901 resultados para Congenital Mirror Movements
Introduction Toxoplasmosis may be life-threatening in fetuses and in immune-deficient patients. Conventional laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis is based on the presence of IgM and IgG anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies; however, molecular techniques have emerged as alternative tools due to their increased sensitivity. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of 4 PCR-based methods for the laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. One hundred pregnant women who seroconverted during pregnancy were included in the study. The definition of cases was based on a 12-month follow-up of the infants. Methods Amniotic fluid samples were submitted to DNA extraction and amplification by the following 4 Toxoplasma techniques performed with parasite B1 gene primers: conventional PCR, nested-PCR, multiplex-nested-PCR, and real-time PCR. Seven parameters were analyzed, sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp), positive predictive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), positive likelihood ratio (PLR), negative likelihood ratio (NLR) and efficiency (Ef). Results Fifty-nine of the 100 infants had toxoplasmosis; 42 (71.2%) had IgM antibodies at birth but were asymptomatic, and the remaining 17 cases had non-detectable IgM antibodies but high IgG antibody titers that were associated with retinochoroiditis in 8 (13.5%) cases, abnormal cranial ultrasound in 5 (8.5%) cases, and signs/symptoms suggestive of infection in 4 (6.8%) cases. The conventional PCR assay detected 50 cases (9 false-negatives), nested-PCR detected 58 cases (1 false-negative and 4 false-positives), multiplex-nested-PCR detected 57 cases (2 false-negatives), and real-time-PCR detected 58 cases (1 false-negative). Conclusions The real-time PCR assay was the best-performing technique based on the parameters of Se (98.3%), Sp (100%), PPV (100%), NPV (97.6%), PLR (â^ž), NLR (0.017), and Ef (99%).
Ren and colleagues (2006) found that saccades to visual targets became less accurate when somatosensory information about hand location was added, suggesting that saccades rely mainly on vision. We conducted two kinematic experiments to examine whether or not reaching movements would also show such strong reliance on vision. In Experiment 1, subjects used their dominant right hand to perform reaches, with or without a delay, to an external visual target or to their own left fingertip positioned either by the experimenter or by the participant. Unlike saccades, reaches became more accurate and precise when proprioceptive information was available. In Experiment 2, subjects reached toward external or bodily targets with differing amounts of visual information. Proprioception improved performance only when vision was limited. Our results indicate that reaching movements, unlike saccades, are improved rather than impaired by the addition of somatosensory information.
Motorische Bewegungen werden über die visuelle Rückmeldung auf ihre Genauigkeit kontrolliert und ggf. korrigiert. Über einen technischen Eingriff, wie beispielsweise einer Prismenbrille, kann man eine Differenz zwischen optisch wahrgenommener und haptisch erlebter Umwelt erzeugen, um die Fähigkeiten des visuomotorischen Systems zu testen. In dieser Arbeit wurde eine computergestützte Methode entwickelt, eine solche visuomotorische Differenz zu simulieren. Die Versuchspersonen führen eine ballistische Bewegung mit Arm und Hand aus in der Absicht, ein vorgegebenes Ziel zu treffen. Die Trefferpunkte werden durch einen Computer mit Hilfe eines Digitalisierungstablettes aufgenommen. Die visuelle Umwelt, welche den Versuchspersonen präsentiert wird, ist auf einem Monitor dargestellt. Das Monitorabbild – ein Kreuz auf weißem Hintergrund – betrachten die Testpersonen über einen Spiegel. Dieser ist in einem entsprechenden Winkel zwischen Monitor und Digitalisierungstablett angebracht, so dass das Zielbild auf dem Digitalisierungstablett projiziert wird. Die Testpersonen nehmen das Zielkreuz auf dem Digitalisierungstablett liegend wahr. Führt die Versuchsperson eine Zielbewegung aus, können die aufgenommenen Koordinaten als Punkte auf dem Monitor dargestellt werden und die Testperson erhält über diese Punktanzeige ein visuelles Feedback ihrer Bewegung. Der Arbeitsbereich des Digitalisierungstabletts kann über den Computer eingerichtet und so motorische Verschiebungen simuliert werden. Die verschiedenartigen Möglichkeiten dieses Aufbaus wurden zum Teil in Vorversuchen getestet um Fragestellungen, Methodik und technische Einrichtungen aufeinander abzustimmen. Den Hauptversuchen galt besonderes Interesse an der zeitlichen Verzögerung des visuellen Feedbacks sowie dem intermanuellen Transfer. Hierbei ergaben sich folgende Ergebnisse: ● Die Versuchspersonen adaptieren an eine räumlich verschobene Umwelt. Der Adaptationsverlauf lässt sich mit einer Exponentialfunktion mathematisch berechnen und darstellen. ● Dieser Verlauf ist unabhängig von der Art des visuellen Feedbacks. Die Beobachtung der Handbewegung während der Adaptation zeigt die gleiche Zielabfolge wie eine einfache Punktprojektion, die den Trefferort der Bewegung darstellt. ● Der exponentielle Verlauf der Adaptationsbewegung ist unabhängig von den getesteten zeitlichen Verzögerungen des visuellen Feedbacks. ● Die Ergebnisse des Folgeeffektes zeigen, dass bei zunehmender zeitlicher Verzögerung des visuellen Feedbacks während der Adaptationsphase, die Größe des Folgeeffektwertes geringer wird, d.h. die anhaltende Anpassungsleistung an eine visuomotorische Differenz sinkt. ● Die Folgeeffekte weisen individuelle Eigenheiten auf. Die Testpersonen adaptieren verschieden stark an eine simulierte Verschiebung. Ein Vergleich mit den visuomotorischen Herausforderungen im Vorleben der Versuchspersonen ließ vermuten, dass das visuomotorische System des Menschen trainierbar ist und sich - je nach Trainingszustand – unterschiedlich an wahrgenommene Differenzen anpasst. ● Der intermanuelle Transfer konnte unter verschiedenen Bedingungen nachgewiesen werden. ● Ein deutlich stärkerer Folgeeffekt kann beobachtet werden, wenn die wahrgenommene visuomotorische Differenz zwischen Ziel und Trefferpunkt in eine Gehirnhälfte projiziert wird und der Folgeeffekt mit der Hand erfolgt, welche von dieser Hirnhemisphäre gesteuert wird. Der intermanuelle Transfer wird demnach begünstigt, wenn die visuelle Projektion der Fehlerbeobachtung in die Gehirnhälfte erfolgt, die während der Adaptationsphase motorisch passiv ist.
La tesi mira a ridefinire lo statuto del personaggio nell’ambito del self-conscious novel postmoderno, alla luce delle più recenti tendenze narratologiche, con particolare riferimento all’unnatural narratology. Per poter presentare un modello scientificamente valido si è fatto ricorso alla comparazione della produzione letteraria di due macro-aree: quella britannica e quella slava (Russia - Unione Sovietica - e Polonia). Come figura di mediazione tra queste due culture si pone senza dubbio Vladimir V. Nabokov, cardine e personalità di spicco della ricerca. Tra le analisi testuali proposte sono stati presi in considerazione i seguenti autori: Julian Barnes, Vladimir Nabokov, Daniil Charms, Konstantin Vaginov, Andrej Bitov, Saša Sokolov, Bruno Schulz e Tadeusz Kantor.
Since 1900, the Yoruba people of South-western Nigeria have put its ethnic history at work in the construction of its identity in Nigeria. The exercise resulted in the creation of ethno-nationalist movements and the practice of ethnic politics, often expressed through violent attacks on the Nigerian State and some ethnic groups in Nigeria. Relying on mythological attachment to its traditions and subjective creation of cultural pride, the people created a sense of history that established a common interest among different Yoruba sub-groups in form of pan-Yoruba interest which forms the basis for the people’s imagination of nation. Through this, historical consciousness and socio-political space in which Yoruba people are located acted as instrumental forces employed by Yoruba political elites, both at colonial and post-colonial periods to demand for increasing access to political and economic resources in Nigeria. In form of nationalism, nationalist movements and ethnic politics continued in South-western Nigeria since 1900, yet without resulting to actual creation of an independent Yoruba State up to 2009. Through ethnographic data, the part played by history, tradition and modernity is examined in this paper. While it is concluded that ethno-nationalist movement and ethnic politics in Yoruba society are constructive agenda dated back to pre-colonial period, it continues to transform both in structure and function. Thus, Yoruba ethno-nationalist movement and ethnic politics is ambiguous, dynamic and complex, to the extent that it remains a challenge to State actions in Nigeria.
Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) is caused by an ill-defined, segmental disturbance of periosteal bone formation leading to spontaneous bowing, followed by fracture and subsequent pseudarthrosis in the first 2 years of life. The results of conventional treatment modalities (e.g., bracing, internal and external fixation and bone grafting) are associated with high failure rates in terms of persisting pseudarthrosis, malunion and impaired growth. As a more promising alternative, a more aggressive approach, including wide resection of the affected bone, reconstruction with free vascularised fibula grafts from the healthy contralateral leg and stable external fixation at a very early stage has been suggested. Between 1995 and 2007, 10 children (age 12-31 months, median 20 months) suffering from CPT were treated at our institutions according to this principle. Two patients were treated before a fracture had occurred. The length of the fibula graft was 7-9cm. End-to-end anastomoses were performed at the level of the distal tibia stump. The follow-up was 80 months (median, range 12 months to 12 years). Radiologic examination at 6 weeks postoperatively showed normal bone density and structure of the transplanted fibula in all cases and osseous consolidation at 19 of the 20 graft/tibia junctions. One nonunion was sucessfully treated with bone grafting and plate osteosynthesis. Pin-tract infection occurred in three patients. Five children sustained graft fractures that were successfully treated with internal or external fixation. Two patients developed diminished growth of the affected limb or foot; all others had equal limb length and shoe size. At long-term follow-up, tibialisation of the transplant had occurred, and normal gait and physical activities were possible in all children. We conclude that in spite of a relatively high complication rate and the reluctance to perform free flap surgery in infants at this young age, the present concept may successfully prevent the imminent severe sequelae associated with CPT.
Hypokalemia is a recognized cause of rhabdomyolysis but very few reports document its association with inborn renal tubular disorders. We report our experience with hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis in 5 pediatric patients affected by inborn renal tubular disorders and the results of a careful review of the literature disclosing 9 further cases for a total of 14 patients (8 male and 6 female subjects, aged between 1.6 and 46, median 16 years). The inborn renal tubular disorders underlying rhabdomyolysis were classic distal renal tubular acidosis (n = 7), Gitelman syndrome (n = 5), classic Bartter syndrome (n = 1), and antenatal Bartter syndrome (n = 1). In 8 patients rhabdomyolysis followed an acute intestinal disease, an upper respiratory illness or the discontinuation of regular medication. Five patients experienced two or more episodes of rhabdomyolysis. In 10 patients the underlying renal tubular disorder was recognized concurrently with the episode of rhabdomyolysis or some weeks later. In conclusion some congenital renal tubular disorders predispose to hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis. Prevention of discontinuation of regular medication and electrolyte repair in the context of acute intercurrent illnesses might avoid the development of hypokalemic rhabdomyolysis.
Tomatoes are the most common crop in Italy. The production cycle requires operations in the field and factory that can cause musculoskeletal disorders due to the repetitive movements of the upper limbs of the workers employed in the sorting phase. This research aims to evaluate these risks using the OCRA (occupational repetitive actions) index method This method is based firstly on the calculation of a maximum number of recommended actions, related to the way the operation is performed, and secondly on a comparison of the number of actions effectively carried out by the upper limb with the recommended calculated value. The results of the risk evaluation for workers who manually sort tomatoes during harvest showed a risk for the workers, with an exposure index greater than 20; the OCRA index defines an index higher than 3.5 as unacceptable. The present trend of replacing manual sorting onboard a vehicle with optical sorters seems to be appropriate to reduce the risk of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) and is supported from both a financial point of view and as a quality control measure.
A consequence in patients with d-transposition of the great arteries (d-TGA) and tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) is right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) and right ventricular failure. Myocardial contrast echocardiography (MCE) permits the determination of the myocardial microvascular density reflected by the relative myocardial blood volume (rBV; ml/ml). This study was conducted to elucidate the relationship between RVH and myocardial microvascular changes by quantitative MCE in patients with d-TGA and TOF.
To investigate the prevalence and characteristics of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA) in a large population of adults with congenital heart disease (CHD).
With advances in pediatric cardiology and cardiac surgery, the population of adults with congenital heart disease (CHD) has increased. In the current era, there are more adults with CHD than children. This population has many unique issues and needs. They have distinctive forms of heart failure and their cardiac disease can be associated with pulmonary hypertension, thromboemboli, complex arrhythmias and sudden death. Medical aspects that need to be considered relate to the long-term and multisystemic effects of single ventricle physiology, cyanosis, systemic right ventricles, complex intracardiac baffles and failing subpulmonary right ventricles. Since the 2001 Canadian Cardiovascular Society Consensus Conference report on the management of adults with CHD, there have been significant advances in the field of adult CHD. Therefore, new clinical guidelines have been written by Canadian adult CHD physicians in collaboration with an international panel of experts in the field. Part III of the guidelines includes recommendations for the care of patients with complete transposition of the great arteries, congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries, Fontan operations and single ventricles, Eisenmenger's syndrome, and cyanotic heart disease. Topics addressed include genetics, clinical outcomes, recommended diagnostic workup, surgical and interventional options, treatment of arrhythmias, assessment of pregnancy risk and follow-up requirements. The complete document consists of four manuscripts, which are published online in the present issue of The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. The complete document and references can also be found at www.ccs.ca or www.cachnet.org.