973 resultados para Correlation of forces


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We describe an experimental procedure to probe the validity of Newton's second law. The experimental arrangement allows us to accelerate a glider on an air track by means of forces that are both steady and known. We also show how to determine acceleration from average speeds calculated for successive time intervals of the motion measured by using several electronic counters connected to a single-crystal oscillator circuit. Within experimental errors, the experiments clearly show the proportionality between acceleration and force for a fixed mass and between acceleration and inverse of mass for a fixed force. © by the Sociedade Brasileira de Física.


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First-principles calculations set the comprehension over performance of novel cathodoluminescence (CL) properties of BaZrO3 prepared through microwave-assisted hydrothermal. Ground (singlet, s*) and excited (singlet s** and triplet t**) electronic states were built from zirconium displacement of 0.2 Å in {001} direction. Each ground and excited states were characterized by the correlation of their corresponding geometry with electronic structures and Raman vibrational frequencies which were also identified experimentally. A kind of optical polarization switching was identified by the redistribution of 4dz2 and 4dxz (Zr) orbitals and 2pz O orbital. As a consequence, asymmetric bending and stretching modes theoretically obtained reveal a direct dependence with their polyhedral intracluster and/or extracluster ZrO6 distortions with electronic structure. Then, CL of the as-synthesized BaZrO3 can be interpreted as a result of stable triplet excited states, which are able to trap electrons, delaying the emission process due to spin multiplicity changes. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC.


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The antibody and cellular immune responses against infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) were evaluated at mucosal sites of chickens after immunization with various doses of an attenuated vaccine at 1 day of age. The correlation of these immune responses with protection of tracheal tissues was evaluated after experimental infection of these birds. Significantly reduced tracheal pathologic effects, measured according to ciliostasis and histology lesions, and reduced viral load were observed only in the full-dose vaccinated group at 5 days post-infection (dpi), while incomplete protection was observed for the subdose vaccinated groups. Moreover, birds of vaccinated groups, especially with full dose, developed higher levels of lachrymal IBV-specific IgG and IgA and increased the expression of cell-mediated immunity (CMI) genes, such as gamma interferon (IFNγ), CD8+ T cell marker, and granzyme homolog A more rapidly. In addition, these humoral and cellular immune responses evaluated at mucosal sites correlated significantly with tracheal protection against homologous IBV challenge in a vaccine dose-dependent manner. The results indicate that IgG, IgA and CD8+ T cell responses developed at mucosal sites after IBV vaccination of day-old chicks, could be taken as good correlates of protection against this virus. © 2013, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.


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A clinical epidemiological study was conducted among 34 rural properties located within the Brazilian Pantanal region and nearby areas between 2007 and 2010. The diagnosis of equine pythiosis was based on antibody detection (by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), polymerase chain reaction, histopathological analysis, and cultures positive for Pythium insidiosum. The majority of the affected animals (85%) were in the Pantanal biome, which had a higher disease prevalence (0.9%-66.7%) than that of the Cerrado (2.7%-33.3%). The disease was more prevalent in the rainy season (January-March), with an abrupt fall in the number of cases during the drought period (April-September; correlation of R 2 = 0.77; P < .01). Generally, the average prevalence of equine pythiosis in both regions was 5%, with mortality and lethality rates of 1.3% and 23.1%, respectively, in the Pantanal and 2.3% and 45.5%, respectively, in the Cerrado. However, the treatment with immunotherapy may have underestimated these numbers, especially in the Pantanal. Animals older than 1 year were 8.09 times more affected by the disease than younger animals in the same environment (P < .05). A correlation between the anatomical area of the lesion and the type of skin color was also observed. Approximately 73% of the lesions were found in dark-pigmented areas, and animals with a dark coat color were affected more frequently. These findings highlight the importance of hematophagous insects in the epidemiology of pythiosis because these areas are preferred for blood feeding. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Após a glaciação do final do Criogeniano, a região central do Brasil foi palco de extensa deposição de carbonatos plataformais do Grupo Araras. Este grupo inclui na sua base uma seqüência de capa carbonática sucedida por depósitos transgressivos de calcilutitos betuminosos e folhelhos de plataforma profunda. Dados de fácies e estratigráficos combinados com análises isotópicas de carbono e oxigênio da seção mais completa desses depósitos transgressivos, expostos no sinclinal da Guia, foram empregados para avaliar o paleambiente deposicional e para testar a correlação desses depósitos ao longo da faixa e também com outras unidades de outros continentes. A sucessão estudada consiste de 150 m de espessura de camadas tabulares de calcilutitos e folhelhos cinza a pretos com valores de d13CPDB negativos, entre -2,5 e -1 . O perfil de d13CPDB do sinclinal da Guia mostra clara correlação com a porção superior da Formação Guia da região de Cáceres, 200 km a sudoeste. O perfil de d13CPDB do Grupo Araras é comparável aos perfis de d13CPDB de outras unidades ediacaranas da parte sul da Faixa Paraguai, oeste do Canadá, e crátons do Congo e do Kalahari. Além disso, a distribuição de fácies, estratigrafia e o perfil isotópico do Grupo Araras são equiparáveis à porção média do Subgrupo Tsumeb na Namíbia, o que reforça a atribuição de idade Ediacarana para o Grupo Araras.


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Os efeitos políticos, socioeconômicos e ambientais produzidos pela criação da Reserva Extrativista Marinha Mãe Grande de Curuçá-PA, sobre o território e sociedade local são diversos. A criação de uma unidade de conservação no município viabilizou parcerias, intercâmbios e convênios, ao mesmo tempo em que engendrou a implantação de políticas públicas, direcionadas precisamente às populações tradicionais, historicamente excluídas. Todavia, em que pese os avanços obtidos, constata-se, ainda, a persistência de práticas insustentáveis no manejo dos recursos naturais existentes, bem como uma correlação de forças políticas desequilibrada que afeta negativamente o tratamento das questões socioambientais existentes.


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O presente trabalho investigou a ocupação e a correlação da abundância de camarões em relação às variáveis ambientais nos diferentes habitats (manguezal, marisma e afloramento rochoso) em um estuário amazônico. As coletas foram realizadas em agosto e novembro de 2009, na maré baixa de sizígia na praia do Areuá, situada na RESEX Mãe Grande de Curuçá, Pará, totalizando 20 poças. Em cada ambiente foram registrados os fatores físicoquímicos (pH, salinidade e temperatura) e mensuradas a área (m²) e o volume (m³) de cada poça através da técnica de batimetria. A média do pH, salinidade, temperatura, área e volume das poças-de-maré foram 8,75 (± 0,8 desvio padrão) 35,45 (± 3), 29,49 °C (± 2,32), 27,41 m² (± 41,18) e 5,19 m³ (± 8,01), respectivamente. Foi capturado um total de 4.871 indivíduos, distribuídos em três famílias e quatro espécies: Farfantepenaeus subtilis (marinha) a mais frequente (98,36%), seguida de Alpheus pontederiae (0,76%) (estuarina), Macrobrachium surinamicum (0,45%) e Macrobrachium amazonicum (0,43%) predominantemente dulcícolas. As espécies F. subtilis e A. pontederiae ocorreram nos três habitats, enquanto que M. surinamicum ocorreu no afloramento rochoso e marisma e M. amazonicum somente no marisma. O pH e a temperatura foram os descritores ambientais mais importantes que afetaram significativamente a densidade e a biomassa dos camarões.


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Entre os heterópteros, o declínio da concentração de esperma pode ser um fator limitante para o sucesso reprodutivo desses insetos. Acasalamentos múltiplos conferem um reabastecimento de esperma e podem permitir um aumento do valor adaptativo das fêmeas. Neste estudo foi testada a hipótese de que a poliandria aumenta a viabilidade dos ovos. A longevidade de fêmeas de Podisus nigrispinus, bem como seus parâmetros reprodutivos em resposta a diferentes números de acasalamentos (0, 1, 2, 3 ou em coabitação com o mesmo macho) foi avaliada. Esse percevejo vem sendo usado em programas de controle biológico de pragas em reflorestamentos de Eucalipto no Brasil. Apesar da diminuição no tempo de sobrevivência das fêmeas, acasalamentos múltiplos mantiveram a viabilidade dos ovos e o período reprodutivo das fêmeas, permitindo um maior número de descendentes produzidos. Tais resultados indicam que um número mínimo de três acasalamentos antes da primeira postura permite uma maximização do sucesso reprodutivo dessa espécie.


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This study aimed to investigate the potential use of magnetic susceptibility (MS) as pedotransfer function to predict soil attributes under two sugarcane harvesting management systems. For each area of 1 ha (one with green sugarcane mechanized harvesting and other one with burnt sugarcane manual harvesting), 126 soil samples were collected and subjected to laboratory analysis to determine soil physical, chemical and mineralogical attributes and for measuring of MS. Data were submitted to descriptive statistics by calculating the mean and coefficient of variation. In order to compare the means in the different harvesting management systems it was carried out the Tukey test at a significance level of 5%. In order to investigate the correlation of the MS with other soil properties it was made the correlation test and aiming to assess how the MS contributes to the prediction of soil complex attributes it was made the multiple linear regressions. The results demonstrate that MS showed, in both sugarcane harvesting management systems, statistical correlation with chemical, physical and mineralogical soil attributes and it also showed potential to be used as pedotransfer function to predict attributes of the studied oxisol.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The literature indicated that the fractal analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is related to the chaos theory. However, it is not clear if the both short and long-term fractal scaling exponents of HRV are reliable for short period analysis in women. We evaluated the association of the fractal exponents of HRV with the time and frequency domain and geometric indices of HRV. We evaluated 65 healthy women between 18 and 30 years old. HRV was analyzed with a minimal number of 256 RR intervals in the time (SDNN, RMSSD, NN50 and pNN50) and frequency (LF, HF and LF/HF ratio) domains, the geometric index were also analyzed (triangular indexRRtri, triangular interpolation of RR intervals-TINN and Poincaré plot-SD1, SD2 and SD1/SD2) as well as short and long-term fractal exponents (alpha-1 and alpha-2) of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). No significant correlation was observed for alpha-2 exponent with all indices. There was significant correlation of the alpha-1 exponent with RMSSD, pNN50, SDNN/RMSSD, LF (nu), HF (nu and ms2 ), LF/HF ratio, SD1 and SD1/SD2 ratio. Our data does not indicate the alpha-2 exponent to be used for 256 RR intervals and we support the alpha-1 exponent to be used for HRV analysis in this condition.


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The fractal analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) has been associated to the chaos theory. We evaluated the association of the fractal exponents of HRV with the time and frequency domain and geometric indices of HRV for short period. HRV was analyzed with a minimal number of 256 RR intervals in the time (SDNN-standard deviation of normal-to-normal R-R intervals, pNN50-percentage of adjacent RR intervals with a difference of duration greater than 50ms and RMSSD-root-mean square of differences between adjacent normal RR intervals in a time interval) and frequency (LF-low frequency, HF-high frequency and LF/HF ratio) domains. The geometric indexes were also analyzed (RRtri-triangular index, TINN-triangular interpolation of RR intervals and Poincaré plot) as well as short and long-term fractal exponents (alpha-1 and alpha-2) of the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA). We observed strong correlation of the alpha-1 exponent with RMSSD, pNN50, SDNN/RMSSD, LF (nu), HF (nu), LF/HF ratio, SD1 and SD1/Sd2 ratio. In conclusion, we suggest that the alpha-1 exponent could be applied for HRV analysis with a minimal number of 256 RR intervals.