797 resultados para Amateur film


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Intercultural Approaches to Cities and Spaces in Literature, Film, and New Media: a review of new work by Manzanas and Benito and Lopez-Varela and Net


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Thin film photovoltaic (TF) modules have gained importance in the photovoltaic (PV) market. New PV plants increasingly use TF technologies. In order to have a reliable sample of a PV module population, a huge number of modules must be measured. There is a big variety of materials used in TF technology. Some of these modules are made of amorphous or microcrystalline silicon. Other are made of CIS or CdTe. Not all these materials respond the same under standard test conditions (STC) of power measurement. Power rates of the modules may vary depending on both the extent and the history of sunlight exposure. Thus, it is necessary a testing method adapted to each TF technology. This test must guarantee repeatability of measurements of generated power. This paper shows responses of different commercial TF PV modules to sunlight exposure. Several test procedures were performed in order to find the best methodology to obtain measurements of TF PV modules at STC in the easiest way. A methodology for indoor measurements adapted to these technologies is described.


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The aim of the present study was to analyze the visual strategies prior to a throw from 7 metres in elite and amateur handball goalkeepers. To this end we analyzed the visual fixations in number and order of 10 goalkeepers (29.7±5.4 years; 14.7±8.6 years of experience), 3 elite and 7 amateurs, during the life size projection of 14 different throws, made by different players. During each throw the movement of the eyeballs, the dilation of the pupil (pupillometry) and the subject?s blinking were recorded thanks to a technological system which permitted eye tracking with high speed cameras, and the subsequent presentation of the visual data for each action studied. The elite goalkeepers performed a greater number of visual fixations than the amateur goalkeepers, revealing large and significant differences. Equally the priority zones observed were differed, with the amateur goalkeepers fixating more on the thrower?s face, and the elite goalkeepers paying more attention to the area of the arm/ball. It can therefore be inferred that elite goalkeepers have a greater perceptive capacity and also use different visual strategies from the amateur goalkeepers.


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La lesión dentro del deporte es un proceso complejo con un gran impacto a nivel tanto socio-económico como en la salud y el rendimiento del deportista. Debido a la amplitud de este campo de investigación el presente trabajo se centra en el estudio de una lesión, denominada de gravedad, la rotura del ligamento cruzado anterior de la rodilla. La elección de esta lesión, como mayor exponente de repercusión de una lesión y en específico en el fútbol, deporte de mayor transcendencia en nuestra sociedad, hace este caso un magnífico ejemplo para apreciar la complejidad del proceso de recuperación de un deportista. Esto se hará analizando el proceso de recuperación de dicha lesión desde el momento que se produce hasta la vuelta del deportista a la competición, centrando la atención en la figura del readaptador, como profesional de la actividad física, y las técnicas de recuperación funcional, reentrenamiento al esfuerzo y trabajo preventivo que se utilizan. Para ello se lleva a cabo el análisis de un caso real a nivel profesional, en la Primera División Española, durante la temporada 2011/2012 y además se valora la situación actual del proceso de rehabilitación y readaptación a nivel amateur mediante la comparación con un caso real de categoría juvenil.


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In this paper we review simulation and experimental studies of thermal capillary wave fluctuations as an ideal means for probing the underlying disjoining pressure and surface tensions, and more generally, fine details of the Interfacial Hamiltonian Model. We discuss recent simulation results that reveal a film-height-dependent surface tension not accounted for in the classical Interfacial Hamiltonian Model. We show how this observation may be explained bottom-up from sound principles of statistical thermodynamics and discuss some of its implications


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Light confinement strategies play a crucial role in the performance of thin-film (TF) silicon solar cells. One way to reduce the optical losses is the texturing of the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) that acts as the front contact. Other losses arise from the mismatch between the incident light spectrum and the spectral properties of the absorbent material that imply that low energy photons (below the bandgap value) are not absorbed, and therefore can not generate photocurrent. Up-conversion techniques, in which two sub-bandgap photons are combined to give one photon with a better matching with the bandgap, were proposed to overcome this problem. In particular, this work studies two strategies to improve light management in thin film silicon solar cells using laser technology. The first one addresses the problem of TCO surface texturing using fully commercial fast and ultrafast solid state laser sources. Aluminum doped Zinc Oxide (AZO) samples were laser processed and the results were optically evaluated by measuring the haze factor of the treated samples. As a second strategy, laser annealing experiments of TCOs doped with rare earth ions are presented as a potential process to produce layers with up-conversion properties, opening the possibility of its potential use in high efficiency solar cells.


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In the thin-film photovoltaic industry, to achieve a high light scattering in one or more of the cell interfaces is one of the strategies that allow an enhancement of light absorption inside the cell and, therefore, a better device behavior and efficiency. Although chemical etching is the standard method to texture surfaces for that scattering improvement, laser light has shown as a new way for texturizing different materials, maintaining a good control of the final topography with a unique, clean, and quite precise process. In this work AZO films with different texture parameters are fabricated. The typical parameters used to characterize them, as the root mean square roughness or the haze factor, are discussed and, for deeper understanding of the scattering mechanisms, the light behavior in the films is simulated using a finite element method code. This method gives information about the light intensity in each point of the system, allowing the precise characterization of the scattering behavior near the film surface, and it can be used as well to calculate a simulated haze factor that can be compared with experimental measurements. A discussion of the validation of the numerical code, based in a comprehensive comparison with experimental data is included.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar la influencia de un programa de entrenamiento de toma de decisiones en fútbol sobre el rendimiento específico en la toma de decisiones que se llevan a cabo en cada demarcación. Para ello, se analizó el índice de eficacia en la toma de decisiones específicas en dos grupos de jugadores amateur (n=32) que utilizaron dos procesos de entrenamiento diferentes. El grupo de control (n=16) utilizó un programa de entrenamiento integral propio del entrenamiento actual de toma decisiones mientras que el grupo experimental llevo a cabo un programa de entrenamiento específico de toma de decisiones compuesto por 8 sesiones. Se evaluó el nivel inicial (i) y final (f) en la toma de decisión específica de ambos grupos, antes y después de las 4 semanas de entrenamiento a través de un índice de actuación porcentual ((aciertos/errores)x100) para cada acción técnico–táctica especifica más relevante en cada demarcación. El test específico utilizado consistió en una situación competitiva de 8x8 en un espacio de 70 x 40 metros (3/4 del campo) en el que se analizaron la toma de decisión específica de cada demarcación: central, lateral derecho, lateral izquierdo, mediocentro, extremo derecho, extremo izquierdo y delantero centro. Se excluyó al portero. Para el diseño del test y la selección de las acciones de juego más relevantes de cada puesto específico fueron consultados expertos con experiencia y formación específica en fútbol. Tras la evaluación final, en ambos grupos se mejoraron las acciones técnico-tácticas específicas analizadas. Fueron mayores las mejoras del grupo experimental en todas las acciones evaluadas (p<.001). Se hallaron únicamente diferencias intergrupales en la evaluación final en M y PA (p<.001), mostrando el grupo experimental mejores resultados. Se concluye que un programa específico de toma de decisiones en fútbol posee un efecto positivo mayor que el proceso de entrenamiento técnico-táctico, sobre la toma de decisiones específica, siendo este efecto especialmente positivo en la demarcación de delantero.


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Time: 6 PM – 7:30 PM | Location: Page Library, Room #100 | RSVP via Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1562714160720394/ Synopsis: In this 2012 Oscar-nominated short film, Alabama barber and civil rights veteran James Armstrong experiences the fulfillment of an unimaginable dream: the election of the first African-American president. An Official Selection of the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. Produced in association with American Documentary | POV. A co-presentation with the National Black Programming Consortia.


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The thesis investigates if with the free news production, people who post information on collaborative content sites, known as interacting, tend to reproduce information that was scheduled for Tv news. This study is a comparison of the collaborative content vehicles Vc reporter, Vc no G1 and Eu reporter with TV news SBT Brasil, Jornal Nacional, Jornal da Record and Jornal da Band. We sought to determine whether those newscasts guide the collaborative platforms. The hypothesis assumes that Brazilian TV news have been building over time a credible relationship with the viewer, so it is possible to think that the interacting use the same criteria for selecting the broadcasts and reproduce similar information in collaborative content sites. The method used was content analysis, based on the study of Laurence Bardin and the type of research used was quantitative. This research concluded that, within a small portion of the universe surveyed, there are schedules of television news across the collaborative content.


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A new mathematical model is proposed for the spreading of a liquid film on a solid surface. The model is based on the standard lubrication approximation for gently sloping films (with the no-slip condition for the fluid at the solid surface) in the major part of the film where it is not too thin. In the remaining and relatively small regions near the contact lines it is assumed that the so-called autonomy principle holds—i.e., given the material components, the external conditions, and the velocity of the contact lines along the surface, the behavior of the fluid is identical for all films. The resulting mathematical model is formulated as a free boundary problem for the classical fourth-order equation for the film thickness. A class of self-similar solutions to this free boundary problem is considered.


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Plasma processing is a standard industrial method for the modification of material surfaces and the deposition of thin films. Polyatomic ions and neutrals larger than a triatomic play a critical role in plasma-induced surface chemistry, especially in the deposition of polymeric films from fluorocarbon plasmas. In this paper, low energy CF3+ and C3F5+ ions are used to modify a polystyrene surface. Experimental and computational studies are combined to quantify the effect of the unique chemistry and structure of the incident ions on the result of ion-polymer collisions. C3F5+ ions are more effective at growing films than CF3+, both at similar energy/atom of ≈6 eV/atom and similar total kinetic energies of 25 and 50 eV. The composition of the films grown experimentally also varies with both the structure and kinetic energy of the incident ion. Both C3F5+ and CF3+ should be thought of as covalently bound polyatomic precursors or fragments that can react and become incorporated within the polystyrene surface, rather than merely donating F atoms. The size and structure of the ions affect polymer film formation via differing chemical structure, reactivity, sticking probabilities, and energy transfer to the surface. The different reactivity of these two ions with the polymer surface supports the argument that larger species contribute to the deposition of polymeric films from fluorocarbon plasmas. These results indicate that complete understanding and accurate computer modeling of plasma–surface modification requires accurate measurement of the identities, number densities, and kinetic energies of higher mass ions and energetic neutrals.


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A cuarenta años del último Golpe de Estado en nuestro país se hace preciso recrear las lecturas que las manifestaciones artísticas del período de la post dictadura construyeron de su propia historia, particularmente desde el cine. Toda sociedad reflexiona sobre las causas profundas de sus conflictos y el cine, como manifestación artística, logra integrar lo icónico y lo lingüístico, imagen y sonido, convirtiéndose así, en uno de los medios más utilizados a la hora de denunciar determinados sucesos que contribuyen a reconstruir el entramado social desgarrado por la última dictadura. El cine abre nuevas perspectivas sobre lo que una sociedad confiesa de sí misma y también sobre lo que niega, este artículo intenta ser una invitación a revisitar el film La Historia Oficial (Puenzo, 1985) interpretando la trama que narra a partir del viaje de Alicia de Lewis Carroll. Para la Alicia de Carroll, atravesar el espejo implica traspasar el universo de la rutinaria y aburrida realidad a un mundo maravilloso, contrariamente, la Alicia de la película, habitó un mundo fantástico toda su vida y atravesar el espejo significará pasar del espacio privado al público. En ese recorrido, por ese "mundo extraño", descubrirá que el país de las maravillas que la albergaba, desapareció


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The present thesis has been devoted to the synthesis and investigation of functional properties of silicon carbide thin films and nanowires. The work took profit from the experience of the research group in the synthesis of 3C-SiC from vapour phase. 3C-SiC thin films Thin films heteroepitaxy on silicon substrates was carried out in a vapour phase epitaxy reactor. The initial efforts were committed to the process development in order to enhance the crystal quality of the epi-layer. The carbonization process and a buffer layer procedure were optimized in order to obtain good quality monocrystalline 3C-SiC layers. The films characterization was used not only to improve the entire process, but also to assess the crystalline quality and to identify the defects. Methyltrichlorosilane (MTS) was introduced during the synthesis to increase the growth rate and enhance crystalline quality. The effect of synthesis parameters such as MTS flow and process temperature was studied in order to promote defect density reduction and the release of the strain due to lattice mismatch between 3C-SiC and silicon substrate. In-growth n-type doping was implemented using a nitrogen gas line and the effect of different synthesis parameters on doping level was studied. Raman measurements allowed a contactless characterization and evaluation of electrically active dopant. The effect of MTS on nitrogen incorporation was investigated and a promotion of dopant concentration together with a higher growth rate were demonstrated. This result allows to obtain higher doping concentrations without deteriorating crystal quality in 3C-SiC and, to the best of our knowledge, it has never been demonstrated before. 3C-SiC nanowires Core-shell SiC-SiO2 nanowires were synthesized using a chemical vapour deposition technique in an open tube configuration reactor on silicon substrates. Metal catalyst were used to promote a uniaxial growth and a dense bundle of nanowires 100 µm long and 60 nm thick was obtained. Substrate preparation was found to be fundamental in order to obtain a uniform nanowire density. Morphological characterization was carried out using scanning electron microscopy and the analysis of structural, compositional, optical properties is reported.


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"Artist Laura Anne Fry blended the concepts of professional and amateur, and helped raise the merit of ceramics in the United States. Fry influenced American art pottery with her contributions to Rookwood Pottery of Cincinnati—changing the course of the company. Her successful experiments with decorating techniques helped Rookwood become a national leader in art pottery, and eventually led to over a decade of controversy between Fry and Rookwood"