant qui ont plusieurs effets néfastes sur leur performance et sur les coûts de production d’aluminium. Cette thèse est basée sur l’hypothèse que la conductivité électrique de l’anode n’est influencée que par sa densité considérant une composition chimique uniforme. L’objectif est de caractériser les paramètres d’un modèle afin de nourrir une loi constitutive qui permettra de modéliser la mise en forme des blocs anodiques. L’utilisation de la modélisation numérique permet d’analyser le comportement de la pâte lors de sa mise en forme. Ainsi, il devient possible de prédire les gradients de densité à l’intérieur des anodes et d’optimiser les paramètres de mise en forme pour en améliorer leur qualité. Le modèle sélectionné est basé sur les propriétés mécaniques et tribologiques réelles de la pâte. La thèse débute avec une étude comportementale qui a pour objectif d’améliorer la compréhension des comportements constitutifs de la pâte observés lors d’essais de pressage préliminaires. Cette étude est basée sur des essais de pressage de pâte de carbone chaude produite dans un moule rigide et sur des essais de pressage d’agrégats secs à l’intérieur du même moule instrumenté d’un piézoélectrique permettant d’enregistrer les émissions acoustiques. Cette analyse a précédé la caractérisation des propriétés de la pâte afin de mieux interpréter son comportement mécanique étant donné la nature complexe de ce matériau carboné dont les propriétés mécaniques sont évolutives en fonction de la masse volumique. Un premier montage expérimental a été spécifiquement développé afin de caractériser le module de Young et le coefficient de Poisson de la pâte. Ce même montage a également servi dans la caractérisation de la viscosité (comportement temporel) de la pâte. Il n’existe aucun essai adapté pour caractériser ces propriétés pour ce type de matériau chauffé à 150°C. Un moule à paroi déformable instrumenté de jauges de déformation a été utilisé pour réaliser les essais. Un second montage a été développé pour caractériser les coefficients de friction statique et cinétique de la pâte aussi chauffée à 150°C. Le modèle a été exploité afin de caractériser les propriétés mécaniques de la pâte par identification inverse et pour simuler la mise en forme d’anodes de laboratoire. Les propriétés mécaniques de la pâte obtenues par la caractérisation expérimentale ont été comparées à celles obtenues par la méthode d’identification inverse. Les cartographies tirées des simulations ont également été comparées aux cartographies des anodes pressées en laboratoire. La tomodensitométrie a été utilisée pour produire ces dernières cartographies de densité. Les résultats des simulations confirment qu’il y a un potentiel majeur à l’utilisation de la modélisation numérique comme outil d’optimisation du procédé de mise en forme de la pâte de carbone. La modélisation numérique permet d’évaluer l’influence de chacun des paramètres de mise en forme sans interrompre la production et/ou d’implanter des changements coûteux dans la ligne de production. Cet outil permet donc d’explorer des avenues telles la modulation des paramètres fréquentiels, la modification de la distribution initiale de la pâte dans le moule, la possibilité de mouler l’anode inversée (upside down), etc. afin d’optimiser le processus de mise en forme et d’augmenter la qualité des anodes.
This paper presents a three dimensional, thermos-mechanical modelling approach to the cooling and solidification phases associated with the shape casting of metals ei. Die, sand and investment casting. Novel vortex-based Finite Volume (FV) methods are described and employed with regard to the small strain, non-linear Computational Solid Mechanics (CSM) capabilities required to model shape casting. The CSM capabilities include the non-linear material phenomena of creep and thermo-elasto-visco-plasticity at high temperatures and thermo-elasto-visco-plasticity at low temperatures and also multi body deformable contact with which can occur between the metal casting of the mould. The vortex-based FV methods, which can be readily applied to unstructured meshes, are included within a comprehensive FV modelling framework, PHYSICA. The additional heat transfer, by conduction and convection, filling, porosity and solidification algorithms existing within PHYSICA for the complete modelling of all shape casting process employ cell-centred FV methods. The termo-mechanical coupling is performed in a staggered incremental fashion, which addresses the possible gap formation between the component and the mould, and is ultimately validated against a variety of shape casting benchmarks.
Since the 1980s, state schools in England have been required to ensure transparency and accountability through the use of indicators and templates derived from the private sector and, more recently, globally circulating discourses of ‘good governance’ (an appeal to professional standards, technical expertise, and performance evaluation as mechanisms for improving public service delivery). The rise of academies and free schools (‘state-funded independent schools’) has increased demand for good governance, notably as a means by which to discipline schools, in particular school governors – those tasked with the legal responsibility of holding senior leadership to account for the financial and educational performance of schools. A condition and effect of school autonomy, therefore, is increased monitoring and surveillance of all school governing bodies. In this paper, I demonstrate how these twin processes combine to produce a new modality of state power and intervention; a dominant or organizing principle by which government steer the performance of governors through disciplinary tools of professionalization and inspection, with the aim of achieving the ‘control of control’. To explain these trends, I explore how various established and emerging school governing bodies are (re)constituting themselves to meet demands for good governance.
Målet med studien är att förstå hur och vad som beskrivs och bedöms genom de samtalsmallar som används inför utvecklingssamtal på förskolan. Det är en kvalitativ studie baserad på innehållsanalys av insamlade dokument. Innehållsanalysen utfördes genom kodscheman som tas upp av Bergström och Boréus (2008). I analysarbetet har vi inspirerats av diskursanalysen. Studien är baserad på åtta samtalsmallar inför utvecklingssamtal från olika förskolor i en kommun i Mellansverige. Studien visar att samtalsmallarna innehöll flera olika sätt att beskriva och bedöma barn. Genom vårt analysarbete fann vi framför allt fem tydliga teman som utgör vårt resultat; Det lärande barnet, där barnet genom samtalsmallarna beskrivs och bedöms inom olika områden och ses som lärande eller under utveckling. Barnet som person, baserat på punkterna i samtalsmallarna som utgörs av bedömning och beskrivning av barnets personliga attribut. Det bristande barnet, med grund i samtalsmallarnas fokus på barnets tillkortakommanden och brister. Barnet i verksamhetens kontext, utifrån punkter i samtalsmallarna där verksamheten beskrivs och bedöms och Det positivt framställda barnet, grundat i till exempel uppmaningar i samtalsmallarna om att hålla samtalen i positiv anda. Tillika visar studien att flera olika barnsyner ligger till grund för hur barn ska beskrivas och bedömas i samtalsmallarna, samt att det råder motsägelser och bristande direktiv i förskolans styrdokument för utvecklingssamtalens syfte och innehåll.
Understanding the dynamics of blood cells is a crucial element to discover biological mechanisms, to develop new efficient drugs, design sophisticated microfluidic devices, for diagnostics. In this work, we focus on the dynamics of red blood cells in microvascular flow. Microvascular blood flow resistance has a strong impact on cardiovascular function and tissue perfusion. The flow resistance in microcirculation is governed by flow behavior of blood through a complex network of vessels, where the distribution of red blood cells across vessel cross-sections may be significantly distorted at vessel bifurcations and junctions. We investigate the development of blood flow and its resistance starting from a dispersed configuration of red blood cells in simulations for different hematocrits, flow rates, vessel diameters, and aggregation interactions between red blood cells. Initially dispersed red blood cells migrate toward the vessel center leading to the formation of a cell-free layer near the wall and to a decrease of the flow resistance. The development of cell-free layer appears to be nearly universal when scaled with a characteristic shear rate of the flow, which allows an estimation of the length of a vessel required for full flow development, $l_c \approx 25D$, with vessel diameter $D$. Thus, the potential effect of red blood cell dispersion at vessel bifurcations and junctions on the flow resistance may be significant in vessels which are shorter or comparable to the length $l_c$. The presence of aggregation interactions between red blood cells lead in general to a reduction of blood flow resistance. The development of the cell-free layer thickness looks similar for both cases with and without aggregation interactions. Although, attractive interactions result in a larger cell-free layer plateau values. However, because the aggregation forces are short-ranged at high enough shear rates ($\bar{\dot{\gamma}} \gtrsim 50~\text{s}^{-1}$) aggregation of red blood cells does not bring a significant change to the blood flow properties. Also, we develop a simple theoretical model which is able to describe the converged cell-free-layer thickness with respect to flow rate assuming steady-state flow. The model is based on the balance between a lift force on red blood cells due to cell-wall hydrodynamic interactions and shear-induced effective pressure due to cell-cell interactions in flow. We expect that these results can also be used to better understand the flow behavior of other suspensions of deformable particles such as vesicles, capsules, and cells. Finally, we investigate segregation phenomena in blood as a two-component suspension under Poiseuille flow, consisting of red blood cells and target cells. The spatial distribution of particles in blood flow is very important. For example, in case of nanoparticle drug delivery, the particles need to come closer to microvessel walls, in order to adhere and bring the drug to a target position within the microvasculature. Here we consider that segregation can be described as a competition between shear-induced diffusion and the lift force that pushes every soft particle in a flow away from the wall. In order to investigate the segregation, on one hand, we have 2D DPD simulations of red blood cells and target cell of different sizes, on the other hand the Fokker-Planck equation for steady state. For the equation we measure force profile, particle distribution and diffusion constant across the channel. We compare simulation results with those from the Fokker-Planck equation and find a very good correspondence between the two approaches. Moreover, we investigate the diffusion behavior of target particles for different hematocrit values and shear rates. Our simulation results indicate that diffusion constant increases with increasing hematocrit and depends linearly on shear rate. The third part of the study describes development of a simulation model of complex vascular geometries. The development of the model is important to reproduce vascular systems of small pieces of tissues which might be gotten from MRI or microscope images. The simulation model of the complex vascular systems might be divided into three parts: modeling the geometry, developing in- and outflow boundary conditions, and simulation domain decomposition for an efficient computation. We have found that for the in- and outflow boundary conditions it is better to use the SDPD fluid than DPD one because of the density fluctuations along the channel of the latter. During the flow in a straight channel, it is difficult to control the density of the DPD fluid. However, the SDPD fluid has not that shortcoming even in more complex channels with many branches and in- and outflows because the force acting on particles is calculated also depending on the local density of the fluid.