996 resultados para Autores individuales


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El presente artículo aborda desde una perspectiva analítica, las políticas económicas y sectoriales de gobierno, que han afectado el sector agropecuario  en los últimos 20 años, destacándose las principales características que estas  han tenido en los marcos de transformación y ajuste de las estructuras productivas, económicas y sociales; así como su incidencia en los niveles producción, en los productores y en sus comunidades Además de un esfuerzo teórico y reflexivo por explicar la coyuntura económica productiva del agro costarricense, se pretende destacar, cómo este se ha venido transformando en los últimos años, a partir de la aplicación de los Programas de Ajuste Estructural (PAE); su incidencia en el área de la producción de los granos básicos y las transformaciones que se desarrollan luego para el sector, las cuales van a depender fundamentalmente de los recursos sociales e individuales con los que cuenten estos productores.En este contexto, entonces, las políticas de gobierno, en materia económica, inciden en la dinámica productiva de los pequeños productores; de manera que las comunidades aledañas a las zonas costeras se convierten en un referente analítico para un estudio de caso, que posibilita evidenciar precisamente lo anterior, por esta razón se aborda la experiencia de las comunidades costeras del cantón de La Cruz en la provincia de Guanacaste.ABSTRACTS: This article approaches from an analytical perspective, the economic and sectorial policies of the government affecting the agriculture in the last 20 years. It highlights the main characteristics of these approaches that have transform and adjust the framework of the production within the economic and social structures; such as the outcome on the production levels of the producers and their communities. In addition to theoretically and reflectively explaining the economic situation of the Costa Rican farmers, this article also attempts to focus on how this process has been directly impacting the outcome since the restructuring of the programs, its repercussion in the area of production of the basic grains and the end results in which establishes the social and individual resources in which these producers depend upon It is within this context that the govemment policies in economic matters directly affect the profitability dynamics of small producers. In the matter of the coastal communities, as a case study, it is possible to demonstrate precisely what was previously stated. For this reason, the illustration of the coastal communities of canton La Cruz in the Province of Guanacaste is undertaken.


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La presente investigación tiene el propósito de analizar la gestión de políticas públicas en materia de saneamiento ambiental en asentamientos humanos en Costa Rica. Se ha planteado desde el modelo teórico neoinstitucionalista y sus vertientes sociológica, histórica, normativa y de elección racional. Se utilizan otros elementos teóricos auxiliares que aporta la Teoría de Agencia para comprender las motivaciones individuales de los actores orientados por objetivos eficientistas. Estos fundamentos teóricos se articulan bajo los principios de la Teoría de Redes de Políticas Públicas. Se desarrolla un estudio de casos múltiples ajustados a la diversidad de contextos geográficos. Se aplica el paradigma interpretativo y la metodología cualitativa a través de la Teoría Fundamentada. Los resultados evidencian que más allá de las ideas sobre la gestión del saneamiento ambiental, existe retardo para su puesta en práctica. Los paradigmas que explican la socialización de los actores,  preferencias, rutinas y los roles asignados, así como el diseño institucional, no favorecen la gestión en red. Esto ha influido en la construcción social que se hace del territorio y en la reproducción de desigualdades en salud.


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Mediante una serie de reflexiones que tienen como objeto principal abordar el concepto de desterritorialización de Deleuze y Gauttari, para entender la noción de frontera y la puesta en escena de la identidad en la migración. Proponemos en nuestro trabajo, atender la significación del espacio social mediante el proceso de territorialidad, para entender la ordenación o modelado del paisaje (lugar) con base en los geosímbolos significativos de los individuos y de las comunidades. Obteniendo como aportación, que la migración no sólo da un desplazamiento de habitantes, bienes reales y simbólicos, o crea transformaciones (individuales, colectivas y territoriales), sino que a su vez, produce una constante desterritorialización y reterritorialización de percepciones, sentimientos y memorias, sobrepasando las fronteras físicas del Estado-Nación. Estableciendo así, el concepto de frontera como apertura que permite la comprensión de las nuevas organizaciones territoriales y la reafirmación identitaria de los migrantes en sus nuevos lugares de arribo.


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En este articulo se estudia la categoría del espacio como una instancia, un elemento estructural de la totalidad social, en donde ocurre un proceso social específico. Mediante la introducción de la instancia espacial, en el análisis marxista clásico, junto a la instancia económica, jurídica, política e ideológica, se tratara de avanzar en esta corriente de pensamiento científico. Existe una relación dialéctica entre las relaciones sociales y las relaciones espaciales, esta relación le permite una autonomía a la instancia espacial. La producción del espacio desde los inicios, mediante la relación hombre-naturaleza, hasta su forma más evolucionada, la ciudad, se realiza mediante la intervención del hombre con acciones individuales, colectivas y acciones estatales. Al mismo tiempo el espacio es construido, destruido y reconstruido, en esta acción la clase dominante lleva la iniciativa y contribuye a la producción del espacio de acuerdo con sus intereses. SUMMARY In this article the category of the space is studied as an instance, a structural element of the social totality, where there happens a social specific process. By means of the introduction of the spatial instance, in the Marxist classic analysis, close to the economic, juridical, political and ideological instance, it was a question of advancing in this current of scientific thought. A dialectical relation exists between the social relations and the spatial relations; this relation allows him autonomy the spatial instance. From its beginnings, by means of a man - nature relationship, up to its most revolutionized form, the city; the spatial production is a accomplished by means of the intervention of the man with individual, collective actions and state actions. At the same time the space it is constructed, destroyed and reconstructed, in this action the dominant class takes the initiative and contributes to the production of the space of accordance with its interests.   RESUME cet article on étudie la catégorie de l'espace comme une instance, un élément structurel de la totalité sociale, où un processus spécifique. Grâce à l'introduction de l'space comme instance, de l'analyse marxiste classique, au même titre que     l’économique, juridique, politique et idéologique, on essaye faire progresser ce courant de pensée scientifique. On propose l’existence d’ une relation dialectique entre les relations sociales et les relations spatiales, ce qui permet une autonomie à l'instance spatiale. La production del espace, les origines, se fait selon la relation un homme – nature. Ceci continue jusqu'à sa forme la plus sophistiquée: la ville. Elle  se réalise par l'intervention de l'homme par des actions individuelles, collectives et des actions étatiques. Durant ce temps l'espace est construit, détruit et reconstruit, mais c’est toujours classe dominante qui impose les initiatives et finalement ses intérêts.


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The authors present considerations about death and brain death concepts, as well the legal aspects for its diagnosis in Brazil. They also present the UNICAMP Protocol for the Diagnosis of Brain Death, revised and according with the current law, with standard techniques for the diagnostic exam. They emphasize the importance of a mature ethical position for this frequent and challenging situation.


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Brain death results in the breakdown of effective central regulatory mechanisms of cardiocirculatory stability, even in patients with artificial mechanical ventilation, correction of electrolytic and acid-basic disorders and maximal conventional pharmacological support of the circulation. Recent evidences have shown that the fall of vasopressin levels in the blood circulation significantly influences the cardiocirculatory stability of patients with brain death, and its exogenous administration is defended by many authors for the management of multiorgan donor patients. In this brief review we analyse and discuss some experimental and clinical relevant studies about the role of vasopressin in the control of cardiocirculatory stability in brain death, and its potential usefulness in the management of multiorgan donor. We conclude that the role of vasopressin in the pathophysiology of brain death and its usefulness as a pharmacological agent in the management of multiorgan donor are not well elucidated, deserving further investigations.


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The point-centred quarter method (63 points) was applied in Porto Ferreira State Reserve (21º49'S and 47º25'W) in an area (1.08ha) on the right margin of Moji Guaçu river, including two woody individuals per quarter - one with DBH < 10cm and at least 130cm high, the other with DBH > 10cm. The results obtained were compared with those published by other authors for a riparian forest (Mata da Figueira) at Moji Guaçu Ecological Station (about 100 km upstream on the same river). At Porto Ferreira 107 species were found, of which 80 were exclusive, compared with the Mata da Figueira where of the 59 species listed, 31 were exclusive. The two area shared 27 common species, thus accounting for a low Sørensen similarity of 48.6%. The great environmental heterogeneity of the floodplains, as well as the degree of anthropic disturbance, could account for this floristic variation. The greatest numbers of species were shown by Leguminosae (20), Myrtaceae (17), Rutaceae (9), Euphorbiaceae (7), and Lauraceae, Meliaceae, Moraceae and Rubiaceae (6 species each). There appears to be little difference at the family level among the periodically flooded and non-flooded forests of the State of São Paulo, but the species show different degreees of preference for habitat. The floristic composition of the two areas presented a mixture of typical species with others of non-flooded forests. The latter would occur on the floodplain probably by a) adaptation of the root system to relatively short flooding periods; b) shorter periods of flooding on the higher points of the microrelief of the floodplain, and c) greater aeration due to running water.


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Is the carrasco on the Ibiapaba plateau a unique plant formation? To answer this question the vertical height (except of climbers) and the stem basal diameter (from 3cm on) of woody plants were measured, and soil extracts (0-50 and 50-100cm depth) were taken from 100 random plots (10x10m) at Jaburuna (3º54'34S and 40º59'24W, altitudes near 830m), municipality of Ubajara, Ceará State. Data on climate, soil, diameter height, density, basal area, and physiognomy were compared with those surveyed by other researchers from the carrasco, caatinga, and cerrado in Northeastern Brazil. The carrasco occurs under an annual rainfall of between 668 and 1,289mm and temperatures from 22 to 24ºC, on alic Quartz Sand soils, at altitudes between 700 and 900m: it has a larger density and a smaller basal area than the caatinga and the cerrado, small and similar diameters, and an average vertical height between 3,7 and 5,4m. It differs from the caatinga, cerrado (and cerradão) and secondary forest in many items of lhe ecotope, organization and physiognomy, thus being a unique plain formation, which can be characterized as a deciduous, high, closed, and unistratified shrubland intermingled by lianas, with an irregular canopy and sparse, emergent trees.


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Lianas are characteristic, abundant and ecologically important members of tropical forest but they have been neglected in floristics and phytossociological studies. This work presents a floristic survey of the lianas species at Estação Ecológica do Noroeste Paulista (EENP), and a comparison of the list of species recorded in this work with those reported for other fragments of São Paulo state. The EENP (20º48'36'' S and 49º22'50'' W) is at 468 m of altitude and comprises an area of 168,43 ha, divided into three fragments of vegetation. Samples of lianas were collected in the interior and along the edges of the forest fragments. It was identified 105 species: 99 Magnoliopsida (60 genera and 22 families); six Liliopsida (three genera and three families). The richest families in species comprised 59% of the total of lianas sampled. The dendrogram of similarity showed a low similarity between the forest situated in the littoral (Atlantic Forest) and those located in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Some other authors, also analysing the similarity of forest of the interior and Atlantic Forest of São Paulo state, but considering only the trees reported similar result.


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Dahlstedtia Malme (Leguminosae) is a neotropical genus, native to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, and comprises two species, D. pinnata (Benth.) Malme and D. pentaphylla (Taub.) Burk., although it has been considered a monotypic genus by some authors. Leaf anatomy was compared to verify the presence of anatomical characters to help delimit species. Foliar primordium, leaflet, petiolule, petiole and pulvinus were collected from cultivated plants (Campinas, SP, Brazil) and from natural populations (Picinguaba, Ubatuba and Caraguatatuba, SP, Brazil - D. pinnata; Antonina, PR, Brazil - D. pentaphylla). Studies on leaflet surface assessment (Scanning Electron Microscopy), as well as histology and venation analyses were carried out of dehydrated, fresh and fixed material from two species. Leaflet material was macerated for stomatal counts. Histological sections, obtained by free-hand cut or microtome, were stained with Toluidine Blue, Safranin/Alcian Blue, Ferric Chloride, Acid Phloroglucin. Secretory cavities are present in the lamina, petiolule, petiole, pulvinus and leaf primordium in D. pentaphylla, but not in D. pinnata, and can be considered an important character for species diagnosis. Other leaf characters were uninformative in delimiting Dahlstedtia species. There is cambial activity in the petiolule, petiole and pulvinus. This study, associated with other available data, supports the recognition of two species in Dahlstedtia.


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The purpose of this study was to conduct an exploratory factorial analysis of Problems in School, a teachers' motivational styles evaluation instrument, constructed by Deci et al. The original instrument is in a Likert-scale format with the underlying assumption of the existence of a continuum of four different styles contributing to promote students' autonomy. Translated into portuguese, the instrument was applied to 582 elementary and junior high school teachers from several regions of Brazil. Factorial analyses revealed a solution with four orthogonal distinct factors, the authors' initial supposition (existence of a continuum) was not confirmed. In fact, only two opposite styles (both high promotion of autonomy and of control) corresponded to the Deci et al. original ideas. Problems regarding the validity of the other remaining styles emerged. Data was discussed and a revised version of the scale was developed. Directions for further research were also suggested.


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This article deals with the theme of teacher training from the historical and theoretical perspectives. In the first part, the historical focus is introduced and the trajectory of teacher training in Brazil is examined, dividing it into six periods beginning with the passing of the Law of Schools of First Letters in 1827 and closing with the promulgation of the new law for national education in 1996. The second part deals with theoretical aspects, considering the two basic models of teacher training, their implications for the training of teachers of primary and pre-school education, the dilemma resulting from the contraposition between the two models and the way for overcoming it and concluding with observations on the training of teachers for special education.


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This text which discusses the central theme of the National Conference on Education (CONAE), held in Brasília from 28th March to 1st April 2010, deals with the concept of a National System of Education in articulation with the National Plan of Education. To that end, after pointing to the basic uses of the concept of system, it discusses the question of the National System of Education exploring the federative question in order to reveal the complete compatibility of the organization of the National System of Education with the federative regime. Thereafter, it deals with the historical meaning of the National Plan of Education demonstrating that the plan is a demand of the system, since planned action is implicit in systematized education. Thus the National Plan of Education is fulfilling those goals and objectives for which it is responsible.


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The theme of human formation is at the centre of the philosophy of education, whose aim is precisely the process of human promotion brought about by education. Starting from the critical vigilance proper to philosophy, the text sketches a phenomenology of the present time, verifying that the ideas prevailing in education at present are centred on the critique of reason and on the notions of truth and objectivity. This neo-pragmatism, which in the attempt to oppose metaphysics becomes deeply metaphysical, reducing everything to language, is contested by the authors with Marx's thoughts as a historicising philosophy that concerns not abstract subjects, but real individuals, historical subjects that are constituted as a synthesis of social relations. To that end, the authors resort to the historical ontological reflection on human formation contained in Marx's Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844. The article concludes by defending the proposition that access to the classics is a necessary condition for human formation.


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The work aims to present an overview of social movements in actuality, in the Latin America, and presents a mapping of their main forms in Brazil. The search ponders the educational character of their actions, both for its participants, as for society in general and public agencies. The basic premise of assertion that social movements are sources of innovation and knowledge-generating arrays. However, because it is not an isolated process but social-political character, the paper search joints in the network of relationships that establish movements in political, economic and socio-cultural country, to understand the factors that generate learning built and values of political culture that are being built. . The text highlights movements that occurs in the areas of education - formal and non-formal education.