959 resultados para Amazon turtle


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The mining process promotes land modification and complete landscape alteration. Those alterations in the surface are shown more obviously in the aesthetical aspect as the visual elements of form, texture, climbs, complexity and color which composes the landscape. As a consequence, mining has impacts on the topography, in the soil, in the vegetation and in the area's drainage, with a direct influence on the enterprise. A quite common problem in the recovery of degraded areas in mineral exploration is the compaction of the soil due to the intense traffic of machines and earth movement. The most common problem of the compaction of a degraded surface is an increase of the mechanical resistance to the penetration of plant roots, a reduction of the aeration, an alteration of the flow of water and heat, also in the availability of water and nutrients. Thus, the present work had the basic objective of diagnosing the compaction of an area degraded by mining in a spacial way, through the mechanical resistance and the penetration, to guide the future subsoiling in the area requiring recovery. Through the studies, it was concluded that the krigagem method in agreement with the space variation allows the division of the area under study into sub areas facilitating a future work to reduce costs and unnecessary interference to the atmosphere. The method was shown to be quite appropriate and it can be used in the diagnosis of compaction in a degraded area by mining, foreseeing the subsoiling requirement.


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We have described the existence of asymptomatic carriers of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium falciparum infections in native Amazon populations. Most of them had low parasitemias, detected only by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Because they remain symptomless and untreated, we wanted to determine whether they could infect Anopheles darlingi Root, the main Brazilian vector, and act as disease reservoirs. Fifteen adult asymptomatic patients (PCR positive only) were selected, and experimental infections of mosquitoes were performed by direct feeding and by a membrane-feeding system. Seventeen adult symptomatic patients with high parasitemias were used as controls. We found an infection rate in An. darlingi of 1.2% for the asymptomatic carriers and 22% for the symptomatic carriers. Although the asymptomatic group infected mosquitoes at a much lower rate, these patients remain infective longer than treated, symptomatic patients. Also, the prevalence of asymptomatic infections is 4 to 5 times higher than symptomatic infections among natives. These results have implications for the malaria control program in Brazil, which focuses essentially on the treatment of symptomatic patients. © 2005 Entomological Society of America.


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Objective. - To assess the prevalence of stings by small spiny driftwood catfish (carataí) of the genus Centromochlus (Auchenipteridae) accidentally caught in buckets during bucket bathing by riverside people along the Brazilian Amazon and to determine the probability of catching specimens of these fish during random throws of a bucket into the river. Methods. - We interviewed 27 adult residents living at the confluence of the Negro and Solimões rivers in Brazil regarding whether or not they had ever been stung by driftwood catfish while bucket bathing. To assess the likelihood of catching catfish in bathing buckets, we randomly threw a typical plastic bucket used for bathing in 4 series of 10 throws into the river at dusk or night around a floating house. Results. - Seventeen of the 27 subjects (63%) reported being injured by driftwood catfish during bucket bathing. Three individuals (17.6%) had been injured 2 to 3 times, totaling 23 puncture accidents. All stings occurred at dusk or early night. In the 4 series of 10 bucket throws, we caught 3 driftwood catfish (in 1 series we did not catch any fish). Thus, the chance of catching a driftwood catfish in a single bucket throw at dusk was slightly less than 10%. Conclusions. - The prevalence of stings by driftwood catfish to people bucket bathing in this section of the Brazilian Amazon is high, partly because of the relatively high chances of catching these small catfish during random throws of a bathing bucket into the river.


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Longitudinal entomological surveys were performed in Vila Candelária and adjacent rural locality of Bate Estaca concomitantly with a clinical epidemiologic malaria survey. Vila Candelária is a riverside periurban neighborhood of Porto Velho, capital of the state of Rondônia in the Brazilian Amazon. High anopheline densities were found accompanying the peak of rainfall, as reported in rural areas of the region. Moreover, several minor peaks of anophelines were recorded between the end of the dry season and the beginning of the next rainy season. These secondary peaks were related to permanent anopheline breeding sites resulting from human activities. Malaria transmission is, therefore, observed all over the year. In Vila Candelária, the risk of malaria infection both indoors and outdoors was calculated as being 2 and 10/infecting bites per year per inhabitant respectively. Urban malaria in riverside areas was associated with two factors: (1) high prevalence of asymptomatic carriers in a stable human population and (2) high anopheline densities related to human environmental changes. This association is probably found in other Amazonian urban and suburban communities. The implementation of control measures should include environmental sanitation and better characterization of the role of asymptomatic carriers in malaria transmission.


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Total (HgT), reactive (HgR) and organic (Hg ORG) mercury species have been quantified in non-filtered waters collected from the Negro River Basin, Amazon (from January/2002 through January/2004), in both black and white water bodies. Black waters presented the highest HgT, HgORG and HgR concentration (29.1 ng L-1, 1.63 ng L-1 and 3.9 ng L-1, respectively), while, white waters presented the lowest HgT, Hg ORG and HgR concentration (8.8 ng L-1, 0.49 ng L-1 and 1.2 ng L-1, respectively). An inverse correlation between HgT and the water level over the basin was obtained, although the HgORG concentration has increased in the first rainy months and then decreased as the water level rose. Total mercury in surface sediments (0-10 cm) ranged from 70 to 271 mg kg-1 being the methylmercury 0.47-1.79 % of this stock. The results indicate that HgR and the labile dissolved organic matter were introduced into the aquatic environment during the flooding season, especially in the earlier stages, thus contributing to mercury methylation. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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In this work, humic substances were extracted from water samples collected monthly from the Negro River basin in the Amazon state (Brazil) to study their properties in the Amazonian environment and interactions with the mercury ion considering the influence of seasonalness in this formation. The C/H, C/N and C/O atomic ratio parameters, functional groups, concentration of semiquinone-type free radicals, pH, pluviometric and fluviometric indices, and mercury concentrations were interpreted using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA). The statistical analyses showed that when the pluviometric index was greater and the fluviometric index was smaller, the degree of humification of aquatic substances was greater. The following decreasing order of the degree of humification of the AHS collected monthly was established: Nov/02 to Feb/03 > Mar/02 to May/02 > Jun/02 to Oct/02. The greatest concentrations of mercury were detected in more humidified samples. These results suggest that due to inter and/or intra-molecular rearrangements, the degree of humification of aquatic humic substances is related to its affinity for Hg(II) ions. ©2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Química.


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The Phrynops hilarii specie of turtle has its characterization not well defined in the literature, it was proposed in this study the leukocyte characterization of the blood, stained by Leishman and analyzed under light and transmission electron microscope. It was not observe any cellular type with similar characteristics to neutrophils in mammalian group. We believed, based on the data obtained in this study that the heterophils have a morphofuncional analogy with another neutrophils belonged to mammalian group. This conclusion is being supported in many recent studies found in the literature.


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Malaria is an endemic parasitosis and its causitive agent, Plasmodium, has a metabolism linked to iron supply. HFE is a gene with the polymorphisms C282Y and H63D, which are associated with a progressive iron accumulation in the organism leading to a disease called hereditary hemochromatosis. The aim of the present study was to determine the allelic and genotypic frequencies of the HFE gene polymorphisms in malaria patients and blood donors from the Brazilian Amazon region. We screened 400 blood donors and 400 malaria patients for the HFE C282Y and H63D polymorphisms from four states of the Brazilian Amazon region by polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. We did not find any C282Y homozygous individuals, and the only five heterozygous individuals detected were from Pará State. The most frequent genotype in the North region of Brazil was the H63D heterozygote, in both study groups. Our results contribute to the concept that the Brazilian Amazon region should not be regarded as a single entity in South America. These polymorphisms did not influence the symptoms of malaria in the population studied, as neither severe signs nor high parasitemia were observed. Therefore, different hereditary hemochromatosis diagnostic and control measures must be developed and applied within its diverse locations. Investigations are currently being carried out in our laboratory in order to determine the importance of the coexistence of hereditary hemochromatosis in patients affected by parasitic diseases, such as malaria. ©FUNPEC-RP.


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Complete blood counts and hemoglobin isoform data were gathered from 36 specimens of the turtle species Phrynops geoffroanus from the northwestern region of São Paulo State, Brazil. They were collected in an urban area. The hemoglobin profiles were obtained after red blood cell lysis and by electrophoretic migration in alkaline pH, acid pH, and neutral pH buffer. The hemoglobin components were confirmed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Erythrogram analysis included hematocrit, total hemoglobin concentration, total red blood cell count, and red blood cell indices. The leukogram included a total white blood cell count and a calculation of the percent values of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, heterophils, and azurophils. HPLC analysis revealed three hemoglobin components; the first with a concentration of 5.5%, the second was a major component with an average concentration of 67.1%, and the third with a concentration of 28.5%. The hematological profile obtained for these specimens allowed us to establish a pattern for P. geoffroanus in São Paulo State Northwestern region. The average hematocrit values were 22.5% for females and 24.0% for males. For total hemoglobin, we found average values of 6.66 g/dL in females and 7.22 g/dL in males. The number of white blood cells was 2725 x 103/μL for females and 2775 x 103/μL for males. There was a predominance of heterophils, eosinophils, and monocytes in both sexes. No significant differences were found between males and females for hematological profile. The hematological results were compared to literature data for other Chelonia. They were similar to what is known for fresh water turtles. © FUNPEC-RP.


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The purpose of this work is to evaluate the capacity of full polarimetric L band data to discriminate macrophyte species in Amazon wetland. Fieldwork was carried out almost simultaneously to the acquisition of the full polarimetric PALSAR data. Coherent and incoherent attributes were extracted from the image, and macrophyte morphological variables were measured on the ground. The image attributes and the macrophyte variables were compared in order to evaluate their application for discriminating macrophytes species. The findings suggest that polarimetric information could be adopted to discriminate plant species based on morphology, and that estimation of plant biomass and productivity could be improved by using the polarimetric information. © 2010 IEEE.


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We investigated the ABO genotypes and heterogeneity of the O alleles in Plasmodium falciparum-infected and non-infected individuals from the Brazilian Amazon region. Sample collection took place from May 2003 to August 2005, from P. falciparum malaria patients from four endemic regions of the Brazilian Amazon. The control group consisted of donors from four blood banks in the same areas. DNA was extracted using the Easy-DNA(TM) extraction kit. ABO genotyping was performed using PCR/RFLP. There was a high frequency of ABO*O01O01. ABO*AO01 was the second most frequent genotype, and the third most frequent genotype was ABO*BO01. There were low frequencies of the ABO*O01O02, ABO*AA, ABO*AB, ABO*BB, and ABO*O02O02 genotypes. We analyzed the alleles of the O phenotype; the O(1variant) allele was the most frequent, both in malaria and non-malaria groups; consequently, the homozygous genotype O(1)(v)O(1)(v) was the most frequently observed. There was no evidence of the homozygous O(2) allele. Significant differences were not detected in the frequency of individuals with the various alleles in the comparison of the malaria patients and the general population (blood donors).


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Includes bibliography


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of stocking ponds using graded and ungraded juveniles and performing drained and combined harvesting on the production of M. amazonicum. A randomized completed-blocks design with 4 treatments (farming strategies) and 3 replicates was used. Treatments were: Upper size-graded juveniles, Lower size-graded juveniles, Ungraded juveniles, all with total drained harvesting, and Combined Harvesting (ungraded juveniles). Twelve earthen ponds were stocked at 40 juveniles.m -2, according to the treatment. After 3.5 months prawns were completely harvested. Lower size-graded prawns showed smaller average weight (3.37 ± 0.25 g) than upper size-graded (4.03 ± 0.40 g) and ungraded ones (3.80 ± 0.16 g). Survival percentage varied from 68 ± 9 to 76 ± 10, productivity was slightly higher than 1,000 kg.ha -1 and apparent feed conversion rate varied from 3.0 ± 0.7 to 3.7 ± 1.3. These parameters did not differ among the farming strategies. The best strategy for short term grow-out M. amazonicum in earthen ponds is stocking ungraded juveniles and performing total harvesting by draining ponds at the end of rearing cycle. Grading juveniles before stocking and selective-harvesting managements are not advantageous because they increase costs and do not improve any production parameter.


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This article shows an analysis of the longitudinal electric parameters of a three-phase transmission line/section using a 280-meter high steel tower. This characteristic, the height of the line conductors and distance between them, are intrinsic related to the longitudinal and transversal parameters of the line. By this means, an accurate study was carried out in order to show the electric variations between a transmission line using the new technology and a three-phase conventional 440 kV line for a wide range of frequencies and a variable soil resistivity. In addition, by using a digital line model, simulations are carried out in time domain to analyze critical overvoltage transients on the studied line. © 2011 IEEE.