988 resultados para Bäck, Erik Johan,


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This document presents the results of the first two monitoring events to track the recovery of a repaired coral reef injured by the M/V Wellwood vessel grounding incident of August 4, 1984. This grounding occurred within the boundaries of what at the time was designated the Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary (NMS), now designated the Key Largo NMS Existing Management Area within the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). Pursuant to the National Marine Sanctuaries Act (NMSA) 16 U.S.C. 1431 et seq., and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and Protection Act (FKNMSPA) of 1990, NOAA is the federal trustee for the natural and cultural resources of the FKNMS. Under Section 312 of the NMSA, NOAA has the authority to recover monetary damages for injury, destruction, or loss of Sanctuary resources, and to use the recovered monies to restore injured or lost sanctuary resources within the FKNMS. The restoration monitoring program tracks patterns of biological recovery, determines the success of restoration measures, and assesses the resiliency to environmental and anthropogenic disturbances of the site over time. To evaluate restoration success, reference habitats adjacent to the restoration site are concurrently monitored to compare the condition of restored reef areas with “natural” coral reef areas unimpacted by the vessel grounding or other injury. Restoration of the site was completed on July 22, 2002, and thus far two monitoring events have occurred; one in the Fall of 2004, and one in the Summer/Fall of 2006. The monitoring has consisted of: assessment of the structural stability of restoration modules and comparison of the coral recruitment conditions of the modules and reference sites. Corals are divided into Gorgonians, Milleporans, and Scleractinians and (except where noted) recruits are defined as follows: Gorgonians—maximum size (height) 150 mm at first monitoring event, 270 mm at second; Milleporans—maximum size (height) 65 mm at first event, 125 mm at second; Scleractinians—maximum size (greatest diameter) 50 mm at second event (only one species was size-classed at first event, at smaller size). Recruit densities at the restored and reference areas for each event are compared, as are size-class frequency distributions. For the Scleractinians, number and percentage of recruits by species, as well as several common biodiversity indices are provided. Finally, a qualitative comparison of recruit substrate settlement preference is indicated. Generally, results indicate that restored areas are converging on reference areas, based on almost all parameters examined, with one noted exception. Further monitoring is planned and the trends are anticipated to continue; close attention will be paid to the indicated anomaly. (PDF contains 63 pages.)


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This document presents the results of the monitoring of a repaired coral reef injured by the M/V Connected vessel grounding incident of March 27, 2001. This grounding occurred in Florida state waters within the boundaries of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida, (“State of Florida” or “state”) are the co-trustees for the natural resources within the FKNMS and, thus, are responsible for mediating the restoration of the damaged marine resources and monitoring the outcome of the restoration actions. The restoration monitoring program tracks patterns of biological recovery, determines the success of restoration measures, and assesses the resiliency to environmental and anthropogenic disturbances of the site over time. The monitoring program at the Connected site was to have included an assessment of the structural stability of installed restoration modules and biological condition of reattached corals performed on the following schedule: immediately (i.e., baseline), 1, 3, and 6 years after restoration and following a catastrophic event. Restoration of this site was completed on July 20, 2001. Due to unavoidable delays in the settlement of the case, the “baseline” monitoring event for this site occurred in July 2004. The catastrophic monitoring event occurred on August 31, 2004, some 2 ½ weeks after the passage of Hurricane Charley which passed nearby, almost directly over the Dry Tortugas. In September 2005, the year one monitoring event occurred shortly after the passage of Hurricane Katrina, some 70 km to the NW. This report presents the results of all three monitoring events. (PDF contains 37 pages.)


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This document presents the results of the monitoring of a repaired coral reef injured by the M/V Jacquelyn L vessel grounding incident of July 7, 1991. This grounding occurred in Florida state waters within the boundaries of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida, (“State of Florida” or “state”) are the co-trustees for the natural resources within the FKNMS and, thus, are responsible for mediating the restoration of the damaged marine resources and monitoring the outcome of the restoration actions. The restoration monitoring program tracks patterns of biological recovery, determines the success of restoration measures, and assesses the resiliency to environmental and anthropogenic disturbances of the site over time. The monitoring program at the Jacquelyn L site was to have included an assessment of the structural stability of installed restoration modules and biological condition of reattached corals performed on the following schedule: immediately (i.e., baseline), 1, 3, and 6 years after restoration and following a catastrophic event. Restoration of this site was completed on July 20, 2000. Due to unavoidable delays in the settlement of the case, the “baseline” monitoring event for this site occurred in July 2004. The catastrophic monitoring event occurred on August 31, 2004, some 2 ½ weeks after the passage of Hurricane Charley which passed nearby, almost directly over the Dry Tortugas. In September 2005, the year one monitoring event occurred shortly after the passage of Hurricane Katrina, some 70 km to the NW. This report presents the results of all three monitoring events. (PDF contains 31 pages.)


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This document presents the results of baseline monitoring of a repaired coral reef injured by the M/V Wave Walker vessel grounding incident of January 19, 2001. This grounding occurred in Florida state waters within the boundaries of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida, (“State of Florida” or “state”) are the co-trustees for the natural resources within the FKNMS. This report documents the efficacy of the restoration effort, the condition of the restored reef area two year and four months post-effort, and provides a picture of surrounding reference areas, so as to provide a basis for future comparisons by which to evaluate the long-term success of the restoration. (PDF contains 25 pages.)


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Cálculo y dimensionamiento de una nave industrial para la producción y almacenaje de bombas hidráulicas de pequeño y gran tamaño, con grúa puente de capacidad 6,3 Tn y una zona de oficinas donde se ubican los distintos departamentos de la empresa. Redactado en castellano.


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A fundamental question in neuroscience is how distributed networks of neurons communicate and coordinate dynamically and specifically. Several models propose that oscillating local networks can transiently couple to each other through phase-locked firing. Coherent local field potentials (LFP) between synaptically connected regions is often presented as evidence for such coupling. The physiological correlates of LFP signals depend on many anatomical and physiological factors, however, and how the underlying neural processes collectively generate features of different spatiotemporal scales is poorly understood. High frequency oscillations in the hippocampus, including gamma rhythms (30-100 Hz) that are organized by the theta oscillations (5-10 Hz) during active exploration and REM sleep, as well as sharp wave-ripples (SWRs, 140-200 Hz) during immobility or slow wave sleep, have each been associated with various aspects of learning and memory. Deciphering their physiology and functional consequences is crucial to understanding the operation of the hippocampal network.

We investigated the origins and coordination of high frequency LFPs in the hippocampo-entorhinal network using both biophysical models and analyses of large-scale recordings in behaving and sleeping rats. We found that the synchronization of pyramidal cell spikes substantially shapes, or even dominates, the electrical signature of SWRs in area CA1 of the hippocampus. The precise mechanisms coordinating this synchrony are still unresolved, but they appear to also affect CA1 activity during theta oscillations. The input to CA1, which often arrives in the form of gamma-frequency waves of activity from area CA3 and layer 3 of entorhinal cortex (EC3), did not strongly influence the timing of CA1 pyramidal cells. Rather, our data are more consistent with local network interactions governing pyramidal cells' spike timing during the integration of their inputs. Furthermore, the relative timing of input from EC3 and CA3 during the theta cycle matched that found in previous work to engage mechanisms for synapse modification and active dendritic processes. Our work demonstrates how local networks interact with upstream inputs to generate a coordinated hippocampal output during behavior and sleep, in the form of theta-gamma coupling and SWRs.


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[EU]Proiektu honetan bihotz-biriketako berpizte masajearen bular-sakadek elektrokardiograman eta bular-inpedantziaren seinaleetan eragindako interferentziaren azterketa egiten da. Helburu nagusia bi interferentzia hauen arteko erlazioa aztertzea da, horretarako tresna garatuz. Erlazio hau definitzeak interferentziaren eragina txikitzeko modua aurkitzen lagunduko luke, eta honek berpizteko aukerak handituko lituzke. Proiektua gauzatzeko ospitalez kanpoko geldialdien erregistro multzo batetik abiatuta datu-base propioa garatu da ezarritako irizpide batzuk jarraituz. Datu-base berri hau 37 pazienteren 237 mozketak osatzen dute, 10 segundotako luzera minimoarekin non pazienteek asistolia bitarteko kanpoko bular masajea jasotzen duten. Bestalde, interferentzia ezaugarritzeko interfaze grafiko bat garatu da, elektrokardiograma eta bular-inpedantziaren seinaleak denboran eta maiztasunean erakutsi eta hauen parametro esanguratsuak automatikoki zein eskuz ateratzeko aukera ematen duena. Parametroak seinaleen sakada bakoitzeko maximo eta minimoak, beraien kokapenak eta oinarrizko maiztasuna, bere harmonikoak eta hauen anplitudeak dira. Tresna hau erabiliz aipatutako datu-baseko episodioen prozesaketa egin da. Bukatzeko, lortutako emaitzak tratatzeko bigarren interfaze grafiko bat garatu da, non emaitzen banaketa estatistikoa eta hauen arteko erlazio lineala aztertzen diren. Proiektuaren ekarpen nagusia, beraz, bihotz-biriketako berpizte masajeak eragindako interferentzia aztertzeko tresna ahaltsuaren garapena da, jatorri desberdineko bestelako berpizte episodioak aztertzeko ere balio duena.


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Diseño de una grúa portuaria destinada a la manipulación y elevación de embarcaciones pesqueras desde la superficie de flotación hasta una tara máxima de 8 Tn para realizar, básicamente, operaciones de conservación y reparación de las mismas.


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Diseño de una Grúa Telescópica autopropulsada, así como de su pluma y todos los elementos necesarios para la elevación y movimiento de las cargas, la cual será máxima para 50 toneladas.


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Gaur egun informazio teknologiei esker edozein gairi buruz eskuratu dezakegun informazioa izugarria da. Proteinei buruzko informazioa leku askotan sakabanatuta dago eta informazio hori bilatu eta biltzeak garrantzi handia du ikerketa proiektu bat abiatzerakoan. Proteomikak oso lagin konplexuetan dauden proteinak identifikatu eta kuantifikatzen ditu. Orain arte proteomika egiteko modurik arruntena shotgun proteomika izan da, bere helburua ahalik eta proteina gehien inolako aurreiritzirik gabe analizatzea delarik. Orain dela gutxi, proteomika kuantitatibo ituratua aplikatzen hasi da, proteina jakin batzuk oso modu sentikorrean eta fidagarrian kuantifikatzeko asmotan, Western plapaketaren alternatiba izatera helduz. Behin metodo ituratua diseinatu eta gero, lagin askotan erabiltzeko aukera ematen du, baina estrategia honek proteina bakoitzarentzako metodo ituratua diseinatzea eskatzen du. Nukleoko poro-konplexuak [Nuclear pore complexes (NPCs)] nukleoaren azalean zeharreko zitoplasma eta nukleoplasmaren arteko proteinen eta azido nukleikoen garraioan dira bitartekari. Aldi berean, iragazkortasun-hesia osatzen dute sarbidea mugatuz. NPCak zelulako konplexu handienetarikoak dira. Euren tamaina handia izanik ere (60 MDa ornodunen kasuan), gutxi gora behera nukleoporina (Nups) izeneko 30 proteina desberdinez osatuta daude. Nukleoporina desberdinak azpikonplexuak osatuz agertu ohi dira. Nup93 konplexuak, NPC egiturara errekrutatutako bigarren azpi-konplexurik handienak, NPCaren mihiztaduran ezinbesteko rola betetzen duela argitaratu dute berriki. Hizkuntza/Idioma: Euskera


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Vortrag, gehalten auf der 16. Nordischen Fischereikonferenz, Mariehamn, Aaland, 28. - 31. 8.1978 von ERIK URSIN, Danmarks Fiskeri-og Havundersoegelser, Charlottenlund


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Diseño mecánico de los componentes que se encuentran en el interior de la góndola de un generador eólico de eje horizontal. Cálculo del mecanismo de control activo del cambio de paso de las palas y de orientación de la torre. Diseño del chasis de apoyo de los componentes de la góndola. Estudio de la torre del aerogenerador.


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El objeto del proyecto es la creación de una herramienta informática que permita analizar un mecanismo paralelo de 2 g.d.l. Para ello se ha planteado primeramente el tipo de mecanismo a analizar, se han realizado los cálculos necesarios para un mecanismo genérico y por último se han implementado sobre una plataforma informática, con el fin de automatizar los cálculos para distintos datos de entrada. El mecanismo paralelo más sencillo de estudiar es el mecanismo 5R, llamado así por estar formado por 5 pares de rotación. Su construcción similar a un paralelogramo articulado pero con un segmento más, hace de este mecanismo un caso sencillo de estudio con 2 g.d.l. por lo que poseerá un movimiento plano.


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A partir de uma proposta de ampliação do conceito de metaficção, a tese tem como objetivo investigar os usos metaficcionais nas obras de dois autores da literatura brasileira contemporânea: Sérgio SantAnna e Rubens Figueiredo. No caso de Sérgio SantAnna, são investigadas as relações que a metaficção estabelece com o controle do imaginário, com a reflexão estética feita no interior dos textos ficcionais e com a polêmica em torno das vanguardas. No caso de Rubens Figueiredo, a discussão sobre o uso do discurso metaficcional levará em conta os três ciclos pelos quais passa a obra do autor, ciclos esses marcados pela ênfase em determinadas questões, tais como a parodização de romances policiais, a questão da identidade e a problemática do social. O olhar panorâmico lançado para a obra ficcional dos dois autores deverá mostrar como os diferentes usos metaficcionais − ao atribuírem valores diferenciados à ligação que a literatura tem com o chamado mundo real − sinalizam duas concepções quase antagônicas do fenômeno literário