913 resultados para Cultures épitheliales autologues
The ability of signaling via the JNK (c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase)/stress-activated protein kinase cascade to stimulate or inhibit DNA synthesis in primary cultures of adult rat hepatocytes was examined. Treatment of hepatocytes with media containing hyperosmotic glucose (75 mM final), tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα, 1 ng/ml final), and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF, 1 ng/ml final) caused activation of JNK1. Glucose, TNFα, or HGF treatments increased phosphorylation of c-Jun at serine 63 in the transactivation domain and stimulated hepatocyte DNA synthesis. Infection of hepatocytes with poly-l-lysine–coated adenoviruses coupled to constructs to express either dominant negatives Ras N17, Rac1 N17, Cdc42 N17, SEK1−, or JNK1− blunted the abilities of glucose, TNFα, or HGF to increase JNK1 activity, to increase phosphorylation of c-Jun at serine 63, and to stimulate DNA synthesis. Furthermore, infection of hepatocytes by a recombinant adenovirus expressing a dominant-negative c-Jun mutant (TAM67) also blunted the abilities of glucose, TNFα, and HGF to stimulate DNA synthesis. These data demonstrate that multiple agonists stimulate DNA synthesis in primary cultures of hepatocytes via a Ras/Rac1/Cdc42/SEK/JNK/c-Jun pathway. Glucose and HGF treatments reduced glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) activity and increased c-Jun DNA binding. Co-infection of hepatocytes with recombinant adenoviruses to express dominant- negative forms of PI3 kinase (p110α/p110γ) increased basal GSK3 activity, blocked the abilities of glucose and HGF treatments to inhibit GSK3 activity, and reduced basal c-Jun DNA binding. However, expression of dominant-negative PI3 kinase (p110α/p110γ) neither significantly blunted the abilities of glucose and HGF treatments to increase c-Jun DNA binding, nor inhibited the ability of these agonists to stimulate DNA synthesis. These data suggest that signaling by the JNK/stress-activated protein kinase cascade, rather than by the PI3 kinase cascade, plays the pivotal role in the ability of agonists to stimulate DNA synthesis in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes.
Nitric oxide (NO·) does not react significantly with thiol groups under physiological conditions, whereas a variety of endogenous NO donor molecules facilitate rapid transfer to thiol of nitrosonium ion (NO+, with one less electron than NO·). Here, nitrosonium donors are shown to decrease the efficacy of evoked neurotransmission while increasing the frequency of spontaneous miniature excitatory postsynaptic currents (mEPSCs). In contrast, pure NO· donors have little effect (displaying at most only a slight increase) on the amplitude of evoked EPSCs and frequency of spontaneous mEPSCs in our preparations. These findings may help explain heretofore paradoxical observations that the NO moiety can either increase, decrease, or have no net effect on synaptic activity in various preparations.
The increasing resistance of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum to currently available drugs demands a continuous effort to develop new antimalarial agents. In this quest, the identification of antimalarial effects of drugs already in use for other therapies represents an attractive approach with potentially rapid clinical application. We have found that the extensively used antimycotic drug clotrimazole (CLT) effectively and rapidly inhibited parasite growth in five different strains of P. falciparum, in vitro, irrespective of their chloroquine sensitivity. The concentrations for 50% inhibition (IC50), assessed by parasite incorporation of [3H]hypoxanthine, were between 0.2 and 1.1 μM. CLT concentrations of 2 μM and above caused a sharp decline in parasitemia, complete inhibition of parasite replication, and destruction of parasites and host cells within a single intraerythrocytic asexual cycle (≈48 hr). These concentrations are within the plasma levels known to be attained in humans after oral administration of the drug. The effects were associated with distinct morphological changes. Transient exposure of ring-stage parasites to 2.5 μM CLT for a period of 12 hr caused a delay in development in a fraction of parasites that reverted to normal after drug removal; 24-hr exposure to the same concentration caused total destruction of parasites and parasitized cells. Chloroquine antagonized the effects of CLT whereas mefloquine was synergistic. The present study suggests that CLT holds much promise as an antimalarial agent and that it is suitable for a clinical study in P. falciparum malaria.
Although the zebrafish possesses many characteristics that make it a valuable model for genetic studies of vertebrate development, one deficiency of this model system is the absence of methods for cell-mediated gene transfer and targeted gene inactivation. In mice, embryonic stem cell cultures are routinely used for gene transfer and provide the advantage of in vitro selection for rare events such as homologous recombination and targeted mutation. Transgenic animals possessing a mutated copy of the targeted gene are generated when the selected cells contribute to the germ line of a chimeric embryo. Although zebrafish embryo cell cultures that exhibit characteristics of embryonic stem cells have been described, successful contribution of the cells to the germ-cell lineage of a host embryo has not been reported. In this study, we demonstrate that short-term zebrafish embryo cell cultures maintained in the presence of cells from a rainbow trout spleen cell line (RTS34st) are able to produce germ-line chimeras when introduced into a host embryo. Messenger RNA encoding the primordial germ-cell marker, vasa, was present for more than 30 days in embryo cells cocultured with RTS34st cells or their conditioned medium and disappeared by 5 days in the absence of the spleen cells. The RTS34st cells also inhibited melanocyte and neuronal cell differentiation in the embryo cell cultures. These results suggest that the RTS34st splenic–stromal cell line will be a valuable tool in the development of a cell-based gene transfer approach to targeted gene inactivation in zebrafish.
We have simultaneously measured the expression of postsynaptic γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor clusters and of presynaptic boutons in neonatal rat hippocampal cultures between days 1 and 30. GABAA receptors were labeled with antibodies recognizing the extracellular domains of β2/3 and γ2 subunits. Boutons were visualized by activity-dependent uptake of the styryl dye FM4-64, or by antibodies against the presynaptic vesicular protein SV2 or the GABA-synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD). GABAA receptor clusters could be seen in living neurons already 6 h after culturing, much before presynaptic markers could be identified in nerve terminals. The densities of receptor clusters that contained the β2/3 subunits were constant between days 10 and 30 in culture, whereas γ2 subunit-containing clusters fluctuated and reached a maximum on day 20. SV2 and GAD staining could be measured from day 2 onwards. Clustering of GAD in presynaptic terminals and FM4-64 uptake were observed only at day 5 and afterward. SV2 staining and FM4-64 uptake increased in parallel between days 5 and 20 and remained constant thereafter. GAD-stained boutons were fewer than those labeled with other, less specific, presynaptic stains. They reached a maximum on day 20 and fell again toward day 30. Double labeling of GABAA receptors and of presynaptic boutons in neurons during differentiation showed that, even after 30 days in culture, large fractions of GABAA receptor clusters containing β2/3 and/or γ2 subunits remained extrasynaptic.
Isochorismate is an important metabolite formed at the end of the shikimate pathway, which is involved in the synthesis of both primary and secondary metabolites. It is synthesized from chorismate in a reaction catalyzed by the enzyme isochorismate synthase (ICS; EC We have purified ICS to homogeneity from elicited Catharanthus roseus cell cultures. Two isoforms with an apparent molecular mass of 64 kD were purified and characterized. The Km values for chorismate were 558 and 319 μm for isoforms I and II, respectively. The isoforms were not inhibited by aromatic amino acids and required Mg2+ for enzyme activity. Polymerase chain reaction on a cDNA library from elicited C. roseus cells with a degenerated primer based on the sequence of an internal peptide from isoform II resulted in an amplification product that was used to screen the cDNA library. This led to the first isolation, to our knowledge, of a plant ICS cDNA. The cDNA encodes a protein of 64 kD with an N-terminal chloroplast-targeting signal. The deduced amino acid sequence shares homology with bacterial ICS and also with anthranilate synthases from plants. Southern analysis indicates the existence of only one ICS gene in C. roseus.
Hair cells in many nonmammalian vertebrates are regenerated by the mitotic division of supporting cell progenitors and the differentiation of the resulting progeny into new hair cells and supporting cells. Recent studies have shown that nonmitotic hair cell recovery after aminoglycoside-induced damage can also occur in the vestibular organs. Using hair cell and supporting cell immunocytochemical markers, we have used confocal and electron microscopy to examine the fate of damaged hair cells and the origin of immature hair cells after gentamicin treatment in mitotically blocked cultures of the bullfrog saccule. Extruding and fragmenting hair cells, which undergo apoptotic cell death, are replaced by scar formations. After losing their bundles, sublethally damaged hair cells remain in the sensory epithelium for prolonged periods, acquiring supporting cell-like morphology and immunoreactivity. These modes of damage appear to be mutually exclusive, implying that sublethally damaged hair cells repair their bundles. Transitional cells, coexpressing hair cell and supporting cell markers, are seen near scar formations created by the expansion of neighboring supporting cells. Most of these cells have morphology and immunoreactivity similar to that of sublethally damaged hair cells. Ultrastructural analysis also reveals that most immature hair cells had autophagic vacuoles, implying that they originated from damaged hair cells rather than supporting cells. Some transitional cells are supporting cells participating in scar formations. Supporting cells also decrease in number during hair cell recovery, supporting the conclusion that some supporting cells undergo phenotypic conversion into hair cells without an intervening mitotic event.
Camalexin (3-thiazol-2′-yl-indole) is the principal phytoalexin that accumulates in Arabidopsis after infection by fungi or bacteria. Camalexin accumulation was detectable in Arabidopsis cell-suspension cultures 3 to 5 h after inoculation with Cochliobolus carbonum (Race 1), and then increased rapidly from 7 to 24 h after inoculation. Levels of radioactivity incorporated into camalexin during a 1.5-h pulse labeling with [14C]anthranilate also increased with time after fungal inoculation. The levels of radioactive incorporation into camalexin increased rapidly between 7 and 18 h after inoculation, and then decreased along with camalexin accumulation. Relatively low levels of radioactivity from [14C]anthranilate incorporated into camalexin in the noninoculated controls. Autoradiographic analysis of the accumulation of chloroform-extractable metabolites labeled with [14C]anthranilate revealed a transient increase in the incorporation of radioactivity into indole in fungus-inoculated Arabidopsis cell cultures. The time-course measurement of radioactive incorporation into camalexin during a 1.5-h pulse labeling with [14C]indole was similar to that with [14C]anthranilate. These data suggest that indole destined for camalexin synthesis is produced by a separate enzymatic reaction that does not involve tryptophan synthase.
The possibility that Bright Yellow 2 (BY2) tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) suspension-cultured cells possess an expansin-mediated acid-growth mechanism was examined by multiple approaches. BY2 cells grew three times faster upon treatment with fusicoccin, which induces an acidification of the cell wall. Exogenous expansins likewise stimulated BY2 cell growth 3-fold. Protein extracted from BY2 cell walls possessed the expansin-like ability to induce extension of isolated walls. In western-blot analysis of BY2 wall protein, one band of 29 kD was recognized by anti-expansin antibody. Six different classes of α-expansin mRNA were identified in a BY2 cDNA library. Northern-blot analysis indicated moderate to low abundance of multiple α-expansin mRNAs in BY2 cells. From these results we conclude that BY2 suspension-cultured cells have the necessary components for expansin-mediated cell wall enlargement.
The relationship between the production of reactive oxygen species and the hypersensitive response (HR) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) toward an incompatible race of the Oomycete Phytophthora parasitica var nicotianae has been investigated. A new assay for superoxide radical (O2−) production based on reduction of the tetrazolium dye sodium,3′-(1-[phenylamino-carbonyl]-3,4-tetrazolium)-bis(4-methoxy-6-nitro) benzene-sulfonic acid hydrate (XTT) has enabled the quantitative estimation of perhydroxyl/superoxide radical acid-base pair (HO2·/O2−) production during the resistant response. Tobacco suspension cells were inoculated with zoospores from compatible or incompatible races of the pathogen. Subsequent HO2·/O2− production was monitored by following the formation of XTT formazan. In the incompatible interaction only, HO2·/O2− was produced in a minor burst between 0 and 2 h and then in a major burst between 8 and 10 h postinoculation. During this second burst, rates of XTT reduction equivalent to a radical flux of 9.9 × 10−15 mol min−1 cell−1 were observed. The HO2·/O2− scavengers O2− dismutase and Mn(III)desferal each inhibited dye reduction. An HR was observed in challenged, resistant cells immediately following the second burst of radical production. Both scavengers inhibited the HR when added prior to the occurrence of either radical burst, indicating that O2− production is a necessary precursor to the HR.
Carrot (Daucus carota) extracellular protein 3 (EP3) class IV endochitinases were previously identified based on their ability to rescue somatic embryos of the temperature-sensitive cell line ts11. Whole-mount in situ hybridization revealed that a subset of the morphologically distinguishable cell types in embryogenic and nonembryogenic suspension cultures, including ts11, express EP3 genes. No expression was found in somatic embryos. In carrot plants EP3 genes are expressed in the inner integumentary cells of young fruits and in a specific subset of cells located in the middle of the endosperm of mature seeds. No expression was found in zygotic embryos. These results support the hypothesis that the EP3 endochitinase has a “nursing” function during zygotic embryogenesis and that this function can be mimicked by suspension cells during somatic embryogenesis.
Oxygen free radicals have been proposed to mediate amyloid peptide (beta-AP)-induced neurotoxicity. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the effects of EUK-8, a synthetic catalytic superoxide and hydrogen peroxide scavenger, on neuronal injury produced by beta-AP in organotypic hippocampal slice cultures. Cultures of equivalent postnatal day 35 (defined as mature) and 14 (defined as immature) were exposed to various concentrations of beta-AP (1-42 or 1-40) in the absence or presence of 25 microM EUK-8 for up to 72 hours. Neuronal injury was assessed by lactate dehydrogenase release and semiquantitative analysis of propidium iodide uptake at various times after the initiation of beta-AP exposure. Free radical production was inferred from the relative increase in dichlorofluorescein fluorescence, and the degree of lipid peroxidation was determined by assaying thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances. Treatment of mature cultures with beta-AP (50-250 microg/ml) in serum-free conditions resulted in a reproducible pattern of damage, causing a time-dependent increase in neuronal injury accompanied with formation of reactive oxygen species. However, immature cultures were entirely resistant to beta-AP-induced neurotoxicity and also demonstrated no dichlorofluorescein fluorescence or increased lipid peroxidation after beta-AP treatment. Moreover, mature slices exposed to beta-AP in the presence of 25 microM EUK-8 were significantly protected from beta-AP-induced neurotoxicity. EUK-8 also completely blocked beta-AP-induced free radical accumulation and lipid peroxidation. These results not only support a role for oxygen free radicals in beta-AP toxicity but also highlight the therapeutic potential of synthetic radical scavengers in Alzheimer disease.
N-Methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor-mediated neurotoxicity may depend, in part, on the generation of nitric oxide (NO.) and superoxide anion (O2.-), which react to form peroxynitrite (OONO-). This form of neurotoxicity is thought to contribute to a final common pathway of injury in a wide variety of acute and chronic neurologic disorders, including focal ischemia, trauma, epilepsy, Huntington disease, Alzheimer disease, amyotrophic lateral scelerosis, AIDS dementia, and other neurodegenerative diseases. Here, we report that exposure of cortical neurons to relatively short durations or low concentrations of NMDA, S-nitrosocysteine, or 3-morpholinosydnonimine, which generate low levels of peroxynitrite, induces a delayed form of neurotoxicity predominated by apoptotic features. Pretreatment with superoxide dismutase and catalase to scavenge O2.- partially prevents the apoptotic process triggered by S-nitrosocysteine or 3-morpholinosydnonimine. In contrast, intense exposure to high concentrations of NMDA or peroxynitrite induces necrotic cell damage characterized by acute swelling and lysis, which cannot be ameliorated by superoxide dismutase and catalase. Thus, depending on the intensity of the initial insult, NMDA or nitric oxide/superoxide can result in either apoptotic or necrotic neuronal cell damage.