997 resultados para Class attendance


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We show that the locally free class group of an order in a semisimple algebra over a number field is isomorphic to a certain ray class group. This description is then used to present an algorithm that computes the locally free class group. The algorithm is implemented in MAGMA for the case where the algebra is a group ring over the rational numbers.


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There are numerous text documents available in electronic form. More and more are becoming available every day. Such documents represent a massive amount of information that is easily accessible. Seeking value in this huge collection requires organization; much of the work of organizing documents can be automated through text classification. The accuracy and our understanding of such systems greatly influences their usefulness. In this paper, we seek 1) to advance the understanding of commonly used text classification techniques, and 2) through that understanding, improve the tools that are available for text classification. We begin by clarifying the assumptions made in the derivation of Naive Bayes, noting basic properties and proposing ways for its extension and improvement. Next, we investigate the quality of Naive Bayes parameter estimates and their impact on classification. Our analysis leads to a theorem which gives an explanation for the improvements that can be found in multiclass classification with Naive Bayes using Error-Correcting Output Codes. We use experimental evidence on two commonly-used data sets to exhibit an application of the theorem. Finally, we show fundamental flaws in a commonly-used feature selection algorithm and develop a statistics-based framework for text feature selection. Greater understanding of Naive Bayes and the properties of text allows us to make better use of it in text classification.


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We present a novel scheme ("Categorical Basis Functions", CBF) for object class representation in the brain and contrast it to the "Chorus of Prototypes" scheme recently proposed by Edelman. The power and flexibility of CBF is demonstrated in two examples. CBF is then applied to investigate the phenomenon of Categorical Perception, in particular the finding by Bulthoff et al. (1998) of categorization of faces by gender without corresponding Categorical Perception. Here, CBF makes predictions that can be tested in a psychophysical experiment. Finally, experiments are suggested to further test CBF.


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Most psychophysical studies of object recognition have focussed on the recognition and representation of individual objects subjects had previously explicitely been trained on. Correspondingly, modeling studies have often employed a 'grandmother'-type representation where the objects to be recognized were represented by individual units. However, objects in the natural world are commonly members of a class containing a number of visually similar objects, such as faces, for which physiology studies have provided support for a representation based on a sparse population code, which permits generalization from the learned exemplars to novel objects of that class. In this paper, we present results from psychophysical and modeling studies intended to investigate object recognition in natural ('continuous') object classes. In two experiments, subjects were trained to perform subordinate level discrimination in a continuous object class - images of computer-rendered cars - created using a 3D morphing system. By comparing the recognition performance of trained and untrained subjects we could estimate the effects of viewpoint-specific training and infer properties of the object class-specific representation learned as a result of training. We then compared the experimental findings to simulations, building on our recently presented HMAX model of object recognition in cortex, to investigate the computational properties of a population-based object class representation as outlined above. We find experimental evidence, supported by modeling results, that training builds a viewpoint- and class-specific representation that supplements a pre-existing repre-sentation with lower shape discriminability but possibly greater viewpoint invariance.


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To recognize a previously seen object, the visual system must overcome the variability in the object's appearance caused by factors such as illumination and pose. Developments in computer vision suggest that it may be possible to counter the influence of these factors, by learning to interpolate between stored views of the target object, taken under representative combinations of viewing conditions. Daily life situations, however, typically require categorization, rather than recognition, of objects. Due to the open-ended character both of natural kinds and of artificial categories, categorization cannot rely on interpolation between stored examples. Nonetheless, knowledge of several representative members, or prototypes, of each of the categories of interest can still provide the necessary computational substrate for the categorization of new instances. The resulting representational scheme based on similarities to prototypes appears to be computationally viable, and is readily mapped onto the mechanisms of biological vision revealed by recent psychophysical and physiological studies.


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We report on a new class of nonionic, photosensitive surfactants consisting of a polar di(ethylene oxide) head group attached to an alkyl spacer of between two and eight methylene groups, coupled through an ether linkage to an azobenzene moiety. Structural changes associated with the interconversion of the azobenzene group between its cis and trans forms as mediated by the wavelength of an irradiating light source cause changes in the surface tension and self-assembly properties. Differences in saturated surface tensions (surface tension at concentrations above the CMC) were as high as 14.4 mN/m under radiation of different wavelengths. The qualitative behavior of the surfactants changed as the spacer length changed, attributed to the different orientations adopted by the different surfactants depending on their isomerization states, as revealed by neutron reflection studies. The self-assembly of these photosensitive surfactants has been investigated by light scattering, small angle neutron scattering, and cryo-TEM under different illuminations. The significant change in the self-assembly in response to different illumination conditions was attributed to the sign change in Gaussian rigidity, which originated from the azobenzene photoisomerization.


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This paper deals with the problem of navigation for an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) through image mosaicking. It represents a first step towards a real-time vision-based navigation system for a small-class low-cost UUV. We propose a navigation system composed by: (i) an image mosaicking module which provides velocity estimates; and (ii) an extended Kalman filter based on the hydrodynamic equation of motion, previously identified for this particular UUV. The obtained system is able to estimate the position and velocity of the robot. Moreover, it is able to deal with visual occlusions that usually appear when the sea bottom does not have enough visual features to solve the correspondence problem in a certain area of the trajectory


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A combination of perl scripts and LaTeX files, this generates multiple multiple choice class tests from a single set of questions. You input a list of questions and answers into a text file. The script then produces any number of class tests that can be used, together with master answer sheets, by scrambling the order of the questions and the answers. Includes a detailed README file, but best just to try it and see.


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slides plus mark scheme and link to group work videos


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In this session we look at UML Class Diagrams and how they fit into both the family of UML models, and also the software engineering process. We look at some basic features of class diagrams including properties, operations, associations, generalisation, aggregation and composition.


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This lab follows the lectures 'System Design: http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/6280/ http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/9653/ and http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/9713/ Students use Visual Paradigm for UML to build Class models through project examples: Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Library, Plant Nursery.


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The prevalence and genetic susceptibility of autoimmune diseases (ADs) may vary depending on latitudinal gradient and ethnicity. The aims of this study were to identify common human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II alleles that contribute to susceptibility to six ADs in Latin Americans through a meta-analysis and to review additional clinical, immunological, and genetic characteristics of those ADs sharing HLA alleles. DRB1∗03:01 (OR: 4.04; 95%CI: 1.41–11.53) was found to be a risk factor for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Sjogren’s syndrome (SS), and type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D). DRB1 ¨ ∗04:05 (OR: 4.64; 95%CI: 2.14–10.05) influences autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and T1D; DRB1∗04:01 (OR: 3.86; 95%CI: 2.32–6.42) is a susceptibility factor for RA and T1D. Opposite associations were found between multiple sclerosis (MS) and T1D. DQB1∗06:02 and DRB1∗15 alleles were risk factors for MS but protective factors for T1D. Likewise, DQB1∗06:03 allele was a risk factor for AIH but a protective one for T1D. Several common autoantibodies and clinical associations as well as additional shared genes have been reported in these ADs, which are reviewed herein. These results indicate that in Latin Americans ADs share major loci and immune characteristics.


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Objective. To present the results of Study Habits Inventory, administered to students of the signature Decision Making IV, of Physiotherapy Program of the Rosario University. Methodology. It was investigated in the second half of 2006, study habits and conditions that influence how students of the subject assumes its university activity. The instrument used was the Inventory of Study Habits - described by Pozar, which let to know how the student engages in his studio, materials, environment and planning in its efforts to exercise their academic role. It was administered to a sample of 46 students enrolled in the 54 subjects at 85% of the total population. Results. 33% of students found that the environmental study is not satisfactory to the learning process, similar to the 41% who said that the planning study is insufficient, the use of materials was evaluated by 61% of students as a positive factor as well as 93% in the category of assimilation of content. This calls to validate the need to confront the meaning and significance for students and professors “content assimilation” as the study shows that it is reverse to academic performance. Discussion It is necessary to implement strategies that strengthen habits in students to achieve academic success and personal training considering the particular conditions of each group of students.


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Resumen: En la población docente, el uso de la voz como principal herramienta del trabajo por su esfuerzo constante y prolongado constituye el principal factor de riesgo para padecer trastornos de la voz, concomitante con otros factores que inciden en la presentación de estas patologías. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de los trastornos en la voz y sus factores asociados de la población docente de dos instituciones de educación superior (IES) en Colombia y los factores de riesgo asociados. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal, en el que participaron 149 docentes de dos IES (instituciones de educación superior) de dos ciudades de Colombia. Se aplicó un cuestionario sustentado en el Modelo de Técnicas Foniátricas para Prevenir la Disfonía en Profesores de Secundaria en Portugal y validado por la escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud, programa de fonoaudiología de la Universidad del Rosario con el trabajo denominado “La Voz como herramienta de trabajo” para Colombia; el cual indagaba los factores riesgo asociados al uso de la voz en el quehacer docente. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de las variables cualitativas con frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes, medidas de tendencia central, promedio y mediana, de dispersión y desviación estándar. La información recolectada fue analizada con el software SPSS.PASW 18. La correlación entre las variables dependientes y las independientes, se realizaron con el coeficiente no-paramétrico de Spearman y la asociación con la prueba Ji-cuadrado de Pearson o el test exacto de Fisher (valores esperados < 5). Se evaluaron las distribuciones de las variables ordinales de las variables de problemas de la voz con el género, con la prueba no-paramétrica exacta de Mann Whitney. Las pruebas estadísticas se evaluaron a un nivel de significancia del 5% (p<0.05). Resultados: El promedio de edad fue de 36±11.7 años, con un rango que varió entre 25 y 68 años. El género más frecuente fue el masculino con 57,0% de participación. Los datos presentados se dan como resultado de las respuestas a tres preguntas indicativas de los trastornos de voz, las cuales no fueron respondidas por la totalidad de los docentes, por esta razón los datos se presentan así t= número total de personas que respondieron la pregunta y n= número de personas que respondieron afirmativamente. La prevalencia de alteración de voz fue del 63,4% (t=82; n=52), de disminución en el volumen de su voz de 57,3% (t=122; n=70) y cansancio laríngeo en el 76,8% (t=121; n=93). El cansancio laríngeo fue significativamente mayor en los hombres que en las mujeres (p=0.026, Test Mann Whitney exacto a una cola), con algunos hábitos de voz como el realizar esfuerzos en el cuello al hablar (rs = 0,461; p< 0,001) y con la dificultad para inhalar o exhalar aire al hablar (rs = 0,368; p<0.001), con el ruido de fondo (rs =0,361, p<0,001), al permanecer en ambientes contaminados con polvo y humedad (rs=0,311; p=0.001), con sufrir de estrés representado por dolor cervical en espalda y hombros (rs=0,349, p<0.001), y con los problemas familiares (rs= 0,397; p<0.001). Al analizar con la disminución del volumen de voz durante la práctica docente, las correlaciones más significativas mostradas fue estadísticamente mayor entre los hombres que en las mujeres (p=0.006, Test Mann Whitney exacto a una cola), con el esfuerzo cervical para hablar (rs =:0,596, p=<,001), y con el presentar dificultad para inhalar/exhalar aire al usar la voz (rs =0,508, p<,001), con la exposición a ruido de fondo (rs=0,204, p=0,030), ambientes contaminados con polvo y humedad (rs:=305, p<,001), con el estrés (rs =0,316, p=0,001), con los problemas familiares (rs =0,560, p<,001) y en las mujeres con la alteración de la voz en presencia de la menstruación (rs =0,751, p=0,000). Por último, se correlacionó con las alteraciones de voz durante la exposición laboral en la que se mostró mayor correlación en las mujeres que en los hombres (p=0.001, Test Mann Whitney exacto a una cola). Se mostró correlación directa con el no realizar pausas al hablar (rs=0,337, p<0,001), con toser para aclarar la voz (rs =0,349, p=0,001), y con el uso de la voz grave (rs =0,975; p=,004) ,con la presencia de ruido de fondo mientras se dicta clase (rs =0,370, p=0,001) con el permanecer en ambientes contaminados con polvo y humedad (rs =0,253,p=,023), con los síntomas cervicales asociados al estrés (rs=0,323, p=0,003), e inversa con los cambios en tono y volumen de la voz en presencia de menstruación en las mujeres (rs=-0,414,p=,017). Conclusiones: Con los hallazgos encontrados en este estudio es importante reconocer que en las características demográficas, se encontró que el género masculino refirió mayor cantidad de problemas de voz. Para las características laborales la antigüedad ocupacional es factor principal que incide en los problemas de voz; en el análisis de las características demográfico– laborales en las variables analizadas, el grupo etario que reporto cansancio laríngeo se encontraba entre los 36 a 45 años de edad, y los que referían un tiempo de exposición ocupacional mayor a 6 y menor a 15 años. En cuanto a los factores ambientales se identificó que la asociación más significativa está relacionada con estar sometido a cambios bruscos de temperatura, estar expuesto a ruido de fondo durante su labor y finalmente a permanecer en ambientes contaminados. Por ultimo al analizar las alteraciones de la voz con las características personales de los docentes, se observó que el estrés y los problemas familiares inciden de forma significativa en estas patologías. Con estos resultados se recomienda establecer un sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica en las IES, donde se capacite integralmente a los docentes en cuanto a los factores de riesgo personales y de hábitos de voz, además de supervisar y adecuar los factores ambientales que inciden en la presentación de trastornos de voz para evitar la presentación de estas patologías.