983 resultados para Brederode, Hendrick, graaf van, fl. 1560.


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Zu den bemerkenswertesten Zeichnern aus dem Umkreis des für die Kunst seiner Zeit prägenden Peter Paul Rubens gehört dessen langjähriger Mitarbeiter Justus van Egmont. Als vor allem in Frankreich tätiger flämischer Künstler ließ er sich nicht bruchlos in die nationalistisch geprägten Kunstvorstellungen des 19. Jahrhunderts einfügen, deren Kanon bis heute fortwirkt. Mit der Vorstellung einer in Stuttgart befindlichen Zeichnung als Werk van Egmonts soll nicht nur deren Neuzuschreibung zur Diskussion gestellt, sondern auch die weiterführende Beschäftigung mit einem zu Unrecht vergessenen Künstler angeregt werden.


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Die Ausstellung »Der Meister von Flémalle und Rogier van der Weyden«, die vom 21.11.08 bis zum 22.2.09 im Frankfurter Städel und ab dem 20.3.2009 in der Berliner Gemäldegalerie gezeigt wurde, markiert einen neuen – vielleicht für längere Zeit letzten Rekord – in der Kategorie ›Altmeisterausstellungen‹. Die Schau wurde von einem Kenner der Campin/Rogier van der Weyden-Schule, Stephan Kemperdick (Berlin), zusammen mit seinem Kollegen Jochen Sander (Frankfurt a. M.) organisiert. In den Presseankündigungen und in den Katalogtexten wurde die Ausstellung als Chance präsentiert, bestehende Divergenzen bezüglich der Zuschreibung der überlieferten Werke an die beiden Künstler und ihre Werkstätten definitiv auszuräumen. War diese Hoffnung berechtigt? Zweifel sind angebracht.


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In many schools of architecture the 1970s have been an important watershed for the way in which architecture was taught. For example, recent studies have stressed the importance of Aldo Rossi for the changes in the teaching of architec-ture at the ETH in Zürich that before was based on orthodox modern principles. A similar struggle between an orthodox conception of modernity and its criticism took place at the architectural faculty of Delft, in the Netherlands. Although Delft is an important European school of architecture, the theoretical work produced during this period is not largely known outside the Netherlands. This is perhaps due to the fact that most studies were published in Dutch. With this article, I intend to make the architectural theory developed during this period known to a larger public. The article describes the intellectual journey made by Dutch stu-dents of architecture in the 1970s and 1980s. This was the quest to receive recognition for the intellectual substance of architecture: the insight architecture could be a discourse and a form of knowledge and not only a method of building. Specifically, the work of the architectural theoretician Wim Nijenhuis is highlight-ed. However, as I point out in this article, the results of this journey also had its problematic sides. This becomes clear from the following sentence taken from the dissertation of Wim Nijenhuis: "The search for metaphysical fiction and the tendency towards a technological informed absolute through fully transparent and simultaneous information, should be contested by a fantasy dimension, that does not wish to 'overcome' a given situation and that does not rely on 'creativi-ty' (that would still be historical and humanistic)." Texts like this have a hermet-ic quality that is not easy to comprehend for an architectural public. Even more, there is an important debate looming behind these sentences. As an important outcome of their quest the architectural students in Delft asked themselves: how do we give form to architectural theory once its claim to truth is exposed as an illusion? For Nijenhuis, the discourse about architecture is a mere 'artful game with words': a fiction, besides other forms of fiction like poetry or literature. The question is then if we have not entered the realm of total subjectivity and relativ-ism with this position. From what can the discourse of architecture derive its authority after the death of God?


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In den Buiten-Ansichten Jacob van Ruisdaels zeigt sich eine einmalige Verbindung von Architektur und Naturkonzept in der niederländischen Malerei des 17. Jahrhunderts. Die Darstellung von luxuriösen Landvillen wird in eine illusionistische Landschaft gesetzt, die in ihrem Wildnischarakter den realen barocken Garten negiert. Ruisdael spielt bewusst mit der assoziativen Wirkung von Buiten- und Garten-Architektur, die durch ihre Übertragung in die Wildnis ihrer Funktion enthoben werden. Gleichzeitig erhält die Landschaft durch ihre Gruppierung um die Architektur eine Aufwertung zum Garten. Die dabei entstehenden Parallelen zur Gartenkunst des 18. Jahrhunderts, machen Ruisdael zu einem visionären Künstler seiner Zeit.


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The lithostratigraphic framework of Lake Van, eastern Turkey, has been systematically analysed to document the sedimentary evolution and the environmental history of the lake during the past ca 600,000 years. The lithostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy of a 219 m long drill core from Lake Van serves to separate global climate oscillations from local factors caused by tectonic and volcanic activity. An age model was established based on the climatostratigraphic alignment of chemical and lithological signatures, validated by 40Ar/39Ar ages. The drilled sequence consists of ca 76% lacustrine carbonaceous clayey silt, ca 2% fluvial deposits, ca 17% volcaniclastic deposits and 5% gaps. Six lacustrine lithotypes were separated from the fluvial and event deposits, such as volcaniclastics (ca 300 layers) and graded beds (ca 375 layers), and their depositional environments are documented. These lithotypes are: (i) graded beds frequently intercalated with varved clayey silts reflect rising lake-levels during the terminations; (ii) varved clayey silts reflect strong seasonality and an intralake oxic–anoxic boundary, for example, lake-level highstands during interglacials/interstadials; (iii) CaCO3-rich banded sediments are representative of a lowering of the oxic-anoxic boundary, for example, lake-level decreases during glacial inceptions; (iv) CaCO3-poor banded and mottled clayey silts reflect an oxic–anoxic boundary close to the sediment-water interface, for example, lake-level low-stands during glacials/stadials; (v) diatomaceous muds were deposited during the early beginning of the lake as a fresh water system; and (vi) fluvial sands and gravels indicate the initial flooding of the lake basin. The recurrence of lithologies (i) to (iv) follows the past five glacial/interglacial cycles. A 20 m thick disturbed unit reflects an interval of major tectonic activity in Lake Van at ca 414 ka BP.


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Lake Van sediment cores from the Ahlat Ridge and Northern Basin drill sites of the ICDP project PALEOVAN contain a wealth of information about past environmental processes. The sedimentary sequence was dated using climatostratigraphic alignment, varve chronology, tephrostratigraphy, argon-argon single-crystal dating, radiocarbon dating, magnetostratigraphy, and cosmogenic nuclides. Based on the lithostratigraphic framework, the different age constraints are compiled and a robust and precise chronology of the 600,000 year-old Lake Van record is constructed. Proxy records of total organic carbon content and sediment color, together with the calcium/potassium-ratios and arboreal pollen percentages of the 174-meter-long Ahlat Ridge record, mimic the Greenland isotope stratotype (NGRIP). Therefore, the proxy records are systematically aligned to the onsets of interstadials reflected in the NGRIP or synthesized Greenland ice-core stratigraphy. The chronology is constructed using 27 age control points derived from visual synchronization with the GICC05 timescale, an absolutely-dated speleothem record (e.g., Hulu, Sanbao, Linzhu cave) and the Epica Dome C timescale. In addition, the uppermost part of the sequence is complemented with four ages from Holocene varve chronology and two calibrated radiocarbon ages. Furthermore, nine argon-argon ages and a comparison of the relative paleointensity record of the magnetic field with reference curve PISO-1500 confirm the accuracy of the age model. Also the identification of the Laschamp event via measurements of 10Be in the sediment confirms the presented age model. The chronology of the Ahlat Ridge record is transferred to the 79-meter-long event-corrected composite record from the Northern Basin and supplemented by additional radiocarbon dating on organic marco-remains. The basal age of the Northern Basin record is estimated at ~90 ka. The variations of the time series of total organic carbon content, the Ca/K ratio, and the arboreal pollen percentages illustrate that the presented chronology and paleoclimate data are suited for reconstructions and modeling of the Quaternary and Pleistocene climate evolution in the Near East at millennial timescales. Furthermore, the chronology of the last 250 kyr can be used to test other dating techniques.