990 resultados para Campos, Augusto de, 1931-
In this work we study extra dimensional theories, taking emphasis in braneworld models generated by real scalar fields. Firstly, we revise the Randall-Sundrum models and we discuss about some thick braneworld scenarios already considered in the literature. We introduce a new thick brane model in order to address the Standard Model hierarchy problem. Furthermore, we show that there exists a class of scalar fields models which are very interesting for analytical studies of thick brane scenarios. Finally, we analyze the braneworld consistency conditions in the context of f(R) and Brans-Dicke gravities, where we show that it is possible to evade a no-go theorem regarding thick brane scenarios
Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Guided by the concepts of bioclimatic architecture and wide range of benefits , the green roof stands out as one of the ecological techniques indicated to minimize weather disturbances arising from urbanization. However, little is known what are the reasons that are preventing its spread between the construction methods. To try to understand this unfavorable scenario , we collected technical , historical and urban information of São José dos Campos, where we attempted to analyze the potential of green roof as a tool against the negative effects of heat island
Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE
Pós-graduação em Física - FEG
O objetivo deste estudo é buscar compreender aspectos do trabalho experimental no ensino de Física no Brasil no passado, focalizando um instrumento antigo - o tubo de Newton. Considerando que a partir da Reforma Francisco Campos, em 1931, houve uma expansão do ensino secundário brasileiro e um aumento da presença de disciplinas científicas no currículo desse curso, examinamos as recomendações oficiais para o ensino de Física de 1931até 1961, quando foi promulgada a primeira Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. Procuramos investigar como o uso do tubo de Newton aparece em livros didáticos de Física para a educação secundária, editados em nosso país, no período delimitado. Em nossas conclusões consideramos que o conhecimento histórico pode ajudar a compreender aspectos relevantes a respeito do papel da experimentação no ensino de Física em nossos dias.
This paper aims to show the beginning of habitus and the bodily hexis construction of male ballet dancer and female player soccer. Firstly, the habitus and the bodily hexis are established by the cultural inheritance of families (advices, likes, choices, prohibitions, and work divisions). After, they are restructured by the most diverse fields where this people act, mainly in the school, specifically at Physical Education classes (in the specialized places where these classes occur). Thus, it is possible to verify the success or the failure of their path lives and the possibility of a social ascent by the choice of these practices as professional career.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The research notes retrieve and review articles of Professor João Augusto de Toledo published in the Escola Normal Secundária de São Carlos Magazine. Altogether, the articles address issues of didactic teaching, national history, nationalist movement, psychology and experimental pedagogy, teacher training, organization of a primary school and childhood education. These topics are directly addressed to the person concerned.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Endodontic sealer residues on dentinal surface have negative effects on adhesion of adhesives system and/or can cause discoloration of the dental crown. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of 95% ethanol in removal of residues of epoxy-based (AH Plus), methacrylate-based (Epiphany SE) or calcium-based (Sealapex) sealers on dentinal surface. Material and methods: Thirty-two bovine incisor dental crown fragments (0.5 mm x 0.5 mm) were treated with 17% EDTA and 2.5% NaOCl. The specimens were divided into three experimental groups (n = 10): G1 (AH Plus), G2 (Epiphany SE) and G3 (Sealapex). In each group was applied a coating of one endodontic sealer type and were left undisturbed for 5 minutes. After this period, the specimens were cleaned with 95% ethanol. The control group was composed by two specimens that did not receive any sealer or cleaning treatment. The sealer residues persistence after cleaning with 95% ethanol was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (x500) and a score system was applied. Data obtained were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (α = 5%). Results: Moderate amount of endodontic sealer residues were observed in all groups, regardless of the endodontic sealer compositions. G1, G2 and G3 presented similar amount of sealer residues on dentinal surface after cleaning with 95% ethanol (p > 0.05). Conclusion: 95% ethanol was inefficiency to remove completely AH Plus, Epiphany SE and Sealapex residues of sealer-contaminated dentin.
Introduction: Endodontic sealer residues on dentinal surface have negative effects on adhesion of adhesives system and/or can cause discoloration of the dental crown. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of 95% ethanol in removal of residues of epoxy-based (AH Plus), methacrylate-based (Epiphany SE) or calcium-based (Sealapex) sealers on dentinal surface. Material and methods: Thirty-two bovine incisor dental crown fragments (0.5 mm x 0.5 mm) were treated with 17% EDTA and 2.5% NaOCl. The specimens were divided into three experimental groups (n = 10): G1 (AH Plus), G2 (Epiphany SE) and G3 (Sealapex). In each group was applied a coating of one endodontic sealer type and were left undisturbed for 5 minutes. After this period, the specimens were cleaned with 95% ethanol. The control group was composed by two specimens that did not receive any sealer or cleaning treatment. The sealer residues persistence after cleaning with 95% ethanol was evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (x500) and a score system was applied. Data obtained were analyzed by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (α = 5%). Results: Moderate amount of endodontic sealer residues were observed in all groups, regardless of the endodontic sealer compositions. G1, G2 and G3 presented similar amount of sealer residues on dentinal surface after cleaning with 95% ethanol (p > 0.05). Conclusion: 95% ethanol was inefficiency to remove completely AH Plus, Epiphany SE and Sealapex residues of sealercontaminated dentin.
The Health Sciences, prior to the planning of prevention programs, adopt the tools to analyze the population profile, entitled epidemiological surveys, to obtain data on the need for heathcare and the possibility of treating health events. The aim of this study was to evaluate dental conditions in schoolchildren, aged five to fourteen, enrolled in public schools in Américo Brasiliense, SP Brazil. The dmft and DMFT index, caries experience, and prevalence of fluorosis were analyzed. For this epidemiological study, 1,137 children were selected. Four calibrated dentists performed oral exams according to WHO criteria (1997). The data were collected using descriptive analyses. The results showed that 94% of the five-year-old children were caries free, and the value of dmft was 1.44. DMFT was 1.19 in 12-year-olds. The lowest and the highest fluorosis prevalence could be observed in eight and fourteen-year-olds, respectively. It could be concluded that the city of Américo Brasiliense has developed respectful educational and preventive oral health programs which presented satiosfactory results in the present epidemiological study.
Os sete textos aqui apresentados resultam de seleção realizada entre 296 trabalhos em outubro de 2013, durante o VII Congresso de Extensão Universitária da Unesp. Abrangem propostas inovadoras nas áreas de Direitos Humanos, Educação, Espaços Construídos, Política e Economia, Saúde e Tecnologia. O trabalho “Educação e Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente (ECA)” propõe preparar agentes sociais e professores da cidade de Rio Claro e região para que o trabalho com as crianças e adolescentes possa ser mais efetivo em relação à aplicabilidade do ECA e para fortalecer as redes de atendimento. Em “Cursinho Pré-Vestibular Gera Bixo” o objetivo é a redução do déficit educacional do aluno proveniente do ensino público. O trabalho relata que em oito anos de existência o cursinho aprovou mais de duzentos alunos em universidades públicas ou particulares com 100% de bolsa e que o índice de aprovações alcançou 47% em 2012. “O direito à habitação e o papel da universidade pública” discute a habitação enquanto direito social assegurado pela Constituição. Trata de pesquisas e propostas alternativas para a habitação social que possibilitem custos mais baixos. Os autores de “Transparência e controle social: a experiência do Observatório da Gestão Pública de Marília (SP)” relatam como o Observatório viabiliza a prática do controle social da gestão e a advocacia de ideias no âmbito do município de Marília. O trabalho “Atendimento aos pacientes do Centro de Oncologia Bucal da Faculdade de Odontologia de Araçatuba Unesp” tem como objetivo ampliar o número e os tipos de atendimento de pacientes portadores de patologias bucais, orientar os alunos nos procedimentos de exame clínico, complementares e cirúrgicos, visando ao diagnóstico e tratamento das patologias bucais. Utilizar a jardinagem e a horticultura na recuperação de pacientes com dependência química, alcoólatras e desabilitados do Núcleo de Saúde Mental (Cerdif), de Ilha Solteira foi a proposta de “Jardinagem como terapia ocupacional na recuperação de pacientes do Cerdif/Ilha Solteira (SP). Em “Equipamentos para promoção de melhor qualidade de vida de pessoas com deficiência motora” os autores partiram do censo de 2010, segundo o qual 13,17 milhões de brasileiros declararam-se portadores de algum tipo de deficiência grave. Para contribuir com essa população, o Grupo de Pesquisa Novas Tecnologias e Qualidade de Vida dos Deficientes Físicos tem fabricado diversos equipamentos voltados à tecnologia assistiva.