854 resultados para Convivência
The grains of chickpea consumed in Brazil are almost entirely imported. Considering that chickpeas presents conditions to be cultivated in some regions of Brazil, this study aimed to study interference of six weed plants (Amaranthus viridis, Bidens pilosa, Raphanus raphanistrum, Cyperus rotundus, Digitaria nuda and Eleusine indica) on the vegetative development of chickpeas. Thus, we evaluated the shoot length, number of leaves, leaf area, chlorophyll content and dry weight of leaves, stem and root of chickpeas. We observed a significant interference on the chickpeas'development in coexistence with weeds. Among the weeds, D. nuda, E. indica and A. viridis were the most aggressive, highlighting the need for early control of weeds when in cultivation of chickpeas in areas with a history of high density of these weeds. The leaf area of chickpeas was the most affected trait by the coexistence with weeds, affecting the development of the crop.
Beans grain productivity may be reduced by up to 80% and, therefore, knowing the proper time to control weeds becomes fundamental, his research was conducted in order to determine the period prior to interference (PPI) on bean cultivars of different types'plant growth through distinct approaches: arbitrary level of 5% productivity loss; tolerance level (TL), and the Weed Period Prior to Economic Loss (WEEPPEL). Experimental treatments were constituted of ten periods of coexistence, periods of the crop with the weeds: 0-7; 0-14; 0-21; 0-28; 0-35; 0-42; 0-49; 0-56; 0-97 (harvesting) days after emergency (DAE), and a control plot, weed free for the entire period. The experimental design was of the Random Block Design, with four replications. PPI was obtained in all of the different approaches, and the bean plant type II with indeterminate growth had the lowest times of coexistence.
To understand the elderly's perception of their current condition. Methodology. Study undertaken in 2012 using the qualitative method of Minayo and the thematic analysis according to Bardin's suggestions. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews that took place in the homes of the elderly people. The guiding question was: At this point in your life, how do you feel? Tell me. Results. The elderly who were satisfied stated that this was due to the good relationship with their family, spouse, to the fact of having autonomy and respect from the society. Those who were shown to be dissatisfied reported lack of family support, physical limitations imposed by age and the presence of illnesses as the main causes. Conclusion. The adult population requires the use of care technologies that cover all the stages of life, including old age. Nursing professionals should be prepared for the increasing care demand of these people.
A educação cristã na atualidade tem gerado novas vertentes e abordagens de ensino, entre elas a Educação por Princípios. Com origem nos Estados Unidos, essa abordagem chegou ao Brasil em 1988, e já possui um número considerável de escolas que aderem a essa perspectiva, porém, ainda não é conhecida no contexto educativo. A partir deste pressuposto, o seguinte trabalho tem como objetivo ampliar a compreensão da Educação Cristã por Princípios, seu histórico, sua filosofia, seus métodos de ensino e a aplicabilidade dos princípios no currículo escolar. Para isso foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa qualitativa seguindo a metodologia de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental. Concluiu-se que alguns dos pontos da abordagem apresentada dificilmente poderiam ser inseridos na escola regular, por esta ser laica. Entretanto, os sete princípios básicos que caracterizam a Educação por Princípios trariam grandes contribuições, principalmente por resgatar valores de convivência social
Este trabalho coloca em pauta os problemas de sociabilidade e convivência existentes dentro da escola em busca de algumas respostas e de uma compreensão mais aprofundada sobre os motivos pelos quais alguns alunos não se sentem acolhidos na instituição, o que os afasta da convivência social e reflete negativamente em sua aprendizagem, em sua trajetória social e em seu futuro desenvolvimento profissional. Partimos da hipótese de que o envolvimento de alunos em atividades culturais tais como cinema, música, literatura, teatro, visita a museus, etc., seja participando como ouvintes ou em oficinas, pode, através de suas várias formas, resgatar um convívio produtivo entre alunos e a instituição fazendo-os querer estar na escola, propiciando oportunidades de desenvolvimento a partir da aquisição de bens culturais, complementando a formação intelectual formal. O trabalho visa acompanhar uma turma do 6° ano de uma escola estadual de Rio Claro, participante do Projeto de Extensão Educação, Cultura e Inclusão Social e verificar os efeitos do acesso aos bens culturais no desempenho escolar, nas relações com seus pares, com seus professores e com a instituição. A pesquisa fundamentar-se-á teoricamente na Sociologia de Pierre Bourdieu e nos escritos de Juarez Dyrell sobre escola e cultura. Os dados foram coletados por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e observação participante
O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso propõe a discussão sobre o processo de construção da identidade do idoso levando em consideração as representações sociais veiculadas pela mídia e as expectativas e sentimentos dos idosos. A pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar as representações sociais sobre a terceira idade que circulam nos variados meios de comunicação; analisar as representações sociais sobre o idoso, os estereótipos, tanto os antigos (onde o idoso era considerado apenas um peso para as famílias) como os novos (o idoso atleta e descolado que busca a eterna juventude); compreender o significado do conceito de 'terceira idade' e o significado que essa expressão tenta ocultar; compreender os mecanismos de inclusão e exclusão do idoso nas ações da sociedade cível e pública; entender o quanto a convivência entre diferentes origens e diferentes gerações pode ser benéfico pra ambos os lados usando como base minha experiência no PEJA, assim como a busca do ideal do ser idoso, o idoso real, humano, referência de experiência, que ensina e também aprende, respeitado como pessoa sem mais ser considerado como apenas um número de estatística. A pesquisa também contará com uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os processos de construção identitária, representações sociais, influência dos meios de comunicação e terceira idade, com ênfase nas representações expressas na publicidade
This work has as its theme the multiculturalism, cultural diversity and their reflections in school everyday, more specifically on the interactions between the various subjects and social groups that make up a school and the teacher as mediator of the relationship between these guys. The theme Multiculturalism refers in the first instance, to the theoretical movement beginning in the mid-20th century in the United States and that spreads in the Western world as a way of tackling the conflicts generated depending on the economic issues, policies, and, in particular, cultural-ethnic, in an attempt to combat discrimination and prejudice, given the difficulties of individuals and groups to welcome and socialize with the plurality and cultural differences (SILVA; BRANDIM, 2008).At the same time, multiculturalism refers to cultural studies, through the Centre for Contemporary cultural studies, founded by em1964 Hoggart, and connected to the English language Department of the University of Birmingham in England.In contemporary times, due to the phenomenon of globalization and public policy to challenge prejudice and discrimination the subjects and social groups, regardless of color, creed, ethnicity, sexual orientation and nationality, this theme has been recurring in order to recognize plural identities and ensure and directly affects the school as a place of cultural diversity and conflicts generated by the very diversity.The present work aims to analyze and understand how the issue of multiculturalism and cultural diversity in school films. Our study will be based theoretically in Cultural Studies authors and uses the qualitative approach, working with movie content analysis of school, seeking to seize on the same relations of coexistence, conflicts and the mediations of teachers
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The changes on learning space where Dentistry Students stay in front of social reality, by university extension, represent a strategy to form dentists according to Brazilian Curricular Directresses. In Araçatuba Dental School (FOA-UNESP), one of alternatives to add students on real locals of dentistry practices is the “Always Smiling Project – Dental Attention for institutionalized elderly in Araçatuba City, São Paulo State – Brazil”. The aim of this study was to verify the self-perception of dentistry students about aging before and after participation in this Project during one school year. To data collection, an instrument with 3 opened questions was performed and applied on 45 students, in the beginning of activities in 2009 and after 8 months. The answers were analyzed by content categorization. The results showed that the perception of students about old people was negative relating them with frail person that needs help and the students’ expectations were higher about clinical aspects of attention. In the end of school year was clear the difference of students’ comprehension about aging and their thoughts demonstrated the empathy resulting from relation. Besides, students related knowledge gain and noted that health attention involve others aspects that are over than biological space. It was possible to conclude that insertion of students in “Always Smiling” contributed to reflection and learn about aging process and suggest that practices like these should be added in Brazilian Universities.
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Pós-graduação em Educação Sexual - FCLAR
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
This paper seeks to understand the mediation of cultural products devoted to childhood in the children's play culture. This research focused on a dialogue between the TV cartoons, which are foods to playfulness and fantasy that characterize childhood cultures; the ethics, because the questioning of symbolic mediators (ideas, values, norms, rules) are essential to reflect on the society we want to live, and Physical Education as a curriculum component, shall contribute to the critical mediation of the body culture and the sports arising out from the media, which has close relation with the practical and moral problems that arise in the classroom. To analyze the narrative structures of cartoons we have adopted the comprehensive methodology of Joan Ferrés. Such method suggests a hermeneuticphenomenological approach, which allowed to access Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics; as one interpretative method, it allows the reflection on our values, and also the values presented by the audiovisual product, and possible changes. Successive readings indicate that the narrative structure of TV cartoons responds to a double moral standard, which are constructed from stereotyped models between good and evil, right and wrong, villain and hero, and propose universal role models of conduct. However, some cartoons, mostly based on animé productions, have broader visions of the human common living experiences. We concluded that the current symbolic production of childhood cultures proposes one challenge to the Physical Education teacher: the critical mediation of values related to the movement body culture. Along with the support of moral philosophy, it can target his/her practice for understanding the different manners of (re)creation of the ways, and the living in society.