973 resultados para Consultation éthique


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Diversos autores relatam que a consulta médica se associa a melhores resultados quando se adota como referencial o modelo centrado no paciente. OBJETIVO: Avaliar se os médicos ingressantes na residência de Pediatria realizam consultas ambulatoriais segundo pressupostos do modelo centrado no paciente. MÉTODO: Em 2007, no início de seu estágio de ambulatório, dez residentes foram selecionados aleatoriamente para serem filmados durante a realização de uma consulta. Adotando-se como referencial teórico pressupostos do modelo centrado no paciente, os dados foram analisados por meio de metodologia qualitativa, por meio da técnica exploratória, com três juízes independentes. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos residentes explora precocemente a primeira queixa referida pelos pais, assumindo-a como principal; não explora outras queixas; decide e faz orientações terapêuticas de modo não compartilhado; conversa pouco com as crianças; cria longos momentos de silêncio durante a consulta; não explica o exame físico e às vezes utiliza o prontuário como a principal fonte de informação. CONCLUSÃO: Os residentes realizam consultas sem a inclusão da perspectiva dos pais e, portanto, não atendem segundo pressupostos do modelo centrado no paciente.


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A literatura francesa e mundial passaram por uma enorme transformação ao longo do século XIX. A primorosa escrita de Flaubert é, para além de sua importância estética, reveladora de um novo modo de se escrever, ler e representar o homem no mundo moderno. O cuidado na construção do texto, a utilização de imagens plásticas e figuras de linguagem, ao mesmo tempo em que o narrador torna-se invisível no emprego do discurso indireto livre são característicos da escrita flaubertiana. O autor apresenta-nos em "Um coração simples" um "retrato" de Félicité, mulher pobre do interior da França, modelo virtuoso de uma ética evanescente. Ao acompanhar, por meio do conto, os passos e desventuras de Felicité, sob as lentes deste novo narrador, buscamos evidenciar as condições que circundam o aparecimento de um olhar científico-objetivo para a subjetividade humana, logo transformada em objeto de uma nascente Psicologia.


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A anemia por deficiência de ferro configura um problema epidemiológico da maior relevância atuando nos gastos públicos de saúde, nas consequências sociais do aumento de riscos no período gestacional, na redução da produtividade e, ainda, nas consequências, em longo prazo, do desenvolvimento mental. Algumas datas marcam o envolvimento do governo brasileiro em busca de alternativas de controle da deficiência marcial: 1977 - 1ª Reunião do Ministério da Saúde (INAN), com especialistas nacionais e internacionais, para discutir perspectivas e intervenções para o controle da anemia; 1982/83 - distribuição de suplemento de ferro para a clientela do Programa de Atenção à Gestante e dosagem de hemoglobina na 1ª consulta; 1992 - assinatura de compromisso brasileiro de reduzir em 1/3 a prevalência de anemia em gestantes; 1994 - implantação do Programa de Leite Vivaleite, no estado de São Paulo, fornecendo leite fortificado com ferro a famílias com crianças até 6 anos e renda inferior a dois salários mínimos; 2002/junho 2004 - fortificação das farinhas de trigo e de milho com ferro; 2005 - programa de suplementação de ferro a lactentes; 2009/março - divulgação do resultado do levantamento de prevalência de anemia em mulheres (15-49 anos) e crianças (6 - 59 meses) no Brasil; 2009/agosto - foi reeditada a Portaria no 1793/GM/agosto/2009 do Ministério da Saúde, instituindo a Comissão Interinstitucional para implementação, acompanhamento e monitorização das ações de fortificação das farinhas de trigo e milho e seus subprodutos.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia da intervenção nutricional na redução do excesso de peso (EP), em pacientes com síndrome do anticorpo antifosfolípide (SAF). MÉTODO: Incluídos 40 pacientes, acima de 18 anos, com diagnóstico de SAF primária ou secundária, acompanhados no Serviço de Reumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo (HC-FMUSP) e recrutados no período de outubro de 2005 a fevereiro de 2006. Foram coletados dados demográficos e realizados a revisão de prontuários, a mensuração de peso e da altura, o cálculo do índice de massa corpórea (IMC) atual e a adequação da dieta pelo IMC ideal. Foi realizada avaliação na primeira consulta e após intervalo mínimo de dois meses. RESULTADOS: A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 41 anos, sendo 93% de mulheres. Os pacientes com SAF primária perfaziam 25%, com média de dois anos da doença. A trombose venosa ocorreu em 63%, arterial em 48% e manifestações obstétricas em 27%. Na primeira consulta, 68% apresentavam EP, 27% eram eutróficos e 5% estavam com baixo peso (BP). Após três meses de intervenção, os eutróficos mantiveram o peso e os de BP tornaram-se eutróficos, segundo o IMC. Interessantemente, entre os pacientes com EP (n = 27), 82% emagreceram, 14% engordaram e 4% se mantiveram. Especificamente, 11 pacientes apresentaram 1% a 3% de perda ponderal de peso, oito perderam de 4% a 7%, dois reduziram 8% a 9% e um reduziu 13,6% com o acompanhamento nutricional. CONCLUSÃO: Foi demonstrado no presente estudo que a intervenção nutricional conseguiu atingir metas para redução de peso, possibilitando diminuição no risco trombótico num curto período, sendo, portanto, uma modalidade terapêutica inicial e de eleição para corrigir o EP em pacientes com SAF.


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INTRODUCTION: Dermatology is primarily an outpatient specialty, but it also plays an important role in the care of inpatients. METHODS: We conducted a prospective study that recorded data from inpatient dermatology consultation request forms over a period of four months. The study evaluated 313 requests that led to 566 visits, 86 biopsies, 35 laboratory exams, 41 direct microscopic studies, 18 direct immunofluorescence analyses, 14 skin cultures and a few other exams. RESULTS: The most frequent requesting service was internal medicine (24%), followed by neurology (12%), cardiology (11%), infectious diseases and pediatrics (8% each) and psychiatry and general surgery (6% each). The most frequent diagnostic groups were infectious diseases (25%, divided into fungal infections (13%), bacterial infections (7%) and viral infections (5%)), eczemas (15%) and drug reactions (14%). To our knowledge, this is the first study to attempt to evaluate the impact of the consultations by asking multiple-choice questions that were analyzed by the authors. In 31% of the cases, the consultation was considered extremely relevant because it aided in managing the disease that led to admission or treated a potentially severe dermatological disease. In 58% of the cases, the consultation was considered important because it facilitated diagnosis and/or treatment of a dermatological disease that was unrelated to the reason for admission.


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A análise da mortalidade tem sido muito usada em saúde pública, e a causa básica da morte é uma variável bastante estudada. Na maioria dos países, há obrigatoriedade de o médico preencher a declaração de óbito (DO), informando às autoridades a ocorrência do evento, características do falecido e causas da morte. Quando há dois ou mais diagnósticos na declaração das causas da morte, surge a questão da seleção da causa básica. As normas para o preenchimento das causas de morte pelos médicos nas DO e as regras para a seleção da causa básica, quando mais de uma causa é declarada, estão definidas pela OMS, visando à comparabilidade internacional. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar se a aplicação das Regras Internacionais de Classificação da causa básica permite a seleção da real causa básica, mesmo se declarada incorretamente pelo médico. O material pertence ao "Estudo sobre a mortalidade de mulheres em idade fértil", sendo que 1.315 casos satisfizeram os requisitos de inclusão. Para cada morte foi realizada uma investigação através de entrevistas domiciliárias, consultas aos prontuários hospitalares e assemelhados. Médicos treinados e calibrados preenchiam uma DO nova, após a leitura de toda a informação, e selecionavam a "verdadeira" causa básica da morte. Esta era comparada com a causa básica da DO original, obtida por meio das Regras Internacionais. Entre as DO, em 1.192 (90,6%) houve concordância com a verdadeira causa básica obtida após a investigação. Concluiu-se que as Regras Internacionais permitem selecionar a real causa básica, mesmo quando o médico preenche inadequadamente a DO


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Aim: Some elderly patients with incontinence require the care of third parties, known as caregivers. Such care can occur on a daily basis leaving little opportunity for the caregiver to take care of himself/herself. The aims are to assess the association between urinary incontinence in elderly patients and caregiver burden and identify independent factors for caregiver`s burden in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: The Pan-American Health Organization and World Health Organization coordinated a multicenter study named Health, Wellbeing and Aging (SABE Study) in elderly people living in seven countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. In Brazil, the study population carried out in Sao Paulo in the year 2000 and reassessed in 2006 (COHORT A). Urinary incontinence was assessed by ICIQ-SF and caregiver burden by means of Zarit Burden Scale. Results: A total of 327 patients with caregivers were included in the study. The general prevalence of urinary incontinence was 25.8%, higher among the women. There was a significant positive association between caregiver burden and incontinent patients, demonstrating that urinary incontinence in elderly patients produced greater caregiver burden. In the present study, the variables with significant correlations were assessed using the multivariate logistic regression model. Category 2 of the ICIQ-SF (incontinent patients) increased the chances of caregiver burden 1.96-fold in comparison to Category 1 (continent patients). Likewise, the category of impaired cognition increased the chances of caregiver burden 2.34-fold. Conclusions: Urinary incontinence and cognitive impairment in elderly patients were associated to an increase in caregiver burden. Neurourol. Urodynam. 30:1281-1285, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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“Closing the gap in curriculum development leadership” is a Carrick-funded University of Queensland project which is designed to address two related gaps in current knowledge and in existing professional development programs for academic staff. The first gap is in our knowledge of curriculum and pedagogical issues as they arise in relation to multi-year sequences of study, such as majors in generalist degrees, or core programs in more structured degrees. While there is considerable knowledge of curriculum and pedagogy at the course or individual unit of study level (e.g. Philosophy I), there is very little properly conceptualised, empirically informed knowledge about student learning (and teaching) over, say, a three-year major sequence in a traditional Arts or Sciences subject. The Carrick-funded project aims to (begin to) fill this gap through bottom-up curriculum development projects across the range of UQ’s offerings. The second gap is in our professional development programs and, indeed, in our recognition and support for the people who are in charge of such multi-year sequences of study. The major convener or program coordinator is not as well supported, in Australian and overseas professional development programs, as the lecturer in charge of a single course (or unit of study). Nor is her work likely to be taken account of in workload calculations or for the purposes of promotion and career advancement more generally. The Carrick-funded project aims to fill this gap by developing, in consultation with crucial stakeholders, amendments to existing university policies and practices. The attached documents provide a useful introduction to the project. For more information, please contact Fred D’Agostino at f.dagostino@uq.edu.au.


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Objective: A needs analysis was undertaken to determine the quality and effectiveness of mental health services to Indigenous consumers within a health district of Southern Queensland. The study focussed on identifying gaps in the service provision for Indigenous consumers. Tools and methodologies were developed to achieve this. Method: Data were collected through the distribution of questionnaires to the target populations: district health service staff and Indigenous consumers. Questionnaires were developed through consultation with the community and the Steering Committee in order to achieve culturally appropriate wording. Of prime importance was the adaptation of questionnaire language so it would be fully understood by Indigenous consumers. Both questionnaires were designed to provide a balanced perspective of current mental health service needs for Indigenous people within the mental health service. Results: Results suggest that existing mental health services do not adequately meet the needs of Indigenous people. Conclusions: Recommendations arising from this study indicate a need for better communication and genuine partnerships between the mental health service and Indigenous people that reflect respect of cultural heritage and recognises the importance of including Indigenous people in the design and management of mental health services. Attention to the recommendations from this study will help ensure a culturally appropriate and effective mental health service for Indigenous consumers.


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Objectives: To test the effectiveness, in the setting of primary health care, of verbal advice on exercise from a family physician (FP) combined with supporting written information. Design: A controlled trial with subjects allocated to a control group or one of two intervention groups using a balanced design based on day of the week. Setting: Ten general practices in Perth, Western Australia. Subjects: All sedentary patients consulting an FP. Intervention: Verbal advice on exercise from the FP and a pamphlet on exercise mailed to the patient's home address within 2 days of his/her visit to the doctor. Main outcome measure: Level of physical activity at followup. Results: 6,351 adult patients attending an FP practice completed a screening questionnaire, and 763 sedentary adults were recruited to the project. The response to follow-up, via a postal survey at 1, 6, and 12 months after the index consultation was 70%, 60%, and 57%, respectively. At 1 month a subsample of the control and intervention subjects were contacted for a telephone interview to verify self-reported levels of activity (n = 136). Treating all nonresponders as sedentary, at 1 month significantly more subjects in the combined intervention groups reported doing some physical activity (40%) compared with the control group (31%). Similarly, at 6 months, 30% of the control group and 38% of the combined intervention groups were now active. There was very little change at followup at 12 months (31% control and 36% intervention groups, respectively). Conclusion: A simple intervention aimed at the promotion of physical activity to sedentary patients in general practice can help reduce inactivity.


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Objectives: A controlled trial to compare the effectiveness of verbal advice from a family physician (FP) combined with either standard or tailored written information on physical activity in increasing the levels of physical activity in sedentary patients. Design: Sedentary patients (n = 763) were recruited through ten family practices and allocated to a control group or one of two intervention groups, Brief advice on physical activity was given by the FP during the consultation and either a standard or tailored pamphlet was mailed to the home address of patients assigned to the intervention groups within two days of their visit to the FP. Results: The response to follow-up, via a postal survey at one, six, and twelve months after the index consultation was 70%, 60%, and 57%, respectively. Treating all nonresponders as sedentary, the results revealed that although more tailored subjects reported some physical activity at each follow-up compared with the standard group, these differences were not significant, Furthermore, there was no significant difference in movement across the stages of readiness to exercise at follow-up between subjects in the tailored group who received material targeting their current stage (precontemplation or contemplation) and the standard group who received generic material that addressed both stages. Conclusion: These findings do not concur with the results from previous research in the areas of nutrition and smoking cessation where additional benefits were seen with a tailored intervention. Future research on the application of the principles of tailoring to the promotion of physical activity should focus on identifying which, if any, physical, social, psychological or environmental variables should be addressed to produce improved outcomes over and above the effects of well designed generic materials. (C) 1999 American Journal of Preventive Medicine.


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Community awareness of the sustainable use of land, water and vegetation resources is increasing. The sustainable use of these resources is pivotal to sustainable farming systems. However, techniques for monitoring the sustainable management of these resources are poorly understood and untested. We propose a framework to benchmark and monitor resources in the grains industry. Eight steps are listed below to achieve these objectives: (i) define industry issues; (ii) identify the issues through growers, stakeholder and community consultation; (iii) identify indicators (measurable attributes, properties or characteristics) of sustainability through consultation with growers, stakeholders, experts and community members, relating to: crop productivity; resource maintenance/enhancement; biodiversity; economic viability; community viability; and institutional structure; (iv) develop and use selection criteria to select indicators that consider: responsiveness to change; ease of capture; community acceptance and involvement; interpretation; measurement error; stability, frequency and cost of measurement; spatial scale issues; and mapping capability in space and through time. The appropriateness of indicators can be evaluated using a decision making system such as a multiobjective decision support system (MO-DSS, a method to assist in decision making from multiple and conflicting objectives); (v) involve stakeholders and the community in the definition of goals and setting benchmarking and monitoring targets for sustainable farming; (vi) take preventive and corrective/remedial action; (vii) evaluate effectiveness of actions taken; and (viii) revise indicators as part of a continual improvement principle designed to achieve best management practice for sustainable farming systems. The major recommendations are to: (i) implement the framework for resources (land, water and vegetation, economic, community and institution) benchmarking and monitoring, and integrate this process with current activities so that awareness, implementation and evolution of sustainable resource management practices become normal practice in the grains industry; (ii) empower the grains industry to take the lead by using relevant sustainability indicators to benchmark and monitor resources; (iii) adopt a collaborative approach by involving various industry, community, catchment management and government agency groups to minimise implementation time. Monitoring programs such as Waterwatch, Soilcheck, Grasscheck and Topcrop should be utilised; (iv) encourage the adoption of a decision making system by growers and industry representatives as a participatory decision and evaluation process. Widespread use of sustainability indicators would assist in validating and refining these indicators and evaluating sustainable farming systems. The indicators could also assist in evaluating best management practices for the grains industry.


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The Multicenter Australian Study of Epidural Anesthesia and Analgesia in Major Surgery (The MASTER Trial) was designed to evaluate the possible benefit of epidural block in improving outcome in high-risk patients. The trial began in 1995 and is scheduled to reach the planned sample size of 900 during 2001. This paper describes the trial design and presents data comparing 455 patients randomized in 21 institutions in Australia, Hong Kong, and Malaysia, with 237 patients from the same hospitals who were eligible but not randomized. Nine categories of high-risk patients were defined as entry criteria for the trial. Protocols for ethical review, informed consent, randomization, clinical anesthesia and analgesia, and perioperative management were determined following extensive consultation with anesthesiologists throughout Australia. Clinical and research information was collected in participating hospitals by research staff who may not have been blind to allocation. Decisions about the presence or absence of endpoints were made primarily by a computer algorithm, supplemented by blinded clinical experts. Without unblinding the trial, comparison of eligibility criteria and incidence of endpoints between randomized and nonrandomized patients showed only small differences. We conclude that there is no strong evidence of important demographic or clinical differences between randomized and nonrandomized patients eligible for the MASTER Trial. Thus, the trial results are likely to be broadly generalizable. Control Clin Trials 2000;21:244-256 (C) Elsevier Science Inc. 2000.


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Background: The physical environment plays an important role in influencing participation in physical activity, although which factors of the physical environment have the greatest effect on patterns of activity remain to be determined. We describe the development of a comprehensive instrument to measure the physical environmental factors that may influence walking and cycling in local neighborhoods and report on its reliability. Methods: Following consultation with experts from a variety of fields and a literature search, we developed a Systematic Pedestrian and Cycling Environmental Scan (SPACES) instrument and used it to collect data over a total of 1987 kilometers of roads in metropolitan Perth, Western Australia. The audit instrument is available from the first author on request. Additional environmental information was collected using desktop methods and geographic information systems (GIS) technology. We assessed inter- and intra-rater reliability of the instrument among the 16 observers who collected the data. Results: The observers reported that the audit instrument was easy to use. Both inter- and intra-rater reliability of the environmental scan instrument were generally high. Conclusions: Our instrument provides a reliable, practical, and easy to-use method for collecting detailed street-level data on physical environmental factors that are potential influences on walking in local neighborhoods.


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Aim: To test the acceptability of a comprehensive health assessment program (CHAP) in adults with an intellectual disability (ID). Method: We interviewed adults with ID, their general practitioners (GPs) and caregivers (healthcare triad), before and after the intervention period as part of a clustered randomised controlled trial to test the use of the CHAP tool in adults with ID. A content and thematic analysis of these interviews will be presented. Results: We found adults with ID were unable to recall the health assessment consultation or differentiate this consultation from the usual contact with their GP. GPs and residential staff where largely supportive of the process and considered it did improve the care they could provide to AWID. They also considered that the intervention helped other members of the healthcare triad. Conclusions: The CHAP was found to be acceptable to caregivers and GPs however further work is needed to ascertain the views of adults with ID.