984 resultados para Charge-carrier mobility


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The epitopic core sequences recognized by three monoclonal antibodies raised to chicken riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) were mapped to the C-terminal tail-end of the protein using the pepscan method A 21-residue synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 200-219 of the protein and comprising the regions corresponding to the antibodies was synthesized. Administration of polyclonal antibodies specific to this peptide led to termination of early pregnancy in mice. Also, active immunization of rats with the peptide-purified protein derivative conjugate inhibited establishment of pregnancy. These results demonstrate the functional importance of the C-terminal 200-219 region of chicken RCP. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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A specific protein exhibiting immunological cross-reactivity with chicken riboflavin carrier protein has been purified to homogeneity from human amniotic fluid by use of ion-exchange and affinity chromatography. The protein is similar to its avian counterpart in terms of molecular size, distribution of 125I-labelled tryptic peptides during finger printing, and preferential binding to riboflavin. Immunologically, they are homologous since most of the monoclonal antibodies raised against the avian protein cross-react with the purified human vitamin carrier.


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Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to chicken thiamin carrier protein (TCP) have been produced by hybridoma technology to identify the crucial epitopes involved in bioneutralization of the vitamin carrier. The monoclonality of these mAbs (A4C4, F3H6, H8H3, C8C1 and G7H10) was sought to be confirmed by sub-class isotyping; they all belong to IgG1, k type. The epitopes recognized by all the five mAbs are conserved in TCP from the chicken to the rat as assessed by liquid phase RIA and immunoprecipitation of I-125-labelled proteins from pregnant rat serum. Among these mAbs, passive immunization of pregnant rats with the mAb C8C1 only on three consecutive days (day 10, 11 and 12) resulted in embryonic resorption. These results demonstrate the importance of epitopic structure specified by the mAb C8C1 on TCP during pregnancy in rats.


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The well-known linear relationship (T?S# =??H# +?, where 1 >? > 0,? > 0) between the entropy (?S#) and the enthalpy (?H#) of activation for reactions in polar liquids is investigated by using a molecular theory. An explicit derivation of this linear relation from first principles is presented for an outersphere charge transfer reaction. The derivation offers microscopic interpretation for the quantities? and?. It has also been possible to make connection with and justify the arguments of Bell put forward many years ago.


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Adult rat Leydig cells in culture synthesize and secrete riboflavin carrier protein (RCP) as demonstrated by [S-35]-methionine incorporation into newly synthesized proteins followed by immunoprecipitation as well as specific radioimmunoassay. LH stimulates the secretion of RCP 4-fold which could be inhibited upto 75% by an aromatase inhibitor. 8-bromo-cyclic AMP and cholera toxin could mimic the LH stimulated secretion of the carrier protein. The extent of stimulation of RCP secretion brought about by exogenous estradiol-17 beta is comparable to that of LH. The antiestrogen tamoxifen, when added along with either LH or estrogen, inhibited the stimulated levels significantly. These results show that the estrogen-inducible riboflavin carrier is secreted by Leydig cells under positive regulation of LH.


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The unfolding of the chicken egg white riboflavin carrier protein by disulfide reduction with dithiothreitol led to aggregation with concomitant loss of ligand binding characteristics and the capacity to interact with six monoclonal antibodies directed against surface-exposed discontinuous epitopes. The reduced protein could, however, bind to a monoclonal antibody recognizing sequential epitope. Under optimal conditions of protein refolding, the vitamin carrier protein regained its folded structure with high efficiency with simultaneous complete restoration of hydrophobic flavin binding site as well as the epitopic conformations exposed at the surface in a manner comparable to its native form.


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We consider a one-dimensional mesoscopic Hubbard ring with and without disorder and compute charge and spin stiffness as a measure of the permanent currents. For finite disorder we identify critical disorder strength beyond which the charge currents in a system with repulsive interactions are larger than those for a free system. The spin currents in the disordered repulsive Hubbard model are enhanced only for small U, where the magnetic state of the system corresponds to a charge-density wave pinned to the impurities. For large U, the state of the system corresponds to localized isolated spins and the spin currents are found to be suppressed. For the attractive Hubbard model we find that the charge currents are always suppressed compared to the free system at all length scales.


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We report Raman studies on powder samples of the charge transfer complex (TTF)(x)C60Br8 at room temperature. The phonons show considerable softening with respect to the frequencies observed in the Raman spectrum of solid C60Br8. The strongest mode at 1464 cm(-1) in C60Br8 is red shifted to a doublet with peaks at 1414 and 1421 cm(-1), implying an average phonon softening Delta omega of -47 cm(-1). A comparison with the phonon softening of the corresponding A(g)(2) mode in alkali-doped C-60 (Delta omega similar to -36 cm(-1) for A(6)C(60), A = K, Rb or Cs) suggests that 8 electrons are transferred per C60Br8 molecule in the charge transfer complex. The mode at 503 cm(-1) in C60Br8 is shifted upwards, similar to that in A(6)C(60) compounds.


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Analytical expressions which include depletion layer effects on low-injection carrier relaxation are being presented for the first time here. Starting from the continuity equation for the minority carriers, we derive expressions for the output signal pertinent to time-resolved microwave and luminescence experiments. These are valid for the time domain that usually overlaps with the time scales of surface processes, such as charge transfer and trapping. Apart from the usual pulse form of illumination, theoretical expressions pertaining to other forms of illumination such as switch-on and switch-off transient modes, a periodic mode, and a steady state and their various inter-relationships are derived here. The expressions obtained are seen to be generalizations of existing flat-band low-injection results in the Limit of early or initial band bendings. The importance of the depletion layer as an experimental parameter is clearly seen in the limit of larger band bendings wherein it is shown, unlike the flat-band case, to exhibit pure exponential forms of carrier relaxation. Our results are consistent with the main conclusions of the numerical and experimental work published recently. Furthermore, this work provides the actual functional relationships between the applied potential and observed carrier decay. This should enable one to extract the surface kinetic parameters, after deciding on the dominant mode of carrier relaxation at the interface, whether charge transfer or trapping, by studying the potential dependence of the fate of relaxation.


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It is pointed out that the change in the oxidation state of Cu in YBa2CU3O7-x with increasing x vitiates the trend in the Cu(2p) satellite intensity and hence the Cu-O charge-transfer energy. When Y is partly replaced by Ca, however, the satellite intensity and T(c) decrease with the increase in Ca content or hole concentration, just as in other cuprates.


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Ordering of Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions occurs in the rare earth manganates of the general composition Ln(1-x)A(x)MnO(3) (Ln rare earth, A = Ca, Sr). Such charge-ordering is associated with antiferromagnetic and insulating properties. This phenomenon is to be contrasted with the ferromagnetic metallic behavior that occurs when double-exchange between the Mn3+ and Mn4+ ions predominates. Two distinct types of charge-ordering can be delineated. In one, a ferromagnetic metallic (FMM) state transforms to the charge-ordered (CO) state on cooling. In the other scenario, the CO state is found in the paramagnetic ground stale and there is no ferromagnetism down to the lowest temperatures. Magnetic fields transform the CO state to the FMM state, when the average radius of the A-site cations is sufficiently large ([r(A)] > 1.17 Angstrom). Chemical melting of the CO state by Cr3+ substitution in the Mn site is also found only when [r(A)] greater than or similar to 1.17 Angstrom. The effect of the size of the A-cations on the Mn-O-Mn angle is not enough to explain the observed variations of the charge-ordering temperature as well as the ferromagnetic Curie temperature T-c. An explanation based on a competition between the Mn and A-cation orbitals for sigma-bonding with the oxygen rho(sigma) orbitals is considered to account for the large changes in T-c and hence the true bandwidth, with [r(A]). Effects of radiation, electric field, and other factors on the CO state are discussed along with charge-ordering in other manganate systems. Complex phase transitions, accompanied by changes in electronic and magnetic properties, occur in manganates with critical values of(rA) Or bandwidth. Charge-ordering is found in layered manganates, BixCa1-xMnO3 and CaMnO3-delta.


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We examine the magnetic and structural properties of the lanthanum manganite-based double-exchange magnets exhibiting colossal magnetoresistance. A model Hamiltonian containing the double-exchange, superexchange, and the Hubbard terms, with parameters obtained from density–functional calculations (Ref. 1), is studied within a mean-field approximation both at temperature T=0 and T>0 and with the effects of the magnetic field included. The phase diagrams we obtain with magnetic and charge-ordered phases enable us to examine the competition between the double- and superexchange terms as functions of doping and temperature. Our theoretical study provides a qualitative understanding of the phase diagram observed in the experiments. © 1997 American Institute of Physics.


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A long-standing and important problem in glass science has been carrier-type reversal (CTR) in semiconducting glasses. This phenomenon is exhibited by Pb-Ge-Se glasses also. It has been addressed here by carrying out detailed electrical, thermal, and spectroscopic investigations. PbxGe42-xSe58 (x = 0-20) glasses were prepared by a two stage melt-quenching process and characterized using x-ray diffraction, high-resolution electron microscropy, and energy dispersive analysis of x-rays. Thermoelectric power and high-pressure electrical resistivity have been measured. IR, Raman, and X-ray adsorption near edge structure spectroscopies have been used for examining the glass structures as well as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) for studying the thermal properties. A structural model based on the chemical nature of the constituents has been proposed to account for the observed properties of these glasses. Effect of Pb incorporation on local structures and qualitative consequences on the energy band structures of Ge-Se glasses has been considered. The p -->n transition has been attributed to the energetic disposition of the sp(3)d(2) band of Pb atoms, which is located closely above the lone pair band of selenium. This feature makes Pb unique in the context of p -->n transition of chalcogenide glasses. The model can be extended successfully to account for the CTR behavior observed in Bi containing chalcogenide glasses also.


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A reversible pressure-induced phase transition in lanthanum nickel ferrate (LaNi0.5Fe0.5O3) manifests itself in the infrared spectrum of the transition metal-oxygen stretching (nu(TM-O)) modes by the emergence of new peaks at pressures greater than similar to 1.4 x 10(9) Pa. Analogies to this transition are made by considering charge transfer in dilanthanum cuprate (La2CuO4) and its modification by partial substitution of copper ions by chromium ions.


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Ethidium bromide is one of the best known DNA intercalator. Upon intercalation inside DNA, the fluorescence due to ethidium bromide gets enhanced by many orders of magnitude. In this paper, we employed ethidium bromide as a probe for studying surfactant-DNA complexation using fluorescence spectroscopy and agarose gel electrophoresis. Surfactants of different charge types and chain lengths were used and the results were compared with that of the related small organic cations or salts under comparable conditions. The cationic surfactants induced destabilization of the ethidium bromide-DNA complex at concentrations in orders of magnitude lower than that of the small organic cations or salts. In contrast however, the anionic surfactants failed to promote any such destabilization of probe-DNA complex. DNA loses its ethidium bromide stainability in the presence of high concentration of cationic surfactant aggregates as revealed from agarose gel electrophoresis experiments. Inclusion of surfactants and other additives into the DNA generally enhanced the DNA double-strand to single strand transition melting temperatures by a few degrees, in a concentration-dependent manner and at high surfactant concentration melting profiles got broadened.