796 resultados para Bonus-merit
A Justificação pela Fé no contexto da Reforma protestante do século XVI apresentou-se como um enunciado libertador das práticas pastorais meritórias. Ressignificou conceitos teológicos. Apontou para uma nova forma de vida cristã tendo a salvação como seu princípio, não seu objetivo. Formatou, desta forma, o fundamento de um modo de vida: o modo justificado de viver. Um modo que define a integralidade do ser. Modo que, dogmatizado com o passar dos anos, impôs-se como doutrina em detrimento da vivência. Esta pesquisa se propõe a apontar para a relevância da Justificação pela Fé no contexto do século XVI, assinalar aspectos que fundamentam e moldam o novo modo de vida da pessoa justificada pela fé e afirma a Justificação pela Fé como o fundamento de um modo de vida resistente ao sistema hegemônico da sociedade de mercado do século XXI.
Esta dissertação trata de um tema relativamente novo, com literatura escassa, praticamente sem estudos teóricos que o abordem. Referenciais são encontrados em publicações feitas em seminários e palestras bem como em artigos e notas jornalísticas. Esta dissertação se trata de trabalho exploratório, analítico descritivo com base documental. O Programa Bolsa Família, tema central deste trabalho, é uma ferramenta para distribuição de renda que funciona de forma simples e tem sido efetiva para o atendimento de famílias que vivem abaixo da linha de pobreza. Ele é resultado da fusão de vários outros programas dispersos e com efetividade questionável Bolsa Escola, Auxílio Gás e Cartão Alimentação. O Programa Bolsa Família beneficia famílias em situação de pobreza com renda mensal de R$ 70 a R$ 140 per capita e em extrema pobreza com renda mensal abaixo de R$ 70 reais per capita. Também estabelece condicionalidades de educação e saúde. Atualmente, há cerca de 13 milhões de famílias inscritas no Programa Bolsa Família que cumprem as condições do Cadastro Único esta é praticamente a totalidade das famílias pobres segundo critérios do PNAD 2006 (Pesquisa Nacional de Domicílios). Na realidade, houve substancial injeção de recursos em áreas outrora relegadas ao acaso, criando novos consumidores, bem como empreendedores, além de atrair investimentos. Quanto à educação, nota-se que há redução do analfabetismo. Há um crescimento vegetativo do Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) no qual o Brasil situa-se em 84⁰ lugar dentre as 187 nações controladas pelo PNUD (Programa das Nações Unidas para o Desenvolvimento) em 2011. As variáveis que compõem o índice crescem timidamente, destaca-se queda no item expectativa de escolaridade esperada das crianças em idade de ingresso na escola (no Brasil, aos seis anos), que caiu no período 2000-2011, esse fato pode indicar falha estrutural no ensino brasileiro. Esse estudo indica que há desenvolvimento socioeconômico em áreas carentes, particularmente na Região Nordeste. Observa-se também a reversão da migração que historicamente era de norte/nordeste a sudeste. Também nota-se redução da taxa de fecundidade das brasileiras, o que é vantajoso. O Brasil também está com a vantagem do Bônus demográfico , quando a população economicamente ativa supera a população dependente, o que é um excelente fator de crescimento por atrair investimentos. Apesar de melhorias observadas na década 2000-2010, elas ainda são insuficientes. Quanto ao desenvolvimento humano , o Brasil está muito distante das nações desenvolvidas, com IDH de 0,718, que cresceu na última década à taxa de 0,769% ao ano. Nesse ritmo, até alcançarmos o IDH norueguês -- primeiro colocado, ou o australiano -- segundo colocado, que é de 0,943 serão necessários 35/36 anos. Isso nos leva a pensar que, a não ser que o acaso nos ajude, o sonho de nos juntarmos aos primeiros é questionável. Com respeito ao Programa Bolsa Família, esse prova ser uma frente social para a eliminação da desigualdade, seus beneficiários eram classificados como pobres e extremamente pobres e foram resgatados.
O Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) determina que 50% das crianças de 0 a 3 anos tenham vagas garantidas em Creches Públicas e a Lei do Piso n. 11.738/08 apresenta, em seu parágrafo quarto, que na composição da jornada de trabalho do professor observar-se-á um terço destinado à formação. A determinação destas mudanças aumenta a preocupação e responsabilidade em qualificar a formação continuada nestas instituições, as quais ainda sentem o peso dos vários anos de negligência. Pela atualidade e importância temática, a presente abordagem investiga a trajetória formativa e profissional de educadores de Creche, com o objetivo de possibilitar a reflexão e a análise sobre as estratégias utilizadas na formação continuada, bem como um debate dialético entre as práticas e as teorias trazidas nos estudos e pesquisas. Através da metodologia da Pesquisa de Campo de Natureza Qualitativa, buscou-se, ao contatar profissionais de cinco creches do município de São Bernardo do Campo, investigar a seguinte questão: De que forma o Coordenador Pedagógico que atua em creche tem contribuído, ou não, com a formação de profissionais reflexivos, pesquisadores e autores da própria prática? No intuito de responder a questão, foram realizadas entrevistas com cinco Coordenadoras Pedagógicas (CPs), três Professoras e dois Auxiliares em Educação e, em vista de maiores subsídios necessários ao debate, também foram entrevistadas uma Coordenadora de um curso de Pedagogia, com a finalidade de ampliar os conhecimentos sobre o curso de Pedagogia na atualidade, e uma Gestora (Chefe de Região) de São Bernardo do Campo, a fim de entender o olhar que o município tem hoje para a Creche. É importante ressaltar que o foco das entrevistas foi o trabalho desenvolvido pelo CP e que o trabalho investigativo junto aos demais profissionais envolvidos auxiliam na busca e obtenção de respostas para os questionamentos que levaram à construção deste trabalho. Os referenciais teóricos, desenvolvidos através da metodologia da Pesquisa de Natureza Bibliográfica e Documental para a revisão da literatura disponível sobre o tema, estão ancorados em Almeida e Placco (2002; 2010; 2011) que observam o papel do CP sob diversos aspectos; Day (1999) que discute os desafios fundamentais a serem considerados na formação; Fullan e Hargreaves (2002) que apresentam questionamentos sobre as estratégias formativas; Nóvoa (2009) ao investigar sobre a formação permanente dos professores; Perrenoud e Thurler (2002) que destacam novos paradigmas na formação dos professores; Vasconcellos (2009) que observa as articulações necessárias ao trabalho do CP; Campos et al (2011) que mostram a qualidade da Educação Infantil no país, entre outros. A análise dos conteúdos das entrevistas realizadas indica que a formação continuada avança gradativamente e, este mérito é dado, em grande parte, à formação que os gestores vêm recebendo e às parcerias produtivas que se estabelecem no processo, porém, os estudos e pesquisas teóricas apontam que muito ainda precisa ser feito e sinalizam mudanças imprescindíveis e que sejam capazes de impulsionar a formação a sair do tradicionalismo, tornando-se mais voltada à reflexão e humanização.
Este trabalho analisa o processo de implementação das políticas de certificação ocupacional (de competências) e de avaliação de desempenho (em serviço) de dirigentes escolares, na rede estadual de ensino da Bahia. Busca também aferir a visão que os sujeitos avaliados têm sobre essas políticas. As políticas de certificação e de avaliação de desempenho de dirigentes escolares integraram o Programa Educar para Vencer, formulado em 1999, no Governo de César Borges, em consonância com a reforma gerencialista da administração pública estadual que já vinha sendo planejada, desde a gestão do Governador Antônio Carlos Magalhães (1991-1993) e com a reforma administrativa gerencialista do Estado brasileiro realizada a partir de 1995, durante a presidência de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Para desenvolver nossa análise, abordamos inicialmente as mudanças ocorridas no mundo do trabalho, a partir da década de 1970 e suas influências nos processos de formação e certificação profissional (baseados em competências). Em seguida, discutimos sobre a lógica que vem norteando a avaliação de profissionais da educação básica no Brasil. No percurso metodológico, além da pesquisa bibliográfica, utilizamos a pesquisa documental e a pesquisa empírica. A pesquisa empírica teve como público-alvo dez diretores escolares da rede estadual de ensino do município de Salvador. Com o estudo realizado, pudemos evidenciar que as políticas de avaliação de dirigentes escolares implantadas na rede estadual de ensino baiana assumem um caráter regulatório do trabalho desses profissionais, com base no mérito individual. Os diretores entrevistados apresentam uma visão equivocada e contraditória com relação à lógica que permeia essas políticas.(AU)
Journal ranking studies have generally adopted citation techniques or academic perceptions as the basis for assessing journal quality. They have traditionally been a source of information about potential research outlets, new journals, and an aid to developing a consensus about the relative merit of publications for promotion decisions. The aim of our research is to address specific shortcomings in the conventional literature and construct an alternative view of how we might more appropriately assess journal ‘quality’. We attempt to engage with the conventional literature by applying an approach that does not privilege either citation techniques or academic perceptions. We have adopted from Zeff (1996) an objective measure of academic journal library holdings, which Zeff describes as a ‘market test’. Our construct provides evidence of an important difference in journal holdings for the Australasian region that could significantly influence further research on journal quality. The method itself is entirely mundane but may be considered to reflect a complex of historic and more contemporary variables which impact on academic and administrative decisions, influencing the makeup of academic library holdings and providing a proxy for journal ‘quality’.
From an examination of the literature relating to the catalytic steam reforming of hydrocarbons, it is concluded that the kinetics of high pressure reforming, particularly steam-methane reforming, has received relatively little attention. Therefore because of the increasing availability of natural gas in the U.K., this system was considered worthy of investigation. An examination of the thermodynamics relating to the equilibria of steam-hydrocarbon reforming is described. The reactions most likely to have influence over the process are established and from these a computer program was written to calculate equilibrium compositions. A means of presenting such data in a graphica1 form for ranges of the operating variables is given, and also an operating chart which may be used to quickly check feed ratios employed on a working naphtha reforming plant is presented. For the experimental kinetic study of the steam-methane system, cylindrical pellets of ICI 46-1 nickel catalyst were used in the form of a rod catalyst. The reactor was of the integral type and a description is given with the operating procedures and analytical method used. The experimental work was divided into two parts, qualitative and quantitative. In the qualitative study the various reaction steps are examined in order to establish which one is rate controlling. It is concluded that the effects of film diffusion resistance within the conditions employed are negligible. In the quantitative study it was found that at 250 psig and 6500C the steam-methane reaction is much slower than the CO shift reaction and is rate controlling. Two rate mechanisms and accompanying kinetic rate equations are derived, both of which represent 'chemical' steps in the reaction and are considered of equal merit. However the possibility of a dual control involving 'chemical' and pore diffusion resistances is also expressed.
This paper considers whether there has been a shift in the balance between equity and efficiency in respect of decentralised public policy in England since the election of the Conservative / Liberal Democrat coalition in 2010. Drawing on the literature on policy decentralisation and fiscal federalism from both Political Science and Economics, reasons are discussed why a trade-off between equity and efficiency might be expected. The context of English local government then outlined, and consideration is then given to four areas of policy: business rate localisation, the ‘New Homes Bonus’, council tax benefit and social housing, and regional economic development. In each case, some shift in the balance away from concern with equity towards one with efficiency is discerned: whether or not this is desirable will prove a matter of political and moral, as well as scientific judgement.
The aim of this project was to carry out an investigastion into suitable alternatives to gasoline for use in modern automobiles. The fuel would provide the western world with a means of extending the natural gasoline resources and the third world a way of cutting down their dependence on the oil producing countries for their energy supply. Alcohols, namely methanol and ethanol, provide this solution. They can be used as gasoline extenders or as fuels on their own.In order to fulfil the aims of the project a literature study was carried out to investigate methods and costs of producing these fuels. An experimental programme was then set up in which the performance of the alcohols was studied on a conventional engine. The engine used for this purpose was the Fiat 127 930cc four cylinder engine. This engine was used because of its popularity in the European countries. The Weber fixed jet carburettor, since it was designed to be used with gasoline, was adapted so that the alcohol fuels and the blends could be used in the most efficient way. This was mainly to take account of the lower heat content of the alcohols. The adaptation of the carburettor was in the form of enlarging the main metering jet. Allowances for the alcohol's lower specfic gravity were made during fuel metering.Owing to the low front end volatility of methanol and ethanol, it was expected that `start up' problems would occur. An experimental programme was set up to determine the temperature range for a minimum required percentage `take off' that would ease start-up since it was determined that a `take off' of about 5% v/v liquid in the vapour phase would be sufficient for starting. Additions such as iso-pentane and n-pentane were used to improve the front end volatility. This proved to be successful.The lower heat content of the alcohol fuels also meant that a greater charge of fuel would be required. This was seen to pose further problems with fuel distribution from the carburettor to the individual cylinders on a multicylinder engine. Since it was not possible to modify the existing manifold on the Fiat 127 engine, experimental tests on manifold geometry were carried out using the Ricardo E6 single cylinder variable compression engine. Results from these tests showed that the length, shape and cross-sectional area of the manifold play an important part in the distribution of the fuel entering the cylinder, ie. vapour phase, vapour/small liquid droplet/liquid film phase, vapour/large liquid droplet/liquid film phase etc.The solvent properties of the alcohols and their greater electrical conductivity suggested that the materials used on the engine would be prone to chemical attack. In order to determine the type and rate of chemical attack, an experimental programme was set up whereby carburettor and other components were immersed in the alcohols and in blends of alcohol with gasoline. The test fuels were aerated and in some instances kept at temperatures ranging from 50oC to 90oC. Results from these tests suggest that not all materials used in the conventional engine are equally suitable for use with alcohols and alcohol/gasoline blends. Aluminium for instance was severely attacked by methanol causing pitting and pin-holing in the surface.In general this whole experimental programme gave valuable information on the acceptability of substitute fuels. While the long term effects of alcohol use merit further study, it is clear that methanol and ethanol will be increasingly used in place of gasoline.
The preThe present work is a study of the optical properties of some surfaces, in order to determine their applications in solar energy utilisation. An attempt has been made to investigate and measure the optical properties of two systems of surface moderately selective surfaces like thermally grown oxide of titanium, titanium oxide en aluminium and thermally grown oxides of stainless steel; and, selective surfaces of five different coloured stainless at (INCO surfaces) and of black nickel foil. A calorimetric instrument based on the steady state method for measuring directly the total emittance has been designed. Chapter 1 is an introductory survey of selective surface. It also includes a brief review of various preparation techniques in use since 1955. Chapter 2 investigates the theory of selective surfaces, defining their optical properties and their figures of merit. It also outlines the method of computing the optical properties (i.e. absorptance, a, and emittance, a) which have been adopted for the present work. Chapter 3 describes the measuring technique and the modes of operation of the equipment used in the experimental work carried out. Chapter 4 gives the results of the experimental work to measure the optical properties, the life testing and chemical composition of the surfaces under study. Chapter 5 deals with the experimentation leading to the design of a calorimetric instrument for measuring the total emmitance directly. Chapter 6 presents concluding remarks about the outcome of the present work and some suggestions for further work. sent work is a study of the optical properties of some surfaces, in order to determine their applications in solar energy utilisation. An attempt has been made to investigate and measure the optical properties of two systems of surface moderately selective surfaces like thermally grown oxide of titanium, titanium oxide en aluminium and thermally grown oxides of stainless steel; and, selective surfaces of five different coloured stainless at (INCO surfaces) and of black nickel foil. A calorimetric instrument based on the steady state method for measuring directly the total emittance has been designed. Chapter 1 is an introductory survey of selective surface. It also includes a brief review of various preparation techniques in use since 1955. Chapter 2 investigates the theory of selective surfaces, defining their optical properties and their figures of merit. It also outlines the method of computing the optical properties (i.e. absorptance, a, and emittance, a) which have been adopted for the present work. Chapter 3 describes the measuring technique and the modes of operation of the equipment used in the experimental work carried out. Chapter 4 gives the results of the experimental work to measure the optical properties, the life testing and chemical composition of the surfaces under study. Chapter 5 deals with the experimentation leading to the design of a calorimetric instrument for measuring the total emmitance directly. Chapter 6 presents concluding remarks about the outcome of the present work and some suggestions for further work.
This work sets out to evaluate the potential benefits and pit-falls in using a priori information to help solve the Magnetoencephalographic (MEG) inverse problem. In chapter one the forward problem in MEG is introduced, together with a scheme that demonstrates how a priori information can be incorporated into the inverse problem. Chapter two contains a literature review of techniques currently used to solve the inverse problem. Emphasis is put on the kind of a priori information that is used by each of these techniques and the ease with which additional constraints can be applied. The formalism of the FOCUSS algorithm is shown to allow for the incorporation of a priori information in an insightful and straightforward manner. In chapter three it is described how anatomical constraints, in the form of a realistically shaped source space, can be extracted from a subject’s Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI). The use of such constraints relies on accurate co-registration of the MEG and MRI co-ordinate systems. Variations of the two main co-registration approaches, based on fiducial markers or on surface matching, are described and the accuracy and robustness of a surface matching algorithm is evaluated. Figures of merit introduced in chapter four are shown to given insight into the limitations of a typical measurement set-up and potential value of a priori information. It is shown in chapter five that constrained dipole fitting and FOCUSS outperform unconstrained dipole fitting when data with low SNR is used. However, the effect of errors in the constraints can reduce this advantage. Finally, it is demonstrated in chapter six that the results of different localisation techniques give corroborative evidence about the location and activation sequence of the human visual cortical areas underlying the first 125ms of the visual magnetic evoked response recorded with a whole head neuromagnetometer.
Predicting future need for water resources has traditionally been, at best, a crude mixture of art and science. This has prevented the evaluation of water need from being carried out in either a consistent or comprehensive manner. This inconsistent and somewhat arbitrary approach to water resources planning led to well publicised premature developments in the 1970's and 1980's but privatisation of the Water Industry, including creation of the Office of Water Services and the National Rivers Authority in 1989, turned the tide of resource planning to the point where funding of schemes and their justification by the Regulators could no longer be assumed. Furthermore, considerable areas of uncertainty were beginning to enter the debate and complicate the assessment It was also no longer appropriate to consider that contingencies would continue to lie solely on the demand side of the equation. An inability to calculate the balance between supply and demand may mean an inability to meet standards of service or, arguably worse, an excessive provision of water resources and excessive costs to customers. United Kingdom Water Industry Research limited (UKWlR) Headroom project in 1998 provided a simple methodology for the calculation of planning margins. This methodology, although well received, was not, however, accepted by the Regulators as a tool sufficient to promote resource development. This thesis begins by considering the history of water resource planning in the UK, moving on to discuss events following privatisation of the water industry post·1985. The mid section of the research forms the bulk of original work and provides a scoping exercise which reveals a catalogue of uncertainties prevalent within the supply-demand balance. Each of these uncertainties is considered in terms of materiality, scope, and whether it can be quantified within a risk analysis package. Many of the areas of uncertainty identified would merit further research. A workable, yet robust, methodology for evaluating the balance between water resources and water demands by using a spreadsheet based risk analysis package is presented. The technique involves statistical sampling and simulation such that samples are taken from input distributions on both the supply and demand side of the equation and the imbalance between supply and demand is calculated in the form of an output distribution. The percentiles of the output distribution represent different standards of service to the customer. The model allows dependencies between distributions to be considered, for improved uncertainties to be assessed and for the impact of uncertain solutions to any imbalance to be calculated directly. The method is considered a Significant leap forward in the field of water resource planning.
The demand for road making materials continues to pressurise the supply of traditional good quality aggregates. Over the years, therefore, consideration has been given to alternative materials including industrial wastes. This thesis is concerned with potential use of Minestone, the by-product of coal mining, for the lower structural layers of pavement construction. Because of their clay like nature, Minestones do not merit consideration for such applications in an unbound state and, therefore, some form of stabilisation is necessary. Previous research has demonstrated that certain cement bound minestones, containing between 5 and 10 per cent cement, satisfy current Department of Transport requirements for use in pavement construction and, furthermore, they are not frost susceptible. However, doubts concerning the durability of cement bound minestones still remain. The thesis includes a review of both the cement and lime stabilisation techniques and also traces the origin and development of the methods used to assess the quality and durability of stabilised materials. An experimental study is described in which cement bound minestone specimens were subjected to a programme of tests which examined compressive strength, resistance to immersion, and resistance to freezing and thawing. The results of the tests were related to the properties of the raw materials. It was discovered that the response to cement stabilisation was governed mainly by the source of the minestone and, to a lesser degree, the cement content. It was also found that resistance in the durability tests was generally improved when the initial moisture content was raised above the optimum value. The result suggest that current methods for assessing cement stabilised materials are not appropriate to cement bound minestones. Alternative methods and criteria, based on volume change and retained strength following immersion and freeze-thaw tests, have been proposed. It is believed that these methods and criteria should also apply to other cement bound materials.
When composing stock portfolios, managers frequently choose among hundreds of stocks. The stocks' risk properties are analyzed with statistical tools, and managers try to combine these to meet the investors' risk profiles. A recently developed tool for performing such optimization is called full-scale optimization (FSO). This methodology is very flexible for investor preferences, but because of computational limitations it has until now been infeasible to use when many stocks are considered. We apply the artificial intelligence technique of differential evolution to solve FSO-type stock selection problems of 97 assets. Differential evolution finds the optimal solutions by self-learning from randomly drawn candidate solutions. We show that this search technique makes large scale problem computationally feasible and that the solutions retrieved are stable. The study also gives further merit to the FSO technique, as it shows that the solutions suit investor risk profiles better than portfolios retrieved from traditional methods.
Performance management is the process by which organizations set goals, determine standards, assign and evaluate work, and distribute rewards. But when you operate across different countries and continents, performance management strategies cannot be one dimensional. HR managers need systems that can be applied to a range of cultural values. This important and timely text offers a truly global perspective on performance management practices. Split into two parts, it illustrates the key themes of rater motivation, rater-ratee relationships and merit pay, and outlines a model for a global appraisal process. This model is then screened through a range of countries, including Germany, Japan, USA, Turkey, China, India and Mexico. Using case studies and discussion questions, and written by local experts, this text outlines the tools needed to understand and ‘measure’ performance in a range of socio-economic and cultural contexts. It is essential reading for students and practitioners alike working in human resources, international business and international management.
Radio-frequency identification technology (RFID) is a popular modern technology proven to deliver a range of value-added benefits to achieve system and operational efficiency, as well as cost-effectiveness. The operational characteristics of RFID outperform barcodes in many aspects. Despite its well-perceived benefits, a definite rationale for larger scale adoption is still not so promising. One of the key reasons is high implementation cost, especially the cost of tags for applications involving item-level tagging. This has resulted in the development of chipless RFID tags which cost much less than conventional chip-based tags. Despite the much lower tag cost, the uptake of chipless RFID system in the market is still not as widespread as predicted by RFID experts. This chapter explores the value-added applications of chipless RFID system to promote wider adoption. The chipless technology's technical and operational characteristics, benefits, limitations and current uses will also be examined. The merit of this chapter is to contribute fresh propositions to the promising applications of chipless RFID to increase its adoption in the industries that are currently not (or less popular in) utilising it, such as retail, logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, and service sectors. © 2013, IGI Global.