998 resultados para Ballerina,Cloud Native,API,Linguaggio di Programmazione


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A new cloud-point extraction and preconcentration method, using a cationic, surfactant, Aliquat-336 (tricaprylyl-methy;ammonium chloride), his-been developed for the determination of cyanobacterial toxins, microcystins, in natural waters. Sodium sulfate was used to induce phase separation at 25 degreesC. The phase behavior of Aliquat-336 with respect to concentration of Na2SO4 was studied. The cloud-point system revealed a very high phase volume ratio compared to other established systems of nonionic, anionic, and cationic surfactants: At pH 6-7, it showed an outstanding selectivity in ahalyte extraction for anionic species. Only MC-LR and MC-YR, which are known to be predominantly anionic, were extracted (with averaged recoveries of 113.9 +/- 9% and 87.1 +/- 7%, respectively). MC-RR, which is likely to be amphoteric at the above pH range, was. not cle tectable in.the extract. Coupled to HPLC/UV separation and detection, the cloud-point extraction method (with 2.5 mM Aliquat-336 and 75 mM Na2SO4 at 25 degreesC) offered detection limits of 150 +/- 7 and 470 +/- 72 pg/mL for MC-LR and MC-YR, respectively, in 25 mL of deionized water. Repeatability of the method was 7.6% for MC-LR and 7.3% for MC-YR: The cloud-point extraction process can be. completed within 10-15 min with no cleanup steps required. Applicability of the new method to the determination of microcystins in real samples was demonstrated using natural surface waters, collected from a local river and a local duck pond spiked with realistic. concentrations of microcystins. Effects of salinity and organic matter (TOC) content in the water sample on the extraction efficiency were also studied.


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This article reports on an exploratory study into the use of students' native language (NL) by teachers in the foreign language (FL) classroom. The project was undertaken by four teachers of beginner French at the University of Queensland. The teachers' aim was to investigate the use of NL in a context which actively promotes an immersion approach to FL teaching. The audio recordings of the teachers' speech were transcribed to provide data for estimating the amount of NL, and for analyzing the various instances of NL use. The study indicates that the activity type is a significant variable affecting NL amount. It also isolates two strategic uses of NL, translating FL words into NL, and contrasting NL and FL forms, both of which involve intrasentential code switching with NL words embedded in an FL sentence. The study suggests that these strategies may facilitate acquisition during immersion in FL, but experimental research is needed to test the hypothesis that translation and contrast facilitate learning of FL vocabulary and grammar.


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alpha-Conotoxin AuIB and a disulfide bond variant of AuIB have been synthesized to determine the role of disulfide bond connectivity on structure and activity. Both of these peptides contain the 15 amino acid sequence GCCSYPPCFATNPDC, with the globular (native) isomer having the disulfide connectivity Cys(2-8 and 3-15) and the ribbon isomer having the disulfide connectivity Cys(2-15 and 3-8). The solution structures of the peptides were determined by NAIR spectroscopy, and their ability to block the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on dissociated neurons of the rat parasympathetic ganglia was examined. The ribbon disulfide isomer, although having a less well defined structure, is surprisingly found to have approximately 10 times greater potency than the native peptide. To our knowledge this is the first demonstration of a non-native disulfide bond isomer of a conotoxin exhibiting greater biological activity than the native isomer.


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Experimental treatments to compare behavioural responses included native fish species only, natives plus one exotic species and natives plus both exotic species. The mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki frequently attacked both native species, but tended to nip Melanotaenia duboulayi (especially small individuals) and chase Pseudomugil signifer The frequency of attacks by G. holbrooki on M. duboulayi rose when all four fish species were present. When food was added, all four species showed a strong increase in aggression, especially in the four-species treatment, where there were significant increases in the frequency of attacks by the swordtail Xiphophorus helleri on M. duboulay and by M. duboulayi on G. holbrooki, and of conspecific attacks by M. duboulayi. Increased attack frequency was associated with aggregation closer to the water's surface, regardless of the presence of food. The results support the hypothesis that introduced poeciliids can have deleterious competitive effects on native species. However, while juvenile M. duboulayi were particularly vulnerable to the secondary, effects of fin-nipping, R signifer appeared to be more susceptible to physical displacement and reduced food capture success.


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The rise of component-based software development has created an urgent need for effective application program interface (API) documentation. Experience has shown that it is hard to create precise and readable documentation. Prose documentation can provide a good overview but lacks precision. Formal methods offer precision but the resulting documentation is expensive to develop. Worse, few developers have the skill or inclination to read formal documentation. We present a pragmatic solution to the problem of API documentation. We augment the prose documentation with executable test cases, including expected outputs, and use the prose plus the test cases as the documentation. With appropriate tool support, the test cases are easy to develop and read. Such test cases constitute a completely formal, albeit partial, specification of input/output behavior. Equally important, consistency between code and documentation is demonstrated by running the test cases. This approach provides an attractive bridge between formal and informal documentation. We also present a tool that supports compact and readable test cases; and generation of test drivers and documentation, and illustrate the approach with detailed case studies. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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New mono- and bis-chelated zinc(II) and cadmium(II) complexes of formula, [M(dpksbz)NCS] (dpksbz = anionic form of the di-2-pyridylketone Schiff base of S-benzyldithiocarbazate) and [M(dpksbz)(2)] (M = Zn-II, Cd-II) have been prepared and characterized. The structure of the bis-ligand complex, [Zn(dpksbZ)(2)] has been determined by X-ray diffraction. The complex has a distorted octahedral geometry in which the ligands are coordinated to the zinc(II) ion as uninegatively charged tridentate chelates via the thiolate sulfur atoms, the azomethine nitrogen atoms and the pyridine nitrogen atoms. The distortion from a regular octahedral geometry is attributed to the restricted bite angles of the Schiff base ligands. X-ray structural analysis shows that the [Cd(dpksbz)NCS](2) complex is a centrosymmetric dimer in which each of the cadmium(II) ions adopts a five-coordinate, approximately square-pyramidal configuration with the Schiff base acting as a tetradentate chelating agent coordinating a cadmium(II) ion via one of the pyridine nitrogen atoms, the azomethine nitrogen atom and the thiolate sulfur atom; the second pyridine nitrogen atom is coordinated to the other cadmium(II) ion of the dimer. The fifth coordination position around each cadmium(II) is occupied by an N-bonded thiocyanate ligand. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Di-2-pyridyl ketone isonicotinoyl hydrazone (HPKIH) and a range of its analogues comprise a series of monobasic acids that are capable of binding iron (Fe) as tridentate (N,N,O) ligands. Recently, we have shown that these chelators are highly cytotoxic, but show selective activity against cancer cells. Particularly interesting was the fact that cytotoxicity of the HPKIH analogues is maintained even after complexation with Fe. To understand the potent anti-tumor activity of these compounds, we have fully characterized their chemical properties. This included examination of the solution chemistry and X-ray crystal structures of both the ligands and Fe complexes from this class and the ability of these complexes to mediate redox reactions. Potentiometric titrations demonstrated that all chelators are present predominantly in their charge-neutral form at physiological pH (7.4), allowing access across biological membranes. Keto-enol tautomerism of the ligands was identified, with the tautomers exhibiting distinctly different protonation constants. Interestingly, the chelators form low-spin (diamagnetic) divalent Fe complexes in solution. The chelators form distorted octahedral complexes with Fe-II, with two tridentate ligands arranged in a meridional fashion. Electrochemistry of the Fe complexes in both aqueous and non-aqueous solutions revealed that the complexes are oxidized to their ferric form at relatively high potentials, but this oxidation is coupled to a rapid reaction with water to form a hydrated (carbinolamine) derivative, leading to irreversible electrochemistry. The Fe complexes of the HPKIH analogues caused marked DNA degradation in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. This observation confirms that Fe complexes from the HPKIH series mediate Fenton chemistry and do not repel DNA. Collectively, studies on the solution chemistry and structure of these HPKIH analogues indicate that they can bind cellular Fe and enhance its redox activity, resulting in oxidative damage to vital biomolecules.


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O Sistema Integrado de Passagens e Di??rias (SIPAD), foi concebido no conceito de integra????o de dados e utiliza uma base de dados ??nica que evita o retrabalho e a inconsist??ncia de informa????es. O sistema tem por objetivo tornar mais ??gil, transparente e desburocratizado o processo de solicita????o, gerenciamento e controle de passagens e di??rias no ??mbito do Minist??rio da Sa??de. O SIPAD permite, em tempo real, o atendimento dos pedidos de viagens mediante requisi????es eletr??nicas com alto grau de confiabilidade e seguran??a. O sistema permite ainda o controle f??sico e a gest??o financeira de todos os pedidos de viagem; o c??lculo autom??tico de valores de di??rias inclusive em moeda estrangeira; o acompanhamento de trechos de viagens e conex??es internacionais com indica????o dos aeroportos; o controle e presta????o de contas de viagens; o desconto autom??tico do valor do vale refei????o por UF. A seguran??a do SIPAD ?? garantida por sistema que permite acessos escalonados por n??veis de senha , a partir de perfis previamente definidos. No SIPAD pode-se realizar consultas on line e emiss??o automatizada de relat??rios operacionais e gerenciais com interface gr??fica. Os resultados ap??s a implanta????o , em 01/07/99, j?? causam impactos significativos. A economia estimada para o ano 2000, apenas em uma unidade gestora do Minist??rio, ?? de redu????o de 113.606 folhas de papel; elimina????o de 23.346 etiquetas; elimina????o de 40.468 assinaturas de gestores e ordenadores de despesa; elimina????o de 58.369 procedimentos de carimbo em pap??is; elimina????o de 11.673 registros de controle e 58.459 tramita????es de documentos


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O projeto consiste na automa????o de todo o processo de elabora????o, c??lculo, concess??o e pagamento de di??rias possibilitando ainda a an??lise da execu????o or??ament??ria e financeira, por meio de um sistema informatizado de controle. Este sistema ?? ??gil e de f??cil opera????o, e confere seguran??a de acesso ??s informa????es. Ele opera em ambiente de rede, de maneira que qualquer setor possa controlar suas di??rias, utilizando-se de um ??nico banco de dados instalado em um computador servidor


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O acordo conciliador t??o discutido hoje na pol??tica e na economia n??o se limita a estes setores. Objetivos conflitantes ocorrem nas rela????es entre pessoas em todos os n??veis hier??rquicos de qualquer administra????o. A quest??o ?? o como transform??-los em objetivos maiores e unificadores ou em pactos que possibilitem a conviv??ncia e o desenvolvimento de grupos com interesses opostos. As habilidades de negocia????o emergem, a??, como o instrumental adequado para prevenir e administrar conflitos. E os bons negociadores n??o resultam da transa????o improvisada ou da genialidade mas, da a????o programada, da pesquisa e an??lise de situa????o, do auto-conhecimento e do conhecimento do outro, do esfor??o orientado


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Lideran??as sindicais, empresariais, sociais, al??m de intelectuais, acad??micos e representantes de variados setores, t??m trabalhado desde 2003 em uma proposta inovadora: pensar o Brasil que se deseja e, a partir da??, apresentar ao presidente da Rep??blica indica????es do rumo para tornar o Pa??s socialmente justo e economicamente sustent??vel. Essa ?? a tarefa do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econ??mico e Social (CDES), composto por 90 pessoas da sociedade civil e 13 ministros, que se constitui em espa??o de di??logo no qual a diversidade dos atores sociais, mais do que revelar a heterogeneidade da popula????o de um pa??s continental, possibilita ampliar os pontos de vista e os argumentos sobre temas da agenda nacional, enriquecendo o debate e qualificando as sugest??es para um projeto de desenvolvimento de longo prazo. Com o surgimento do CDES, a discuss??o de grandes temas deixou de ser uma conversa de pequenos grupos, com acesso ao presidente, para ser um exerc??cio pleno de representa????o dos diversos grupos, a maior parte dos quais n??o tinha canal para seus pleitos e demandas ao governo. ???N??o h?? mais vanguarda. O acesso e o fluxo de informa????o tornaram-se produtos de todos. Acabou a demanda de balc??o, a vis??o tradicional de um Conselho, que cooptava as pessoas para a defesa de determinadas id??ias. Agora o di??logo ?? sem rupturas. ?? um modo de trazer governan??a, criar consenso, estabelecer espa??o de converg??ncia???, diz a respons??vel pela Secretaria do Conselho de Desenvolvimento Econ??mico e Social (Sedes), Esther Bemerguy Albuquerque.


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Foi feito um levantamento da fauna de Hymenoptera parasitóides em um transecto eucalipto/vegetação nativa/eucalipto, em Ipaba, Minas Gerais, no período de março de 1997 a março de 1998, com armadilhas Malaise. Foram coletados indivíduos de nove superfamílias (Ceraphronoidea, Chalcidoidea, Chrysidoidea, Cynipoidea, Evanioidea, Ichneumonoidea, Proctotrupoidea, Platygastroidea e Vespoidea), distribuídos em 26 famílias.


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A sociedade atual é marcada por uma crescente competição entre as organizações, as quais para garantirem a sua sobrevivência têm que evoluir e utilizar a tecnologia de informação mais adequada. Num período em que as PMES portuguesas necessitam de reduzir custos e concentrarem-se mais no seu processo de negócio surge um novo paradigma tecnológico, a Computação na Nuvem, esta ainda é um paradigma bastante recente, onde os recursos de TI que apresentam características de elasticidade e dinâmicas são oferecidos ao cliente como um serviço, no qual este paga apenas o que consome (pagamento por utilização). A Cloud Computing com o seu novo paradigma permite às organizações, principalmente às PMES reduzirem custos, concentrarem-se no seu processo de negócio sem se preocuparem com a parte informática (cópias de segurança, assistência e perda de dados) e obter um retorno mais rápido do seu investimento. Este trabalho consiste no Estudo da Adoção Individual da Cloud Computing no contexto das PMEs Portuguesas, o qual apresenta como principais objetivos obter uma melhor compreensão do conceito Cloud Computing, entender a sua importância para os indivíduos das PMES, identificar os seus fatores de sucesso e insucesso e identificar as limitações sentidas de uma forma generalizada e de uma forma específica para as PMES Portuguesas. Para cumprir os objetivos mencionados anteriormente, efetuou-se uma extensa revisão de literatura, propôs-se um modelo conceptual de investigação com adaptações à Teoria Unificada de Aceitação e Uso de Tecnologia (UTAUT) e utilizou-se como instrumento de recolha de dados um questionário que foi enviado às PMES Portuguesas.


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The real Cloud and Ubiquitous Manufacturing systems require effectiveness and permanent availability of resources, their capacity and scalability. One of the most important problems for applications management over cloud based platforms, which are expected to support efficient scalability and resources coordination following SaaS implementation model, is their interoperability. Even application dashboards need to easily incorporate those new applications, their interoperability still remains a big problem to override. So, the possibility to expand these dashboards with efficiently integrated communicational cloud based services (cloudlets) represents a relevant added value as well as contributes to solving the interoperability problem. Following the architecture for integration of enriched existing cloud services, as instances of manufacturing resources, this paper: a) proposes a cloud based web platform to support dashboard integrating communicational services, and b) describe an experimentation to sustain the theory that the effective and efficient interoperability, especially in dynamic environments, could be achieved only with human intervention.