923 resultados para Augmented Reality, Location Awareness, CSCW, Cooperation,Distributed System
The implementation of competitive electricity markets has changed the consumers’ and distributed generation position power systems operation. The use of distributed generation and the participation in demand response programs, namely in smart grids, bring several advantages for consumers, aggregators, and system operators. The present paper proposes a remuneration structure for aggregated distributed generation and demand response resources. A virtual power player aggregates all the resources. The resources are aggregated in a certain number of clusters, each one corresponding to a distinct tariff group, according to the economic impact of the resulting remuneration tariff. The determined tariffs are intended to be used for several months. The aggregator can define the periodicity of the tariffs definition. The case study in this paper includes 218 consumers, and 66 distributed generation units.
Gradually smart grids and smart meters are closer to the home consumers. Several countries has developed studies focused in the impacts arising from the introduction of these technologies and one of the main advantages are related to energy efficiency, observed through the awareness of the population on behalf of a more efficient consumption. These benefits are felt directly by consumers through the savings on electricity bills and also by the concessionaires through the minimization of losses in transmission and distribution, system stability, smaller loading during peak hours, among others. In this article two projects that demonstrate the potential energy savings through smart meters and smart grids are presented. The first performed in Korea, focusing on the installation of smart meters and the impact of use of user interfaces. The second performed in Portugal, focusing on the control of loads in a residence with distributed generation.
Multi-agent approaches have been widely used to model complex systems of distributed nature with a large amount of interactions between the involved entities. Power systems are a reference case, mainly due to the increasing use of distributed energy sources, largely based on renewable sources, which have potentiated huge changes in the power systems’ sector. Dealing with such a large scale integration of intermittent generation sources led to the emergence of several new players, as well as the development of new paradigms, such as the microgrid concept, and the evolution of demand response programs, which potentiate the active participation of consumers. This paper presents a multi-agent based simulation platform which models a microgrid environment, considering several different types of simulated players. These players interact with real physical installations, creating a realistic simulation environment with results that can be observed directly in the reality. A case study is presented considering players’ responses to a demand response event, resulting in an intelligent increase of consumption in order to face the wind generation surplus.
The recent changes on power systems paradigm requires the active participation of small and medium players in energy management. With an electricity price fluctuation these players must manage the consumption. Lowering costs and ensuring adequate user comfort levels. Demand response can improve the power system management and bring benefits for the small and medium players. The work presented in this paper, which is developed aiming the smart grid context, can also be used in the current power system paradigm. The proposed system is the combination of several fields of research, namely multi-agent systems and artificial neural networks. This system is physically implemented in our laboratories and it is used daily by researchers. The physical implementation gives the system an improvement in the proof of concept, distancing itself from the conventional systems. This paper presents a case study illustrating the simulation of real-time pricing in a laboratory.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança
A função da escola é promover a aprendizagem nos jovens e estimular o acesso ao conhecimento. A utilização das TI proporciona um acesso mais rápido ao conhecimento mas, sem os mecanismos necessários, pode originar perdas e comprometer a segurança da informação. A ausência de legislação e de regulamentação que ajude na manutenção da rede informática da escola, coloca-as numa posição muito vulnerável, obrigando-as a agir individualmente de modo a suprimir esta carência. A solução passa não só pela consciencialização dos utilizadores para a necessidade de segurança, mas também pela criação de mecanismos que permitam acrescentar segurança à rede e à própria informação. Os projetos desenvolvidos pelo programa Safer Internet e pela ISECOM atuam junto da comunidade escolar, sensibilizando os utilizadores para a necessidade de segurança na Internet e nas comunicações. Por sua vez, a adoção de práticas seguras é um processo mais demorado mas exequível através da implementação de uma política de segurança da informação adaptada à realidade da escola, de acordo com a norma ISO 27001. Da recolha de opinião aos intervenientes do sistema resultaram dois documentos com a política de segurança da informação, um direcionado às escolas e outro aos utilizadores. Crê-se que a adoção destas recomendações pelas escolas pode trazer benefícios ao nível da segurança da informação.
In recent years, vehicular cloud computing (VCC) has emerged as a new technology which is being used in wide range of applications in the area of multimedia-based healthcare applications. In VCC, vehicles act as the intelligent machines which can be used to collect and transfer the healthcare data to the local, or global sites for storage, and computation purposes, as vehicles are having comparatively limited storage and computation power for handling the multimedia files. However, due to the dynamic changes in topology, and lack of centralized monitoring points, this information can be altered, or misused. These security breaches can result in disastrous consequences such as-loss of life or financial frauds. Therefore, to address these issues, a learning automata-assisted distributive intrusion detection system is designed based on clustering. Although there exist a number of applications where the proposed scheme can be applied but, we have taken multimedia-based healthcare application for illustration of the proposed scheme. In the proposed scheme, learning automata (LA) are assumed to be stationed on the vehicles which take clustering decisions intelligently and select one of the members of the group as a cluster-head. The cluster-heads then assist in efficient storage and dissemination of information through a cloud-based infrastructure. To secure the proposed scheme from malicious activities, standard cryptographic technique is used in which the auotmaton learns from the environment and takes adaptive decisions for identification of any malicious activity in the network. A reward and penalty is given by the stochastic environment where an automaton performs its actions so that it updates its action probability vector after getting the reinforcement signal from the environment. The proposed scheme was evaluated using extensive simulations on ns-2 with SUMO. The results obtained indicate that the proposed scheme yields an improvement of 10 % in detection rate of malicious nodes when compared with the existing schemes.
Multi-standard mobile devices are allowing users to enjoy higher data rates with ubiquitous connectivity. However, the benefits gained from multiple interfaces come at an expense—that being higher energy consumption in an era where mobile devices need to be energy compliant. One promising solution is the usage of short-range cooperative communication as an overlay for infrastructure-based networks taking advantage of its context information. However, the node discovery mechanism, which is pivotal to the bearer establishment process, still represents a major burden in terms of the total energy budget. In this paper, we propose a technology agnostic approach towards enhancing the MAC energy ratings by presenting a context-aware node discovery (CANDi) algorithm, which provides a priori knowledge towards the node discovery mechanism by allowing it to search nodes in the near vicinity at the ‘right time and at the right place’. We describe the different beacons required for establishing the cooperation, as well as the context information required, including battery level, modes, location and so on. CANDi uses the long-range network (WiMAX and WiFi) to distribute the context information about cooperative clusters (Ultra-wideband-based) in the vicinity. The searching nodes can use this context in locating the cooperative clusters/nodes, which facilitates the establishing of short-range connections. Analytical and simulation results are obtained, and the energy saving gains are further demonstrated in the laboratory using a customised testbed. CANDi saves up to 50% energy during the node discovery process, while the demonstrative testbed shows up to 75% savings in the total energy budget, thus validating the algorithm, as well as providing viable evidence to support the usage of short-range cooperative communications for energy savings.
IEEE International Conference on Cyber Physical Systems, Networks and Applications (CPSNA'15), Hong Kong, China.
Distributed real-time systems such as automotive applications are becoming larger and more complex, thus, requiring the use of more powerful hardware and software architectures. Furthermore, those distributed applications commonly have stringent real-time constraints. This implies that such applications would gain in flexibility if they were parallelized and distributed over the system. In this paper, we consider the problem of allocating fixed-priority fork-join Parallel/Distributed real-time tasks onto distributed multi-core nodes connected through a Flexible Time Triggered Switched Ethernet network. We analyze the system requirements and present a set of formulations based on a constraint programming approach. Constraint programming allows us to express the relations between variables in the form of constraints. Our approach is guaranteed to find a feasible solution, if one exists, in contrast to other approaches based on heuristics. Furthermore, approaches based on constraint programming have shown to obtain solutions for these type of formulations in reasonable time.
This paper analyzes the performance of two cooperative robot manipulators. In order to capture the working performancewe formulated several performance indices that measure the manipulability, the effort reduction and the equilibrium between the two robots. In this perspective the proposed indices we determined the optimal values for the system parameters. Furthermore, it is studied the implementation of fractional-order algorithms in the position/force control of two cooperative robotic manipulators holding an object.
Thesis presented to satisfy the necessary requirements for obtaining a PhD degree in International Relation with specialization in Globalization and the Environment,
A evolução tecnológica das últimas décadas na área das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) contribuiu para a proliferação de fontes de informação e de sistemas de partilha de recursos. As diversas redes sociais são um exemplo paradigmático de sistemas de partilha tanto de informação como de recursos (e.g. audiovisuais). Essa abundância crescente de recursos e fontes aumenta a importância de sistemas capazes de recomendar em tempo útil recursos personalizados, tendo por base o perfil e o contexto do utilizador. O objetivo deste projeto é partilhar e recomendar locais, artigos e vídeos em função do contexto do utilizador assim como proporcionar uma experiência mais rica de reprodução dos vídeos partilhados, simulando as condições de gravação dos vídeos. Este sistema teve como inspiração dois projetos anteriormente desenvolvidos de partilha e recomendação de locais, artigos e vídeos turísticos em função da localização do utilizador. O sistema desenvolvido consiste numa aplicação distribuída composta por um módulo cliente Android, que inclui a interface com o utilizador e o consumo direto de serviços externos de suporte, e um módulo servidor que controla o acesso à base de dados central e inclui o serviço de recomendação baseado no contexto do utilizador. A comunicação entre os módulos cliente e servidor utiliza um protocolo do nível de aplicação dedicado. As recomendações geradas pelo sistema têm por base o perfil de utilizador, informação contextual (posição do utilizador, data e hora atual e velocidade atual do utilizador) e podem ser geradas a pedido do utilizador ou automaticamente, caso sejam encontrados pontos de interesse de grande relevância para o utilizador. Os pontos de interesse recomendados são apresentados com recurso ao Google Maps, incluindo o período de funcionamento, artigos complementares e a reprodução imersiva dos vídeos relacionados. Essa imersão tem em consideração as condições meteorológicas, temporais e espaciais aquando da gravação do vídeo.
Smart Grids (SGs) have emerged as the new paradigm for power system operation and management, being designed to include large amounts of distributed energy resources. This new paradigm requires new Energy Resource Management (ERM) methodologies considering different operation strategies and the existence of new management players such as several types of aggregators. This paper proposes a methodology to facilitate the coalition between distributed generation units originating Virtual Power Players (VPP) considering a game theory approach. The proposed approach consists in the analysis of the classifications that were attributed by each VPP to the distributed generation units, as well as in the analysis of the previous established contracts by each player. The proposed classification model is based in fourteen parameters including technical, economical and behavioural ones. Depending of the VPP strategies, size and goals, each parameter has different importance. VPP can also manage other type of energy resources, like storage units, electric vehicles, demand response programs or even parts of the MV and LV distribution network. A case study with twelve VPPs with different characteristics and one hundred and fifty real distributed generation units is included in the paper.
Further improvements in demand response programs implementation are needed in order to take full advantage of this resource, namely for the participation in energy and reserve market products, requiring adequate aggregation and remuneration of small size resources. The present paper focuses on SPIDER, a demand response simulation that has been improved in order to simulate demand response, including realistic power system simulation. For illustration of the simulator’s capabilities, the present paper is proposes a methodology focusing on the aggregation of consumers and generators, providing adequate tolls for the demand response program’s adoption by evolved players. The methodology proposed in the present paper focuses on a Virtual Power Player that manages and aggregates the available demand response and distributed generation resources in order to satisfy the required electrical energy demand and reserve. The aggregation of resources is addressed by the use of clustering algorithms, and operation costs for the VPP are minimized. The presented case study is based on a set of 32 consumers and 66 distributed generation units, running on 180 distinct operation scenarios.