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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper aims to study the ecological system of the Pardo River, at the source and lower-order passages, which are in the Botucatu area, São Paulo State, Brazil. This study was carried out to determine water quality with some chemical-physical indicators, coliforms, and chemical species of samples taken monthly, 1995/02-1996/01, from eight sampling stations sited along the Pardo River. The results in the river monitoring are discussed based on annual averages, analysis of variance, and compared to Tukey's Studentized Range-HSD, and principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to normalize data to assess association between variables. We can conclude that the variables used are very efficient for identifying and that the dry season shows the worst water quality. These were caused by organic matter, nutrients (originate) from anthropogenic sources (spatial sources) and mainly municipal wastewater, affecting the quality and hydrochemistry of the river water, which have been differentiated and assigned to polluting sources. Meanwhile, the degree of degradation of the Pardo River is low (sewage treatment carried out by the city of Pardinho is efficient), leaving the water of the river suitable for use by the population of Botucatu, after conventional treatment (Conama, Resolucao No. 20, CONAMA, Brazilia DF, 09-23, 1986-the water of the Pardo river is classified as level 03). (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Passiflora alata (Passifloraceae) is a native plant from the South-America tropical forest that provides a much apreciated fruit known as maracuja-doce. Although tea of the leaves of Passiflora alata is used in folk medicine as a sedative and tranquilizer, there are no investigations about its effects on biochemical parameters in blood or from its major chemical composition. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the tea of the leaves of Passiflora alata on biochemical parameters (antioxidant system, glucose and cholesterol levels) and to perform a phytochemical investigation of the tea. We isolated and identified two saponins and five C-glycosylflavones derived from apigenin, luteolin and chrysoeriol. Three of them are new in this species. Passiflora alata extract was administrated orally in rats at dose of 1000 mg/kg and it was observed an increase in high-density lipoprotein level (HDL-cholesterol). (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Dentre as numerosas terapias para minimizar as complicações diabéticas, os antioxidantes e flavonoides são testados na clínica médica. Foi analisado o efeito da naringerina sobre os parâmetros bioquímicos em ratos diabéticos induzidos por estreptozotocina (STZ - 60mg/kg, i.p.). Ratos machos foram divididos em 4 grupos: G1: controle não tratado; G2: ratos normais que receberam naringerina; G3: diabéticos não tratados; G4: ratos diabéticos que receberam naringerina. Naringerina (50mg/kg, i.p.), decresceu a hiperglicemia e a hiperlipidemia em ratos diabéticos. A concentração sérica de insulina em ratos tratados tendeu aumentar. A naringerina preveniu as alterações, provocadas pela estreptozotocina, na atividade hepática e cardíaca de ALT, AST e LDH, indicando o efeito protetor da naringerina sobre estes tecidos, contra toxicidade provocada pela STZ. O nível de glicogênio nos tecidos cardíaco e hepático elevou com a naringerina em ratos diabéticos. A naringerina melhorou o metabolismo da glicose e de lipídios e preveniu as complicações diabéticas.


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Specimens of the zipper sand skate Psammobatis extenta were collected in the region of Ubatuba off the northern coast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, monthly for once year (January - December 2000), at 25- to 40-m isobaths. A total of 123 individuals were caught. The total length (TL) of females averaged 224.6 mm, and of males 217 mm. The overall sex ratio was 1:1. Analysis of the length-weight relationship indicated the existence of positive allometry in females, and isometry in males. The length at onset of sexual maturity was determined for both sexes; females reached sexual maturity at smaller sizes than males (TL50 = 230.7 and TL50 = 237.7 mm respectively). Females showed functional parity of both ovaries and uteri. Females that were pregnant or were carrying vitellogenic oocytes were observed during nine of 12 months of the survey, indicating a continuous reproductive cycle. Psammobatis extenta was most abundant from January to April, and again from June to October. Most individuals were collected at the 40-m isobath. Both adults and neonates were collected in the study area. However, adolescent skates were scarce, which either indicates differential occupation of the area, or suggests that the shallow waters of the continental shelf are used as breeding grounds.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Several runs of the BEAM4 model were carried out, combining several sets of input parameters from von Bertalanffy's growth curve (Lt = L-x[1 - e(-k(-to))]) and the natural mortality (M), with sets or parameters from the length-weight relationship (W=aL(b)). Further simulations were made with variations of +/- 20%, in the input parameters: recruitment (R), catchability coefficient (q), and the lengths at which 50 and 75% of the fishes are retained by the net (L-50%, and L-75%). The data used were those of the pair trawl fisheries for corvina Micropogonias furnieri, off southeastern Brazil. Results showed variations in the output (landed weight) ranging from - 62 to 147% associated with the diverse sets of VBGF and LWR parameters, and lower variations associated with the other input parameters tested. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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The health-promoting effects of exercise training (ET) are related to nitric oxide (NO) production and/or its bioavailability. The objective of this study was to determine whether single nucleotide polymorphism of the endothelial NO synthase (eNOS) gene at positions -786T>C, G894T (Glu298Asp) and at the variable number of tandem repeat (VNTR) Intron 4b/a would interfere with the cardiometabolic responses of postmenopausal women submitted to physical training. Forty-nine postmenopausal women were trained in sessions of 30-40 min, 3 days a week for 8 weeks. Genotypes, oxidative stress status and cardiometabolic parameters were then evaluated in a double-blind design. Both systolic and diastolic blood pressure values were significantly reduced after ET, which was genotype-independent. However, women without eNOS gene polymorphism at position -786T>C (TT genotype) and Intron 4b/a (bb genotype) presented a better reduction of total cholesterol levels (-786T>C: before = 213 ± 12.1, after = 159.8 ± 14.4, Δ = -24.9% and Intron 4b/a: before = 211.8 ± 7.4, after = 180.12 ± 6.4 mg/dL, Δ = -15%), and LDL cholesterol (-786T>C: before = 146.1 ± 13.3, after = 82.8 ± 9.2, Δ = -43.3% and Intron 4b/a: before = 143.2 ± 8, after = 102.7 ± 5.8 mg/dL, Δ = -28.3%) in response to ET compared to those who carried the mutant allele. Superoxide dismutase activity was significantly increased in trained women whereas no changes were observed in malondialdehyde levels. Women without eNOS gene polymorphism at position -786T>C and Intron 4b/a showed a greater reduction of plasma cholesterol levels in response to ET. Furthermore, no genotype influence was observed on arterial blood pressure or oxidative stress status in this population.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate gait spatial parameters at the point of departure, with obstacle heights adjusted to individual body scale. Undergraduate student volunteers (M age=22.4 yr., SD=2.1; 6 women, 1 man) were asked to step once, then cross over an obstacle and stop. This behavior was video recorded to extract kinematic data. The obstacle heights corresponded to high (knee-height) and low obstacles (half the knee-height). Points of departure corresponded to far (length of the lower limb) and close (half the length of the lower limb). The close point of departure influenced the trailing foot's placement ahead of the obstacle as well as step length. The high obstacle influenced the trailing foot's toe clearance. An interaction between factors was observed for leading foot toe clearance. Results indicate that body scale affected the participants' locomotor behavior during the obstacle-avoidance task.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The analysis of large amounts of data is better performed by humans when represented in a graphical format. Therefore, a new research area called the Visual Data Mining is being developed endeavoring to use the number crunching power of computers to prepare data for visualization, allied to the ability of humans to interpret data presented graphically.This work presents the results of applying a visual data mining tool, called FastMapDB to detect the behavioral pattern exhibited by a dataset of clinical information about hemoglobinopathies known as thalassemia. FastMapDB is a visual data mining tool that get tabular data stored in a relational database such as dates, numbers and texts, and by considering them as points in a multidimensional space, maps them to a three-dimensional space. The intuitive three-dimensional representation of objects enables a data analyst to see the behavior of the characteristics from abnormal forms of hemoglobin, highlighting the differences when compared to data from a group without alteration.


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This work deals with noise removal by the use of an edge preserving method whose parameters are automatically estimated, for any application, by simply providing information about the standard deviation noise level we wish to eliminate. The desired noiseless image u(x), in a Partial Differential Equation based model, can be viewed as the solution of an evolutionary differential equation u t(x) = F(u xx, u x, u, x, t) which means that the true solution will be reached when t ® ¥. In practical applications we should stop the time ''t'' at some moment during this evolutionary process. This work presents a sufficient condition, related to time t and to the standard deviation s of the noise we desire to remove, which gives a constant T such that u(x, T) is a good approximation of u(x). The approach here focused on edge preservation during the noise elimination process as its main characteristic. The balance between edge points and interior points is carried out by a function g which depends on the initial noisy image u(x, t0), the standard deviation of the noise we want to eliminate and a constant k. The k parameter estimation is also presented in this work therefore making, the proposed model automatic. The model's feasibility and the choice of the optimal time scale is evident through out the various experimental results.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)