918 resultados para Cancer registry, Cancer survival, Metachronous cancers, Multiple cancers, Synchronous cancers


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Colorectal and gastric cancers are the fourth and third leading causes of cancer death world-wide. Unfortunately, gastric cancer is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage after becoming metastatic in distant sites, so that palliative therapy is the mainstay of treatment. Major progress in the understanding of the biology, the development of valid biomarkers and molecular targeted drugs have improved the treatment options and prognosis of both cancers significantly in the last years. Here, we review the current standards of care for patients with advanced and metastatic colorectal and gastric cancer and outline the perspectives for the future.


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PURPOSE: The MOSAIC (Multicenter International Study of Oxaliplatin/Fluorouracil/Leucovorin in the Adjuvant Treatment of Colon Cancer) study has demonstrated 3-year disease-free survival (DFS) and 6-year overall survival (OS) benefit of adjuvant oxaliplatin in stage II to III resected colon cancer. This update presents 10-year OS and OS and DFS by mismatch repair (MMR) status and BRAF mutation. METHODS: Survival actualization after 10-year follow-up was performed in 2,246 patients with resected stage II to III colon cancer. We assessed MMR status and BRAF mutation in 1,008 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded specimens. RESULTS: After a median follow-up of 9.5 years, 10-year OS rates in the bolus/infusional fluorouracil plus leucovorin (LV5FU2) and LV5FU2 plus oxaliplatin (FOLFOX4) arms were 67.1% versus 71.7% (hazard ratio [HR], 0.85; P = .043) in the whole population, 79.5% versus 78.4% for stage II (HR, 1.00; P = .980), and 59.0% versus 67.1% for stage III (HR, 0.80; P = .016) disease. Ninety-five patients (9.4%) had MMR-deficient (dMMR) tumors, and 94 (10.4%) had BRAF mutation. BRAF mutation was not prognostic for OS (P = .965), but dMMR was an independent prognostic factor (HR, 2.02; 95% CI, 1.15 to 3.55; P = .014). HRs for DFS and OS benefit in the FOLFOX4 arm were 0.48 (95% CI, 0.20 to 1.12) and 0.41 (95% CI, 0.16 to 1.07), respectively, in patients with stage II to III dMMR and 0.50 (95% CI, 0.25 to 1.00) and 0.66 (95% CI, 0.31 to 1.42), respectively, in those with BRAF mutation. CONCLUSION: The OS benefit of oxaliplatin-based adjuvant chemotherapy, increasing over time and with the disease severity, was confirmed at 10 years in patients with stage II to III colon cancer. These updated results support the use of FOLFOX in patients with stage III disease, including those with dMMR or BRAF mutation.


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BACKGROUND: Clinical guidelines are essential in implementing and maintaining nationwide stage-specific diagnostic and therapeutic standards. In 2011, the first German expert consensus guideline defined the evidence for diagnosis and treatment of early and locally advanced esophagogastric cancers. Here, we compare this guideline with other national guidelines as well as current literature. METHODS: The German S3-guideline used an approved development process with de novo literature research, international guideline adaptation, or good clinical practice. Other recent evidence-based national guidelines and current references were compared with German recommendations. RESULTS: In the German S3 and other Western guidelines, adenocarcinomas of the esophagogastric junction (AEG) are classified according to formerly defined AEG I-III subgroups due to the high surgical impact. To stage local disease, computed tomography of the chest and abdomen and endosonography are reinforced. In contrast, laparoscopy is optional for staging. Mucosal cancers (T1a) should be endoscopically resected "en-bloc" to allow complete histological evaluation of lateral and basal margins. For locally advanced cancers of the stomach or esophagogastric junction (≥T3N+), preferred treatment is preoperative and postoperative chemotherapy. Preoperative radiochemotherapy is an evidence-based alternative for large AEG type I-II tumors (≥T3N+). Additionally, some experts recommend treating T2 tumors with a similar approach, mainly because pretherapeutic staging is often considered to be unreliable. CONCLUSIONS: The German S3 guideline represents an up-to-date European position with regard to diagnosis, staging, and treatment recommendations for patients with locally advanced esophagogastric cancer. Effects of perioperative chemotherapy versus chemoradiotherapy are still to be investigated for adenocarcinoma of the cardia and the lower esophagus.


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BACKGROUND: Biliary tract cancer is an uncommon cancer with a poor outcome. We assembled data from the National Cancer Research Institute (UK) ABC-02 study and 10 international studies to determine prognostic outcome characteristics for patients with advanced disease. METHODS: Multivariable analyses of the final dataset from the ABC-02 study were carried out. All variables were simultaneously included in a Cox proportional hazards model, and backward elimination was used to produce the final model (using a significance level of 10%), in which the selected variables were associated independently with outcome. This score was validated externally by receiver operating curve (ROC) analysis using the independent international dataset. RESULTS: A total of 410 patients were included from the ABC-02 study and 753 from the international dataset. An overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) Cox model was derived from the ABC-02 study. White blood cells, haemoglobin, disease status, bilirubin, neutrophils, gender, and performance status were considered prognostic for survival (all with P < 0.10). Patients with metastatic disease {hazard ratio (HR) 1.56 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.20-2.02]} and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) 2 had worse survival [HR 2.24 (95% CI 1.53-3.28)]. In a dataset restricted to patients who received cisplatin and gemcitabine with ECOG PS 0 and 1, only haemoglobin, disease status, bilirubin, and neutrophils were associated with PFS and OS. ROC analysis suggested the models generated from the ABC-02 study had a limited prognostic value [6-month PFS: area under the curve (AUC) 62% (95% CI 57-68); 1-year OS: AUC 64% (95% CI 58-69)]. CONCLUSION: These data propose a set of prognostic criteria for outcome in advanced biliary tract cancer derived from the ABC-02 study that are validated in an international dataset. Although these findings establish the benchmark for the prognostic evaluation of patients with ABC and confirm the value of longheld clinical observations, the ability of the model to correctly predict prognosis is limited and needs to be improved through identification of additional clinical and molecular markers.


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Seventy-five percent of breast cancers are estrogen receptor α positive (ER(+)). Research on these tumors is hampered by lack of adequate in vivo models; cell line xenografts require non-physiological hormone supplements, and patient-derived xenografts (PDXs) are hard to establish. We show that the traditional grafting of ER(+) tumor cells into mammary fat pads induces TGFβ/SLUG signaling and basal differentiation when they require low SLUG levels to grow in vivo. Grafting into the milk ducts suppresses SLUG; ER(+) tumor cells develop, like their clinical counterparts, in the presence of physiological hormone levels. Intraductal ER(+) PDXs are retransplantable, predictive, and appear genomically stable. The model provides opportunities for translational research and the study of physiologically relevant hormone action in breast carcinogenesis.


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BACKGROUND: Current cancer mortality statistics are important for public health decision making and resource allocation. Age standardized rates and numbers of deaths are predicted for 2016 in the European Union. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Population and death certification data for stomach, colorectum, pancreas, lung, breast, uterus, prostate, leukemia and total cancers were obtained from the World Health Organisation database and Eurostat. Figures were derived for the EU, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and the UK. Projected numbers of deaths by age group were obtained for 2016 by linear regression on estimated numbers of deaths over the most recent time period identified by a joinpoint regression model. RESULTS: Projected total cancer mortality trends for 2016 in the EU are favourable in both sexes with rates of 133.5/100,000 men and 85.2/100,000 women (8% and 3% falls since 2011, due to population ageing) corresponding to 753,600 and 605,900 deaths in men and women for a total number of 1,359,500 projected cancer deaths (+3% compared to 2011). In men lung, colorectal and prostate cancer fell 11%, 5% and 8% since 2011. Breast and colorectal cancer trends in women are favourable (8% and 7% falls, respectively), but lung and Pancreatic cancer rates rose 5% and 4% since 2011 reaching rates of 14.4 and 5.6/100,000 women. Leukemia shows favourable projected mortality for both sexes and all age groups with stronger falls in the younger age groups, rates are 4.0/100,000 men and 2.5/100,000 women, with respectively falls of 14% and 12%. CONCLUSION: The 2016 predictions for EU cancer mortality confirm the favourable trends in rates particularly for men. Lung cancer is likely to remain the leading site for female cancer rates. Continuing falls in mortality, larger in children and young adults, are predicted in leukemia, essentially due to advancements in management and therapy, and their subsequent adoption across Europe.


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Problématique L'incidence du cancer ne cesse d'augmenter dans les pays occidentaux et en Suisse, en constituant la deuxième cause de mortalité après les maladies cardiovasculaires. Si d'une part, les différents traitements oncologiques ont le potentiel de guérir certains cancers et d'augmenter l'espérance de vie des personnes concernées, ils sont associés à de multiples problèmes physiques et psychosociaux. De même, l'annonce de la maladie provoque une fragilité émotionnelle et sociale et la phase de traitement qui suit le diagnostic de cancer est souvent associé à des besoins psychologiques et d'information élevés. But Cette étude vise à décrire les besoins en soins de support insatisfaits chez les patients nouvellement diagnostiqués d'un cancer, au cours d'un traitement ambulatoire dans un Hôpital Cantonal de la Suisse. Elle vise également à identifier les associations entre les besoins en soins de support insatisfaits et les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et médicales. Méthode Cette étude corrélationnelle descriptive a été conduite auprès de 67 patients nouvellement atteints d'un cancer primaire ou d'une récidive, recrutés selon un échantillonnage non probabiliste par convenance consécutive. Le questionnaire auto-administré comprenait le Supportive Care Needs Survey Short Form 34 et un questionnaire sur des données sociodémographiques. Les données médicales ont été collectées par les chercheurs à travers les dossiers médicaux. Résultats Les trois besoins exprimés comme les plus insatisfaits étaient « la peur que le cancer se propage » (48,5%), « l'incertitude face à l'avenir » (45,4%) et « vos préoccupations face à l'incertitude de vos proches » (43,9%). Nous constatons une insatisfaction plus élevée des besoins psychologiques (M: 32,6 ; ET: 20,4) et des besoins d'information (M: 29,3 ; ET: 17,5) par rapport aux autres dimensions de besoins. À propos des caractéristiques associées a un plus haut niveau de besoins insatisfaits, nous trouvons qu'être plus jeune (29-56 ans) ou âgés de > 72 ans est positivement associé aux besoins insatisfaits du domaine psychologique (F = 3,50 ; p = 0,02) et de l'information/système de santé (F = 3,48 ; p = 0,02). Le jeune âge est aussi associé à plus de besoins dans le domaine sexuel (F = 2,85 ; p = 0,04). Il semble exister une association négative entre le niveau d'instruction et le degré d'insatisfaction des besoins psychologiques (F = 2,92, p = 0,06). Être retraité coïncide avec un plus grand degré d'insatisfaction dans les besoins physiques et des activités de la vie quotidienne (F = 4,64 ; p = 0,013). Finalement, avoir un moins bon état général est relié à plus de besoins physiques et de besoins issus du domaine des activités de la vie quotidienne (t = -2,85 ; p = 0,005). Conclusions Les présents résultats concordent avec les études antérieures. Cette étude a la particularité d'avoir identifié les besoins insatisfaits durant la phase de traitement qui suit l'annonce du diagnostic, sans se restreindre à une maladie cancéreuse spécifique, ce qui a été peu effectué auparavant. Les chercheurs infirmiers devraient poursuivre, en collaboration avec d'autres professionnels de la santé, les recherches visant le développement d'approches efficaces pour réduire les besoins insatisfaits chez des personnes atteintes de maladies cancéreuses.


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Contexte : Après les maladies cardiovasculaires, le cancer est la deuxième cause de mortalité en Suisse. Les cancers de la prostate, du sein, du côlon-rectum, du col utérin et le mélanome cutané représentent, en termes d'incidence et de mortalité, la moitié du fardeau du cancer en Suisse. Des moyens de prévention primaire et/ou secondaire contribuent à réduire la fréquence et la mortalité due à ces cinq cancers. Cependant, l'attitude face à la prévention diffère selon les individus et dépend de multiples facteurs socio-économiques, environnementaux, culturels et comportementaux. Objectif : Évaluer la fréquence et identifier les déterminants des pratiques de dépistage des cancers de la prostate, du sein, du côlon-rectum, du col utérin et du mélanome cutané en Suisse. Matériel et méthode : Les données utilisées sont issues de l'Enquête suisse sur la santé 2007. Une pondération statistique permet d'extrapoler les résultats à la population générale. Des modèles de régression logistique multivariée ont été construits afin de décrire l'association entre pratique du dépistage et facteurs sociodémographiques, style de vie, état de santé, recours aux prestations de santé et soutien social. Résultats : En 2007, selon les méthodes et fréquences recommandées en Suisse et dans les tranches d'âge concernées, 49% des hommes ont effectué un dépistage du cancer prostatique, 13% du cancer colorectal et 33,7% du mélanome cutané. Chez les femmes, 17,9% ont réalisé un dépistage du cancer du sein, 8,7% du cancer colorectal, 36,8% du mélanome cutané et 50,2% du cancer du col utérin. Globalement et pour les deux sexes, l'âge, le lieu de résidence, le niveau de formation, la classe socioprofessionnelle, le revenu d'équivalence du ménage, la pratique d'autres dépistages des cancers, le nombre de visites médicales et de jours d'hospitalisation au cours des 12 mois précédents déterminent le recours au dépistage des cancers d'intérêt. Chez les hommes, la présence d'un médecin de famille et, chez les femmes, la franchise annuelle, influencent aussi la pratique du dépistage. Conclusion : Les prévalences du dépistage varient notablement selon le type de cancer. Le recours aux dépistages des cancers dépend de facteurs sociodémographiques, de l'utilisation des services de santé et de la pratique d'autres dépistages, mais peu, voire pas, du style de vie, de l'état de santé et de la sécurité et du soutien sociaux. Les facteurs identifiés sont souvent communs aux différents types de cancer et rendent possible l'établissement d'un profil général d'utilisateurs du dépistage des cancers. Les stratégies visant à améliorer la compliance aux examens de dépistage devraient considérer les facteurs qui en déterminent le recours et mieux cibler les segments de la population qui les sous-utilisent.


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The immune system has the potential to protect from malignant diseases for extended periods of time. Unfortunately, spontaneous immune responses are often inefficient. Significant effort is required to develop reliable, broadly applicable immunotherapies for cancer patients. A major innovation was transplantation with hematopoietic stem cells from genetically distinct donors for patients with hematologic malignancies. In this setting, donor T cells induce long-term remission by keeping cancer cells in check through powerful allogeneic graft-versus-leukemia effects. More recently, a long awaited breakthrough for patients with solid tissue cancers was achieved, by means of therapeutic blockade of T cell inhibitory receptors. In untreated cancer patients, T cells are dysfunctional and remain in a state of T cell "exhaustion". Nonetheless, they often retain a high potential for successful defense against cancer, indicating that many T cells are not entirely and irreversibly exhausted but can be mobilized to become highly functional. Novel antibody therapies that block inhibitory receptors can lead to strong activation of anti-tumor T cells, mediating clinically significant anti-cancer immunity for many years. Here we review these new treatments and the current knowledge on tumor antigen-specific T cells.


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The dose makes the poison, the common motto of toxicology first expressed by Paracelsus more than 400 years ago, may effectively serve to guide potential applications for metformin and related biguanides in oncology. While Paracelsus' law for the dose-response effect has been commonly exploited for the use of some anti-cancer drugs at lower doses in non-neoplastic diseases (e.g., methotrexate), the opposite scenario also holds true; in other words, higher doses of non-oncology drugs, such as anti-diabetic biguanides, might exert direct anti-neoplastic effects. Here, we propose that, as for any drug, there is a dose range for biguanides that is without any effect, one corresponding to"diabetobiguanides" with a pharmacological effect (e.g., insulin sensitization in type 2 diabetes, prevention of insulin-dependent carcinogenesis, indirect inhibition of insulin and growth factor-dependent cancer growth) but with minimal toxicity and another corresponding to 'oncobiguanides' with pharmacological (i.e., direct and strong anticancer activity against cancer cells) as well as toxic effects. Considering that biguanides demonstrate a better safety profile than most oncology drugs in current use, we should contemplate the possibility of administering biguanides through non-conventional routes (e.g., inhaled for carcinomas of the lung, topical for skin cancers, intravenous as an adjunctive therapy, rectal suppositories for rectal cancer) to unambiguously investigate the therapeutic value of high-dose transient biguanide exposure in cancer. Perhaps then, the oncobiguanides, as we call them here, could be viewed as a mechanistically different type of anti-cancer drugs employed at doses notably higher than those used chronically when functioning as diabetobiguanides


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Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer and the fourth leading cause of cancer death worldwide. About 85% of the cases of CRC are known to have chromosomal instability, an allelic imbalance at several chromosomal loci, and chromosome amplification and translocation. The aim of this study is to determine the recurrent copy number variant (CNV) regions present in stage II of CRC through whole exome sequencing, a rapidly developing targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology that provides an accurate alternative approach for accessing genomic variations. 42 normal-tumor paired samples were sequenced by Illumina Genome Analyzer. Data was analyzed with Varscan2 and segmentation was performed with R package R-GADA. Summary of the segments across all samples was performed and the result was overlapped with DEG data of the same samples from a previous study in the group1. Major and more recurrent segments of CNV were: gain of chromosome 7pq(13%), 13q(31%) and 20q(75%) and loss of 8p(25%), 17p(23%), and 18pq(27%). This results are coincident with the known literature of CNV in CRC or other cancers, but our methodology should be validated by array comparative genomic hybridisation (aCGH) profiling, which is currently the gold standard for genetic diagnosis of CNV.


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Prostate cancer is generally a slowly developing disease. However, some cancers develop into an aggressive, metastasic and consequently life-threatening state. The mechanisms of prostate cancer spread are still mainly unidentified but hormones and growth factors are known to been involved. The forming of new blood vessels i.e. angiogenesis is crucial for tumor growth. Blood vessels and lymphatic vessels are also prominent routes for metastasis. Both angiogenic and lymphangiogenic factors are overexpressed in prostate cancer. We established an in vivo model to study the factors effecting human prostate cancer growth and metastasis. Tumors were produced by the orthotopic inoculation of PC-3 prostate cancer cells into the prostates of immunodeficient mice. Like human prostate tumors, these tumors metastasized to prostate-draining lymph nodes. Treatment of the mice with the bisphosphonate alendronate known to decrease prostate cancer cell invasion in vitro inhibited metastasis and decreased tumor growth. Decreased tumor growth was associated with decreased angiogenesis and increased apoptosis of tumor cells. To elucidate the role of angiogenesis in prostate cancer progression, we studied the growth of orthotopic PC-3 tumors overexpressing fibroblast growth factor b (FGF8b) known to be expressed in human prostate cancer. FGF8b increased tumor growth and angiogenesis, which were both associated with a characteristic gene expression pattern. To study the role of lymphangiogenesis, we produced orthotopic PC-3 tumors overexpressing vascular endothelial growth factor C (VEGF-C). Blocking of VEGF-C receptor (VEGFR3) completely inhibited lymph node metastasis whereas overexpression of VEGF-C increased tumor growth and angiogenesis. VEGF-C also increased lung metastases but, surprisingly, decreased spread to lymph nodes. This suggests that the expanded vascular network was primarily used as a route for tumor spreading. Finally, the functionality of the capillary network in subcutaneous FGF8b-overexpressing PC-3 tumors was compared to that of tumors overexpressing VEGF. Both tumors showed angiogenic morphology and grew faster than control tumors. However, FGF8b tumors were hypoxic and their perfusion and oxygenation was poor compared with VEGF tumors. This suggests that the growth advantage of FGF8b tumors is more likely due to stimulated proliferation than effective angiogenesis. In conclusion, these results show that orthotopic prostate tumors provide a useful model to explore the mechanisms of prostate cancer growth and metastasis.


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The growth of breast cancer is regulated by hormones and growth factors. Recently, aberrant fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling has been strongly implicated in promoting the progression of breast cancer and is thought to have a role in the development of endocrine resistant disease. FGFs mediate their auto- and paracrine signals through binding to FGF receptors 1-4 (FGFR1-4) and their isoforms. Specific targets of FGFs in breast cancer cells and the differential role of FGFRs, however, are poorly described. FGF-8 is expressed at elevated levels in breast cancer, and it has been shown to act as an angiogenic, growth promoting factor in experimental models of breast cancer. Furthermore, it plays an important role in mediating androgen effects in prostate cancer and in some breast cancer cell lines. We aimed to study testosterone (Te) and FGF-8 regulated genes in Shionogi 115 (S115) breast cancer cells, characterise FGF-8 activated intracellular signalling pathways and clarify the role of FGFR1, -2 and -3 in these cells. Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1), an endogenous inhibitor of angiogenesis, was recognised as a Te and FGF-8 regulated gene. Te repression of TSP-1 was androgen receptor (AR)-dependent. It required de novo protein synthesis, but it was independent of FGF-8 expression. FGF-8, in turn, downregulated TSP-1 transcription by activating the ERK and PI3K pathways, and the effect could be reversed by specific kinase inhibitors. Differential FGFR1-3 action was studied by silencing each receptor by shRNA expression in S115 cells. FGFR1 expression was a prerequisite for the growth of S115 tumours, whereas FGFR2 expression alone was not able to promote tumour growth. High FGFR1 expression led to a growth advantage that was associated with strong ERK activation, increased angiogenesis and reduced apoptosis, and all of these effects could be reversed by an FGFR inhibitor. Taken together, the results of this thesis show that FGF-8 and FGFRs contribute strongly to the regulation of the growth and angiogenesis of experimental breast cancer and support the evidence for FGF-FGFR signalling as one of the major players in breast cancers.


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BACKGROUND: In recent decades, early diagnosis of childhood cancer has taken an important place on the international agenda. The authors of this study evaluated a group of medical students in Recife, Brazil, regarding knowledge and practices related to early diagnosis of common childhood cancers. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with a sample of 82 medical students, from a total of 86 eligible subjects. Data were collected using self-completed questionnaires. Subgroups were defined according to knowledge of the theme and students' perceptions of their own skills and interest in learning. RESULTS: 74.4% of the sample demonstrated a minimum level of knowledge. The group without minimum knowledge or self-perceived competence to identify suspected cases (23.3%) was in the worst position to perform early diagnosis. All subjects expressed interest in learning more about this topic. CONCLUSIONS: Despite acceptable levels of knowledge among these medical students, the definition of central aspects of the teaching and learning processes would be useful for training physicians with the skills for diagnosing and treating pediatric cancers


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Prostate cancers form a heterogeneous group of diseases and there is a need for novel biomarkers, and for more efficient and targeted methods of treatment. In this thesis, the potential of microarray data, RNA interference (RNAi) and compound screens were utilized in order to identify novel biomarkers, drug targets and drugs for future personalized prostate cancer therapeutics. First, a bioinformatic mRNA expression analysis covering 9873 human tissue and cell samples, including 349 prostate cancer and 147 normal prostate samples, was used to distinguish in silico prevalidated putative prostate cancer biomarkers and drug targets. Second, RNAi based high-throughput (HT) functional profiling of 295 prostate and prostate cancer tissue specific genes was performed in cultured prostate cancer cells. Third, a HT compound screen approach using a library of 4910 drugs and drug-like molecules was exploited to identify potential drugs inhibiting prostate cancer cell growth. Nine candidate drug targets, with biomarker potential, and one cancer selective compound were validated in vitro and in vivo. In addition to androgen receptor (AR) signaling, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) function, arachidonic acid (AA) pathway, redox homeostasis and mitosis were identified as vital processes in prostate cancer cells. ERG oncogene positive cancer cells exhibited sensitivity to induction of oxidative and ER stress, whereas advanced and castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) could be potentially targeted through AR signaling and mitosis. In conclusion, this thesis illustrates the power of systems biological data analysis in the discovery of potential vulnerabilities present in prostate cancer cells, as well as novel options for personalized cancer management.