981 resultados para Axiomatic formal system
Background: Kidney stone is a major universal health problem, affecting 10% of the population worldwide. Percutaneous nephrolithotomy is a first-line and established procedure for disintegration and removal of renal stones. Its surgical success depends on the precise needle puncture of renal calyces, which remains the most challenging task for surgeons. This work describes and tests a new ultrasound based system to alert the surgeon when undesirable anatomical structures are in between the puncture path defined through a tracked needle. Methods: Two circular ultrasound transducers were built with a single 3.3-MHz piezoelectric ceramic PZT SN8, 25.4 mm of radius and resin-epoxy matching and backing layers. One matching layer was designed with a concave curvature to work as an acoustic lens with long focusing. The A-scan signals were filtered and processed to automatically detect reflected echoes. Results: The transducers were mapped in water tank and tested in a study involving 45 phantoms. Each phantom mimics different needle insertion trajectories with a percutaneous path length between 80 and 150 mm. Results showed that the beam cross-sectional area oscillates around the ceramics radius and it was possible to automatically detect echo signals in phantoms with length higher than 80 mm. Conclusions: This new solution may alert the surgeon about anatomical tissues changes during needle insertion, which may decrease the need of X-Ray radiation exposure and ultrasound image evaluation during percutaneous puncture.
It is known the power of ideas is tremendous. But there are employees in many companies who have good ideas but not put them into practice. On the other hand, there are many others who have good ideas and are encouraged to contribute their ideas for innovation in the company. This study attempts to identify factors that contribute to success in managing ideas and consequent business innovation. The method used was the case study applied to two companies. During the investigation, factors considered essential for the success of an idea management program were identified, of which we highlight, among others, evidences the results, involvement of the top management, establishment of goals and objectives; recognition; dissemination of good results. Companies with these implemented systems, capture the best ideas from their collaborators and apply them internally. This study intends to contribute to business innovation in enterprises through creation and idea management, mainly through collecting the best ideas of their own employees. The results of this study can be used to help improving deployed suggestions systems, as well as, all managers who wish to implement suggestions systems/ideas management systems.
ABSTRACT In areas cultivated under no-tillage system, the availability of phosphorus (P) can be raised by means of the gradual corrective fertilization, applying phosphorus into sowing furrows at doses higher than those required by the crops. The objective of this work was to establish the amount of P to be applied in soybean crop to increase content of P to pre-established values at the depth of 0.0 to 0.10 m. An experiment was carried out on a clayey Haplorthox soil with a randomized block experimental design distributed in split-split plot, with four replications. Two soybean crop systems (single or intercropped with Panicum maximum Jaca cv. Aruana) were evaluated in the plots. In addition, it was evaluated four P levels (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg ha-1 P2O5) applied in the first year in the split plots; and four P levels (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1 P2O5) applied in the two subsequent crops in the split-split plot. Contents of P were extracted by Mehlich-1 and Anion Exchange Resin methods from soil samples collected in the split-split plot. It was found that it is necessary to apply 19.4 or 11.1 kg ha-1 of P2O5, via triple superphosphate as source, to increase 1 mg dm-3 of P extracted by Mehlich-1 or Resin, respectively, in the 0.0 to 0.10 m layer of depth. The soil drain P character decreases as the amount of this nutrient supplied in the previous crops is increased.
In 1996, Brazil adopted a worldwide income tax system for corporations. This system represents a fundamental change in how the Brazílian government treats multinational transactions and the tax minimizing strategies relevant to businesses. In this article, we describe the conceptual basis for worldwide tax systems and the problem of double taxation that they create. Responses to double taxation by both the governments and the priva te sector are considered. Namely, the imperfect mechanisms developed by Brazil and other countries for mitigating double taxation are analyzed. We ultimately focus on the strategies that companies utilize in order not only to avoid double texetion, but also to take advantage of tax havens.
This article evaluates social implications of the "SIGA" Health Care Information System (HIS) in a public health care organization in the city of São Paulo. The evaluation was performed by means of an in-depth case study with patients and staff of a public health care organization, using qualitative and quantitative data. On the one hand, the system had consequences perceived as positive such as improved convenience and democratization of specialized treatment for patients and improvements in work organization. On the other hand, negative outcomes were reported, like difficulties faced by employees due to little familiarity with IT and an increase in the time needed to schedule appointments. Results show the ambiguity of the implications of HIS in developing countries, emphasizing the need for a more nuanced view of the evaluation of failures and successes and the importance of social contextual factors.
RESUMO: A aprendizagem da leitura é uma conquista primordial na trajetória de vida de uma criança. A educação, atualmente, percorre grandes e diferentes discussões, e as dificuldades de aprendizagem na leitura são uma realidade visível, comprovadas através de pesquisas. Contudo devem ser vencidas. O presente estudo tem como proposta identificar as concepções e estratégias de um grupo de professores que atuam diretamente com o aluno no âmbito da aprendizagem formal da leitura, no processo do ato de ler. Conhecer as práticas pedagógicas que são desenvolvidas na sala de aula, as explicações para o sucesso e o insucesso na aprendizagem da leitura. A forma como o aluno aprende e verificar diretamente, a partir de um grupo de alunos, suas dificuldades de não saber ler, sentidas pelos próprios, e como o professor as soluciona, suas explicações encontradas para as dificuldades de aprendizagem, e o impacto que causam na vida pessoal e social do aprendente e do ensinante. Saber o que fazer e como fazer quando se descobrem falhas do aluno ou do método na compreensão da leitura é uma das características das mais desejáveis e essencial no desenvolvimento do ensino da leitura e uma das diferenças mais acentuadas entre professores aplicados e os destituídos de um compromisso sagrado no seu papel de educador. Para atender aos objetivos pretendidos, foram realizadas entrevistas semi–estruturadas, sustentadas por roteiros, com alunos (20) e professores (10) em duas escolas públicas municipais do ciclo fundamental na cidade de Aracaju. Os resultados apontam para um desconhecimento dos métodos e das teorias cognitivas. No que tange aos alunos percebe-se a dificuldade, sentida pelo próprio aluno em não saber ler, como algo corriqueiro. Os achados deste estudo nos fazem pensar que o professor munícipe precisa rever seus métodos e processos de educação, sem os quais continuaremos a assistir um sistema educacional desmotivado e indiferente ao desenvolvimento de competências e capacidades críticas no processamento da aprendizagem da leitura no primeiro ano do Ciclo Básico. ABSTRACT: The learning of reading is a prime achievement on the path of a child‟s life. Education, nowadays, courses large and different discussions and the learning difficulties are easily seen, proved by researches. However they must be overcome. This article has as proposal to identify the conceptions and strategies of a teacher‟s group that acts directly with the student in the area of formal learning of reading, it means the reading process. And also to know the teaching practices that are developed in classroom, the explanations to the achievement or failure of reading. The way how the student learns and to verify directly, based on a group of students, their difficulties experienced by themselves, and how the teacher solve those, his explanations about the difficulties that were found, and the impact they bring to learner‟s and teacher‟s personal and social lives. to know what to do and how to do when student‟s flaws or imperfections on the reading comprehension method are found is one of the most desirable and essential characteristics on the development of (he reading learning)and one of the most pointed differences by teachers concerned and unconcerned about their commitment to the teacher role. To attend to the claimed aims, it has been done semi structured interviews, held by a list of topics, with twenty students and ten teachers in two public schools in Aracaju city. The results show ignorance on the methods and theories. When it comes to the students it‟s easy to see that the difficulty is faced by those who can‟t read, as something normal. The results of this work make us think that the public teacher needs to review his methods and educational processes; otherwise we are going to continue watching an educational system despondent and unconcerned about the development of criticizing skills on the process of reading learning in Junior High.
This study develops a theoretical model that explains the effectiveness of the balanced scorecard approach by means of a system dynamics and feedback learning perspective. Presumably, the balanced scorecard leads to a better understanding of context, allowing managers to externalize and improve their mental models. We present a set of hypotheses about the influence of the balanced scorecard approach on mental models and performance. A test based on a simulation experiment that uses a system dynamics model is performed. The experiment included three types of parameters: financial indicators; balanced scorecard indicators; and balanced scorecard indicators with the aid of a strategy map review. Two out of the three hypotheses were confirmed. It was concluded that a strategy map review positively influences mental model similarity, and mental model similarity positively influences performance.
This study develops a theoretical model that explains the effectiveness of the balanced scorecard approach by means of a system dynamics and feedback learning perspective. Presumably, the balanced scorecard leads to a better understanding of context, allowing managers to externalize and improve their mental models. We present a set of hypotheses about the influence of the balanced scorecard approach on mental models and performance. A test based on a simulation experiment that uses a system dynamics model is performed. The experiment included three types of parameters: financial indicators; balanced scorecard indicators; and balanced scorecard indicators with the aid of a strategy map review. Two out of the three hypotheses were confirmed. It was concluded that a strategy map review positively influences mental model similarity, and mental model similarity positively influences performance.