964 resultados para Computer software Reusability
In Higher Education web-based course support systems are essential for supporting flexible learning environments. They provide tools to enable the interaction between student and tutor to reinforce transfer of theory to understanding particularly in an academic environment, therefore this paper will examine issues associated with the use of curriculum and learning resources within Web-based course support systems and the effectiveness of the resulting flexible learning environments This paper is a general discussion about flexible learning and in this case how it was applied to one of the courses at undergraduate level one. The first section will introduce what is flexible learning and the importance of flexible learning in Higher Education followed by the description of the course and why the flexible learning concepts is important in such a course and finally, how the flexibility was useful for this particular instance.
This paper presents novel collaboration methods implemented using a centralized client/server product development integration architecture, and a decentralized peer-to-peer network for smaller and larger companies using open source solutions. The product development integration architecture has been developed for the integration of disparate technologies and software systems for the benefit of collaborative work teams in design and manufacturing. This will facilitate the communication of early design and product development within a distributed and collaborative environment. The novelty of this work is the introduction of an‘out-of-box’ concept which provides a standard framework and deploys this utilizing a proprietary state-of-the-art product lifecycle management system (PLM). The term ‘out-of-box’ means to modify the product development and business processes to suit the technologies rather than vice versa. The key business benefits of adopting such an approach are a rapidly reconfigurable network and minimal requirements for software customization to avoid systems instability
The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey has sampled four routes: Boston–Nova Scotia (1961–present), New York toward Bermuda (1976–present), Narragansett Bay–Mount Hope Bay–Rhode Island Sound (1998–present) and eastward of Chesapeake Bay (1974–1980). NOAA involvement began in 1974 when it assumed responsibility for the existing Boston–Nova Scotia route from what is now the UK's Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS). Training, equipment and computer software were provided by SAHFOS to ensure continuity for this and standard protocols for any new routes. Data for the first 14 years of this route were provided to NOAA by SAHFOS. Comparison of collection methods; sample processing; and sample identification, staging and counting techniques revealed near-consistency between NOAA and SAHFOS. One departure involved phytoplankton counting standards. This has since been addressed and the data corrected. Within- and between-survey taxonomic and life-stage names and their consistency through time were, and continue to be, an issue. For this, a cross-reference table has been generated that contains the SAHFOS taxonomic code, NOAA taxonomic code, NOAA life-stage code, National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) taxonomic code, Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) serial number and authority and consistent use/route. This table is available for review/use by other CPR surveys. Details of the NOAA and SAHFOS comparison and analytical techniques unique to NOAA are presented.
The finite element method plays an extremely important role in forging process design as it provides a valid means to quantify forging errors and thereby govern die shape modification to improve the dimensional accuracy of the component. However, this dependency on process simulation could raise significant problems and present a major drawback if the finite element simulation results were inaccurate. This paper presents a novel approach to assess the dimensional accuracy and shape quality of aeroengine blades formed from finite element hot-forging simulation. The proposed virtual inspection system uses conventional algorithms adopted by modern coordinate measurement processes as well as the latest free-form surface evaluation techniques to provide a robust framework for virtual forging error assessment. Established techniques for the physical registration of real components have been adapted to localise virtual models in relation to a nominal Design Coordinate System. Blades are then automatically analysed using a series of intelligent routines to generate measurement data and compute dimensional errors. The results of a comparison study indicate that the virtual inspection results and actual coordinate measurement data are highly comparable, validating the approach as an effective and accurate means to quantify forging error in a virtual environment. Consequently, this provides adequate justification for the implementation of the virtual inspection system in the virtual process design, modelling and validation of forged aeroengine blades in industry.
The Computer Game industry is big business, the demand for graduates is high, indeed there is a continuing shortage of skilled employees. As with most professions, the skill set required is both specific and diverse. There are currently over 30 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the UK offering Computer games related courses. We expect that as the demand from the industry is sustained, more HEIs will respond with the introduction of game-related degrees. This is quite a considerable undertaking involving many issues from integration of new modules or complete courses within the existing curriculum, to staff development. In this paper we share our experiences of introducing elements of game development into our curriculum. This has occurred over the past two years, starting with the inclusion of elements of game development into existing programming modules, followed by the validation of complete modules, and culminating in a complete degree course. Our experience is that our adopting a progressive approach to development, spread over a number of years, was crucial in achieving a successful outcome.
Managing an online reputation is critical to higher education. Universities cannot afford to lose enrolment numbers by neglecting to monitor, control, promote and enhance their online presence. It is critical that universities measure their social media reputation scores and presence on the web, as well as those of their competitors. Universities need to continuously review their social engagement strategy and online reputation to ensure they maximize all opportunities to maintain, and improve student enrolment and retention. Universities have embraced social media to enhance their brand reputation. This study examines the use of social media and its effects from a global perspective. It analysed 90 universities in three geographical areas to assess the impact and level of online social media, especially as it relates to “university brand reputation.” Results of the study indicated there was a wide variation among the three geographical regions, and within countries in the three geographical regions. Use of social media communication tools such as Twitter and Google+ by active users also varied widely depending upon country and region.
Markerless systems are becoming more ubiquitous due to their increased use in video games consoles. Cheap cameras and software suites are making motion capture technologies more freely available to the digitally inclined choreographer. In this workshop we will demonstrate the opportunities and limitations provided by easily accessible and relatively inexpensive markerless motion capture systems. In particular we will explore the capacity of these systems to provide useful data in a live performance scenario where the latency, size and format of the captured data is crucial in allowing real-time processing and visualisation of the captured scene
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-03
This paper introduces a strategy to allocate services on a cloud system without overloading the nodes and maintaining the system stability with minimum cost. We specify an abstract model of cloud resources utilization, including multiple types of resources as well as considerations for the service migration costs. A prototype meta-heuristic load balancer is demonstrated and experimental results are presented and discussed. We also propose a novel genetic algorithm, where population is seeded with the outputs of other meta-heuristic algorithms.
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Trabalho de Projecto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Estruturas
O desenvolvimento deste trabalho teve como objectivo a optimização de um sistema de climatização industrial, constituído por quatro centrais de climatização adiabáticas, que apresentam limitações de capacidade de arrefecimento, controlo e eficiência. Inicialmente foi necessária a pesquisa bibliográfica e recolha de informação relativa à indústria têxtil e ao processo de arrefecimento evaporativo. Numa fase posterior foram recolhidos e analisados os diversos dados essenciais à compreensão do binómio edifício/sistema de climatização, para a obtenção de possíveis hipóteses de optimização. Da fase de recolha de informações e dados, destaca-se, também, a realização de análises à qualidade do ar interior (QAI). As optimizações seleccionadas como passíveis de implementação, foram estudadas e analisadas com o auxílio do software de simulação energética dinâmica DesignBuilder e os resultados obtidos foram devidamente trabalhados e ajustados de modo a permitir uma assimilação amigável e de fácil interpretação das suas vantagens e desvantagens, tendo ainda sido objecto de estudo de viabilidade económica. A optimização proposta reflecte uma melhoria substancial das condições interiores ao nível da temperatura e humidade relativa, resultando, ainda assim, numa redução de consumos energéticos na ordem dos 23 % (490.337 kWh), isto é, uma poupança anual de 42.169 € aos custos de exploração e com um período de retorno de 1 ano e 11 meses.
Com um mercado automóvel cada vez mais competitivo e com os construtores automóveis à procura de atingir os zero defeitos nos seus produtos, a Bosch Car Multimédia Portugal S.A, fabricante de sistemas multimédia para o mercado automóvel, tem como objetivo a qualidade perfeita dos seus produtos. Tal perfeição exige processos de fabrico cada vez mais evoluídos e com melhores sistemas de auxílio à montagem. Nesse sentido, a incorporação de sistemas de visão artificial para verificação da montagem correta dos componentes em sistemas multimédia tem vindo a crescer largamente. Os sistemas de inspeção visual da Cognex tornaram-se o standard da Bosch para a verifi-cação da montagem de componentes por serem sistemas bastante completos, fáceis de con-figurar e com um suporte técnico bastante completo. Estes sistemas têm vindo a ser inte-grados em diversas máquinas (postos) de montagem e nunca foi desenvolvida uma ferra-menta normalizada para integração destes sistemas com as máquinas. A ideia principal deste projeto passou por desenvolver um sistema (uma aplicação informá-tica) que permita controlar os indicadores de qualidade destes sistemas de visão, garantir o seguimento dos produtos montados e, ao mesmo tempo, efetuar cópias de segurança de todo o sistema para utilização em caso de avaria ou de troca de equipamento. Tal sistema foi desenvolvido recorrendo à programação de uma Dynamic Link Library (DLL), através da linguagem VisualBasic.NET, que permite às aplicações dos equipamen-tos (máquinas) da Bosch Car Multimédia comunicarem de uma forma universal e transpa-rente com os sistemas de inspeção visual da marca Cognex. Os objetivos a que o autor se propôs no desenvolvimento deste sistema foram na sua maioria alcançados e o projeto encontra-se atualmente implementado e em execução nas linhas de produção da Bosch Car Multimédia.
RESUMO - Planeamento da Alta: Impacto nos Indicadores de Desempenho Hospitalar O problema do presente trabalho reside na percentagem de hospitais do SNS que não tem um processo de planeamento de alta standartizado. Norteada pela questão de investigação: Qual o impacto do Planeamento das Altas nos indicadores de desempenho dos hospitais do SNS?; pelas hipóteses de que os hospitais com um processo de Planeamento da Alta standartizado têm uma Taxa de Reinternamento e uma Demora Média menor; e pelo objetivo geral: Conhecer o impacto do planeamento da alta standartizado nos indicadores de desempenho dos hospitais do SNS, enveredou-se pelo paradigma quantitativo e foi realizada uma análise comparativa dos indicadores de desempenho de dois grupos hospitalares. Estudou-se uma amostra da população acessível, constituída por 57 estabelecimentos hospitalares do SNS e destes foram criados dois grupos de hospitais, que diferiam no facto de ter um processo de planeamento de alta standartizado. No final obteve-se uma amostra, não probabilística, de 12 hospitais, seis que possuíam um processo standartizado e os outros seis não. A recolha de dados foi efetuada através dos sítios da ACSS, DGS e das entidades hospitalares. Os dados foram tratados através da estatística descritiva e indutiva, com recurso a programas informáticos. Da análise emergiram como principais resultados: A existência de um processo de planeamento de alta hospitalar standartizado não tem um impacto significativo nos indicadores de desempenho hospitalar, nomeadamente na redução das Taxas de Reinternamento e da Demora Média hospitalar.