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Se desarrollaron catalizadores de TiO2 dopados con nitrógeno para conseguir actividad fotocatalítica bajo irradiación visible. En este trabajo se reporta la síntesis de TiO2-N, usando urea y nitrato de amonio (NH4NO3) como precursores de nitrógeno, tanto a partir de un TiO2 generado in situ (método sol-gel) como mediante la modificación de un TiO2 comercial. Así mismo, se varió la concentración de urea para encontrar el valor óptimo de nitrógeno, lo cual se comprobó mediante la oxidación fotocatalítica de ácido oxálico bajo irradiación con luz visible. Los materiales sintetizados se caracterizaron por medio de análisis elemental, y por reflectancia difusa UV-visible, encontrándose nitrógeno en todas las muestras, y un valor del ancho de banda prohibida en el rango 2-2,8 eV. Lamentablemente, se detectó una pérdida de nitrógeno cuando los fotocatalizadores eran reutilizados, lo cual causó una disminución de su actividad después de cada reacción, ya sea en presencia de oxígeno, o en ausencia de éste mientras se generaba hidrógeno. Entre los dopantes investigados el NH4NO3 mostro una mejor eficiencia en la producción de hidrógeno. Además, los resultados experimentales revelaron claramente que la deposición de platino en la superficie de los catalizadores TiO2-N desempeña un papel fundamental en el aumento de la generación de hidrógeno. Sin embargo, esta mejora dependía claramente del método de preparación de las muestras, obteniéndose mejores resultados con el TiO2-p25.
Estudio de estrategias sobre la utilización de un GRID para realizar la gestión administrativa y la puesta en marcha de localizaciones remotas para la colaboración en este tipo de tareas.
Bipolar disorder is a chronic disease that causes abnormal shifts in mood. Although it may be infra diagnosed, a prevalence of 1-2.5% is estimated. As treatment, there is a wide range of medicines but the bests goals are achieved with a mix of psicotherapy and medicines.The following is the case of AF, Who was diagnosed of bipolar disorder 20 years ago. Along this time, he has been amitted to hospital several times. This case runs the normal course of bipolar disorder and shows that treating severe mental illness may be really complex.
BACKGROUND: Malnutrition is a major public health problems, according to WHO, is the leading cause of death, when it affects the group of hospitalized patients, making denominating separate entity "hospital malnutrition". OBJECTIVES: The overall objective is to quantify the main diagnoses frequently high, causing exitus, with secondary diagnosis of malnutrition. METHODS: This is a descriptive study, which included all hospital discharges in 2011 and first half of 2012, which have been exitus and whose secondary diagnosis of malnutrition, with the total of 33. We performed a descriptive analysis, effected the Mann-Whitney nonparametric test (p < 0.05). RESULTS: The most frequent main diagnoses among 33 analyzed are high sepsis (12.1%), liver metastases (9.1%), pneumonia (6.1%), acute respiratory failure (6.1%) and renal acute renal (6.1%). CONCLUSIONS: Although the most frequent primary diagnosis of sepsis, by grouping the diagnoses, the most frequent DRG is respiratory disease, so it has to make comprehensive and quality coding to adjust the relative weight of the same reality. It is essential to specify the source of clinical information used for coding, the degree of malnutrition, for greater specificity in the data.
To evaluate the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in the success of postoperative weight loss after 2 years of CB. METHODS: A prospective observational study was conducted in consecutive patients with morbid obesity aged between 18 and 59 yrs and enrolled in the bariatric surgery program of the Obesity Surgery Unit of our hospital from June 2007 through June 2010, with two years postoperative follow-up. Participants were divided into two groups according to their participation in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or not. Over a 3-month period, CBT was applied in 12 2-h sessions. The main dependent variables studied were body weight and height, from which we calculated BMI and percentage of excess weight lost (weight lost x 100)/(initial weight-ideal weight), classifying patients as successful (E ) those with EPP > 50%, and unsuccessful (NE) those with EPP <50%. Participants were also, assessed for general (stress, anxiety, depression and self-esteem) and specific (binge eating and food craving) psychopathology. RESULTS: Of the 35 patients with bariatric surgery, 30 responded postoperative evaluations, 16 underwent CBT before CB and 14 underwent surgery without receiving psycho-nutritional therapy, (76% female) with a mean age of 41 ± 9.5 years. The mean baseline BMI was 42 ± 10 and 45% of patients were classified as super obese (BMI: 56 ± 6). Mean excess weight loss (EPP) was 77%. According to the EPP were classified as "successful" (S) (59%) and "unsuccessful" (U) (41%). Of the patients assigned to S, 94% received CBT (15 individuals of 17 total), compared with only 12% who did not receive (2 individuals of the 17 total) with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05). Also, the S patients appeared to be significantly less anxious and stressed and have higher self-esteem (P < 0.05). Regarding specific psychopathology, the food craving guided by hunger, loss of control over food intake and guilt was lower in patients who achieved > 50% of EPP (p < 0.04, p < 0.001, p < 0.001, respectively). It was also noted that these patients were plans to eat less and ate less for positive reinforcement (p < 0.03 and p < 0.000, respectively) than the patient group NE
Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) improves the quality of life of the patients although it has complications. Catheter-related infections and mechanical complications are the most frequent ones. We report the case of endocarditis over catheter in a man suffering from short bowel and receiving HPN. The special features of the case are firstly the catheter was a remaining fragment on the right atrial and secondly the infection was caused by Trichoderma longibrachiatum, an isolated fact regarding this pathology so far. Conventional surgery was applied to take the catheter out. Staphylococcus epidermidis, Ochrobactrum anthropi and Trichoderma longibrachiatum were isolated from the surgical specimen. The extraction of the infected catheter along with antibiotic therapy led to the complete recovery of the subject. Ochrobactrum anthropi and Trichoderma longibrachiatum are unusual microorganisms but they are acquiring more relevance. Although there is no agreement about intravascular retained catheter management, the most recommended approach consists on monitoring them and removing the device in case of complications.
Desarrollo de la aplicación Hotel SPA con Microsoft,para un hotel con diferentes instalaciones de ocio y relajación.
El principal objetivo del proyecto es romper las fronteras de las búsquedas de canciones en las discotecas de los usuarios domésticos guardadas en los discos duros de sus PC's. Se pretende buscar canciones en base a unas observaciones personales (amigos, lugares, comentarios...) que habrán sido definidas previamente por el usuario, y el segundo tipo buscará canciones en base a las "emociones personales" que también serán definidas por el usuario.Como objetivos secundarios se plantea organizar automáticamente los archivos de audio MP3 almacenados en los ordenadores personales, reproducir los archivos de audio MP3 mediante streaming, un servicio que buscará enlaces web que contengan información/noticias de artistasálbumes, etc., y una agenda musical en la cual los usuarios podrán programar el aviso de observaciones personales
El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar una aplicación web que sirva de gestión de los aparatos conectados a la centralita Asterisk y generar los ficheros de configuración, tanto para los terminales como para el correcto funcionamiento de la centralita. Además, se instalará un servidor que conecte centralita y Google Apps para que los usuarios puedan usar el videochat de Gmail como softphone, permitiéndoles enviar y recibir llamadas a través de la centralita de la universidad en cualquier parte del mundo.
Este documento describe qué contiene IpViSix, cómo se ha construido y para qué puede ser útil esta distribución de GNU/Linux que incorpora una serie de herramientas basadas en software libre que permiten tanto probar aplicaciones y redes como implementar servicios de red básicos.
Solución para centralizar los servicios básicos (DNS, DHCP, FTP, web) e implementar los niveles de seguridad adecuados de la red de un IES donde se impartan ciclos formativos que necesiten aulas de informática. La documentación presentada permitirá que la solución implementada sirva como modelo a cualquier IES de características similares.
Objective: To assess the maternal comfort and reduction of pain associated with contractions during labor with “hands-knees” (HK) maternal posture compared with “lateral maternal postures toward the fetal back” in pregnant women with occipitoposterior (OP) fetal position. Methods: In the multicenter trial by randomization, 70 women with OP fetal position during labor took the lateral posture and 65 women the HK posture for at least 30 minutes. We analyzed maternal comfort, perceived pain, influence of epidural analgesia and use of fit-ball on posture HK. Results: Back pain and abdominal pain reduction was higher with HK posture. With lateral posture 78.6% of women expressed comfort versus 73.8% of women with HK posture. Regarding the lateral posture, the comfort with HK posture reduces in multiparous women, with an odds ratio (OR) of 0.29, for a confidence interval (CI) 95% 0.12 to 0.76, and epidural analgesia (OR= 0.39; CI 95%: 0.15-1.03), comfort with K posture is higher with reduction of pain (OR= 4.13, 95% CI: 1.34- 12.72) and abdominal pain compared with back pain (OR= 4.05, 95% CI: 1.36-11.85). Conclusions: Women consider comfortable lateral and HK maternal postures during labor. The lateral posture is most comfortable for multiparous and epidural analgesia. The reduction of pain during labor is higher with HK posture, recommending this posture in primiparous women without epidural analgesia.
INTRODUCTION: The femoral periprosthetic fracture of the knee is one of the most feared complications because of its repercussions. Incidence are more and more likely due to the increase of total implanted arthroplasty of the knee, due to the increasing lifespan among the general population. The objective of this study is to analyze some of the perioperative aspects of the treatment of these fractures, comparing the use of osteosynthesis with plates and the retrograde nailing in those patients with femoral periprosthetic knee fractures with a stable implant. MATERIAL AND METODS: The study retrospectively examines 18 cases treated consecutively in our hospital (3 men and 15 women, average age of 72.7 years) between the years of 2000 and 2009. All fractures were located in the distal femur and on a stable implant. Eight were treated through retrograde nailing (Group I) and ten with plates (Group II). The cases are analyzed through the tests of the University of Mann-Withney and the exact Fischer test, with significant values of p≤0.05, the variables of median hospital stay, necessity of transfusion indicated with values of hemoglobin less than 8 mg/ml, preoperative radiological alignment and postoperative alignment of the total knee prosthesis (TKR), measured following the anatomical tibiofemoral axis, time of consolidation and incidence of localized complications in both groups. RESULTS: We did not find any statistically significant differences between the two groups in any of the variables analyzed. Localized complications are more frequent in Group I (62.5 percent of patients) than in Group II (10 percent of patients). The need for transfusion is greater in Group II (40 percent) than in Group I (12.5 percent). CONCLUSIONS: The type of implant used in treatment of femoral periprosthetic knee fracture does not significantly influence perioperative factors. The treatment for this type of fractures should be individually chosen in relation to the type of fracture, characteristics of the patient and stability and prosthesis model of the primary knee.
Sección: "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"