815 resultados para Autogenous grinding.
The demand of energy, fuels and chemicals is increasing due to the strong growth of some countries in the developing world and the development of the world economy. Unfortunately, the general picture derived sparked an exponential increase in crude oil prices with a consequent increase of the chemical, by-products and energy, depleting the global market. Nowadays biomass are the most promising alternative to fossil fuels for the production of chemicals and fuels. In this work, the development of three different catalytic processes for the valorization of biomass-derived has been investigated. 5-hydroxymethylfurfural oxidation was studied under mild reaction condition using gold and gold/copper based catalysts synthetized from pre-formed nanoparticles and supported onto TiO2 and CeO2. The analysis conducted on catalysts showed the formation of alloys gold/copper and a strong synergistic effect between the two metals. For this reason the bimetallic catalysts supported on titania showed a higher catalytic activity respect to the monometallic catalysts. The process for the production of 2,5-bishydroxymethyl furan (BHMF) was also optimized by means the 5-hydroxymethylfurfural hydrogenation using the Shvo complex. Complete conversion of HMF was achieved working at 90 °C and 10 bar of hydrogen. The complex was found to be re-usable for at least three catalytic cycles without suffering any type of deactivation. Finally, the hydrogenation of furfural and HMF was carried out, developing the process of hydrogen transfer by using MgO as a catalyst and methanol as a hydrogen donor. Quantitative yields to alcohols have been achieved in a few hours working in mild condition: 160 °C and at autogenous pressure. The only by-products formed were light products such as CO, CO2 and CH4 (products derived from methanol transformation), easily separable from the reaction solution depressurizing the reactor.
In this thesis, new advances in the development of spectroscopic based methods for the characterization of heritage materials have been achieved. As concern FTIR spectroscopy new approaches aimed at exploiting near and far IR region for the characterization of inorganic or organic materials have been tested. Paint cross-section have been analysed by FTIR spectroscopy in the NIR range and an “ad hoc” chemometric approach has been developed for the elaboration of hyperspectral maps. Moreover, a new method for the characterization of calcite based on the use of grinding curves has been set up both in MIR and in FAR region. Indeed, calcite is a material widely applied in cultural heritage, and this spectroscopic approach is an efficient and rapid tool to distinguish between different calcite samples. Different enhanced vibrational techniques for the characterisation of dyed fibres have been tested. First a SEIRA (Surface Enhanced Infra-Red Absorption) protocol has been optimised allowing the analysis of colorant micro-extracts thanks to the enhancement produced by the addition of gold nanoparticles. These preliminary studies permitted to identify a new enhanced FTIR method, named ATR/RAIRS, which allowed to reach lower detection limits. Regarding Raman microscopy, the research followed two lines, which have in common the aim of avoiding the use of colloidal solutions. AgI based supports obtained after deposition on a gold-coated glass slides have been developed and tested spotting colorant solutions. A SERS spectrum can be obtained thanks to the photoreduction, which the laser may induce on the silver salt. Moreover, these supports can be used for the TLC separation of a mixture of colorants and the analyses by means of both Raman/SERS and ATR-RAIRS can be successfully reached. Finally, a photoreduction method for the “on fiber” analysis of colorant without the need of any extraction have been optimised.
Durch den Straßenbau an der Bundesstraße B3a veranlasst, wurden im Zeitraum vom 13.08.2007 bis zum 07.12.2007 archäologische Untersuchungen im Bereich der Streckenkilometer 19 bis 22 durch die Firma Archbau Essen, unter Kontrolle des Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege Hessen und der Kreisarchäologie Wetteraukreis durchgeführt. Bei km 19 wurde dabei eine Siedlung mit angrenzendem Gräberfeld aus der Linienbandkeramik (im Folgenden als LBK bezeichnet) festgestellt. Daneben ergaben sich eine Bestattung und ein Erdwerk der Michelsberger Kultur, Grubenkomplexe und ein Bronzehort aus der Urnenfelderkultur sowie eine mittelalterliche Straße.Heute liegt die Fundstelle Friedberg B3a km 19 in der südlichen Wetterau 30 km nördlich von Frankfurt am Main in Hessen an der Wetter 140 m über NN und gehört zum Wetteraukreis. rnDie 21 ha messende Ausgrabungsfläche umfasste insgesamt 344 Befunde. Die Identifikation der bandkeramischen Strukturen erfolgte hierbei vorwiegend durch die vergesellschaftete Keramik. Von zentraler Bedeutung sind die fünf Hausgrundrisse A bis E im nördlichen Sektor der Fundstelle, wobei die Präsenz zahlreicher „Dreipfostenriegel“ sowie die Nordost-Südwest Ausrichtung der Strukturen als Belege für eine Zeitstellung innerhalb der LBK angesehen werden. Über die Korrespondenzanalyse der bei den Siedlungsstrukturen angetroffenen Keramik konnte darüber hinaus eine Abfolge von Hausgenerationen erstellt werden. Daneben existierten eine Reihe weiterer Befunde von LBK-zeitlichen Pfostenstellungen, bei denen es sich um Zäune oder Palisaden gehandelt haben könnte. Südwestlich dieser Hausgrundrisse wurde bei den Ausgrabungen eine Grabenstruktur geschnitten, für die eine Funktion als Einfassung der bandkeramischen Siedlungsstrukturen möglich ist. Südlich dieser Grabenstruktur konnten sechs Hockerbestattungen der LBK festgestellt werden. Die räumliche Anordnung im Bereich der westlichen Grabungsgrenze lässt den Schluss zu, dass es sich hierbei um ein Gräberfeld handelt, welches bisher nur zu einem geringen Teil ergraben wurde. Ein Zusammenhang zu den Hausgrundrissen A bis E kann erwogen werden. Der nördliche Sektor der Fundstelle umfasste außerdem zahlreiche Grubenbefunde der LBK sowie einige Grubenkomplexe, wobei letztere als Lehmentnahmegruben anzusprechen sind. Abschließend soll hier noch auf die Existenz zweier bandkeramischer Öfen, darunter ein Grubenofen, im Südosten von Friedberg B3a km 19 hingewiesen werden. rnDen mit Abstand größten Anteil am bandkeramischen Fundmaterial aus Friedberg B3 km 19 hatte die Keramik mit 3428 Elementen. An Steingeräten konnten nur 12 Silices sowie 4 Beile und 14 Mahlsteine über die Typologie und die vergesellschaftete Keramik in die LBK eingeordnet werden. Bei den Knochengeräten zeigte sich ein einzelner beschädigter Kamm. Der Fokus der Analysen des bandkeramischen Fundmaterials aus Friedberg B3a km 19 lag auf der Keramik und deren Auswertung innerhalb von Seriation und Korrespondenzanalyse. Um den Untersuchungen mehr Validität zu verleihen und eine optimale Einordnung zu erreichen, wurden die Keramik-Daten aus Friedberg B3a km 19 mit anderen Datensätzen aus Südhessen kombiniert. Dabei war nicht nur die räumliche Nähe der Fundstellen entscheidend, sondern auch die stilistisch-typologische Nähe der Inventare. In Friedberg B3a km 19 waren die Phasen nach Meier-Arendt von einem frühen III bis zum Ende der Phase V anwesend. Phase II kann nur als marginal angesprochen werden. Es ließ sich kein Übergang zum Mittelneolithikum fassen. Nach der Interpretation aller relativchronologischer Daten könnte es sich in Friedberg B3a km 19 um eine Hausentwicklung mit sieben Phasen à 25 Jahren über 175 bis zu 200 Jahren handeln, die eine kontinuierliche Belegung des Platzes von der mittleren bis zum Ende der jüngsten LBK beschreibt. Insgesamt pflegt sich die Fundstelle Friedberg B3a km 19 so in die bandkeramische Siedlungslandschaft der südlichen Wetterau ein.
Background: Autogenous bone grafts obtained by different harvesting techniques behave differently during the process of graft consolidation; the underlying reasons are however not fully understood. One theory is that harvesting techniques have an impact on the number and activity of the transplanted cells which contribute to the process of graft consolidation. Materials and Methods: To test this assumption, porcine bone grafts were harvested with four different surgical procedures: bone mill, piezosurgery, bone drilling (bone slurry), and bone scraper. After determining cell viability, the release of molecules affecting bone formation and resorption was assessed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunoassay. The mitogenic and osteogenic activity of the conditioned media was evaluated in a bioassay with isolated bone cells. Results: Cell viability and the release of molecules affecting bone formation were higher in samples harvested by bone mill and bone scraper when compared with samples prepared by bone drilling and piezosurgery. The harvesting procedure also affected gene expression, for example, bone mill and bone scraper samples revealed significantly higher expression of growth factors such as bone morphogenetic protein-2 and vascular endothelial growth factor compared with the two other modalities. Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand expression was lowest in bone scraper samples. Conclusion: These data can provide a scientific basis to better understand the impact of harvesting techniques on the number and activity of transplanted cells, which might contribute to the therapeutic outcome of the augmentation procedure.
SUMMARY The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of surface roughness on surface hardness (Vickers; VHN), elastic modulus (EM), and flexural strength (FLS) of two computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) ceramic materials. One hundred sixty-two samples of VITABLOCS Mark II (VMII) and 162 samples of IPS Empress CAD (IPS) were ground according to six standardized protocols producing decreasing surface roughnesses (n=27/group): grinding with 1) silicon carbide (SiC) paper #80, 2) SiC paper #120, 3) SiC paper #220, 4) SiC paper #320, 5) SiC paper #500, and 6) SiC paper #1000. Surface roughness (Ra/Rz) was measured with a surface roughness meter, VHN and EM with a hardness indentation device, and FLS with a three-point bending test. To test for a correlation between surface roughness (Ra/Rz) and VHN, EM, or FLS, Spearman rank correlation coefficients were calculated. The decrease in surface roughness led to an increase in VHN from (VMII/IPS; medians) 263.7/256.5 VHN to 646.8/601.5 VHN, an increase in EM from 45.4/41.0 GPa to 66.8/58.4 GPa, and an increase in FLS from 49.5/44.3 MPa to 73.0/97.2 MPa. For both ceramic materials, Spearman rank correlation coefficients showed a strong negative correlation between surface roughness (Ra/Rz) and VHN or EM and a moderate negative correlation between Ra/Rz and FLS. In conclusion, a decrease in surface roughness generally improved the mechanical properties of the CAD/CAM ceramic materials tested. However, FLS was less influenced by surface roughness than expected.
This study evaluated (1) the micromorphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and (2) the adhesive performance by microtensile bond strength (μTBS) of diamond bur-treated dentin compared to Er:YAG laser-treated dentin of human primary teeth. (1) For qualitative SEM evaluation, dentin of 18 second primary molars (n = 3/method) was treated with either diamond bur as a control (group 1a: 40 μm diamond bur only (clinical situation); group 1b: grinding+ 40 μm diamond bur) or with Er:YAG laser (group 2a (clinical situation, manufacturer's settings): 200 mJ/25 Hz (5 W) + 100 mJ/35 Hz (3.5 W) laser only; group 2b (experimental setting "high"): grinding+ 400 mJ/20 Hz (8 W); group 2c (manufacturer's setting "finishing"): grinding+ 100 mJ/35 Hz (3.5 W); group 2d (experimental setting "low"): grinding+ 50 mJ/35 Hz (1.75 W)). (2) For evaluation of adhesive performance, 64 second primary molars were divided into four groups and treated as described for group 1b and groups 2b/c/d (n = 16/method), and μTBS of Clearfil SE/Clearfil Majesty Esthetic to dentin was measured. The SEM micrographs were qualitatively analyzed. The μTBS values were compared with a Kruskal-Wallis test. The significance level was set at α = 0.05. SEM micrographs showed the typical micromorphologies with a smear layer for the diamond bur groups and open dentin tubules for all laser-treated groups. However, in group 2d, the laser beam had insufficiently irradiated the dentin area, rendering the underlying ground surface partly visible. There were no statistically significant differences between μTBS values of the four groups (p = 0.394). This suggests that Er:YAG laser treatment of dentin of primary molars provides bond strengths similar to those obtained following diamond bur treatment.
OBJECTIVE: The purpose was to qualitatively and quantitatively compare the bone formation and graft resorption of two different bone substitutes used in both orthopedic and oral surgery, with autogenous bone as a positive control. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three standardized bone defects were prepared in both mandibular angles of 12 adult minipigs. The defects were grafted with either autograft, anorganic bovine bone (ABB), or synthetic beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP). Sacrifice was performed after 1, 2, 4, and 8 weeks for histologic and histomorphometric analysis. RESULTS: At 2 weeks, more new bone formation was seen in defects filled with autograft than with ABB (P approximately 0.0005) and beta-TCP (P approximately 0.002). After 4 weeks, there was no significant difference between beta-TCP and the two other materials. Defects grafted with ABB still exhibited less bone formation as compared with autograft (P approximately 0.004). At 8 weeks, more bone formation was observed in defects grafted with autograft (P approximately 0.003) and beta-TCP (P approximately 0.00004) than with ABB. No difference could be demonstrated between beta-TCP and autograft. beta-TCP resorbed almost completely over 8 weeks, whereas ABB remained stable. CONCLUSION: Both bone substitutes seemed to decelerate bone regeneration in the early healing phase as compared with autograft. All defects ultimately regenerated with newly formed bone and a developing bone marrow. The grafting materials showed complete osseous integration. Both bone substitutes may have a place in reconstructive surgery where different clinical indications require differences in biodegradability.
Autogenous iliac crest has long served as the gold standard for anterior lumbar arthrodesis although added morbidity results from the bone graft harvest. Therefore, femoral ring allograft, or cages, have been used to decrease the morbidity of iliac crest bone harvesting. More recently, an experimental study in the animal showed that harvesting local bone from the anterior vertebral body and replacing the void by a radio-opaque beta-tricalcium phosphate plug was a valid concept. However, such a concept precludes theoretically the use of posterior pedicle screw fixation. At one institution a consecutive series of 21 patients underwent single- or multiple-level circumferential lumbar fusion with anterior cages and posterior pedicle screws. All cages were filled with cancellous bone harvested from the adjacent vertebral body, and the vertebral body defect was filled with a beta-tricalcium phosphate plug. The indications for surgery were failed conservative treatment of a lumbar degenerative disc disease or spondylolisthesis. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to report on the surgical technique, operative feasibility, safety, benefits, and drawbacks of this technique with our primary clinical experience. An independent researcher reviewed all data that had been collected prospectively from the onset of the study. The average age of the patients was 39.9 (26-57) years. Bone grafts were successfully harvested from 28 vertebral bodies in all but one patient whose anterior procedure was aborted due to difficulty in freeing the left common iliac vein. This case was converted to a transforaminal interbody fusion (TLIF). There was no major vascular injury. Blood loss of the anterior procedure averaged 250 ml (50-350 ml). One tricalcium phosphate bone plug was broken during its insertion, and one endplate was broken because of wrong surgical technique, which did not affect the final outcome. One patient had a right lumbar plexopathy that was not related to this special technique. There was no retrograde ejaculation, infection or pseudoarthrosis. One patient experienced a deep venous thrombosis. At the last follow up (mean 28 months) all patients had a solid lumbar spine fusion. At the 6-month follow up, the pain as assessed on the visual analog scale (VAS) decreased from 6.9 to 4.5 (33% decrease), and the Oswestry disability index (ODI) reduced from 48.0 to 31.7 with a 34% reduction. However, at 2 years follow up there was a trend for increase in the ODI (35) and VAS (5). The data in this study suggest that harvesting a cylinder of autograft from the adjacent vertebral body is safe and efficient. Filling of the void defect with a beta-tricalcium phosphate plug does not preclude the use of posterior pedicle screw stabilization.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) provide an important source of pluripotent cells for musculoskeletal tissue repair. This study examined the impact of MSC implantation on cartilage healing characteristics in a large animal model. Twelve full-thickness 15-mm cartilage lesions in the femoropatellar articulations of six young mature horses were repaired by injection of a self-polymerizing autogenous fibrin vehicle containing mesenchymal stem cells, or autogenous fibrin alone in control joints. Arthroscopic second look and defect biopsy was obtained at 30 days, and all animals were euthanized 8 months after repair. Cartilage repair tissue and surrounding cartilage were assessed by histology, histochemistry, collagen type I and type II immunohistochemistry, collagen type II in situ hybridization, and matrix biochemical assays. Arthroscopic scores for MSC-implanted defects were significantly improved at the 30-day arthroscopic assessment. Biopsy showed MSC-implanted defects contained increased fibrous tissue with several defects containing predominantly type II collagen. Long-term assessment revealed repair tissue filled grafted and control lesions at 8 months, with no significant difference between stem cell-treated and control defects. Collagen type II and proteoglycan content in MSC-implanted and control defects were similar. Mesenchymal stem cell grafts improved the early healing response, but did not significantly enhance the long-term histologic appearance or biochemical composition of full-thickness cartilage lesions.
OBJECTIVE: A novel biphasic calcium phosphate (CaP) granulate consisting of hydroxyapatite (HA) and beta-tricalciumphosphate (TCP) was compared with pure HA and pure TCP and with autograft as positive control. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four standardized bone defects were prepared in both mandibular angles of 16 minipigs and grafted with autogenous bone chips, HA, HA/TCP (60% : 40%), or TCP. Histologic and histomorphometric analysis of bone formation and graft degradation followed healing periods of 2, 4, 8, and 24 weeks. RESULTS: 2 weeks: more bone formation in defects filled with autograft than with the three CaP materials (P<0.05). 4 weeks: bone formation differed significantly (P<0.05) between all four materials (autograft>TCP>HA/TCP>HA). 8 weeks: more bone formation in defects with autograft and TCP than with HA/TCP (P<0.05), and HA/TCP had more bone formation than HA (P<0.05). 24 weeks: no difference in bone formation between the groups. Autograft and TCP resorbed quickly and almost completely over 8 weeks, whereas HA/TCP and HA showed limited degradation over 24 weeks. CONCLUSION: All defects healed with mature lamellar bone and intimate contact between bone and the remaining graft material. The rate of bone formation corresponded to the content of TCP in the CaP materials.
INTRODUCTION: Autogenous bone is the most successful bone-grafting material; however, multiple disadvantages continue to drive developments of improved methods for bone regeneration. AIM: The aim of the present study was to test the hypothesis that an arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD) modified polyethylene glycol-based matrix (PEG) containing covalently bound peptides of the parathyroid hormone (PTH(1-34)) enhances bone regeneration to a degree similar to autogenous bone. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Six American foxhounds received a total of 48 cylindrical titanium implants placed in the mandible between the first premolar and the second molar. Five, respectively, 7 months following tooth extraction, implants were placed into the center of surgically created defects. This resulted in a circumferential bone defect simulating an alveolar defect with a circular gap of 1.5 mm. Four treatment modalities were randomly allocated to the four defects per side: (1) PEG-matrix containing 20 microg/ml of PTH(1-34), and 350 microg/ml cys-RGD peptide, (2) PEG alone, (3) autogenous bone and (4) empty defects. Histomorphometric analysis was performed 4 and 12 weeks after implantation. The area fraction of newly formed bone was determined within the former defect and the degree of bone-to-implant contact (BIC) was evaluated both in the defect region and in the apical region of the implant. For statistical analysis ANOVA and subsequent pairwise Student's t-test were applied. RESULTS: Healing was uneventful and all implants were histologically integrated. Histomorphometric analysis after 4 weeks showed an average area fraction of newly formed bone of 41.7+/-1.8% for matrix-PTH, 26.6+/-4.1% for PEG alone, 43.9+/-4.5% for autogenous bone, and 28.9+/-1.5% for empty defects. After 12 weeks, the respective values were 49.4+/-7.0% for matrix-PTH, 39.3+/-5.7% for PEG alone, 50.5+/-3.4% for autogenous bone and 38.7+/-1.9% for empty defects. Statistical analysis after 4 and 12 weeks revealed significantly more newly formed bone in the PTH(1-34) group compared with PEG alone or empty defects, whereas no difference could be detected against autogenous bone. Regarding BIC no significant difference was observed between the four treatment groups neither at 4 nor at 12 weeks. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that an RGD-modified PEG hydrogel containing PTH(1-34) is an effective matrix system to obtain bone regeneration.
OBJECTIVE: Lateral ridge augmentations are traditionally performed using autogenous bone grafts to support membranes for guided bone regeneration (GBR). The bone-harvesting procedure, however, is accompanied by considerable patient morbidity. AIM: The aim of the present study was to test whether or not resorbable membranes and bone substitutes will lead to successful horizontal ridge augmentation allowing implant installation under standard conditions. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Twelve patients in need of implant therapy participated in this study. They revealed bone deficits in the areas intended for implant placement. Soft tissue flaps were carefully raised and blocks or particles of deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) (Bio-Oss) were placed in the defect area. A collagenous membrane (Bio-Gide) was applied to cover the DBBM and was fixed to the surrounding bone using poly-lactic acid pins. The flaps were sutured to allow for healing by primary intention. RESULTS: All sites in the 12 patients healed uneventfully. No flap dehiscences and no exposures of membranes were observed. Nine to 10 months following augmentation surgery, flaps were raised in order to visualize the outcomes of the augmentation. An integration of the DBBM particles into the newly formed bone was consistently observed. Merely on the surface of the new bone, some pieces of the grafting material were only partly integrated into bone. However, these were not encapsulated by connective tissue but rather anchored into the newly regenerated bone. In all of the cases, but one, the bone volume following regeneration was adequate to place implants in a prosthetically ideal position and according to the standard protocol with complete bone coverage of the surface intended for osseointegration. Before the regenerative procedure, the average crestal bone width was 3.2 mm and to 6.9 mm at the time of implant placement. This difference was statistically significant (P<0.05, Wilcoxon's matched pairs signed-rank test). CONCLUSION: After a healing period of 9-10 months, the combination of DBBM and a collagen membrane is an effective treatment option for horizontal bone augmentation before implant placement.
Percutaneous autologous venous valve transplantation: short-term feasibility study in an ovine model
BACKGROUND: Limited experience with bioprosthetic venous valve percutaneously inserted into femoral veins in 15 patients has been promising in short-term results only to show disappointing long-term results. Percutaneous autogenous venous valve (PAVV) transplantation was explored in an ovine model as a possible alternative treatment. METHODS: PAVV consisted of a vein segment containing a valve that was attached to a stent template. The stent templates (n = 9) were designed and hand made in our research laboratory. They consist of two stainless steel square stents 13 or 15 mm in diameter to fit the ovine jugular veins (JV), which ranges from 10 to 15 mm in diameter. A valve-containing segment of JV was harvested and attached with sutures and barbs inside the stent template (n = 9). The valve devices were then manually folded and front loaded inside the 4 cm chamber of the 13F delivery sheath and delivered into the contralateral JV by femoral vein approach. Transplanted PAVVs were studied by immediate and 3 months venograms. Animals were euthanized at 3 months, and jugular veins harvested to perform angioscopic evaluations in vitro. RESULTS: PAVV transplantation was successful in all nine animals. Good valve function with no reflux was observed on immediate and 3 months venograms in eight valves. The transplanted maximal JV diameter ranged from 10.2 mm to 15.4 mm (mean 13.1 +/- 1.5 mm). Venoscopic examination revealed intact, flexible, nonthickened valve leaflets in eight specimens. One PAVV exhibited normal function of one leaflet only; the other cusp was accidentally cut during the transplantation procedure. All transplanted autologous valves were free of thrombus and incorporated into the vein wall of the host vessel. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that autogenous valve transplants remained patent and competent without long-term anticoagulation for up to 3 months. The percutaneous autogenous venous valve may provide in future minimally invasive treatment for patients with chronic deep venous insufficiency, but long-term studies need to be done to document its continued patency and function.
Vancomycin and gentamicin act synergistically against penicillin-resistant pneumococci in vitro and in experimental rabbit meningitis. The aim of the present study was to investigate the underlying mechanism of this synergism. The intracellular concentration of gentamicin was measured by using the following experimental setting. Bacterial cultures were incubated with either gentamicin alone or gentamicin plus vancomycin for a short period (15 min). The gentamicin concentration was determined before and after grinding of the cultures by using the COBAS INTEGRA fluorescence polarization system (Roche). The grinding efficacies ranged between 44 and 54%, as determined by viable cell counts. In the combination regimen the intracellular concentration of gentamicin increased to 186% compared to that achieved with gentamicin monotherapy. These data suggest that the synergy observed in vivo and in vitro is based on an increased intracellular penetration of the aminoglycoside, probably due to the effect of vancomycin on the permeability of the cell wall.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate the 5-year performance and success rate of titanium screw-type implants with the titanium plasma spray (TPS) or the sand-blasted, large grit, acid-etched (SLA) surface inserted in a two-stage sinus floor elevation (SFE) procedure in the posterior maxilla. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 59 delayed SFEs were performed in 56 patients between January 1997 and December 2001, using a composite graft with autogenous bone chips combined with deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) or synthetic porous beta-tricalcium phosphate (beta-TCP). After a healing period averaging 7.75 months, 111 dental implants were inserted. After an additional 8-14-week healing period, all implants were functionally loaded with cemented crowns or fixed partial dentures. The patients were recalled at 12 and 60 months for clinical and radiographic examination. RESULTS: One patient developed an acute infection in the right maxillary sinus after SFE and did not undergo implant therapy. Two of the 111 inserted implants had to be removed because of a developing atypical facial pain, and 11 implants were lost to follow-up and were considered drop-outs. The remaining 98 implants showed favorable clinical and radiographic findings at the 5-year examination. The peri-implant soft tissues were stable over time; the mean probing depths and mean attachment levels did not change during the follow-up period. The measurement of the bone crest levels (DIB values) indicated stability as well. Based on strict success criteria, all 98 implants were considered successfully integrated, resulting in a 5-year success rate of 98% (for TPS implants 89%, for SLA implants 100%). CONCLUSION: This prospective study assessing the performance of dental implants inserted after SFE demonstrated that titanium implants can achieve and maintain successful tissue integration with high predictability for at least 5 years of follow-up in carefully selected patients.