1000 resultados para Bradley, Marion Zimmer 1930-1999 As brumas de Avalon


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This report describes the first phase in a project to develop an electronic reference library (ERL) to help Iowa transportation officials efficiently access information in critical and heavily used documents. These documents include Standard Specifications for Bridge and Highway Construction (hereinafter called Standard Specifications), design manuals, standard drawings, the Construction Manual, and Material Instruction Memoranda (hereinafter called Material IMs). Additional items that could be included to enhance the ERL include phone books, letting dates, Internet links, computer programs distributed by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT), and local specifications, such as the Urban Standard Specifications of Public Improvements. All cross-references should be hyper linked, and a search engine should be provided. Revisions noted in the General Supplemental Specifications (hereinafter called the Supplemental Specifications) should be incorporated into the text of the Standard Specifications. The Standard Specifications should refer to related sections of other documents, and there should be reciprocal hyper links in those other documents. These features would speed research on critical issues and save staff time. A master plan and a pilot version were both developed in this first phase of the ERL.


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1928-1930 Iowa Library Commission Report made to the Governor of Iowa.


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1930-1932 Iowa Library Commission Report made to the Governor of Iowa.


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The purpose of the study was to review Iowa's public policy issues related to the state provision of overnight commercial truck parking and to make recommendations regarding the same. It was decided to limit the research and data gathering to a study of national trends in public commercial truck parking at facilities along and adjacent to Iowa's interstate highways.


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Zusammenfassung: Von einer Wohltätigkeitseinrichtung zur Kuriosität : wie sich das Milieu des Nonnenklosters Lintula in Kivinebb in der Zeit vom Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts bis in die 1930er Jahre wandelte


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To support the analysis of driver behavior at rural freeway work zone lane closure merge points, Center for Transportation Research and Education staff collected traffic data at merge areas using video image processing technology. The collection of data and the calculation of the capacity of lane closures are reported in a companion report, "Traffic Management Strategies for Merge Areas in Rural Interstate Work Zones". These data are used in the work reported in this document and are used to calibrate a microscopic simulation model of a typical, Iowa rural freeway lane closure. The model developed is a high fidelity computer simulation with an animation interface. It simulates traffic operations at a work zone lane closure. This model enables traffic engineers to visually demonstrate the forecasted delay that is likely to result when freeway reconstruction makes it necessary to close freeway lanes. Further, the model is also sensitive to variations in driver behavior and is used to test the impact of slow moving vehicles and other driver behaviors. This report consists of two parts. The first part describes the development of the work zone simulation model. The simulation analysis is calibrated and verified through data collected at a work zone in Interstate Highway 80 in Scott County, Iowa. The second part is a user's manual for the simulation model, which is provided to assist users with its set up and operation. No prior computer programming skills are required to use the simulation model.


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Résumé : Crise économique et travail féminin : retour à l'ordre. L'offensive contre le travail des femmes dans les services publics en Suisse et en France durant les années 1930 La crise économique mondiale des années 1930 se caractérise par une véritable offensive contre l'activité professionnelle féminine dans les services publics. Dans l'ensemble des pays industrialisés, le travail des femmes fonctionnaires acquiert le statut d'enjeu économique, politique, social, familial et moral. La généralisation du chômage sous l'effet de la crise économique suscite d'âpres discussions sur la répartition des postes de travail et les femmes fonctionnaires endossent le rôle de bouc émissaire. Les gouvernements et autorités publiques des pays industrialisés plébiscitent dès lors, selon des modalités diverses, la « solution » d'une réglementation restrictive du travail des salariées des services publics. Cette thèse met en lumière un épisode de l'histoire de la « ségrégation ordinaire » entre les sexes dans le monde du travail. Elle montre que la segmentation et la hiérarchisation sexuées du travail ne reflètent pas des faits « naturels », mais qu'elles constituent l'aboutissement d'un long processus de différenciation engageant une multitude d'acteurs·trices sociaux·ales. Nous avons opté pour une histoire croisée de l'offensive contre l'activité des salariées de la fonction publique en Suisse et en France, en y intégrant un « détour » par l'analyse de la dimension internationale de cette campagne contre l'emploi féminin. Cette approche permet de revisiter l'histoire politique, sociale, culturelle, économique et financière propre à la Suisse et à la France des années 1930. La sexuation de l'histoire, soit la prise en compte des rapports entre les sexes dans et par le récit historique, l'éclairage novateur de l'histoire d'une nation sur l'autre, ainsi que la prise en considération de l'internationalisation de certaines pratiques (législatives et féministes), permettent de renouveler un cadre d'analyse et de proposer de nouvelles pistes de recherche sur l'histoire du travail et des féminismes. En premier lieu, ce travail analyse les modalités de la reconfiguration des rapports entre les sexes durant les années 1930, sous le prisme de l'activité salariée. Il détermine de quelle manière le travail des femmes fonctionnaires se constitue en « problème » à cette période et quels sont les termes de l'offensive contre les salariées des services publics en Suisse et en France, mais également sur le plan international. En deuxième lieu, le coeur de la recherche porte sur les incidences de l'offensive contre les femmes fonctionnaires en Suisse et en France. Nous montrons de quelle manière les gouvernements et les autorités publiques prennent appui sur les impératifs d'austérité budgétaire pour redessiner des lignes de démarcation entre « travail masculin » et « travail féminin » dans certains domaines bien spécifiques des services publics. En troisième lieu, cette contribution propose une lecture de l'histoire de la mobilisation féministe pour défendre le droit au travail des femmes fonctionnaires, mobilisation encore trop souvent occultée par les récits historiques traditionnels. Pour les sources consultées, l'étude de la manière dont le travail des femmes fonctionnaires se constitue en « problème » sur le plan international (partie I) repose sur les archives et les publications du Bureau international du travail. Quant à l'étude des cas nationaux (parties II et III), pour chaque pays, trois types de sources ont été dépouillés : les archives des associations féministes investies dans la défense du droit au travail féminin ; les sources publiées ayant trait à l'offensive contre le travail féminin (rapports, actes de journées d'étude, organes de presse) ; les sources officielles législatives qui entérinent le processus de ségrégation sexuée dans les emplois publics.


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Access management involves balancing the dual roles that roadways must play - through travel and access to property and economic activity. When these roles are not in proper balance, the result is a roadway system that functions sub-optimally. Arterial routes that have a too high driveway density and provide overly extensive access to property have high crash rates and begin to suffer in terms of traffic operations. Such routes become congested, delays increase, and mean travel speeds decline. The Iowa access management research and awareness project has had four distinct phases. Phase I involved a detailed review of the extensive national access management literature so lessons learned elsewhere could be applied in Iowa. In Phase II original case study research was conducted in Iowa. Phase III of the project concentrated on outreach and education about access management. Phase IV of the Iowa access management project extended the work conducted during Phases II and III. The main work products for Phase IV were as follows: 1) three additional before and after case studies, illustrating the impacts of various access management treatments on traffic safety, traffic operations, and business vitality; 2) an access management handbook aimed primarily at local governments in Iowa; 3) a modular access management toolkit with brief descriptions of various access management treatments and considerations; and 4) an extensive outreach plan aimed at getting the results of Phases I through IV of the project out to diverse audiences in Iowa and elsewhere.


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The Iowa Department of Transportation, like many other state transportation agencies, is experiencing growing congestion and traffic delays in work zones on rural interstate highways. The congestion results in unproductive and wasteful delays for both motorists and commercial vehicles. It also results in hazardous conditions where vehicle stopped in queues on rural interstate highways are being approached by vehicles upstream at very high speeds. The delays also result in driver frustration, making some drivers willing to take unsafe risks in an effort to bypass delays. To reduce the safety hazards and unproductive delays of congested rural interstate work zones, the Iowa Department of Transportation would like to improve its traffic management strategies at these locations. Applying better management practices requires knowledge of the traffic flow properties and driver behavior in and around work zones, and knowledge of possible management strategies. The project reported here and in a companion report documents research which seeks to better understand traffic flow behavior at rural interstate highway work zones and to estimate the traffic carrying capacity of work zone lane closures. In addition, this document also reports on technology available to better manage traffic in and around work zones.


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This main report provides a general discussion of the load testing, structural evaluation, and load rating procedures. Specific details for each bridge are provided in individual report sections. Additional supporting information on load testing, analyses, and load rating are also provided in the attached appendices.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess nutrition trends of the Geneva population for the period 1999-2009. DESIGN: Bus Santé Geneva study, which conducts annual health surveys in random samples of the Geneva population. Dietary intake was assessed using a validated FFQ and trends were assessed by linear regression. SETTING: Population-based survey. SUBJECTS: Data from 9283 participants (50% women, mean age 51·5 (sd 10·8) years) were analysed. RESULTS: In both genders total energy intake decreased from 1999 to 2009, by 2·9% in men and by 6·3% in women (both trends P < 0·005). Vegetable protein and total carbohydrate intakes, expressed as a percentage of total energy intake, increased in women. MUFA intake increased while SFA, PUFA and alcohol intakes decreased in both genders. Intakes of Ca, Fe and carotene decreased in both genders. No changes in fibre, vitamin D and vitamin A intakes were found. Similar findings were obtained after excluding participants with extreme dietary intakes, except that the decreases in SFA, vegetable protein and carbohydrate were no longer significant in women. CONCLUSIONS: Between 1999 and 2009, a small decrease in total energy intake was noted in the Geneva population. Although the decrease in alcohol and SFA intakes is of interest, the decrease in Ca and Fe intakes may have adverse health effects in the future.