1000 resultados para Custo de Capital CVTelecom


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This paper analyses the impact of using different correlation assumptions between lines of business when estimating the risk-based capital reserve, the Solvency Capital Requirement -SCR-, under Solvency II regulations. A case study is presented and the SCR is calculated according to the Standard Model approach. Alternatively, the requirement is then calculated using an Internal Model based on a Monte Carlo simulation of the net underwriting result at a one-year horizon, with copulas being used to model the dependence between lines of business. To address the impact of these model assumptions on the SCR we conduct a sensitivity analysis. We examine changes in the correlation matrix between lines of business and address the choice of copulas. Drawing on aggregate historical data from the Spanish non-life insurance market between 2000 and 2009, we conclude that modifications of the correlation and dependence assumptions have a significant impact on SCR estimation.


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Among in situ techniques, the electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance (EQCM) is a powerful tool for the study of electrochemical reactions that produce mass changes in the electrode/solution interface. This review present some systems in which the EQCM combined with classical electrochemical techniques, gives relevant information for understanding the charge transport process at a molecular level. The aim of this review is to do a brief description of experimental arrangements, with emphasis on some special cares that must be considered by the users. Secondly, some chosen electrochemical systems where the technique was successfully applied are discussed. Finally, a brief analysis of electroacoustic impedance experiments was done in order to show when the Sauerbrey equation can be used.


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This work describes the construction of a home-made low-cost reactor, using easily available materials, capable of destroying efficiently dissolved organic matter. Just 30 minutes of irradiation were sufficient to destroy more than 99% of the humic acids present in a solution of 4 mg C L-1. Copper speciation was evaluated in natural waters of different salinities to test the reactor's efficiency in destroying organically complexed metal species. The effect of the organic matter concentration, salinity, dissolved oxygen and temperature in the photo-oxidation process is discussed.


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Probably one of the most difficult and challenging aspects of measuring trace metals in natural waters is to avoid contamination during sampling, manipulation and analysis. This work discusses how to avoid contamination using simple procedures, and considers alternative methods to purify deionised water and low grade reagents to enable accurate determination of trace metals in natural waters in a common laboratory. Measurements were performed by cathodic stripping voltammetry and copper was used as a model metal to test the procedures. It was possible to evaluate copper speciation in natural waters even when total dissolved copper concentration was as low as 1.5 nmol L-1. The methods' accuracy was confirmed by analysis of certified seawater.


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A simple and low cost device (ca. US$ 150) that comprises two photodiodes fixed in lab-made Perspex flow cell is proposed for chemiluminescence measurements. The characteristics of the device (large observation window and reduced thickness) allow maximizing the amount of the emitted radiation detected. A sensitivity improvement of ca. 50 % was observed by employing two photodiodes for signal measurements. The performance of the device was assessed by the oxidation of luminol by hydrogen peroxide, yielding a linear response within the range of 2.50 to 500 µmol L-1 H2O2. The detection limit was estimated as 0.8 µmol L-1 hydrogen peroxide which is comparable with those obtained by using equipments based on photomultipliers.


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Thermal baths to decrease ambient temperature are an indispensable tool for most research and teaching laboratories, especially those in tropical or equatorial regions. A simple and inexpensive thermal bath has been developed based on a scratched compressor. It has three possible setups for cooling: sample immersed into the bath, sample flowing through the bath, and cooling liquid flowing in a jacket around the sample. It has been tested for 40 months. The temperature ranges from room temperature to 0 °C, when using water. The repeatability is better than 3% and the precision varies from 0.5% to 2%.


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[spa]Con la internacionalización del mercado inmobiliario de las ciudades, originariamente local, se han generado nuevos flujos de capital que han reforzado a nivel mundial el segundo circuito. Barcelona, por lo menos desde 1992 no ha sido ajena a ello. Los últimos capitales llegados proceden de antiguos países socialistas, especialmente de la República Popular de China y de Rusia, con estrategias distintas de localización, más concentradas las chinas. Las consecuencias de estas nuevas apropiaciones del espacio urbano se sienten en la restricción del acceso al mercado de la vivienda por parte de los ciudadanos y en la formación de una Chinatown de modelo europeo.


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In this paper we seek to verify the hypothesis that trust and cooperation between individuals, and between them and public institutions, can encourage technological innovation and the adoption of knowledge. Additionally, we test the extent to which the interaction of social capital with human capital and R&D expenditures improve their effect on a region’s ability to innovate. Our empirical evidence is taken from the Spanish regions and employs a knowledge production function and longitudinal count data models. Our results suggest that social capital correlates positively with innovation. Further, our analysis reveals a powerful interaction between human and social capital in the production of knowledge, whilst the complementarity with R&D efforts would seem less clear.


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The first objective of this study is to furnish new evidence concerning the aggregate profitability of the accumulation of human capital. In addition to the traditional measure of the return to human capital, combining the information on its shadow price with the social cost of providing education allows us to confirm the profitability of human capital investments as a tool for promoting economic growth. The possibility of obtaining estimations of these effects for each Spanish region enables us to empirically evaluate the amount of heterogeneity across economies in the effects of human capital. As a second objective, we provide evidence on the indirect effect of human capital in making private capital investment more attractive. Among the main explanations for this process, we observe that higher worker skill levels enable higher returns to be extracted from investment in physical capital.


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Empirical evidence is compelling that large firms are more productive than small firms. The hypothesis in this paper is that the productivity differences between small and large firms are associated with two of the main determinants of a firm’s performance: the human and technological capital that firms incorporate. We suggest that the contribution of these factors in explaining the productivity-size gap might not only be due to the fact that large firms make a more extensive use of them, but also because large firms obtain higher returns from their investment in human and technological capital. The evidence we obtain for a comprehensive sample of Spanish manufacturing firms (1990-2002) supports this hypothesis, which has important implications for the effectiveness of policies designed to improve productivity in SMEs by stimulating innovation and the use of more skilled workers.


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The direct effect of human capital on economic growth has been widely analysed in the economic literature. This paper, however, focuses on its indirect effect as a stimulus for private investment in physical capital. The methodological framework used is the duality theory, estimating a cost system aggregated with human capital. Empirical evidence is given for Spain for the period 1980-2000. We provide evidence on the indirect effect of human capital in making private capital investment more attractive. Among the main explanations for this process, we observe that higher worker skill levels enable higher returns to be extracted from investment in physical capital.


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This paper provides novel empirical evidence of the indirect effect of educational attainment on regional economic growth, through its influence on the profitability of investment in physical capital. We test the hypothesis that the regional heterogeneity of the return to physical capital can be directly related to the existing heterogeneity in the educational attainment of workers. The results for the Spanish case support our hypothesis that the higher the educational attainment of workers the greater the returns on investment in physical capital. In fact, this effect seems to be sufficiently strong to have counterbalanced the traditional mechanism of decreasing returns to capital accumulation.


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Silica gel is widely used as adsorbent for isolating and purifying natural compounds. Intensive use and high cost make this process expensive and generate solid residues contaminated with many different organic compounds. In the present work a simple method for recycling silica was investigated, by using Advanced Oxidative Processes. Silica gel was treated with H2O2/solar light and compared with a sample treated by conventional methods (high temperature and oxidation with KMnO4). High temperature treatment changes the structure of the silica and, consequently, the separation efficiency. Oxidation by using KMnO4 requires multiple steps and produces residues, including manganese and oxalic acid. The method using H2O2/solar light to recuperate silica gel does not modify its separation efficiency and is less expensive than the traditional methods. Additionally, HPLC and GC-MS analysis indicate that H2O2/solar light eliminates all residues of the silica gel.


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A digital multimeter (~U$ 240.00 on the national market) connected to a microcomputer by a RS-232 serial interface is proposed for data acquisition in equipment with analog output. Data are measured at the rate of 2 points per second and stored in text files by the software that accompanies the device, running in a Windows environment. The performance of the multimeter was verified by monitoring the transient signals generated in flow injection systems associated with fluorimetric, spectrophotometric and flame photometric detection. In addition, the performance of the proposed device was similar to that attained by employing an interface card with a 12-bit analog-to-digital converter for acquisition of the signals generated by a capillary electrophoresis equipment with oscillometric detection.


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Es un libro en el que he tratado de destacar la cada día mayor vinculación existente entre las personas y el logro de la misión u objetivo supremo de la empresa. En la actualidad y en los próximos años, es imposible pensar que la empresa pueda alcanzar su misión sin una adecuada coordinación entre las personas y la estructura organizativa, teniendo en cuenta que el conocimiento es la base de todo ello lográndose a través de una determinada estrategia.