960 resultados para Bilingual Digital Corpus
The original ‘Enhancing the digital student experience’ cards have been updated to incorporate the findings from the HE Digital Student consultation and also from the emerging findings from the FE Digital Student project. These ‘Digital Student’ cards are designed to support conversations about students’ digital experience
Since the launch of the JISC guide Innovative Practice with e-Learning (JISC, 2005), so much has changed. At that time, early adopters were exploring the potential of mobile and wireless learning. Since then, the increased availability of public and institutional wireless networks, the emergence of new and more powerful technologies and an increase in personal ownership of these technologies are changing the way we connect, communicate and collaborate. Emerging Practice in a Digital Age, one of a series of Effective Practice guides, draws on recent JISC reports and case studies and looks at how colleges and universities are continuing to embrace innovation and respond to changes in economic, social and technological circumstances in a fastchanging world.
Learning in a Digital Age is one in a series of Effective Practice guides. It demonstrates, through a range of case studies, how institutions are using technology to attract and retain diverse groups of learners, offer professional development opportunities for their staff, and enhance engagement and collaboration with employers and other organisations with a stake in effective lifelong learning.
What contribution can technology make to ensuring that assessment and feedback processes are agile, streamlined and capable of promoting high-quality learning? Effective Assessment in a Digital Age, one in a series of Effective Practice guides, draws on recent JISC reports and case studies depicting different contexts and modes of learning to explore the relationship between technology enabled assessment and feedback practices and meaningful, well-supported learning experiences.
Effective Practice in a Digital Age is designed for those in further and higher education who aim to enhance the student learning experience through apt and imaginative uses of technology. A visually rich publication, Effective Practice in a Digital Age outlines key aspects of designing learning in a technology-rich context and is structured to address the needs of experienced practitioners as well as those new to technology-based learning and teaching – the ten newly researched case studies offer a choice of pathways reflecting the diversity of approaches taken by practitioners in current UK practice.
Images of Research is the annual competition and exhibition from the University of Strathclyde, which is designed to broaden the appeal of the university's research outputs to the general public. This year, to bring the research to life Chris Thomson, subject specialist - online learning and the digital student experience, Jisc, helped to support the participants in using digital storytelling. Rachel Clark, project coordinator at the university, talks about the thinking behind the exhibition.
For sign languages used by deaf communities, linguistic corpora have until recently been unavailable, due to the lack of a writing system and a written culture in these communities, and the very recent advent of digital video. Recent improvements in video and computer technology have now made larger sign language datasets possible; however, large sign language datasets that are fully machine-readable are still elusive. This is due to two challenges. 1. Inconsistencies that arise when signs are annotated by means of spoken/written language. 2. The fact that many parts of signed interaction are not necessarily fully composed of lexical signs (equivalent of words), instead consisting of constructions that are less conventionalised. As sign language corpus building progresses, the potential for some standards in annotation is beginning to emerge. But before this project, there were no attempts to standardise these practices across corpora, which is required to be able to compare data crosslinguistically. This project thus had the following aims: 1. To develop annotation standards for glosses (lexical/word level) 2. To test their reliability and validity 3. To improve current software tools that facilitate a reliable workflow Overall the project aimed not only to set a standard for the whole field of sign language studies throughout the world but also to make significant advances toward two of the world’s largest machine-readable datasets for sign languages – specifically the BSL Corpus (British Sign Language, http://bslcorpusproject.org) and the Corpus NGT (Sign Language of the Netherlands, http://www.ru.nl/corpusngt).
A synthesis report based on the final report of the FE digital student study into FE students' expectations and experiences of the digital environment. The report outlines the key challenges, learning provider solutions, sector solutions and commentary on main findings. Appendix 2 includes a list of project outputs.
Case study on how Shrewsbury College has redeveloped their induction training for staff and students to enhance safeguarding and e-safety.