988 resultados para Contralateral teeth
TEMA: a produção da fala nas modalidades de reabilitação oral protética. OBJETIVO: verificar se o tipo de reabilitação oral interfere na produção da fala. MÉTODO: 36 idosos (média = 68 anos), divididos em 3 grupos, foram avaliados: 13 com dentes naturais (A), 13 com prótese total mucosossuportada superior e inferior (B) e 10 com prótese total mucosossuportada superior e implantossuportada inferior (C). A estabilidade das próteses foi avaliada por um dentista e amostras de fala foram analisadas por 5 fonoaudiólogos. Para determinar a freqüência de alteração dos sons da fala utilizou-se o cálculo da Porcentagem de Consoantes Corretas (PCC). RESULTADOS: observou-se poucos casos com alteração de fala, com maior freqüência no grupo C (23,08%), sendo a articulação travada presente em todos os grupos, a redução dos movimentos labiais em dois grupos (A e B) e a articulação exagerada e a falta de controle salivar em um dos grupos (C e B). Quanto à PCC, menor valor foi observado para os fones linguodentais nos grupos B e C (maior ocorrência de alteração), seguido dos fones alveolares, predominando casos sem alteração no grupo A, contrariamente aos demais grupos, sendo a projeção lingual e o ceceio as alterações mais encontradas. Não houve diferença entre os grupos e a maioria do grupo B estava com a prótese inferior insatisfatória, não havendo associação entre alteração de fala e prótese insatisfatória. CONCLUSÃO: apesar da amostra pequena, indivíduos reabilitados com prótese total apresentam alteração nos fones linguodentais e alveolares e o tipo de prótese, bem como a estabilidade desta parece não interferir na produção da fala.
OBJETIVO: Apresentar as características clínicas, tratamento cirúrgico e achado histológico de um caso de lipoidoproteinose. DESCRIÇÃO DO CASO: Criança do sexo masculino, cinco anos de idade, branco, que procurou atendimento odontológico na Universidade. A mãe da criança relatou presença de intensa halitose e dificuldade na alimentação e higienização bucal, decorrentes de crescimento gengival generalizado nos arcos dentários superior e inferior. No exame clínico, verificaram-se comprometimento funcional e estético generalizado (rouquidão, artralgia bilateral no joelho e tornozelo, lesões tumorais nas orelhas, entre outros), além de extensa hiperplasia gengival em ambos os arcos dentários. Optou-se pelo tratamento cirúrgico, com remoção do tecido hiperplásico e exodontia de todos os dentes decíduos e de dois permanentes. O exame histopatológico da peça cirúrgica confirmou o diagnóstico de lipoidoproteinose. COMENTÁRIOS: A lipoidoproteinose é uma doença rara caracterizada pela deposição da substância hialina na pele, membranas mucosas e nos órgãos internos. Os sinais que podem surgir após o nascimento, são: rouquidão; lesões pápulo-nodulares na cabeça, pescoço e membros; lesões papulares amareladas nas margens das pálpebras. O curso desta doença é benigno e crônico.
This in vitro study evaluated the tensile bond strength of glass fiber posts (Reforpost - Angelus-Brazil) cemented to root dentin with a resin cement (RelyX ARC - 3M/ESPE) associated with two different adhesive systems (Adper Single Bond - 3M/ESPE and Adper Scotchbond Multi Purpose (MP) Plus - 3M/ESPE), using the pull-out test. Twenty single-rooted human teeth with standardized root canals were randomly assigned to 2 groups (n=10): G1- etching with 37% phosphoric acid gel (3M/ESPE) + Adper Single Bond + #1 post (Reforpost - Angelus) + four #1 accessory posts (Reforpin - Angelus) + resin cement; G2- etching with 37% phosphoric acid gel + Adper Scotchbond MP Plus + #1 post + four #1 accessory posts + resin cement. The specimens were stored in distilled water at 37°C for 7 days and submitted to the pull-out test in a universal testing machine (EMIC) at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The mean values of bond strength (kgf) and standard deviation were: G1- 29.163 ± 7.123; G2- 37.752 ±13.054. Statistical analysis (Student's t-test; a=0.05 showed no statistically significant difference (p<0.05) between the groups. Adhesive bonding failures between resin cement and root canal dentin surface were observed in both groups, with non-polymerized resin cement in the apical portion of the post space when Single Bond was used (G1). The type of adhesive system employed on the fiber post cementation did not influence the pull-out bond strength.
PURPOSE: The objective of this paper is to report the clinical case of a patient who presented a chronic apical periodontitis, arising from internal inflammatory resorption followed by pulp necrosis, and a long-term success of a root canal therapy using calcium hydroxide as root canal dressing. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 20-year-old male patient presented for routine dental treatment. By radiographic examination we noted an extensive radioluscent area, laterally to the permanent maxillary right lateral incisor, with possibility of communication with the lateral periodontium, suggestive of a chronic apical periodontitis. Due to external root resorption detection, we used a calcium hydroxide root canal dressing, changed every 15 days, for a period of 2 months. Root canal filling was performed using gutta-percha cones by lateral condensation technique Radiographic follow up held after 19 years of treatment indicated a periodontium in conditions of normality, with the presence of lamina dura. CONCLUSION: Calcium hydroxide is a suitable material to be used as root canal dressing in teeth with apical periodontitis. Long-term evaluation demonstrated the satisfactory clinical outcome following root canal treatment.
O objetivo foi analisar experiência de cárie dentária na população ribeirinha residente às margens dos rios Machado e Preto (Rondônia, Brasil), em 2005 e 2006. Foram examinados 469 indivíduos com formulário preconizado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde, sob luz natural e utilização de espátulas de madeira e sonda CPI. Na faixa etária de 4-5 anos de idade, ceod = 4,30 e 19,64% livres de cárie; 6-10 anos, CPOD = 1,04, ceod = 3,52, 17,05% livres de cárie; aos 12 anos, CPOD = 2,65 e 30,76% livres de cárie; aos 18 anos, CPOD = 5,41 e 19,51% livres de cárie; 35-44 anos, CPOD = 17,74 e 2,98% livres de cárie; 65-74 anos, CPOD = 21,56 e 4,34% livres de cárie. Na análise por componentes, constatou-se que o componente cariado tem maior prevalência nas idades de 0-3, 4-5, 6-10, 12 e 18 anos. Em adultos e idosos, o componente que mais contribui é o perdido. Conclui-se que a população apresenta índices de cárie dentária elevados, sendo necessária a atuação em âmbito educativo, preventivo e curativo.
This study evaluated the response of the subcutaneous connective tissue of BALB/c mice to root filling materials indicated for primary teeth: zinc oxide/eugenol cement (ZOE), Calen paste thickened with zinc oxide (Calen/ZO) and Sealapex sealer. The mice (n=102) received polyethylene tube implants with the materials, thereby forming 11 groups, as follows: I, II, III: Calen/ZO for 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively; IV, V, VI: Sealapex for 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively; VII, VIII, IX: ZOE for 7, 21 and 63 days, respectively; X and XI: empty tube for 7 and 21 days, respectively. The biopsied tissues were submitted to histological analysis (descriptive analysis and semi-quantitative analysis using a scoring system for collagen fiber formation, tissue thickness and inflammatory infiltrate). A quantitative analysis was performed by measuring the area and thickness of the granulomatous reactionary tissue (GRT). Data were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc tests (?=0.05). There was no significant difference (p>0.05) among the materials with respect to collagen fiber formation or GRT thickness. However, Calen/ZO produced the least severe inflammatory infiltrate (p<0.05). The area of the GRT was significantly smaller (p<0.05) for Calen/ZO and Sealapex. In conclusion, Calen/ZO presented the best tissue reaction, followed by Sealapex and ZOE.
Congenital pathologies are those existing at or dating from birth. Occurrence of congenital cystic lesions in the oral cavity is uncommon in neonates. Eruption cyst (EC) is listed among these unusual lesions. It occurs within the mucosa overlying teeth that are about to erupt and, according to the current World Health Organization (WHO) classification of epithelial cysts of the jaws, EC is a separate entity. This paper presents a case of congenital EC successfully managed by close monitoring of the lesion, without any surgical procedure or tooth extraction. Eruption of the teeth involved, primary central incisors, occurred at the fourth month of age. During this time neither the child nor mother had any complication such as pain on sucking, refusal to feed, airway obstruction, or aspiration of fluids or teeth.
The aim of this study was to evaluate periapical repair after root canal filling with different endodontic sealers. Sixty-four root canals from dog´s teeth were filled, divided into 4 groups (n=16). Root canals were instrumented with K-type files and irrigated with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution. Root canals were filled in the same session by active lateral condensation of the cones and sealers: Intrafill, AH Plus, Roeko Seal and Resilon/Epiphany System. After 90 days, the animals were euthanized and the tissues to be evaluated were processed and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. For histopathological analysis, the following parameters were evaluated: inflammatory process, mineralized tissue resorption, and apical mineralized tissue deposition. Histopathological analysis demonstrated that Intrafill had less favorable results in terms of apical and periapical repair, compared to the other sealers (p<0.05). AH Plus, Roeko Seal, and Epiphany sealers had similar and satisfactory results (p>0.05). In conclusion, AH Plus and the materials Roeko Seal and Epiphany are good options for clinical use in Endodontics.
This paper describes the case of a 12-year-old male patient who presented a severe lateral luxation of the maxillary central incisors due to a bicycle fall. Treatment involved suture of the soft tissues lacerations, and repositioning and splinting of the injured teeth, followed by endodontic treatment and periodontal surgery. After a 2-year follow-up, clinical and radiographic evaluation revealed that the incisors presented satisfactory esthetic and functional demands.
This study evaluated histopathologically different methods of experimental induction of periapical periodontitis. The radiographic and microbiological evaluations have been performed in a previous investigation. Fifty-seven root canals from dogs' teeth were assigned to 4 groups. In GI (n=14) and GII (n=14), the root canals were exposed to oral environment for 180 days; in GIII (n=14) and GIV (n=15) the root canals were exposed for 7 days and then the access cavities were restored and remained sealed for 53 days. The root apices of GI and GIII were perforated, whilst those of GII and GIV remained intact. After induction of periapical periodontitis, the dogs were euthanized. Serial sections were obtained and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Data of the histopathological evaluation were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn's tests at 5% significance level. The inflammatory periapical reaction and resorption of mineralized tissues were less intense in GII than in the other groups (p<0.05). There was no histopathological difference among the experimentally induced periapical lesions in the teeth with coronal sealing. On the other hand, when coronal sealing was not performed, greater intensity of induced periapical periodontitis was observed in the teeth with apical perforation.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbial distribution in the root canal system after periapical lesion induction in dogs' teeth using different methods. Fifty-two root canals were assigned to 4 groups (n=13). Groups I and II: root canals were exposed to the oral cavity for 180 days; groups III and IV: root canals were exposed for 7 days and then the coronal openings were sealed for 53 days. The root apices of groups I and III were perforated, while those of groups II and IV remained intact. After the experimental periods, the animals were euthanized and the anatomic pieces containing the roots were processed and stained with the Brown & Brenn method to assess the presence and distribution of microorganisms. The incidence of microorganisms at different sites of the roots and periapical lesions was analyzed statistically by the chi-square test at 5% significance level. All groups presented microorganisms in the entire root canal system. A larger number of microorganisms was observed on the root canal walls, apical delta and dentinal tubules (p<0.05), followed by cementum and cemental resorption areas. In spite of the different periods of exposure to the oral environment, the methods used for induction of periapical periodontitis yielded similar distribution of microorganisms in the root canal system.
A mordida aberta é uma anomalia com características distintas que, além da complexidade dos múltiplos fatores etiológicos, traz consequências estéticas e funcionais. Muitas alternativas têm sido utilizadas em seu tratamento, entre elas a grade palatina, forças ortopédicas, ajuste oclusal, camuflagem com ou sem exodontias, mini-implantes ou miniplacas e cirurgia ortognática. O diagnóstico preciso e a determinação da etiologia permitem estabelecer os objetivos e o plano de tratamento ideal para essa má oclusão. O presente relato descreve o tratamento de uma má oclusão Classe I de Angle, com padrão esquelético de Classe II e mordida aberta anterior, realizado em duas fases e que foi apresentado à diretoria do Board Brasileiro de Ortodontia e Ortopedia Facial (BBO), representando a categoria 2, como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do título de Diplomado pelo BBO.
OBJETIVO: o presente estudo destinou-se a comparar a morfologia tegumentar de indivíduos segundo a tipologia facial. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas 90 telerradiografias de pacientes de ambos os sexos, de 12 a 16 anos de idade, divididas em três grupos distintos, referentes a cada padrão morfológico: mesofacial, dolicofacial e braquifacial. Os grupos foram comparados no que se refere às medidas de espessura e altura do lábio superior e inferior, além da espessura do mento mole. Ainda, foi apurada a presença de correlações entre as variáveis de tecido mole avaliadas e medidas cefalométricas de natureza dentária e esquelética. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os lábios superiores e inferiores, assim como o mento mole, não apresentaram diferenças em relação às suas espessuras em todos os grupos morfológicos. Porém, as alturas do lábio superior e inferior foram significativamente maiores para os dolicofaciais quando esses foram comparados aos demais grupos. Braquifaciais apresentaram menor altura do lábio superior quando comparados aos mesofaciais, embora ambos não tenham se diferenciado significativamente no que se refere à altura do lábio inferior. A análise das correlações estabelecidas entre as variáveis dos tecidos moles e duros indicou evidências de um desenvolvimento vertical dos lábios superior e inferior em acompanhamento ao desenvolvimento vertical do esqueleto. O posicionamento vertical do incisivo superior se correlacionou significativamente aos mesmos parâmetros labiais, o que garantiu um nível de exposição semelhante desse elemento dentário em todos os grupos.
Several impression materials are available in the Brazilian marketplace to be used in oral rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to compare the accuracy of different impression materials used for fixed partial dentures following the manufacturers' instructions. A master model representing a partially edentulous mandibular right hemi-arch segment whose teeth were prepared to receive full crowns was used. Custom trays were prepared with auto-polymerizing acrylic resin and impressions were performed with a dental surveyor, standardizing the path of insertion and removal of the tray. Alginate and elastomeric materials were used and stone casts were obtained after the impressions. For the silicones, impression techniques were also compared. To determine the impression materials' accuracy, digital photographs of the master model and of the stone casts were taken and the discrepancies between them were measured. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and Duncan's complementary test. Polyether and addition silicone following the single-phase technique were statistically different from alginate, condensation silicone and addition silicone following the double-mix technique (p < .05), presenting smaller discrepancies. However, condensation silicone was similar (p > .05) to alginate and addition silicone following the double-mix technique, but different from polysulfide. The results led to the conclusion that different impression materials and techniques influenced the stone casts' accuracy in a way that polyether, polysulfide and addition silicone following the single-phase technique were more accurate than the other materials.
This article reports the case of a 55-year-old female patient who presented with unsatisfactory temporary crowns in the right mandibular premolars and molars, and a premolar-to-molar fixed partial denture in the left side. The clinical and radiographic examinations revealed a fracture of the left first premolar that was a retainer of the fixed partial denture and required extraction. Initially, the acrylic resin crowns were replaced by new ones, and a provisional RPD was made using acrylic resin and orthodontic wire clasps to resolve the problem arising from the loss of the fixed partial denture. Considering the patient's high esthetic demands, the treatment options for the definitive prosthetic treatment were discussed with her and rehabilitation with implant-supported dentures was proposed because the clinical conditions of the residual alveolar ridge were suitable for implant installation, and the patient's general health was excellent. However, the patient did not agree because she knew of a failed case of implant-retained denture in a diabetic individual and was concerned. The patient was fully informed that implant installation was the best indication for her case, but the arguments were not sufficient to change her decision. The treatment possibilities were presented and the patient opted for a clasp-retained removable partial denture (RPD) associated with the placement of crowns in the pillar teeth. The temporary RPD was replaced by the definitive RPD constructed subsequently. Although RPD was not the first choice, satisfactory esthetic and functional outcomes were achieved, overcaming the patient's expectations. This case report illustrates that the dentist must be prepared to deal with situations where, for reasons that cannot be managed, the patient does not accept the treatment considered as the most indicated for his/her case. Alternatives must be proposed and the functional and esthetic requirements must be fulfilled in the best possible manner.