969 resultados para Chest asymmetry
RESUMO:RESUMO: Nos últimos anos a ultrassonografia emergiu como um instrumento importante no diagnóstico da patologia torácica. O progresso tecnológico possibilitou a conceção de novos equipamentos como a ecoendoscopia brônquica radial e linear. Verificou-se, igualmente, o aparecimento de indicações para a realização de ecografia transtorácica. Uma das principais doenças impulsionadoras da técnica ultrassonográfica no tórax foi o cancro do pulmão, primeira causa de morte oncológica a nível mundial. A aplicabilidade e conhecimento do papel dos ultrassons no âmbito do diagnóstico e estadiamento do cancro do pulmão não se encontram esgotados, persistindo focos de controvérsia e dúvida científica que se pretendem esclarecer. A presente tese foi organizada em cinco capítulos: o primeiro abordou de forma geral e introdutória o estado da arte referente à ultrassonografia torácica, cancro do pulmão e a sua conjugação; o segundo destacou os principais objetivos; o terceiro sumarizou a metodologia utilizada; o quarto englobou os cinco estudos publicados, descritos subsequentemente, e o quinto incluiu uma discussão concisa, as principais conclusões e perspetivas futuras. O primeiro estudo avaliou a rentabilidade diagnóstica, segurança e curva de aprendizagem num coorte de 179 doentes submetidos a ecoendoscopia brônquica linear. De acordo com as indicações para este procedimento os doentes foram subdivididos em três grupos: (1) diagnóstico, (2) diagnóstico e estadiamento e (3) estadiamento. Para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro grupos a sensibilidade da ecoendoscopia foi 86.1%, 86.7% e 95% respetivamente e a precisão técnica foi 87.5%, 93.1% e 97.7% respetivamente. O treino originou um aumento progressivo do número de locais puncionados por doente, com menor duração e sem complicações, comprovando a eficácia e segurança do método quando realizado na população Portuguesa por broncologistas com experiência. O segundo estudo foi conduzido para averiguar a eficácia e custo da ecoendoscopia brônquica linear realizada através da via aérea e/ou esófago no diagnóstico de lesões sugestivas de neoplasia do pulmão, após ineficácia das técnicas convencionais. Nos doentes incluídos prospetivamente alcançou-se um diagnóstico definitivo em 106 casos (87.6%). A sensibilidade global para o diagnóstico de cancro do pulmão foi 89.8%, a especificidade foi 100%, o valor preditivo positivo foi 100%, o valor preditivo negativo foi 20% e a precisão foi 90.1%. Esta estratégia ultrassonográfica abrangente evitou intervenções cirúrgicas diagnósticas em doentes anteriormente submetidos a broncoscopia flexível ou punção aspirativa transtorácica guiada por tomografia computorizada, proporcionando uma redução significativa dos custos. No terceiro estudo investigou-se a viabilidade e papel da conjugação da ecoendoscopia brônquica linear com técnicas moleculares na avaliação de antigénios tumorais e padrões de metastização ganglionar em doentes com cancro do pulmão de não-pequenas células (CPNPC). Os marcadores citoqueratina 19 (CK-19), antigénio carcinoembrionário (CEA), molécula de adesão celular epitelial (EPCAM), sialyl-Lewis X e CD44 foram determinados nos aspirados ganglionares de 33 doentes com neoplasia e 17 controlos 10 Ultrassonografia através de citometria de fluxo (CF) e reação em cadeia da polimerase em tempo real (RTPCR). Os doentes com CPNPC possuíam um compartimento celular epitelial significativamente aumentado e com marcação superior de CK-19 comparativamente ao grupo de controlo. O compartimento imune foi também analisado nestas amostras e revelou-se alterado no CPNPC com aumento da população de monócitos e diminuição das subpopulações linfocitárias. Os transcriptos de CK-19, CEA e EPCAM estavam elevados nos doentes com cancro do pulmão, identificando-se uma correlação positiva entre estes marcadores e o tamanho da lesão primária. Concluiu-se que a identificação de CK-19, CEA e EPCAM nas amostras obtidas por ecoendoscopia e avaliadas por CF e RTPCR foi viável, podendo auxiliar na deteção de metástases ganglionares no CPNPC. O quarto estudo envolveu a combinação da ecoendoscopia brônquica radial com uma criosonda para o diagnóstico de lesões pulmonares sólidas periféricas. Foi determinada a viabilidade, rentabilidade diagnóstica, tamanho das amostras e segurança do método. Lesões inferiores a 40mm foram localizadas por ultrassonografia sendo os doentes randomizados para a realização de biópsias transbrônquicas com pinça seguidas por criosonda ou vice-versa. Nos 39 casos incluídos a lesão foi visualizada pela minisonda em 31 doentes (79.5%), com 80.6% de prevalência de cancro do pulmão na amostra. A rentabilidade diagnóstica da pinça de biópsia foi 61.3% e da criosonda foi 74.2%. O tamanho do tecido adquirido pelas criobiópsias foi significativamente maior do que o alcançado por pinça (11.17mm2 vs. 4.69mm2, p<0.001). Ocorreu um único caso de hemorragia moderada, controlada através de medidas conservadoras. As biópsias transbrônquicas com criosonda sob orientação de ecoendoscopia radial foram seguras e eficazes na obtenção de amostras histológicas. O quinto estudo determinou o valor diagnóstico da ecografia transtorácica na identificação de malignidade em doentes com derrame pleural de natureza indeterminada. Foram examinados de forma prospetiva 154 doentes. Os resultados clínicos e radiológicos de cada caso foram ocultados ao executante do exame que gerou imagens estáticas e vídeos ultrassonográficos relevantes. Estes foram posteriormente visualizados, sendo as suas características classificadas por revisores independentes e comparadas com o diagnóstico definitivo. Em 66 casos o diagnóstico foi de derrame pleural maligno (68.2% com cancro do pulmão) e em 67 de derrame benigno. A ecografia torácica obteve 80.3% de sensibilidade, 83.6% de especificidade, 81.2% de valor preditivo negativo e 82.8% de valor preditivo positivo na deteção de malignidade. A nodularidade pleural ou diafragmática, espessamento pleural superior a 10mm e sinal de swirling foram significativamente diferentes (p<0.001) sendo sugestivos de derrame maligno. A existência de nodularidade pleural e ausência de broncograma aéreo ecográfico aumentaram a probabilidade de malignidade (OR 29.0 e OR 10.4, respetivamente). A ecografia transtorácica permitiu diferenciar derrame pleural maligno do benigno. A existência de nódulos pleurais constituiu o fator discriminador mais relevante. Em conclusão, os resultados desta tese possibilitam uma melhor compreensão do papel da ecoendoscopia brônquica (linear e radial) e ecografia transtorácica no diagnóstico e estadiamento do cancro do pulmão, com implicações e aplicabilidade na prática clínica.------------- ABSTRACT: In recent years ultrasonography has emerged as an important instrument in the diagnosis of thoracic diseases. Technological progress has enabled the design of new equipment such as radial and linear endobronchial ultrasound. In addition, indications for transthoracic echography were established. One of the main diseases responsible for the progression of chest sonography was lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. The applicability and knowledge of the role of ultrasonography in diagnosing and staging lung cancer is not depleted, persisting foci of controversy and scientific doubt that we intend to elucidate. The present thesis was organized into five chapters: the first included a general introduction regarding chest ultrasound, lung cancer and their combination; the second emphasized the main objectives; the third summarized the methodology used; the fourth encompassed the five published studies, subsequently described, and the fifth included a concise discussion, the main findings and future perspectives. The first study evaluated the diagnostic yield, safety and learning curve in a cohort of 179 patients submitted to linear endobronchial ultrasound. According to procedure indications, the patients were divided into three groups: (1) diagnosis, (2) diagnosis and staging, and (3) staging. For the first, second and third groups, endobronchial ultrasound sensitivity was 86.1%, 86.7% and 95% respectively and accuracy was 87.5%, 93.1% and 97.7% respectively. Practise led to an increase number of punctured sites per patient, in a shorter period of time and without complications, proving the safety and efficacy of the method when performed in the Portuguese population by expert echoscopists. The second study was conducted to determine the efficacy and cost of linear endobronchial ultrasound performed through the airway and/or oesophagus for diagnosis of lesions suggestive of lung cancer, after failure of conventional techniques. Of the patients prospectively enrolled a definitive diagnosis was reached in 106 cases (87.6%). The overall sensitivity for the diagnosis of lung cancer was 89.8%, specificity was 100%, positive predictive value was 100%, negative predictive value was 20% and accuracy was 90.1%. In conclusion, this global ultrasonographic strategy avoided diagnostic surgical procedures in patients that had undergone flexible bronchoscopy or computed tomography-guided transthoracic needle aspiration, providing a significant cost reduction. In the third study, the feasibility and role of linear endobronchial ultrasound combined with molecular techniques in the evaluation of tumour antigens and patterns of lymph node metastasis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) was investigated. Cytokeratin 19 (CK-19), carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EPCAM), sialyl Lewis-X and CD44 were determined in lymph node aspirates of 33 lung cancer patients and 17 controls, using flow cytometry (FC) and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). In patients with NSCLC the epithelial cell compartment was significantly increased nd showed brighter CK-19 staining, compared to the control group. In NSCLC patients the immune compartment revealed an increased monocyte population and decreased lymphocyte subsets. The transcripts of CK- 19, CEA and EPCAM were higher in lung cancer patients and a positive correlation between these markers and the size of the primary lesion was also found. We concluded that the identification of CK-19, CEA and EPCAM in endobronchial ultrasound samples, using RT-PCR and FC was feasible and might aid in the detection of NSCLC lymph node metastases. The fourth study involved the combination of the radial endobronchial ultrasound with the cryoprobe for diagnosing solid peripheral lung lesions. We determined the feasibility, diagnostic yield, sample size and safety of the method. Lesions less than 40mm were located by ultrasound and forceps or cryobiopsies were performed in a randomized order. Of the 39 cases included, the lesion could be visualized by the miniprobe in 31 patients (79.5%), and lung cancer prevalence was 80.6%. The diagnostic yield of the biopsy forceps was 61.3% and for the cryobiopsy was 74.2 %. Cryobiopsies were significantly larger than forceps biopsies (11.17mm2 vs. 4.69mm2, p<0.001). There was only one case of moderate bleeding that was controlled by conservative measures. Transbronchial cryobiopsies under radial endobronchial ultrasound guidance were safe and effective in obtaining histological samples. The fifth study determined the diagnostic value of transthoracic sonography in predicting malignancy in patients with an undiagnosed pleural effusion. One hundred and fifty four patients were prospectively scanned. Relevant ultrasound images and videos were generated by an operator blinded to clinical and radiological results. These were subsequently visualized, its characteristics classified by independent reviewers and compared to the final diagnosis. A malignant pleural effusion was diagnosed in 66 cases (68.2 % with lung cancer) and a benign effusion in 67 cases. Thoracic ultrasound had a sensitivity of 80.3 %, specificity of 83.6%, negative predictive value of 81.2 % and positive predictive value of 82.8% to detect malignancy. The presence of pleural or diaphragmatic nodularity, pleural thickening greater than 10mm and swirling signal were significantly different (p<0.001 ), being suggestive of malignant effusion. The existence of pleural nodularity and absence of lung air bronchogram were more likely to indicate malignancy (OR 29.0 and OR 10.4, respectively). Transthoracic ultrasonography permits the distinction between malignant and benign pleural effusions. Pleural nodules were the most relevant feature. In conclusion, the results of this thesis provide a better understanding of the role of endobronchial ultrasound (linear and radial) and transthoracic sonography in lung cancer diagnosis and staging, with direct implications and applicability in clinical practice.
The efficacy of treatment with nifurtimox and/or benznidazole among adults with chronic Chagas disease with no previous electrocardiographic disturbances was evaluated over a mean follow-up of 21 years, by means of conventional serology, xenodiagnosis, clinical examination, electrocardiograms and chest X-ray. One hundred and eleven patients, between 17 and 46 years old, were studied: 54 underwent treatment (nifurtimox 27, benznidazole 27) and 57 remained untreated (control group). Xenodiagnosis was performed on 65% of them: 36/38 of the treated and 9/34 of the untreated patients had previous positive xenodiagnosis. Post-treatment, 133 xenodiagnoses were performed on 41 patients, all resulting negative. In the control group, 29 xenodiagnoses were performed on 14 patients; 2 resulted positive. Sera stored during the follow-up were simultaneously analyzed through conventional serology tests (IHA; DA-2ME; IIF). The serological evolution in the treated group was: a) 37% underwent negative seroconversion (nifurtimox 11, benznidazole 9); b) 27.8% decreased titers (nifurtimox 9, benznidazole 6), 9 showed inconclusive final serology (nifurtimox 7, benznidazole 2); c) 35.2% remained positive with constant titers (nifurtimox 7; benznidazole 12). The control group conserved the initial antibody levels during the follow-up. In the clinical evolution, 2/54 (3.7%) of the treated and 9/57 (15.8%) of the untreated patients showed electrocardiographic disturbances attributable to Chagas myocardiopathy, with a statistically relevant difference (p<0.05). Treatment caused deparasitation in at least 37% of the chronically infected adults and a protective effect on their clinical evolution.
INTRODUCTION: Discrepancy between the intensity of pulmonary congestion and the grade of cardiomegaly seems to be a common finding of Chagas cardiomyopathy, in spite of significant systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle. Its mechanism has not been established. The aim of this study was to investigate pulmonary congestion and to analyze if it correlated with Doppler echocardiographic parameters in patients with Chagas dilated cardiomyopathy. METHODS: Fifty-five patients with positive serology tests for Trypanosoma cruzi and Chagas dilated cardiomyopathy were studied. Chest x-rays, Doppler echocardiogram and plasmatic brain natriuretic peptide levels were obtained in all patients. The degree of pulmonary venous vessels changes on chest x-ray was graded using a pulmonary congestion score, and then compared to Doppler echocardiographic parameters. RESULTS: Mean age was 48.5 ± 11.2 years and 29% were women. The majority (95%) of patients were in NYHA functional class I and II. Mild pulmonary congestion by chest x-ray was found in 80% of the patients. In a multivariate analysis, left ventricular ejection fraction, right ventricular TEI index and the color M-mode velocity correlated with the degree of pulmonary congestion. CONCLUSIONS: Pulmonary venous changes on chest x-rays are frequent, but usually mild in patients with Chagas dilated cardiomyopathy. The degree of pulmonary congestion correlates with Doppler echocardiographic left and right ventricular dysfunction and with color M-mode velocity.
INTRODUCTION: The purpose of this study was to compare respiratory signs and symptoms between patients with and without chest X-ray abnormalities in order to establish the meaning of radiographic findings in pulmonary PCM diagnosis. METHODS: The epidemiological, clinical and radiological lung findings of 44 patients with paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM) were evaluated. Patients were divided into two groups of 23 and 21 individuals according to the presence (group 1) or absence (group 2) of chest X-ray abnormalities, respectively, and their clinical data was analyzed with the aid of statistical tools. RESULTS: As a general rule, patients were rural workers, young adult males and smokers - group 1 and 2, respectively: males (91.3% and 66.7%); mean age (44.4 and 27.9 year-old); smoking (34.7% and 71.4 %); acute/subacute presentation (38.1% and 21.7%); chronic presentation (61.9% and 78.3%). The most frequent respiratory manifestations were - group 1 and 2, respectively: cough (25% and 11.4%) and dyspnea (22.7% and 6.8%). No statistical difference was observed in pulmonary signs and symptoms between patients with or without radiographic abnormalities. The most frequent radiological finding was nodular (23.8%) or nodular-fibrous (19%), bilateral (90.5%) and diffuse infiltrates (85.7%). CONCLUSIONS: Absence of statistical difference in pulmonary signs and symptoms between these two groups of patients with PCM indicates clinical-radiological dissociation. A simplified classification of radiological lung PCM findings is suggested, based on correlation of these data and current literature review.
INTRODUCTION: Despite significant left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction and cardiomegaly, pulmonary congestion does not seem to be a major finding in Chagas' cardiomyopathy (CC). This study sought to identify echocardiographic parameters associated with pulmonary congestion in CC and in dilated cardiomyopathy of other etiologies, such as non-CC (NCC), and to compare pulmonary venous hypertension between the two entities. METHODS: A total of 130 consecutive patients with CC and NCC, with similar echocardiographic characteristics, were assessed using Doppler echocardiography and chest radiography. Pulmonary venous vessel abnormalities were graded using a previously described pulmonary congestion score, and this score was compared with Doppler echocardiographic parameters. RESULTS: NCC patients were older than CC patients (62.4 ± 13.5 × 47.8 ± 11.2, p = 0.00), and there were more male subjects in the CC group (66.2% × 58.5%, p = 0.4). Pulmonary venous hypertension was present in 41 patients in the CC group (63.1%) and in 63 (96.9%) in the NCC group (p = 0.0), the mean lung congestion score being 3.2 ± 2.3 and 5.9 ± 2.6 (p = 0.0), respectively. On linear regression multivariate analysis, the E/e' ratio (β = 0.13; p = 0.0), LV diastolic diameter (β = 0.06; p = 0.06), left atrial diameter (β = 0.51; p = 0.08), and right ventricular (RV) end-diastolic diameter (β = 0.02; p = 0.48) were the variables that correlated with pulmonary congestion in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Pulmonary congestion was less significant in patients with CC. The degree of LV of systolic and diastolic dysfunction and the RV diameter correlated with pulmonary congestion in both groups. The E/e' ratio was the hallmark of pulmonary congestion in both groups.
Advanced megaesophagus (Group III) secondary to vector-borne Chagas disease in a 20-month-old infant
The authors report the case of a female infant with Group III (or Grade III) megaesophagus secondary to vector-borne Chagas disease, resulting in severe malnutrition that reversed after surgery (Heller technique). The infant was then treated with the antiparasitic drug benznidazole, and the infection was cured, as demonstrated serologically and parasitologically. After follow-up of several years without evidence of disease, with satisfactory weight and height development, the patient had her first child at age 23, in whom serological tests for Chagas disease yielded negative results. Thirty years after the initial examination, the patient's electrocardiogram, echocardiogram, and chest radiography remained normal.
RESUMO: Relevância e Objectivos: A educação focada na auto-gestão tem sido cada vez mais valorizada como parte integrante da abordagem terapêutica dos doentes com DPOC. No entanto poucos resultados se encontram na literatura. Este estudo investiga se um programa de educação contribui para a melhoria da funcionalidade e do estado de saúde associados à DPOC estável. Metodologia: A amostra incluiu 18 indivíduos portadores de DPOC ligeira a moderada, de acordo com os critérios GOLD, com uma média de idades de 71 ± 8 anos. Os doentes foram distribuídos por 2 grupos: um grupo experimental, constituído por 10 doentes do sexo masculino, a receber os cuidados habituais e submetidos a um programa de educação, e um grupo de controlo formado por 7 doentes do sexo masculino e uma do sexo feminino, a receber apenas os cuidados habituais. Foram avaliados os dados sócio-demográficos relativos à amostra, o nível de conhecimentos sobre a patologia e a sua auto-gestão, a dispneia, o impacto nas AVD’s, a qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde, a ansiedade e a depressão. Foram aplicados 8 questionários, 2 realizados pela invesstigadora, um destinado a recolher dados sociodemográficos e clínicos, outro para avaliar o conhecimento da doença pelo doente e os 6 restantes estandardizados: Medical Research Council, Índice de Dispneia Basal Modificado de Mahler, Índice de Dispneia de Transição de Mahler, St. George Respiratory Questionnaire, London Chest Activity of Daily Living e o Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Incluíu-se também a realização de uma espirometria, de uma prova de marcha de 6 minutos e a aplicação de 1 checklist para avaliar a evolução dos conhecimentos do doente sobre a sua doença. Os dados foram recolhidos em dois momentos: em T0 e em T1, correspondendo ao início e o final do programa de educação. Resultados: Obteve-se uma diferença com significância na melhoria do nível de conhecimentos entre o grupo experimental e o grupo de controlo com um p = 0,001. Não se alcançaram resultados significativos na melhoria da distância percorrida, da dispneia, do impacto nas AVD’s, da QVRS, da ansiedade e da depressão. Conclusões: A aplicação de um programa de educação a doentes com DPOC estável contribuiu para a melhoria de conhecimentos sobre a doença, mas não se traduziu em modificações no estado de saúde e da funcionalidade na população estudada.------------ABSTRACT: Relevance and Objectives: Self-management interventions have been increased as an important part of therapeutic approach in COPD patients. However, few results are found in literature. This study investigates whether self-management program contributes to improve functionality and health status associated with stable COPD. Methods: The sample included 18 subjects with mild to moderate COPD, according to GOLD criteria, and a mean age of 71 ± 8 years. Patients were divided into 2 groups: one experimental group, consisting of 10 male patients receiving usual care plus an education program, and a control group consisting of one female and 7 male patients, receiving only usual care. We assessed socio-demographic data, level of knowledge about the pathology and selfmanagement, dyspnea, impact on ADLs, health related quality of life, anxiety and depression. Were administered 8 questionnaires, two made by the researcher, one to collect sociodemographic and clinical data, another to assess the knowledge of the disease by the patient and the remaining 6 standardized: Medical Research Council, baseline dyspnea index Modified Mahler's, Mahler Transitional (dyspnea), St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (HRQOL),London Chest Activity of Daily Living (ADL´s) and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (anxiety and depression). Performed a spirometry, a test of 6-minute walk and a checklist for monitoring progress of the patient's knowledge about their disease. Data were collected on two times: T0 and T1, beginning and end of self-management program. Results: We found a significant improvement in the level of knowledge between the experimental and control group with p = 0.001. We didn’t achieve significant results in improving distance, dyspnea, impact on ADLs, HRQOL, anxiety and depression. Conclusions: The application of an education program in stable COPD patients contributed to the improvement of knowledge about the disease, but didn’t translate into changes in health status and functionality in population of this study.
RESUMO: Introdução: A obstrução da via aérea central (OVAC) refere-se a um processo patológico que conduz a limitação do fluxo de ar ao nível do espaço glótico e subglótico, traqueia e brônquios principais. O seu correcto diagnóstico e tratamento constituem um território de interesse e preocupação para os profissionais de saúde, e requerem um profundo conhecimento da sua etiologia, fisiologia, diagnóstico e opções terapêuticas dado o potencial em originar significativa morbilidade e mortalidade. A avaliação da OVAC abrange múltiplas vertentes, entre as quais se salienta o componente clínico (sinais e sintomas), a repercussão fisiopatológica (função respiratória) e o estudo imagiológico (TC do tórax e broncoscopia). A compilação destes dados associada à etiologia, constituem factores importantes para estabelecer o prognóstico, determinar a necessidade de tratamento ou delinear uma futura intervenção terapêutica. A broncoscopia é o Gold Standard de avaliação desta condição, mas desde há cerca de 40 anos a curva de débito-volume constitui uma ferramenta não invasiva de detecção de OVAC. Apesar deste método ser utilizado até os nossos dias, poucos têm sido os estudos com o objectivo de verificar a sensibilidade e especificidade da curva de débito-volume na detecção de OVAC, bem como averiguar a relação entre as alterações morfológicas e quantitativas da mesma com a localização, o tipo e o grau da obstrução. Material e Métodos: Entre 1 de Novembro de 2009 e 30 de Abril de 2010, os doentes com indicação para a realização de broncoscopia diagnóstica ou terapêutica na Unidade de Técnicas Invasivas Pneumológicas (UTIP) do Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte – Hospital Pulido Valente (CHLN – HPV) foram seleccionados de forma consecutiva de acordo com os critérios de inclusão e exclusão. As avaliações (broncoscopia, curva de débito-volume e avaliação da dispneia) realizaram-se com um intervalo de tempo máximo de sete dias. A broncoscopia flexível foi realizada segundo as normas da British Thoracic Society e as curvas de débito-volume segundo as normas da ATS/ERS TaskForce 2005. Para a avaliação da dispneia recorreu-se à escala de dispneia MRC (Medical Research Council). Um painel de peritos realizou a avaliação da morfologia da curva de débito-volume (sugestiva ou não de OVAC) e um elemento independente a verificação dos critérios quantitativos e morfológicos (variáveis intra e extratorácica e fixa) da curva. O estudo foi aprovado pela Comissão de Ética para a Saúde do CHLN e todos os doentes assinaram um consentimento informado de participação. Resultados: Estudaram-se 82 doentes, 36 (44%) dos quais com OVAC. A predominância foi do género masculino, em relação ao feminino. A sensibilidade e especificidade dos critérios quantitativos da curva de débito-volume na detecção de OVAC foi de 91.3% e 88.9% respectivamente. Quando se utilizaram os critérios morfológicos da curva de débito-volume os valores foram de 93.5% e 30.6%. A agregação dos critérios morfológicos e quantitativos permitiu alcançar uma sensibilidade de 95.7% e especificidade de 86.1%. Nesta amostra, o critério quantitativo com maior ocorrência foi o FEF50/FIF50≥1 (83% dos doentes com OVAC). Este mostrou relacionar-se com todas as localizações de obstrução excepto o terço médio da traqueia. Mostrou, ainda, ter uma relação forte e positiva com o grau e tipo de obstrução (intra e extraluminal). O segundo foi o FEV1/PEF≥8, presente em 36% dos casos de OVAC. Relacionou-se com as obstruções no terço inferior da traqueia e brônquio principal direito (BPD). Também apresentou relação forte e positiva com o grau de obstrução e com os tipos de obstrução anteriormente descritos. Quanto à sintomatologia foi possível associar o grau de obstrução com o de dispneia e a presença de estridor com o grau e localização da obstrução na traqueia. Conclusões: Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que os critérios quantitativos da curva de débito-volume têm elevada sensibilidade e especificidade na detecção de OVAC. O critério FEV50/FIF50≥1 tem um bom poder discriminativo na detecção dessa condição, tendo sido relacionado com a localização, o grau e o tipo de obstrução. O critério FEV1/PEF≥8, embora com menor poder discriminativo, também se relaciona com o grau, a localização e o tipo de obstrução. A morfologia da curva tem uma boa sensibilidade mas baixa especificidade na detecção de OVAC, mas a agregação entre os critérios morfológicos e quantitativos aumenta a sensibilidade e especificidade. A dispneia e o estridor foram relacionados com o grau de obstrução e o último com a localização ao nível da traqueia.-------------ABSTRACT: Introduction: Central airway obstruction (CAO) refers to a pathological process that leads to restriction of airflow at the level of the glottis and subglottis, trachea and main bronchi. It’s proper diagnosis and treatment is an area of interest and concern to health professionals, and requires a deep knowledge of its etiology, physiology, diagnosis and treatment options, concerning the potential to cause significant morbidity and mortality. The evaluation of CAO covers multiple aspects: the clinical component (signs and symptoms), the pathophysiological effect (lung function) and the imaging study (bronchoscopy and chest CT). The compilation of this data associated with the etiology, are important for establishing prognosis, determine the need for treatment or outline a future therapeutic intervention. Bronchoscopy is the gold standard for evaluating this condition, but for the last 40 years the flow-volume loop has been used as a noninvasive tool for detecting CAO. Although this method is still in use, only few studies were made in order to verify its sensitivity and specificity in detecting CAO, and investigate the relation between morphological and quantitative changes of the curve to location, type and degree of obstruction. Methods: Between 1st November 2009 and 30th April 2010, patients with indication to perform diagnostic or therapeutic bronchoscopy in Interventional Pulmonology Unit - Hospital Pulido Valente (CHLN - HPV), were selected consecutively according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. All assessments (bronchoscopy, flow-volume loop and dyspnea) were carried out within a period of seven days. The flexible bronchoscopy was performed according to the standards of the British Thoracic Society and the flow-volume loops in accordance with the standards of the ATS / ERS Taskforce 2005. For the evaluation of dyspnea was used to MRC dyspnea scale (Medical Research Council). A panel of experts evaluated the morphology of flow-volume loop (suggestive or non-suggestive of CAO) and an independent element established the quantitative criteria and morphological (intra and extrathoracic variables and fixed) of the curve. This study was approved by the Ethics Committee for Health CHLN and all the patients signed an informed consent to participate. Results: We’ve studied 82 patients, 36 (44%) of those with CAO. The majority of the patients were males, compared to females. The sensitivity and specificity of the quantitative criteria of the flow-volume curve in detecting CAO was 91.3% and 88.9% respectively. When we used the morphological criteria of flow-volume loop these values were 93.5% and 30.6%. The combination of quantitative and morphological criteria produced values of 95.7% sensitivity and 86.1% specificity. FEF50/FIF50≥1 was the most representative quantitative criterion (83% of patients with CAO) and it was correlated with all sites of obstruction except in the middle third of the trachea. It has shown a strong and positive association with the degree and type of obstruction (intra and extraluminal). The second was the FEV1/PEF ≥ 8, present in 36% of cases of CAO. It could be correlated with the obstruction in the lower third of the trachea and right main bronchus. It also showed a strong positive relation with the degree and types of obstruction described above. Regarding symptoms, we found a link between the degree of obstruction and dyspnea. The presence of stridor was correlated with the location and the degree of obstruction in the trachea. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrate that the quantitative criteria of the flow-volume loop have a high sensitivity and specificity in detecting CAO. The criterion FEV50/FIF50 ≥ 1 has a good discriminative power to detect this condition and was related to the location, degree and type of obstruction. The criterion FEV1/PEF ≥ 8, although with a weaker discriminative power, also relates to the degree, location and type of obstruction. The morphology of the curve has a good sensitivity but low specificity in detecting CAO although the combination between the morphological and quantitative criteria increases sensitivity and specificity. Dyspnea and stridor were related to the degree of obstruction and the last one with its location in the trachea.
Actinomycosis is a rare, chronic, suppurative, granulomatous infection caused by a group of gram-positive anaerobic bacteria belonging to the natural flora of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal and urogenital tracts. It may involve several organs. This case study refers to pulmonary actinomycosis with chest wall involvement and cord compression in a 29-year-old male who presented with fever, cough, hemoptysis, neck pain, and paresis and plegia of the lower limbs of 5-month duration.
IntroductionThe objetctive of this study was to evaluate the 2009 Pandemic Influenza A (H1N1) in the elderly and identify the clinical characteristics, mortality and prognostic factors of the infection in these patients.MethodsThis was an observational, retrospective study. Data were collected from the National Notifiable Diseases (SINAN), from the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Only patients 60 years old or more that had laboratory confirmed infections were included. The socio-demographic and clinical variables and outcomes were evaluated to compare mortality rates in the presence or absence of these factors.ResultsWe included 93 patients in the study, 16.1% of whom died. The symptoms of cough and dyspnea, the use of the antiviral oseltamivir, influenza vaccine and comorbidities influenced the outcomes of cure or death. Chest radiography can aid in diagnosis.ConclusionsAlthough relatively few elderly people were infected, this population presented high lethality that can be justified by the sum of clinical, physical and immunological factors in this population. Treatment with oseltamivir and vaccination against seasonal influenza have significantly reduced rates of hospitalization and mortality.
This paper extends the model of Spolaore (2004) about adjustments in di erent government systems for the context of scal adjustments and sovereign default. We introduce asymmetry between groups in income and preferences towards scal reforms. Default a ects di erently each group and becomes a possibility if reforms are not enacted after public nance solvency shocks, in uencing the political game according to its likelihood. With the extensions, new situations which were not possible with the previous framework arise. After the exposition of the model, the Argentine default in 2001 provides an example of the political con icts addressed by the model.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION : This study evaluated the clinical forms and manifestation severities of Chagas disease among serologically reactive individuals from Western Rio Grande do Norte (Northeastern Brazil). METHODS : This cross-sectional study included 186 adults who were evaluated using electrocardiography, echocardiography, chest radiography, and contrast radiography of the esophagus and colon. A clinical-epidemiological questionnaire was also used. RESULTS : The indeterminate, cardiac, digestive, and cardiodigestive clinical forms of Chagas disease were diagnosed in 51.6% (96/186), 32.2% (60/186), 8.1% (15/186) and 8.1% (15/186) of the participants, respectively. Heart failure (functional classes I-IV) was detected in 7.5% (14/186) of the participants, and 36.4% (24/66), 30.3% (20/66), 15.2% (10/66), 13.6% (9/66), and 4.5% (3/66) of the patients were at stage A, B1, B2, C, and D, respectively. Dilated cardiomyopathy and electrocardiographic changes were detected in 10.2% (19/186) and 48.1% (91/186) of the participants, respectively. Apical aneurysm was diagnosed in 10.8% (20/186) of the participants, and other changes in the segmental myocardial contractility of the left ventricle were diagnosed in 33.9% (63/186) of the participants. Megaesophagus (groups I-IV) was observed in 7% (13/186) of the participants, megacolon (grades 1-3) was detected in12.9% (24/186) of the participants, and both organs were affected in 29.2% (7/24) of the megacolon cases. CONCLUSIONS : We detected various clinical forms of Chagas disease (including the digestive form). Our findings indicate that clinical symptoms alone may not be sufficient to exclude or confirm cardiac and/or digestive damage, and the number of patients with symptomatic clinical forms may be underestimated.
Participation in intensive sports activities leads to muscular specializations that may generate alterations in involved articular forces and cause static (posture) and dynamic changes (alterations of articular stability, coordination, etc.). Prevention of injury requires specific functional muscular evaluation in all athletes and for any kind of sport. OBJECTIVE: To dynamically evaluate, through isokinetic tests, the peak torque, total work, and average power of the knee flexor and extensor muscles of jumper and runner athletes and compare them to those of a non-athletic population, evaluating dominance and balance between agonistic and antagonistic muscle groups. RESULTS: In the non-athlete group, we noted a higher asymmetry between the dominant and nondominant members. The jumpers had the highest values of the evaluated parameters of all groups, whereas parameters for the runners were intermediate between non-athletes and jumpers.
INTRODUCTION: Pleuropulmonary changes are common following coronary artery bypass grafting surgery performed with a saphenous vein graft, with or without an internal mammary artery. The presence of atelectasis or pleural effusions reflects the thoracic trauma. PURPOSE: To define the postoperative incidence of changes in the lung and in the pleural space and to evaluate the influence of the trauma. METHODS: Thirty patients underwent elective coronary artery bypass grafting surgery (8 saphenous vein grafts and 22 saphenous vein grafts and internal mammary artery grafts with pleurotomy). Chest tubes in the left pleural space were used in all internal mammary artery patients. On the second (day 2) and seventh (day 7) postoperative day, patients underwent a computed tomography, and pleural effusions were rated as follows: grade 0 = no fluid to grade 4 = fluid in more than 75% of the hemithorax. Atelectasis was rated as follows: laminar = 1, segmental = 3, and lobar = 10 points. RESULTS: All patients had pleural effusion or atelectasis. Between day 2 and day 7, the number of patients with effusions or atelectasis on the right side decreased (P < 0.05). The incidence of effusions on day 2 in the saphenous vein graft group (87.5%) was higher (P < 0.05) than in the internal mammary artery group (52.3%). The incidence of atelectasis in the lower right lobe decreased (P < 0.05) from 86.7% (day 2) to 26.7% (day 7). The degree of atelectasis in both sides did not differ on day 2 (P = 0.42) but did on day 7 (P < 0.0001). There was a decrease in the atelectasis from day 2 to day 7 on the right side (P < 0.001), but not on the left (P = 0.21). On day 2 there was a relationship between atelectasis and effusion on the right (P = 0.04), but not on the left (P = 0.113). CONCLUSION: The present series demonstrates that there is a high incidence of both minimal pleural effusion and atelectasis after coronary artery bypass grafting surgery, which drops on the right side from day 2 to day 7 post surgery. Factors that contribute to the persistence of changes on the left side include the thoracic trauma and the presence of chest tubes and pericardial effusion.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the significance for sex determination of the measurement of the area formed by the xerographic projection of 3 craniometric points related to the mastoid process: the porion, asterion, and mastoidale points. METHOD: Sixty skulls, 30 male and 30 female, were analyzed. A xerographic copy of each side of the skull was obtained. On each xerographic copy, the craniometric points were marked to demarcate a triangle. The area (mm²) of the demarcated triangle for each side of the skull (right (D) and left (E) sides) was determined, and the total value of these measures (T) was calculated. RESULTS: Concerning the right area of the male and female skulls, 60% of the values overlapped; for the left area, 51.67% overlapped, and for the total area, 36.67% overlapped. The analysis of the differences between the sexes in the areas studied was significant for the 3 areas. Regarding the total area, which is the preferred measurement because of the asymmetry between the sides of the skull, the value of the mean was 1505.32 mm² for male skulls, which was greater than the maximum value obtained in the female skulls. The value of the mean for female skulls was 1221.24 mm², less than the minimum value obtained for the male skulls. CONCLUSIONS: This study demonstrates a significant result in the 3 studied areas, (D), (E), and (T). The total area values show less overlapping of values between the sexes, and therefore can be used for sexing human skulls. For the population studied, values of the total area that were greater than or equal to 1447.40 mm² belonged to male crania (95% confidence). Values for this area that were less than or equal to 1260.36 mm² belonged to female crania (95% confidence).