910 resultados para Cancer screening for women
Objective To evaluate the influence of CYP17 polymorphism on menopausal symptoms after estrogen treatment. Methods A total of 130 women were recruited, but only 100 of these were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria; they were treated with 0.3 mg/day conjugated equine estrogens. One year later, the study was completed by 71 women. The analysis of the Kupperman menopausal index symptoms was made with information provided by the patients on daily diary cards. Blood samples were analyzed and the women were divided into two groups based on the CYP17, 5`-untranslated region: group A (wild-type homozygote and heterozygote) and group B (mutated homozygote). Results The values for the Kupperman menopausal index were similar in both groups at baseline. The symptoms in both groups decreased after 1 year of treatment when compared to those at baseline. The improvement rate was approximately 27.09% and 32.18%, in groups A and B, respectively. The levels of estrogen after treatment were higher in both groups in comparison with the baseline values. The testosterone level rose in group B with the 1-year treatment (0.48 +/- 0.16 ng/ml), reaching a higher level than the level in group A after treatment. The sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) level showed a significant increase after the 1-year treatment in group B, surpassing both the baseline and the after-treatment values in group A (p < 0.01). Conclusion Our data suggest that the CYP17 polymorphism did not influence the action of estrogen on menopause symptoms during the 1-year treatment. The extra production of estrogen and androgen may have been countered by the elevation of SHBG levels.
Patients with Gilbert Syndrome have an impaired function of the enzyme UGT1A1, responsible for the degradation of 4-OH-estrogens. These elements are produced by the degradation of estrogens and are well-known carcinogens. In theory, patients with Gilbert Syndrome accumulate 4-OH-estrogens and, therefore, might have a higher risk for breast cancer, especially when exposed to higher levels of estrogens. If this theory is true, a new risk group for breast cancer would be described, producing new insights in breast carcinogenesis. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective To investigate the association between the CYP17 alpha gene polymorphism and hot flushes in postmenopausal women. Methods Ninety-three non-hysterectomized, postmenopausal women were enrolled in this study. Vasomotor symptoms were assessed at the baseline visit and based on information provided by each participant. The genotypic polymorphism of CYP17 alpha gene was analyzed by PCR-RFLP assay using genomic DNA isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes. Results Thirty-six women reported hot flushes of mild intensity, 25 reported hot flushes of moderate intensity and 32 of severe intensity. There was no significant difference between the severity of hot flushes and the CYP17 genotype or allele frequencies, 0.58 and 0.67 respectively. No association was found between hot flush severity and the CYP17 allele (odds ratio = 1.17, p = 0.61). Conclusion The results of this study suggest that the CYP17 MspAI polymorphism was not significantly associated with an increased risk of reporting hot flushes. At the World Congress on Menopause in Madrid, May 2008, Dr Massad-Costa was awarded the Robert Greenblatt Prize for Basic Science for the study reported in this paper.
Introduction: Data on epidemiology of HPV infection are needed for the development of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine recommendations, especially in countries where HPV vaccination is not yet included in public vaccination programs. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of serum antibodies to HPV types 6, 11, 16, and 18 and associated factors among young women after birth of the first child. Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in a large public maternity hospital in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Three hundred one women aged 15 to 24 years who gave birth to their first child were recruited between 43 and 60 days after delivery. Seroprevalence was performed using a type-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on HPV Late protein 1 viruslike particles. The association of seroreactivity with these 4 HPV types with selected demographic and behavioral factors was assessed by Generalized Linear Model analysis. Results: Fifty-eight (19.3%) women (95% confidence interval, 15.0%-24.2%) had antibodies to any of the 4 viruslike particles tested. The overall seroprevalence rates of the HPV types were: HPV16, 9.0%; HPV18, 7.0%; and HPV 6+11, 7.7%, which are targeted by the HPV prophylactic vaccines. In the multivariate analysis, only age (inversely, P = 0.044 for trend) and previous sexually transmitted disease (P = 0.008) were 2 factors independently associated with HPV seropositivity. Conclusions: These data offer additional information on the epidemiology of HPV in a group of young Brazilian women after first delivery and contribute to establish a baseline of HPV seroprevalence against which post-HPV vaccine era seroprevalence can be compared.
Background Sexual contact may be the means by which head and neck cancer patients are exposed to human papillomavirus (HPV). Methods We undertook a pooled analysis of four population-based and four hospital-based case-control studies from the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology (INHANCE) consortium, with participants from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, India, Italy, Spain, Poland, Puerto Rico, Russia and the USA. The study included 5642 head and neck cancer cases and 6069 controls. We calculated odds ratios (ORs) of associations between cancer and specific sexual behaviours, including practice of oral sex, number of lifetime sexual partners and oral sex partners, age at sexual debut, a history of same-sex contact and a history of oral-anal contact. Findings were stratified by sex and disease subsite. Results Cancer of the oropharynx was associated with having a history of six or more lifetime sexual partners [OR = 1.25, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.01, 1.54] and four or more lifetime oral sex partners (OR = 2.25, 95% CI 1.42, 3.58). Cancer of the tonsil was associated with four or more lifetime oral sex partners (OR = 3.36, 95 % CI 1.32, 8.53), and, among men, with ever having oral sex (OR = 1.59, 95% CI 1.09, 2.33) and with an earlier age at sexual debut (OR = 2.36, 95% CI 1.37, 5.05). Cancer of the base of the tongue was associated with ever having oral sex among women (OR = 4.32, 95% CI 1.06, 17.6), having two sexual partners in comparison with only one (OR = 2.02, 95% CI 1.19, 3.46) and, among men, with a history of same-sex sexual contact (OR = 8.89, 95% CI 2.14, 36.8). Conclusions Sexual behaviours are associated with cancer risk at the head and neck cancer subsites that have previously been associated with HPV infection.
Background: The magnitude of risk conferred by the interaction between tobacco and alcohol use on the risk of head and neck cancers is not clear because studies have used various methods to quantify the excess head and neck cancer burden. Methods: We analyzed individual-level pooled data from 17 European and American case-control studies (11,221 cases and 16,168 controls) participating in the International Head and Neck Cancer Epidemiology consortium. We estimated the multiplicative interaction parameter (psi) and population attributable risks (PAR). Results: A greater than multiplicative joint effect between ever tobacco and alcohol use was observed for head and neck cancer risk (psi = 2.15; 95% confidence interval, 1.53-3.04). The PAR for tobacco or alcohol was 72% (95% confidence interval, 61-79%) for head and neck cancer, of which 4% was due to alcohol alone, 33% was due to tobacco alone, and 35% was due to tobacco and alcohol combined. The total PAR differed by subsite (64% for oral cavity cancer, 72% for pharyngeal cancer, 89% for laryngeal cancer), by sex (74% for men, 57% for women), by age (33% for cases < 45 years, 73% for cases > 60 years), and by region (84% in Europe, 51% in North America, 83% in Latin America). Conclusions: Our results confirm that the joint effect between tobacco and alcohol use is greater than multiplicative on head and neck cancer risk. However, a substantial proportion of head and neck cancers cannot be attributed to tobacco or alcohol use, particularly for oral cavity cancer and for head and neck cancer among women and among young-onset cases. (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2009;18(2):541-50)
Objective: The etiology of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) is known to be multifactorial, involving biological, psychosexual, and context-related factors. The objective of the present study was to analyze the factors associated with female HSDD and to stratify these factors according to their importance. Methods: This was a population-based, hierarchical study conducted in Brazil, based on data from previous research on the Brazilian Sexual Life Study, conducted between November 2002 and February 2003 in various Brazilian cities. The primary study consisted of a self-administered and anonymous questionnaire, addressing sociodemographic parameters, general health, life habits, behavior, and complaints related to sexual function. The association between HSDD and various other factors was assessed. The data were evaluated by hierarchical multiple regression analysis. Results: The prevalence of HSDD in this sample was 9.5%. Associations were found with cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, posttraumatic stress, poorer education level, being older, being married, a lack of information on sexuality in childhood/adolescence, and a limited sexual repertoire. Women who consumed moderate amounts of alcohol were found to be less likely to have HSDD. Conclusions: Analysis of the associated factors classified in order of importance and analysis of the characteristics of the sexual relationships provide additional information to currently available data on the traditional concepts of HSDD.
The purpose of this study was to describe the reproductive profile and frequency of genital infections among women living in the Serra Pelada, a former mining village in the Para state, Brazil. A descriptive study of women living in the mining area of Serra Pelada was performed in 2004 through interviews that gathered demographics and clinical data, and assessed risk behaviors of 209 randomly-selected women. Blood samples were collected for rapid assay for HIV; specimens were taken for Pap smears and Gram stains. Standard descriptive statistical analyses were performed and prevalence was calculated to reflect the relative frequency of each disease. Of the 209 participants, the median age was 38 years, with almost 70% having less than four years of education and 77% having no income or under 1.9 times the minimum wage of Brazil. About 30% did not have access to health care services during the preceding year. Risk behaviors included: alcohol abuse, 24.4%; illicit drug abuse, 4.3%; being a sex worker, 15.8%; and domestic violence, 17.7%. Abnormal Pap smear was found in 8.6%. Prevalence rates of infection were: HIV, 1.9%; trichomoniasis, 2.9%; bacterial vaginosis, 18.7%; candidiasis, 5.7%; Chlamydial-related cytological changes, 3.3%; and HPV-related cytological changes, 3.8%. Women living in this mining area in Brazil are economically and socially vulnerable to health problems. It is important to point out the importance of concomitant broader strategies that include reducing poverty and empowering women to make improvements regarding their health.
Ovarian cancer is a highly lethal disease and its underlying biology is poorly understood. Prophylactic salpingo-oophorectomies in BRCA + women have recently implicated the fimbria as a site of origin for high-grade serous carcinoma and its intraepithelial precursors. This suggests that at least some ovarian cancers, probably the most aggressive ones, may not originate in the ovary itself, but rather may arise in the uterine tubes. Chronic inflammation is associated with carcinogenesis in several tissues, including liver, esophagogastric junction (cardia), and the uterine cervix. The mechanisms underlying the relationship between inflammation and cancer are complex and involve common pathways, in addition to DNA damage. A critical source of uterine tube inflammation is infection with Chlamydia trachomatis. We hypothesize that C. trachomatis infection may be involved in chronic tubal, inflammation and subsequent fimbrial carcinogenesis. Fimbrial intraepithelial precursors can evolve into high grade serous carcinomas that spread rapidly to the ovarian surface and peritoneum; such tumors may appear to be primary ovarian neoplasia, though in reality being a secondary malignancy. This hypothesis must be further investigated to understand the intracellular signaling pathways involved in Chlamydia infection and its heating, and their relationship to carcinogenesis in order to discover potential therapeutic molecular targets. If our hypothesis were confirmed, salpingectomy instead of ovariectomy may also become the recommended surgery for high risk women. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aims: To evaluate the role of hormonal contraceptives as a risk factor of high-risk human papillomavirus (HR-HPV), cervical intraepithelial lesions (CIN) and cervical cancer in our multi-center population-based LAMS (Latin American Screening) study. Methods: A cohort study with >12,000 women from Brazil and Argentina using logistic regression to analyze the covariates of hormonal contraception (HOC - oral, injections, patches, implants, vaginal ring and progesterone intrauterine system) use followed by multivariate modeling for predictors of HR-HPV and CIN2+. Results: HR-HPV infection was a consistent risk factor of high-grade CIN in all three groups of women. The length of HOC use was not significantly related to high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL)+ Pap (p = 0.069), LSIL+ Pap (p = 0.781) or ASCUS+ (p = 0.231). The same was true with the length of HOC use and histology CIN3+ (p = 0.115) and CIN2+ (p = 0.515). Frequently, HOC users have previously shown more HPV-related lesions, as well as lower HPV prevalence if they were current smokers. But HOC use and time of usage were not independent risk factors of either HR-HPV infection or high-grade CIN using multiple logistic regressions. Conclusions: No evidence was found for an association between the use of HOC with an increased risk for HR-HPV infection or high-grade CIN in this cohort. Copyright (C) 2010 S. Karger AG, Basel
Pregnancy is associated with HPV infection and with Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) infection mostly due to the natural immunosuppression. In addition, pregnancy associated to CT infection can lead to adverse conditions to the woman and fetus, and CT is also believed to be a co-factor in human immunodeficiency virus infection and HPV-induced cervical cancer. The aim of this study was to establish the odds ratios (OR) of CT infection in to HPV-infected pregnant women and vice versa of women stratified by age (<25 years) and marital status. This work is part of a national multicentric transversal study carried out in six Brazilian cities supported by the Ministry of Health of Federal Government of Brazil in 2003. Cervical scrapes of 371 pregnant women were sampled. We performed a hybrid capture-2 technique to diagnose these samples on HPV and CT infection, and the women responded a questionnaire. Significant association was observed between nonstable marital status and hr-HPV infection [OR = 2.61 (1.38-4.97) P = 0.003)], and age <25 years old [OR = 2.26 (1.09-4.71) P = 0.029]. Nonstable marital status was also associated with lr-HPV infection [OR = 2.67 (1.59-4.50) P < 0.001), and age <25 years old [OR = 2.55 (1.51-4.32) P < 0.001). Fifty of the 371 pregnant women were infected with hr-HPV (13.5%) and 111 (30.0%) were infected with lr-HPV. The coinfections of HPV and CT were found in 31 women, that is, 8.36% of the pregnant women (P < 0.001). The high rate of simultaneous CT and HPV infection in pregnant women favors the recommendation to screen pregnant women for both CT and HPV. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2010;38:397-401. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The higher frequency of triple-negative and HER-2-positive tumors detected in younger patients has been suggested as an explanation for the more aggressive tumor types observed in this age group. However, estrogen receptor (ER)-positive tumors are the most frequent subtype of breast carcinomas identified, even in younger patients. In this retrospective study, the morphological and immunohistochemical profiles of ER-positive breast carcinomas from women 35 yrs and younger that were diagnosed between 1997 and 2007 were evaluated. From these cases, 213 were selected based on the availability of pathology reports and paraffin blocks. For comparison, 117 consecutive cases of breast carcinomas diagnosed in patients >60 yrs from 2006 were included. Paraffin-embedded tumors were stained for expression of ER, progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2). Ki-67 antigen, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), cytokeratin 5/6, p53, vimentin, CD117, and p63 using tissue microarrays. ER-positive carcinomas were diagnosed in 120 (56.1%) samples of the younger patient group and in 92 (78.6%) samples of the older patient group. Of these ER-positive carcinomas, 48 (40%) from the younger patient group presented the subtype luminal A, compared with 53 (57.6%) from the older patient group (p=0.01). Tumors from the younger patient group were also associated with increased vascular involvement, co-expression of HER-2, and decreased expression of CD117. These results highlight differences in expression markers and the pathology of ER-positive tumors detected in younger women, with a notable characteristic being co-expression of HER-2. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background and Objectives: Some authors states that the removal of lymph node would only contribute towards assessing the lymph node status and regional disease control, without any benefit for the patients` survival. The aim of this paper was to assess the influence of the number of surgically dissected pelvic lymph nodes (PLN) on disease-free Survival. Methods: Retrospective cohort study on 42 women presenting squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the uterine cervix, with metastases in PLN treated by radical surgery. The Cox model was used to identify risk factors for recurrence. The model variables were adjusted for treatment-related factors (year of treatment, surgical margins and postoperative radiotherapy). The cutoff value for classifying the lymphadenectomy as comprehensive (15 PLN or more) or non-comprehensive (<15 PLN) was determined from analysis of the ROC curve. Results: Fourteen recurrences (32.6%) were recorded: three pelvic, eight distant, two both pelvic and distant, and one at an unknown location. The following risk factors for recurrence were identified: invasion of the deep third of the cervix and number of dissected lymph nodes <15. Conclusions: Deep invasion and non-comprehensive pelvic lymphadenectomy are possible risk factors for recurrence of SCC of the uterine cervix with metastases in PLN. J. Surg. Oncol. 2009;100:252-257. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the isolated and associated effects of estrogen therapy (estradiol valerate 1 mg/d orally) and physical exercise (moderate aerobic exercise, 3 h/wk) on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and menopausal symptoms among women who had undergone hysterectomy. Design: A 6-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial with 44 postmenopausal women who had undergone hysterectomy. The interventions were physical exercise and hormone therapy (n = 9), being sedentary and hormone therapy (n = 14), physical exercise and placebo (n = 11), and being sedentary and placebo (n = 10). HRQOL was assessed by a Brazilian standard version of the Medical Outcome Study Short-Forrn Health Survey and symptoms by Kupperman Index at baseline and after 6 months. Results: There was a decrease in symptoms in all groups, but only groups who performed physical exercise showed an increase in quality of life. Analysis of variance showed that changes in physical functioning (P = 0.001) and bodily pain (P = 0.012) scores over the 6-month period differed significantly between women who exercised and women who were sedentary, regardless of hormone therapy. Hormone therapy had no effect, and there was also no significant association between physical exercise and hormone therapy in HRQOL. Conclusions: Physical exercises can reduce menopausal symptoms and enhance HRQOL, independent of whether hormone therapy is taken.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the arterial and venous blood flow in women who underwent upper limb axillary dissection surgery for the treatment of breast cancer. Sixty women were divided into two groups: group 1 (G1)-30 women who underwent breast surgery with axillary dissection level II or III (55.6 +/- A 8.6 years); group 2 (G2)-control, 30 women with no breast cancer (57.4 +/- A 7.0 years). Blood flow profile was evaluated by a continuous wave ultrasound Doppler device (Nicolet Vascular Versalab SE(A (R))) with an 8 MHz probe. Axillary, brachial arteries and veins, arm circumference, volumes, and the ankle-brachial index (ABI) were examined. Wilcoxon test and Mann-Whitney tests were applied to analyze blood flow velocity intra-group and between G1 and G2, respectively. The G1 results showed no lymphedema and no peripheral arterial disease (ABI > 0.9). Moreover, the mean blood flow velocity of the vessels ipsilateral to the surgery was significantly higher than the contralateral ones for all vessels examined (P < 0.05). The mean velocity of blood flow of the vessels contralateral to surgery was significantly higher than the axillary artery in G2 (P < 0.05). It can be concluded that women who underwent axillary dissection due to breast cancer showed probable stenosis in the arterial and venous axillary and brachial vessels of the upper limb ipsilateral to the surgery, confirmed by the increase of blood flow velocity, and such obstruction might affect the limb contralateral to the operation site.