929 resultados para Crude-oil


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Grape seed oil (GSO) is not often consumed in Brazil and little is known of its nutritional value. Around the world there are already studies that point to the high levels of minority bioactive compounds and their relation to health benefits. The main constituent of GSO is linoleic fatty acid, some works are controversial and there is no consensus in literature regarding their effect on the animal organism. Thus, this study aimed to present a review of GSO and show the potential health effects of its major components, not only linoleic acid, but also γ-tocotrienol and β-sitosterol, and finally, their influence on lipid-modulating, anti and pro oxidative parameters.


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AbstractThe current study was employed to assess the influence of the different extraction methods on total tocols, γ-oryzanol content, and antioxidant properties of Chiang Mai Black rice, Mali Red rice, and Suphanburi-1 Brown rice bran oil. Rice bran oil (RBO) was extracted by Hexane, Hot pressed, Cold pressed, and Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFe) methods. High yield of RBO was extracted by hexane and SFe methods. Total and subgroups of tocols, and γ-oryzanol content were determined by HPLC. The hexane extracted sample accounts for high content of γ-oryzanol and tocols. Besides, all of RBO extracts contain a significantly high amount of γ-tocotrienol. In vitro antioxidant assay results indicated that superior quality of oil was recovered by hexane extraction. The temperature in the extraction process also affects the value of the oil. Superior quality of oil was recovered by hexane extraction, in terms of phytochemical contents and antioxidant properties compared to other tested extraction methods. Further, thorough study of factors compromising the quality and quantity of RBO recovery is required for the development of enhanced functional foods and other related products.


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Lipid micro and nanoparticles have been extensively investigated as carriers for hydrophobic bioactives in food systems because they can simultaneously increase the dispersibility of these lipophilic substances and help improve their bioavailability. In this study, lipid microparticles of babacu oil and denatured whey protein isolate were produced, and their ability to protect quercetin against degradation was evaluated over 30 days of storage. Additionally, the lipid microparticles were subjected to the typical stress conditions of food processing (presence of sucrose, salt, and thermal stresses), and their physico-chemical stability was monitored. The data show that the babacu microparticles efficiently avoided the oxidation of quercetin because 85% of the initial amount of the flavonoid was preserved after 30 days. The particles were notably stable up to a temperature of 70 °C for 10 minutes at relatively high concentrations of salt and sucrose. The type of stirring (mechanical or magnetic) also strongly affected the stability of the dispersions.


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In this study, food emulsions of oil in water from sesame (Sesamum indicum) protein isolates and their oil were formulated and standardised. The effect of the concentrations of sesame (Sesamum indicum) protein isolates and base oil and the speed of the emulsification process for the food emulsion stability was studied. The protein isolates were achieved from the defatted sesame flour (DSF), obtaining a percentage of 80% ± 0.05% of protein. Emulsions were formulated through a factorial design 23. The rheological behaviour of sesame (Sesamum indicum) protein isolates-stabilised emulsions and microstructural composition were investigated. Stable emulsions with suitable rheological properties and microstructure were formulated at a concentration of 10% sesame oil and different concentrations of protein isolates, between 1.5% and 2.5%, with the best droplet distribution characteristics being shown for the 2.5% sesame protein isolates. The emulsions showed a non-Newtonian fluid behaviour, adjusting the Sisko model.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of heating on some quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of flaxseed hull oil. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and Cox value decreased during heating. Heating process led to considerable increase in saponification value (SV), peroxide value (PV), p-anisidine value (p-AnV), oxidative value (OV) and specific extinction at 232 and 270 nm. There was a significant decrease in oil stability during heating process (1.4-1.0 h). Fuel properties of flaxseed hull oil were also changed after heating treatment. Heating process caused loss of total phenolic acids, total flavanoids, carotenoids and chlorophyll pigments. Phospholipids (PL) content were less changed compared to other bioactive compounds. Antioxidant activity of flaxseed hull oil decreased during heating process.


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Abstract This study aimed to characterize pomegranate seed oil and evaluate its quality and stability parameters against those of linseed oil. The profile of fatty acids and phytosterols and the content of tocopherols were analyzed by gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography, respectively. The quality of both oils was assessed as recommended by the American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS) and stability was evaluated using 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), β-carotene bleaching (coupled oxidation of β-carotene/linoleic acid) and Rancimat® assays. While α-linolenic acid (52%) was the most abundant fatty acid in linseed oil (LO), punicic acid (55%) was highest in pomegranate seed oil (PSO). Tocopherols and phytosterols (175 and 539 mg/100 g, respectively) were greater in PSO than in LO (51 and 328 mg/100 g, respectively). Both oils met quality standards. The β-carotene bleaching and the DPPH assays showed greater oxidative stability for PSO than for LO. The Rancimat® method, on the other hand, indicated low stability for both oils.


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Abstract The effects of oil-water mixed frying (OWF) and pure-oil frying (POF) on changes in quality characteristics of soybean oil and chicken chop during six days of frying were comparatively investigated. The results showed that the changes in specific extinction coefficients, p-anisidine value, carbonyl value, viscosity and color of soybean oil were more pronounced in the case of POF, indicating that oil oxidative and polymeric degradation was retarded by OWF. Concerning fat content of chicken chop, lower (p<0.05) values were observed in the last three days in the case of OWF than POF. Meanwhile, OWF led to lower acrylamide formation in chops during the six days. Sensory evaluation showed that OWF provided chops with five attributes similar to those of chops fried by POF on the first day. As frying days increased, the decreases in scores for color, odor, flavor and overall acceptability were less in the case of OWF. In conclusion, OWF could be a worthwhile alternative for retarding oil deterioration and producing healthier and higher quality fried meat products.


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Abstract Biodegradable films blends made of safflower oil nutraceutical capsules waste corn starch (20:4, 30:4, 40:4 and 50:4) were prepared. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of addition of different concentrations of safflower oil nutraceutical capsule waste in the mechanical properties (tensile strength, elongation at break, Young’s modulus) and thickness of corn starch films. A decrease in tensile strength and Young’s modulus and an increase in elongation at break were observed with the increase in the content of the nutraceutical capsule waste. The results showed that the blends of safflower oil capsules waste-corn starch films demonstrated promising characteristics to form biodegradable films with different mechanical characteristics.


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Raakamäntyöljy on selluteollisuuden sivutuote. Suopa erotetaan mustalipeästä ja palstoitetaan tuottaen siten raakamäntyöljyä. Raakamäntyöljy tislataan tavanomaisesti viiteen pääjakeeseen: rasvahapot, hartsihapot, mäntyöljytisle, esiöljy ja mäntyöljypiki. Näiden jakeiden lisäksi raakamäntyöljyssä on erityisesti mustalipeästä siihen erottuneita epäpuhtauksia, jotka haittaavat raakamäntyöljyn prosessointia. Epäpuhtauksia ovat orgaaniset ja epäorgaaniset yhdisteet, kuten metallit, suolat ja ligniini. Nämä epäpuhtaudet aiheuttavat haitallisia reaktioita prosessissa huonontaen siten lopputuotejakeiden laatua. Tämän lisäksi epäpuhtaudet aiheuttavat saostumia prosessilaitteissa alentaen siten prosessointitehokkuutta. Raakamäntyöljyn esikäsittelyllä tehostetaan tislauksen toimintaa. Työssä esitetään esikäsittelymenetelmistä mm. degumming-menetelmä, laimea happopesu, hiilidioksidikäsittely, valkaisu ja lämpökäsittely. Menetelmien pohjalta valitaan tätä työtä varten yksi menetelmä, jonka pohjalta suunnitellaan kokeellisessa osassa suoritettavat kokeet. Kokeellinen osuus koostuu esikokeista, varsinaisista kokeista ja lisäkokeista. Menetelmän tarkoituksena on saavuttaa epäpuhtauksille 90–95 % reduktioaste. Kokeiden onnistumista tutkitaan analysoimalla alkuperäinen raakamäntyöljy, sekä jokaisen kokeen jälkeen erotetut faasit. Työssä saavutettiin hyvä erotustehokkuus. Alkuperäisen tavoitteen mukaista reduktioastetta ei pystytty määrittämään eri analyysimenetelmien ja niiden analyysituloksissa ilmenneiden eroavaisuuksien vuoksi, mutta lisäkokeiden ansiosta pystyttiin vahvistamaan kyseisen koejärjestelmän optimaalinen poistoaste. Lisäksi työssä havaittiin että esikäsittelytulos on hyvin riippuvainen käsiteltävän raaka-aineen koostumuksesta.


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ABSTRACTThe term "energy nationalism" is frequently used by academic literature and media, but usually without adequate conceptual accuracy. Despite this, a set of papers deepens the discussion on the relationship between nation states and the energy industry, especially the oil sector. These papers allow identifying fundamental elements to understand the energy nationalism, either complementary or divergent between each other. Thus, this study aims at presenting an interpretation of the concept that fills the gaps left by the above mentioned literature based on a global analysis of the oil industry structure and its historical evolution since the mid-19thcentury.


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Thecamoebian (testate amoeba) species diversity and assemblages in reclamation wetlands and lakes in northeastern Alberta respond to chemical and physical parameters associated with oil sands extraction. Ecosystems more impacted by OSPM (oil sands process-affected material) contain sparse, low-diversity populations dominated by centropyxid taxa and Arcella vulgaris. More abundant and diverse thecamoebian populations rich in difflugiid species characterize environments with lower OSPM concentrations. These shelled protists respond quickly to environmental change, allowing year-to-year variations in OSPM impact to be recorded. Their fossil record thus provides corporations with interests in the Athabasca Oil Sands with a potential means of measuring the progression of highlyimpacted aquatic environments to more natural wetlands. Development of this metric required investigation of controls on their fossil assemblage (e.g. seasonal variability, fossilization potential) and their biogeographic distribution, not only in the constructed lakes and wetlands on the oil sands leases, but also in natural environments across Alberta.


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Three cores from the Kearl Lake Oil Sands area within the Athabasca deposit of northeastern Alberta have been analyzed to understand the thermal history of the McMurray and Clearwater formations of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group. The approach involves the integration of vitrinite reflectance (VR), Rock-Eval pyrolysis, fluorescence microscopy, and palynology. Mean VR varies between 0.21 and 0.43% Ro and indicates thermally immature levels equivalent to the rank of lignite to sub-bituminous coal. Although differing lithologies have influenced VR to some extent (i.e., coals and bitumen-rich zones), groundwater influence and oxidation seem not to have measurably altered YR. Rock-Eval analysis points to Type III/IV kerogen, and samples rich in amorphous organic matter (ADM) show little to no fluorescence characteristics, implying a terrestrial source of origin. Palynology reveals the presence of some delicate macerals but lack of fluorescence and abundant ADM suggests some degradation and partial oxidation of the samples.


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Certificate for 60 shares of capital stock in High Pressure Oil and Gas Syndicate, Limited to Hamilton K. Woodruff, Nov. 1, 1922.


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Certificate for 500 shares in La Paz Oil Corporation to Hamilton K. Woodruff, Jan. 24, 1923.