986 resultados para Autonomous surface vehicles
Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that exposure to fine particles is associated to adverse health effects, including cancer, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. However, mechanisms by which particles induce health effects remain unclear. According to one of the most investigated hypotheses, particles cause adverse effects through the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are very hazardous compounds able to attack directly biological structures, including the DNA strand or the lipid bilayer of the cells. If the defense mechanisms, constituted of antioxidants, are not able to counter ROS, then these compounds will cause in the body a range of oxidation reactions called "oxidative stress". The aim of the present research project was to better understand mechanisms by which exposure to fine particles induces oxidative stress. The first point of this project was to check whether exposure to high levels of fine particles is directly linked to oxidative stress, and whether this oxidative stress is accompanied by the activation of the defense mechanisms (antioxidants). The second point was to study the role played by the particle surface characteristics in the oxidative stress process. For that purpose, a study was conducted in bus depots with the participation of 40 mechanics. First, occupational exposure to particles (PM4) and to other pollutants (NOx, O3) was measured over a two-day period. Then, urine samples of mechanics were collected in order to measure levels of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine (8OHdG) and antioxidants. 8OHdG is a molecule formed by the oxidation of DNA and allowing to assess the oxidative stress status of the mechanics. Finally, particles were collected on filters, and functional groups located on the particle surface were analyzed in the laboratory using a Knudsen flow reactor. This technique allows not only to quantify functional groups on the particle surface, but also to measure the reaction kinetics. Results obtained during the field campaign in bus depots showed that mechanics were exposed to rather low levels of PM4 (20-85 μg/m3) and of pollutants (NOx: 100-1000 ppb; O3: <15 ppb). However, despite this low exposure, urinary levels of the oxidative stress biomarker (8OHdG) increased significantly for non-smoking workers over a two-day period of shift. This oxidative stress was accompanied by an increase of antioxidants, indicating the activation of defense mechanisms. On the other hand, the analysis of functional groups on the particle surface showed important differences, depending on the workplace, the date and the activities of workers. The particle surface contained simultaneously antagonistic functional groups which did not undergo internal reactions (such as acids and bases), and was usually characterized by a high density of carbonyl functions and a low density of acidic sites. Reaction kinetics measured using the Knudsen flow reactor pointed out fast reactions of oxidizable groups and slow reactions of acidic sites. Several exposure parameters were significantly correlated with the increase of the oxidative stress status: the presence of acidic sites, carbonyl functions and oxidizable groups on the particle surface; reaction kinetics of functional groups on the particle surface; particulate iron and copper concentrations; and NOx concentration.
En aquest projecte s'ha dissenyat un sistema informàtic per controlar els esdeveniments produïts per vehicles en zones de trànsit restringit i zones de càrrega i descàrrega. La tecnologia utilitzada és RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Vehicles). Pel que fa al maquinari del projecte, s'ha desenvolupat un sistema a partir d'una placa amb un microcontrolador. Amb aquesta placa es simulen els esdeveniments i s'envien a una màquina amb estructura PC via port Sèrie. Finalment, aquesta màquina processa els esdeveniments rebuts, i els envia a través de la xarxa Ethernet a un servidor central. Pel que fa al programari del projecte, s'ha dissenyat una aplicació web amb llenguatge PHP que processarà les dades rebudes des de la màquina via Ethernet. Un cop l'aplicació rep les dades dels esdeveniments, aquesta s'encarrega d'introduir-les a la base de dades, de manera que aquesta es mantingui actualitzada en tot moment. A més, aquesta aplicació ha de permetre consultar totes les dades sobre els esdeveniments produïts, de manera que es guardi un historial d'aquests
A cultivation-independent approach based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified partial small subunit rRNA genes was used to characterize bacterial populations in the surface soil of a commercial pear orchard consisting of different pear cultivars during two consecutive growing seasons. Pyrus communis L. cvs Blanquilla, Conference, and Williams are among the most widely cultivated cultivars in Europe and account for the majority of pear production in Northeastern Spain. To assess the heterogeneity of the community structure in response to environmental variables and tree phenology, bacterial populations were examined using PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) followed by cluster analysis of the 16S ribosomal DNA profiles by means of the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means. Similarity analysis of the band patterns failed to identify characteristic fingerprints associated with the pear cultivars. Both environmentally and biologically based principal-component analyses showed that the microbial communities changed significantly throughout the year depending on temperature and, to a lesser extent, on tree phenology and rainfall. Prominent DGGE bands were excised and sequenced to gain insight into the identities of the predominant bacterial populations. Most DGGE band sequences were related to bacterial phyla, such as Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Acidobacteria, Proteobacteria, Nitrospirae, and Gemmatimonadetes, previously associated with typical agronomic crop environments
The energy and hardness profile for a series of inter and intramolecular conformational changes at several levels of calculation were computed. The hardness profiles were found to be calculated as the difference between the vertical ionization potential and electron affinity. The hardness profile shows the correct number of stationary points independently of the basis set and methodology used. It was found that the hardness profiles can be used to check the reliability of the energy profiles for those chemical system
Les actuacions de bombers en operatius d'extinció d'incendis, habitualment es fan per inèrcies històriques. Ara, si diem: “Per a l'extinció d'un incendi de un vehicle heu d'estacionar l’autobomba a una certa distància, pendent amunt i a contravent, refrigerar a distància el vehicle amb con d'atac, i evitar els extrems del vehicle”, segurament més d'un pensarà o expressarà en veu alta “Això deu ser una broma, oi? Si hem estat apagant cotxes cada dia a la nostra manera… quin és el problema?". Bé, doncs n’hi ha uns quants, de problemes. Podem considerar un incendi en un vehicle com una bomba de temps amb un ble que s'encén abans de l'arribada de la dotació de bombers. Les actuacions inicials en aquests incendis han de centrar-se en la desactivació d'aquesta metxa. Els incendis en vehicles presenten una múltiple varietat perills reals. Els canvis en el disseny i la construcció d'automòbils exigeixen un canvi en la manera com els serveis de bombers s’enfronten als incendis de vehicles. Els nous materials i components incorporats a la indústria automobilística s'han traduït en un millor rendiment, una major economia de combustible, una millor resistència al xoc i en una reducció de les emissions de gasos. Malauradament, alguns d'aquests mateixos materials i components fan que l’extinció d’un automòbil modern sigui més difícil i perillosa que en vehicles més vells. En l’actualitat, un incendi d’un vehicle comporta més fums, més toxicitat, més temperatura, elements sotmesos a pressió, risc de projecció d’elements i la possibilitat d’energies alternatives... en definitiva, molts més riscos. Per donar una resposta adequada a aquest augment del risc, organitzativament cal augmentar les mesures preventives de seguretat, i operativament cal una estratègia d’extinció més cautelosa, tàctiques menys agressives i un major nivell de protecció personal.
It is well established that Notch signaling plays a critical role at multiple stages of T cell development and activation. However, detailed analysis of the cellular and molecular events associated with Notch signaling in T cells is hampered by the lack of reagents that can unambiguously measure cell surface Notch receptor expression. Using novel rat mAbs directed against the extracellular domains of Notch1 and Notch2, we find that Notch1 is already highly expressed on common lymphoid precursors in the bone marrow and remains at high levels during intrathymic maturation of CD4(-)CD8(-) thymocytes. Notch1 is progressively down-regulated at the CD4(+)CD8(+) and mature CD4(+) or CD8(+) thymic stages and is expressed at low levels on peripheral T cells. Immunofluorescence staining of thymus cryosections further revealed a localization of Notch1(+)CD25(-) cells adjacent to the thymus capsule. Notch1 was up-regulated on peripheral T cells following activation in vitro with anti-CD3 mAbs or infection in vivo with lymphocytic chorio-meningitis virus or Leishmania major. In contrast to Notch1, Notch2 was expressed at intermediate levels on common lymphoid precursors and CD117(+) early intrathymic subsets, but disappeared completely at subsequent stages of T cell development. However, transient up-regulation of Notch2 was also observed on peripheral T cells following anti-CD3 stimulation. Collectively our novel mAbs reveal a dynamic regulation of Notch1 and Notch2 surface expression during T cell development and activation. Furthermore they provide an important resource for future analysis of Notch receptors in various tissues including the hematopoietic system.
The expression of Ia-associated human Invariant (In) chain glycoproteins was studied in the Raji B cells as well as in their RJ 2.2.5 Ia-negative derived variant cells by using a specific rabbit anti-human In chain antiserum. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of immunoprecipitates from either biosynthetically labeled or surface labeled cells were analyzed. In addition, flow microfluorometric analysis of stained cells was performed. The results indicate that the In chain is constitutively produced in the Ia-negative B cell variant. Moreover, it appears that several forms of In chain-related molecules, with different charges and distinct m.w. are equally expressed in Ia-positive and Ia-negative B cells. Finally, no evidence could be obtained that the In molecular family was expressed on the cell surface of Ia-positive Raji and Ia-negative RJ 2.2.5 cells.
Una de les solucions per a minimitzar els costos de producció o d'emmagatzematge és automatitzarne la logística interna. Per dissenyar les aplicacions corresponents és convenient poder validar-les amb un prototipatge. Això ha motivat la realització d'aquest projecte, on s'ha obtingut un prototip d'AGV (automated guided vehicle) que rep les ordres per Bluetooth i, mitjançant uns infrarojos per poder seguir unes línies al terra, és capaç d'anar des del punt inicial fins on se li ha encarregat i tornar al punt inicial. Aquest vehicle pot servir de base per a la implementació d'AGV orientats a aplicacions reals i, per tant, per a la construcció de sistemes més grans i que poden ser utilitzats en plantes de producció, laboratoris, magatzems, ports i d'altres aplicacions diverses.
Federal and state policy makers increasingly emphasize the need to reduce highway crash rates. This emphasis is demonstrated in Iowa’s recently released draft Iowa Strategic Highway Safety Plan and by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s placement of “improved transportation safety” at the top of its list of strategic goals. Thus, finding improved methods to enhance highway safety has become a top priority at highway agencies. The objective of this project is to develop tools and procedures by which Iowa engineers can identify potentially hazardous roadway locations and designs, and to demonstrate the utility of these tools by developing candidate lists of high crash locations in the State. An initial task, building an integrated database to facilitate the tools and procedures, is an important product, in and of itself. Accordingly, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) Geographic Information Management System (GIMS) and Geographic Information System Accident Analysis and Location System (GIS-ALAS) databases were integrated with available digital imagery. (The GIMS database contains roadway characteristics, e.g., lane width, surface and shoulder type, and traffic volume, for all public roadways. GIS-ALAS records include data, e.g., vehicles, drivers, roadway conditions, and the crash severity, for crashes occurring on public roadways during then past 10 years.)
The purpose of this research project is to study current practices in enhancing visibility and protection of highway maintenance vehicles involved in moving operations such as snow removal and shoulder operations, crack sealing, and pothole patching. The results will enable the maintenance staff to adequately assess the applicability and impact of each strategy to their use and budget. The report’s literature review chapter examines the use of maintenance vehicle warning lights, retroreflective tapes, shadow vehicles and truck-mounted attenuators, and advanced vehicle control systems, as well as other practices to improve visibility for both snowplow operators and vehicles. The chapter concludes that the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices does not specify what color or kind of warning lights to use. Thus, a wide variety of lights are being used on maintenance vehicles. The study of the relevant literatures also suggests that there are no clear guidelines for moving work zones at this time. Two types of surveys were conducted to determine current practices to improve visibility and safety in moving work zones across the country and in the state of Iowa. In the first survey of state departments of transportation, most indicated using amber warning lights on their maintenance vehicles. Almost all the responding states indicated using some form of reflective material on their vehicles to make them more visible. Most participating states indicated that the color of their vehicles is orange. Most states indicated using more warning lights on snow removal vehicles than their other maintenance vehicles. All responding state agencies indicated using shadow vehicles and/or truck-mounted attenuators during their moving operations. In the second survey of Iowa counties, most indicated using very similar traffic control and warning devices during their granular road maintenance and snow removal operations. Mounting warning signs and rotating or strobe lights on the rear of maintenance vehicles is common for Iowa counties. The most common warning devices used during the counties’ snow removal operations are reflective tapes, warning flags, strobe lights, and auxiliary headlamps.
Background: Non-invasive monitoring of respiratory muscle function is an area of increasing research interest, resulting in the appearance of new monitoring devices, one of these being piezoelectric contact sensors. The present study was designed to test whether the use of piezoelectric contact (non-invasive) sensors could be useful in respiratory monitoring, in particular in measuring the timing of diaphragmatic contraction.Methods: Experiments were performed in an animal model: three pentobarbital anesthetized mongrel dogs. The motion of the thoracic cage was acquired by means of a piezoelectric contact sensor placed on the costal wall. This signal is compared with direct measurements of the diaphragmatic muscle length, made by sonomicrometry. Furthermore, to assess the diaphragmatic function other respiratory signals were acquired: respiratory airflow and transdiaphragmatic pressure. Diaphragm contraction time was estimated with these four signals. Using diaphragm length signal as reference, contraction times estimated with the other three signals were compared with the contraction time estimated with diaphragm length signal.Results: The contraction time estimated with the TM signal tends to give a reading 0.06 seconds lower than the measure made with the DL signal (-0.21 and 0.00 for FL and DP signals, respectively), with a standard deviation of 0.05 seconds (0.08 and 0.06 for FL and DP signals, respectively). Correlation coefficients indicated a close link between time contraction estimated with TM signal and contraction time estimated with DL signal (a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.98, a reliability coefficient of 0.95, a slope of 1.01 and a Spearman's rank-order coefficient of 0.98). In general, correlation coefficients and mean and standard deviation of the difference were better in the inspiratory load respiratory test than in spontaneous ventilation tests.Conclusion: The technique presented in this work provides a non-invasive method to assess the timing of diaphragmatic contraction in canines, using a piezoelectric contact sensor placed on the costal wall.
Cutinized and suberized cell walls form physiological important plant-environment interfaces as they act as barriers limiting water and nutrient loss and protect from radiation and invasion by pathogens. Due to the lack of protocols for the isolation and analysis of cutin and suberin in Arabidopsis, the model plant for molecular biology, mutants and transgenic plants with a defined altered cutin or suberin composition are unavailable, causing that structure and function of these apoplastic barriers are still poorly understood. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed that Arabidopsis leaf cuticle thickness ranges from only 22 nm in leaf blades to 45 nm on petioles, causing the difficulty in cuticular membrane isolation. We report the use of polysaccharide hydrolases to isolate Arabidopsis cuticular membranes, suitable for depolymerization and subsequent compositional analysis. Although cutin characteristic omega-hydroxy acids (7%) and mid-chain hydroxylated fatty acids (8%) were detected, the discovery of alpha,omega-diacids (40%) and 2-hydroxy acids (14%) as major depolymerization products reveals a so far novel monomer composition in Arabidopsis cutin, but with chemical analogy to root suberin. Histochemical and TEM analysis revealed that suberin depositions were localized to the cell walls in the endodermis of primary roots and the periderm of mature roots of Arabidopsis. Enzyme digested and solvent extracted root cell walls when subjected to suberin depolymerization conditions released omega-hydroxy acids (43%) and alpha,omega-diacids (24%) as major components together with carboxylic acids (9%), alcohols (6%) and 2-hydroxyacids (0.1%). This similarity to suberin of other species indicates that Arabidopsis roots can serve as a model for suberized tissue in general.
One of the most important issues in portland cement concrete pavement research today is surface characteristics. The issue is one of balancing surface texture construction with the need for durability, skid resistance, and noise reduction. The National Concrete Pavement Technology Center at Iowa State University, in conjunction with the Federal Highway Administration, American Concrete Pavement Association, International Grinding and Grooving Association, Iowa Highway Research Board, and other states, have entered into a three-part National Surface Characteristics Program to resolve the balancing problem. As a portion of Part 2, this report documents the construction of 18 separate pavement surfaces for use in the first level of testing for the national project. It identifies the testing to be done and the limitations observed in the construction process. The results of the actual tests will be included in the subsequent national study reports.