833 resultados para Carriers of truth
This work provides a holistic investigation into the realm of feature modeling within software product lines. The work presented identifies limitations and challenges within the current feature modeling approaches. Those limitations include, but not limited to, the dearth of satisfactory cognitive presentation, inconveniency in scalable systems, inflexibility in adapting changes, nonexistence of predictability of models behavior, as well as the lack of probabilistic quantification of model’s implications and decision support for reasoning under uncertainty. The work in this thesis addresses these challenges by proposing a series of solutions. The first solution is the construction of a Bayesian Belief Feature Model, which is a novel modeling approach capable of quantifying the uncertainty measures in model parameters by a means of incorporating probabilistic modeling with a conventional modeling approach. The Bayesian Belief feature model presents a new enhanced feature modeling approach in terms of truth quantification and visual expressiveness. The second solution takes into consideration the unclear support for the reasoning under the uncertainty process, and the challenging constraint satisfaction problem in software product lines. This has been done through the development of a mathematical reasoner, which was designed to satisfy the model constraints by considering probability weight for all involved parameters and quantify the actual implications of the problem constraints. The developed Uncertain Constraint Satisfaction Problem approach has been tested and validated through a set of designated experiments. Profoundly stating, the main contributions of this thesis include the following: • Develop a framework for probabilistic graphical modeling to build the purported Bayesian belief feature model. • Extend the model to enhance visual expressiveness throughout the integration of colour degree variation; in which the colour varies with respect to the predefined probabilistic weights. • Enhance the constraints satisfaction problem by the uncertainty measuring of the parameters truth assumption. • Validate the developed approach against different experimental settings to determine its functionality and performance.
This paper presents a discrete formalism for temporal reasoning about actions and change, which enjoys an explicit representation of time and action/event occurrences. The formalism allows the expression of truth values for given fluents over various times including nondecomposable points/moments and decomposable intervals. Two major problems which beset most existing interval-based theories of action and change, i.e., the so-called dividing instant problem and the intermingling problem, are absent from this new formalism. The dividing instant problem is overcome by excluding the concepts of ending points of intervals, and the intermingling problem is bypassed by means of characterising the fundamental time structure as a well-ordered discrete set of non-decomposable times (points and moments), from which decomposable intervals are constructed. A comprehensive characterisation about the relationship between the negation of fluents and the negation of involved sentences is formally provided. The formalism provides a flexible expression of temporal relationships between effects and their causal events, including delayed effects of events which remains a problematic question in most existing theories about action and change.
A saúde oral na terceira idade é um fator indispensável para o envelhecimento saudável e uma boa qualidade de vida. O tratamento médico dentário não se resume apenas na cura de lesões já existentes, e é necessário promover um programa preventivo, que vise controlar a incidência de problemas médico dentários, um programa curativo para tratar os problemas presentes e também a procura de um programa educativo servindo de apoio para as demais ações. O paciente idoso requer uma atenção maior durante o tratamento, por isso é preciso que o Médico Dentista conheça adequadamente a saúde geral dos idosos, pois estes podem apresentar um quadro de saúde complexo e serem portadores de diversas patologias crónicas e serem poli-medicados. São necessários cuidados especiais na consulta e uma correta anamnese desses pacientes, realizando um exame clínico oral detalhado apoiada por exames complementares. O objetivo principal do presente estudo é analisar as condições clínicas dos idosos portadores de Diabetes Mellitus e as suas complicações orais e ainda a sistematização de procedimentos de forma protocolada para o atendimento médico dentário de idosos portadores desta patologia.
At least 61 different species of mosquitoes exist in South Carolina. Mosquitoes are pests that can cause itchy bites, but they can also cause serious health issues. Mosquitoes can carry harmful viruses and parasites that infect millions of people worldwide each year. Mosquito-borne diseases can cause brain inflammation (or encephalitis), birth defects, internal bleeding, complications from parasites and even death in some cases.
This checklist is a tool to help local governments prepare for mosquito season and potential mosquito-borne disease outbreaks. It contains recommended items to be considered as part of a Zika readiness plan.
This sheet is printed in Spanish. At least 61 different species of mosquitoes exist in South Carolina. Mosquitoes are pests that can cause itchy bites, but they can also cause serious health issues. Mosquitoes can carry harmful viruses and parasites that infect millions of people worldwide each year. Mosquito-borne diseases can cause brain inflammation (or encephalitis), birth defects, internal bleeding, complications from parasites and even death in some cases.
This sheet gives tips on how to protect yourself from mosquito bites such as using insect repellent, wearing protective clothes and mosquito-proofing your home.
Communicating Zika virus preventive behaviors, transmission paths, and the underlying science are challenging. There are many scientific unknowns, an uncertainty of the risk, and tragic consequences for pregnant women and their fetuses. Clear, consistent, and frequent communication from trusted sources and channels makes it easier for people to understand Zika information which can help them to make decisions. Effective communication can support attitudes, norms, and behaviors to prevent the spread of Zika and protect pregnant women.
O herpesvírus está disseminado na população canina mundial, com uma seroprevalência de cerca de 40 a 80%. A infeção por herpesvírus canino causa elevadas taxas de mortalidade em cachorros e em cães adultos pode permanecer em estado latente ou ser reativado. A infeção por este vírus em canis de reprodução representa grandes perdas económicas, pelo que se pretende estudar a seroprevalência de herpesvírus em 52 cães pertencentes a dois canis de reprodução, para fins de venda de cães de raça. Foram analisados animais de ambos os sexos e com idades compreendidas entre 1 e 8 anos de idade. Devido a inexistências de terapia para cachorros com sintomatologia de infeção por HVC-1 pretende-se formular um protocolo de cuidados para ninhadas, suspeitas de serem portadoras deste vírus, e para os restantes cães da colónia. Estão descritos estudos que indicam o HVC-1 como um dos agentes indiretamente envolvidos na etiologia do linfoma canino, pelo que se procurou estudar a sua seroprevalência numa amostra de 28 cães com linfoma, sendo um dos objetivos a deteção de anticorpos HVC-1, nestes animais.
Com o aumento da produção do fulereno C60 e sua aplicação comercial é previsível que este composto acabe sendo liberado no ambiente, tornando-se um contaminante. Em razão das suas características físico-químicas e sua capacidade de formar agregados (n-C60) quando em contato com a água, o C60 pode se tornar um carreador de outros contaminantes (como metais e compostos orgânicos), facilitando a sua entrada nos organismos. Neste sentido, a sua toxicidade (tanto de forma isolada como em associação com outros contaminantes) vem sendo avaliada. Sendo assim, a fim de viabilizar os estudos com C60, uma metodologia para preparo de suspensões aquosas foi validada, sendo quantificada por CLAE/UV-Vis. As suspensões foram preparadas sem a adição de solvente de duas formas distintas, com aquecimento (50ºC) e à temperatura ambiente (≈20 ºC), onde se mantiveram sob agitação constante e exposição à luz artificial por até 2 meses. A cada 15 dias a suspensão foi quantificada. Além disso, três métodos distintos de extração e pré-concentração (extração líquido-líquido (ELL), extração em fase sólida (EFS) e micro-extração dispersiva líquido-líquido (MEDLL)) foram validados e comparados quanto a sua eficiência. Coeficientes de correlação ≥ 0,99 foram obtidos para as curvas de calibração. Os LDM e LQM foram de 0,08 e 0,3 ng mL-1 para EFS e ELL, considerando o fator de concentração de 500 vezes, e de 0,8 e 3,0 ng mL-1 para a MEDLL, considerando o fator de concentração de 50 vezes, respectivamente. A precisão (intermediária e repetitividade) variou entre 0,46 e 4,03 (%RSDpi) e entre 0,69 e 3,59 (%RSDr), enquanto que a exatidão ficou entre 72,3 e 85,6% para ELL, 86,1 e 115,5% para a EFS e 87,9 e 111,4% para MEDLL. Com base nestes parâmetros relativos a análise de suspensões aquosas de C60, a EFS foi considerada o método mais eficiente. O aquecimento se mostrou relevante no tamanho dos agregados, que foram significativamente maiores na suspensão sem aquecimento, porém o tempo de preparo da suspensão não influenciou na concentração final da suspensão. Portanto, recomenda-se o preparo das suspensões aquosas de C60 sem aquecimento por um período de agitação de 30-45 dias.
Centrée essentiellement autour de la parole épiscopale congolaise, la présente recherche porte sur les articulations de la religion et du politique dans une perspective limitée au catholicisme en RDC. En prenant pour base empirique la ville de Kinshasa, elle thématise les effets des dynamiques religieuses sur les fermentations sociales et les changements politiques dans un contexte d’autoritarisme. Celui-ci est, dans ce travail, problématisé comme le fait conjoint de l’institution étatique et de l’organisation religieuse catholique. Le choix de cette approche relationnelle basée sur les interactions entre religion et politique, permet d’inscrire ce travail dans le champ d’études des sciences des religions. L’approche retenue s’appuie également sur les avancées de la sociologie politique et éclaire la régulation religieuse du politique, rarement étudiée par les sciences humaines. Cette recherche s’inscrit donc à l’intersection entre l’histoire, la sociologie, les sciences politiques, l’anthropologie, l’analyse du discours, la philosophie et la théologie. Sa thèse centrale est organisée autour d’une question principale : comment la religion participe-t-elle à la régulation du politique dans le contexte d’autoritarisme caractéristique de la RDC ? La réponse à cette question croise l’approche fonctionnelle de la religion et l’analyse des déclarations institutionnelles de l’épiscopat congolais. Elle esquisse les relations entre, d’une part, contextes et événements sociopolitiques et d’autre part, discours et pratiques religieuses. Elle construit la scène religieuse à partir de la trajectoire sociopolitique, économique et culturelle de la RDC entre 1990 et 2015, sous les Présidents J.-D. Mobutu, L.-D. Kabila et J. Kabila. Elle étudie l'offre normative de sens de leurs éminences J.-A. Malula, F. Etsou et L. Monsengwo. L’analyse de la rhétorique de l’épiscopat sur les élections vérifie la plausibilité sociale et l’efficience politique de la parole épiscopale congolaise. Elle se ressource dans la pragmatique de la communication telle que mise en œuvre dans l’analyse argumentative du discours de R. Amossy et dans celle du discours politique de P. Charaudeau. En mettant la focale sur l’objet linguistique « vérité des urnes », la recherche pose au niveau normatif, juridique et éthique, le problème de l’institutionnalisation d’un État de droit en RDC. Les élaborations sur ce dernier niveau s’articulent autour de l’inscription de l’éthique dans l’agir politique. L’examen des modes conventionnels d’action des chrétiens (élections de 2006 et 2011) et non conventionnels (marche des chrétiens de 1992 et 2012) conduit à éclairer les modes de reproduction ou de contestation de l’autoritarisme étatique par l’organisation religieuse. Il permet de promouvoir une démocratie des valeurs et d’action adossée à la parrhêsia. L’introduction de l’aléthique dans la vie publique donne à voir la parole épiscopale congolaise comme un discours ethopoïétique. C’est sur ce point précis que les élaborations de M. Foucault sur la parrhêsia aident à thématiser la capacité de la religion à informer et à influencer la démocratisation de la RDC. De là, la requête formulée pour un nouveau système d’action institutionnelle de l’organisation religieuse, susceptible de promouvoir le courage de la vérité en situation autoritaire. Cette innovation permet de tenir ensemble les valeurs démocratiques et les valeurs de l’Évangile, en les corrélant à la cohérence axiologique, à la probité morale et à l’intégrité existentielle des protagonistes de la démocratisation de la RDC.
In vitro and in animal models, APE1, OGG1, and PARP-1 have been proposed as being involved with inflammatory response. In this work, we have investigated if the SNPs APE1 Asn148Glu, OGG1 Ser326Cys, and PARP-1 Val762Ala are associated to meningitis and also developed a system to enable the functional analysis of polymorphic proteins. Patients with bacterial meningitis (BM), aseptic meningitis (AM) and controls (non-infected) genotypes were investigated by PIRA-PCR or PCR-RFLP. DNA damages were detected in genomic DNA by Fpg treatment. IgG and IgA were measured from plasma and the cytokines and chemokines were measured from cerebrospinal fluid samples using Bio-Plex assays. The levels of NF-κB and c-Jun were measured in CSF by dot blot assays. A significant (P<0.05) increase in the frequency of APE1 148Glu allele in BM and AM patients was observed. A significant increase in the genotypes Asn/Asn in control group and Asn/Glu in BM group was also found. For the SNP OGG1 Ser326Cys, the genotype Cys/Cys was more frequent (P<0.05) in BM group. The frequency of PARP-1 Val/Val genotype was higher in control group (P<0.05). The occurrence of combined SNPs increased significantly in BM patients, indicating that these SNPs may be associated to the disease. Increasing in sensitive sites to Fpg was observed in carriers of APE1 148Glu allele or OGG1 326Cys allele, suggesting that SNPs affect DNA repair activity. Alterations in IgG production were observed in the presence of SNPs APE1Asn148Glu, OGG1Ser326Cys or PARP-1Val762Ala. Reductions in the levels ofIL-6, IL-1Ra, MCP-1/CCL2and IL-8/CXCL8 were observed in the presence of APE1148Glu allele in BM patients, however no differences were observed in the levels of NF-κB and c-Jun considering genotypes and analyzed groups. Using APE1 as model, a system to enable the analysis of cellular effects and functional characterization of polymorphic proteins was developed using strategies of cloning APE1 cDNA in pIRES2-EGFP vector, cellular transfection of the construction obtained, siRNA for endogenous APE1 and cellular cultures genotyping. In conclusion, we obtained evidences of an effect of SNPs in DNA repair genes on the regulation of immune response. This is a pioneering work in the field that shows association of BER variant enzymes with an infectious disease in human patients, suggesting that the SNPs analyzed may affect immune response and damage by oxidative stress level during brain infection. Considering these data, new approaches of functional characterization must be developed to better analysis and interactions of polymorphic proteins in response to this context
The call to access and preserve the state records that document crimes committed by the state during Guatemala’s civil war has become an archival imperative entangled with neoliberal human rights discourses of “truth, justice, and memory.” 200,000 people were killed and disappeared in Guatemala’s civil war including acts of genocide in which 85% of massacres involved sexual violence committed against Mayan women. This dissertation argues that in an attempt to tell the official story of the civil war, American Human Rights organizations and academic institutions have constructed a normative identity whose humanity is attached to a scientific and evidentiary value as well as an archival status representing the materiality and institutionality of the record. Consequently, Human Rights discourses grounded in Western knowledges, in particular archival science and law, which prioritize the appearance of truth erase the material and epistemological experience of indigenous women during wartimes. As a result, the subjectivity that has surfaced on the record as most legible has mostly pertained to non-indigenous, middle class, urban, leftist men who were victims of enforced disappearance not genocide. This dissertation investigates this conflicting narrative that remembers a non-indigenous revolutionary masculine hero and grants him justice in human rights courtrooms simply because of a document attesting to his death. A main research question addressed in this project is why the promise of "truth and justice" under the name of human rights becomes a contentious site for gendered indigenous bodies? I conduct a discursive and rhetorical analysis of documentary film, declassified Guatemalan police and military records such as Operation Sofia, a military log known for “documenting the genocide” during rural counterinsurgencies executed by the military. I interrogate the ways in which racialized feminicides or the hyper-sexualized racial violence that has historically dehumanized indigenous women falls outside of discourses of vision constructed by Western positivist knowledges to reinscribe the ideal human right subject. I argue for alternative epistemological frames that recognize genocide as sexualized and gendered structures that have simultaneously produced racialized feminicides in order to disrupt the colonial structures of capitalism, patriarchy and heterosexuality. Ironically, these structures of power remain untouched by the dominant human rights discourse and its academic, NGO, and state collaborators that seek "truth and justice" in post-conflict Guatemala.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília,Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2015.