979 resultados para Algae.


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Intertidal marine macroalgae experience periodical exposures during low tide due to their zonational distribution. The duration of such emersion leads to different exposures of the plants to light and aerial CO2, which then affect the physiology of them to different extents. The ecophysiological responses to light and CO2 were investigated during emersion in two red algae Gloiopeltis furcata and Gigartina intermedia, and two brown algae Petalonia fascia and Sargassum hemiphyllum, growing along the Shantou coast of China. The light-saturated net photosynthesis in G. furcata and P. fascia showed an increase followed by slightly desiccation, whereas that in G. intermedia and S. hemiphyllum exhibited a continuous decrease with water loss. In addition, the upper-zonated G. furcata and P. fascia, exhibited higher photosynthetic tolerance to desiccation and required higher light level to saturate their photosynthesis than the lower-zonated G. intemedia and S. hemiphyllum. Desiccation had less effect on dark respiration in these four algae compared with photosynthesis. The light-saturated net photosynthesis increased with increased CO2 concentrations, being saturated at CO2 concentrations higher than the present atmospheric level in G. furcata, G. intermedia and S. hemiphyllum during emersion. It was evident that the relative enhancement of photosynthesis by elevated CO, in those three algae increased, though the absolute values of photosynthetic enhancement owing to CO2 increase were reduced when the desiccation statuses became more severe. However, in the case of desiccated P. fascia (water loss being greater than 20 %), light saturated net photosynthesis was saturated with current ambient atmospheric CO2 level. It is proposed that increasing atmospheric CO2 will enhance the daily photosynthetic production in intertidal macroalgae by varied extents that were related to the species and zonation.


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The phytoplankton of Lake Donghu was compared between two periods (i.e., 1982-83 and 1999-2001). During 1982-1983, Lake Donghu was characterized by cyanobacterial blooms, very high summer phytoplankton biomass, and a spring clear-water phase. However, during 1999-2001, the lake was dominated by dinophytes and diatoms and had a relatively low phytoplankton biomass and a very turbid state.. Increased stocking of silver carp and bighead carp during the interim years eliminated cyanobacterial blooms and large-bodied daphnids from the lake, creating favorable conditions for growth of the small-sized algae.


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Phytoplankton assemblages in the subtrophical oligotrophic Lake Fuxian, the second deepest lake in China, were investigated monthly from September 2002 to August 2003. A total of 113 species belonging to seven phyla were identified, among them, a filamentous green alga, Mougeotia sp., dominated almost throughout the study period and comprised most of the total phytoplankton biomass. Mougeotia sp. has made a substantial development during the past decades: it was absent in 1957, only occasionally present in 1983, increased substantially in 1993, and became predominant in 2002-2003. It is likely that natural invasion of the Taihu Lake noodlefish (Neosalanx taihuensis) has led to a change of dominant herbivorous zooplankton from small to large calanoid, which has increased grazing pressure on small edible algae, and thus has indirectly favored the development of the inedible filamentous Mougeotia sp.


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The characterization of the algal Nitzschia hantzschiana solution with (or without) Fe(III) was carried out using fluorescence emission and synchronous-scan spectroscopy. An emission peak (excited at 440 nm) was observed at 675 nm for Nitzschia hantzschiana solution. The effective characterization method used was synchronous-scan fluorescence spectroscopy (SFS). A wavelength difference (Delta lambda) of 90 nm was maintained between excitation and emission wavelengths. The peak was observed at about 236(ex) nm (326(em) nm) for synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy. Fe(III) was an effective quencher. The relationship between I-0/I (quenching efficiency) and c (concentration of Fe (III) added) was a linear correlation for the algal solution with Fe(III). Effects of pH on synchronous-scan fluorescence intensity were evident.


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Microcystins, one type of the cyanobacterial toxins, show a broad range of hazardous effects on other organisms. Most of the researches on the toxic effects of microcystins have involved in animals and higher plants. Little work, however, has been done on evaluating the mechanisms of microcystin toxicity on algae. In this study, the toxicological effects of microcystin-RR (MC-RR) on the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus were investigated. For this purpose, six physio-biochemical parameters (cell optical density, reactive oxygen species (ROS), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and glutathione S-transferase (GST)) were tested in algal cells when exposed to 100 mug(-1) microcystin-RR. The results showed that the growth of Synechococcus elongatus ( expressed as optical density) was significantly inhibited compared with the control. At the same time, the treated algae exhibited a pronounced increase in production of ROS and MDA after 6 days exposure to microcystin-RR. Signi. cant changes in GSH levels and GSH-Px, GSH activities were also detected in algal cells, with higher values being observed in the toxin treated algae after 6 days exposure. GST activities in the treated algae exhibited a decline after exposure and rapid augmentation on day 3, thereafter, they kept at a high level when compared to the control group. GSH contents and GSH-Px activities were also significantly raised in the toxin-treated algae cells from day 3, but they showed a sharp decrease on day 4, which was the onward of cell proliferation. These results suggested that oxidative stress manifested by elevated ROS levels and MDA contents might be responsible for the toxicity of microcystin to Synechococcus elongatus and the algal cells could improve their antioxidant ability through the enhancement of enzymatic and non-enzymatic preventive substances.


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We evaluated the toxic effect of Microcystis aeruginosa on Daphnia carinata King using survival rate, population growth rate, and body length. When fed Microcystis aerugionsa PCC7820 and liberated colonial Microcystis spp., all D. carinata died within five days. When fed a mixture of M. aeruginosa PCC7820 and the green alga Scenedesmus obliquus, the survival rate, population growth rate, and body length of D. carinata generally increased. The survival rates were all above 80% after ten days. However, with liberated colonial M. aeruginosa, the toxic effect on D. carinata was more pronounced, and only at higher concentration of S. obliquus did that toxic effect abate. Our results indicated that green algae could greatly weaken the toxic effect of cyanobacteria.


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Freshwater Microcystis may form dense blooms in eutrophic lakes. It is known to produce a family of related cyclic hepatopeptides (microcystins, MC) that constitute a threat to aquatic ecosystems. Most toxicological studies of microcystins have focused on aquatic animals and plants, with few examining the possible effects of microcystins on phytoplankton. In this study we chose the unicellular Synechococcus elongatus (one of the most studied and geographically most widely distributed cyanobacteria in the picoplankton) as the test material and investigated the biological parameters: growth, pigment (chlorophyll-a, phycocyanin), photosynthetic activity, nitrate reductase activity, and protein and carbohydrate content. The results revealed that microcystin-RR concentrations above 100 mug (.) L-1 significantly inhibited the growth of Synechococcus elongatus. In addition, a change in color of the toxin-treated algae (chlorosis) was observed in the experiments. Furthermore, MC-RR markedly inhibited the synthesis of the pigments chlorophyll-a and phycocyanin. A drastic reduction in photochemical efficiency of PSII (F-v/F-m) was found after a 96-h incubation. Changes in protein and carbohydrate concentrations and in nitrate reductase activity also were observed during the exposure period. This study aimed to evaluate the mechanisms of microcystin toxicity on a cyanobacterium, according to the physiological and biochemical responses of Synechococcus elongatus to different doses of microcystin-RR. The ecological role of microcystins as an allelopathic substance also is discussed in the article. (C) 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Using degenerate primers based on conserved regions of the UDP-glucose dehydrogenase (UDPGDH) gene, an initial 476-bp DNA fragment was amplified from the water-bloom forming cyanobacterium, Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB 905. TAIL-PCR and ligation-mediated PCR were used to amplify the flanking regions to isolate an about 2.5-kb genomic DNA fragment. Sequence analysis revealed an ORF encoding a putative 462 amino acid protein, designated Mud for Microcystis UDPGDH. The Mud amino acid sequence is closely related to UDPGDH sequences from cyanobacterium Synechocystis PCC6803 (73% identity, 81% similarity), and bacterium Bacillus subtilis (51% identity and 67% similarity). The cloned mud gene was expressed in Escherichia coli using the pGEX-4T-1 fusion expression vector system to generate a GST-Mud fusion protein that exhibited UDPGDH activity. The cytosolic fraction of M aeruginosa FACHB 905 was subjected to Western analysis with an anti-Mud antibody, which revealed a single band of approximately 49 kD, consistent with the deduced molecular mass of the enzyme. The Mud protein could thus be characterized as a UDP-glucose dehydrogenase, which was a key enzyme for polysaccharide synthesis and has, for the first time, been studied in algae.


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A site investigation was conducted to correlate the relationships between microcystins (MC) concentration and algal growth in Dianchi Lake in China. Laboratory experiments were undertaken to test the effects of sediment adsorption, photoirradiation and biodegradation on microcystins removal. Bioaccumulation of microcystins was also determined using silver carp fish. It was observed that MC concentrations varied in accordance with algae growth in Dianchi Lake. The results obtained in the laboratory demonstrated that the removal of MC with fresh sediments was less than 10%, photoirradiation removed more than 75% MC within two hours, and the biodegradation needed much longer time to produce substantial degradation of MC. The results suggest that bioaccumulation of microcystins in fish was not significant in Dianchi Lake.


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In order to investigate the possible impacts of increased atmospheric CO2 levels on algal growth and photosynthesis, the influence of CO2 concentration was tested on three planktonic algae (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Chlorella pyrenoidosa, and Scenedesmus obliquus). Increased CO2 concentration enhanced significantly the growth rate of all three species. Specific growth rates reached maximal values at 30, 100, and 60 muM CO2 in C. reinhardtii, C pyrenoidosa, and S. obliquus, respectively. Such significant enhancement of growth rate with enriched CO2 was also confirmed at different levels of inorganic N and P, being more profound at limiting levels of N in C pyrenoidosa and P in S. obliquus. The maximal rates of net photosynthesis, photosynthetic efficiency and light-saturating point increased significantly (p<0.05) in high-CO2-grown cells. Elevation of the CO2 levels in cultures enhanced the photoinhibition of C. reinhardtii, but reduced that of C pyrenoidosa and S. obliquus when exposed to high photon flux density. The photo-inhibited cells recovered to some extent (from 71% to 99%) when placed under dim light or in darkness, with better recovery in high-CO2-grown C. pyrenoidosa and S. obliquus. Although pH and pCO(2) effects cannot be distinguished from this study, it can be concluded that increased CO2 concentrations with decreased pH could affect the growth rate and photosynthetic physiology of C. reinhardtii, C. pyrenoidosa, and S. obliquus.


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Gastric mills of 362 specimens of two-year-old Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis), which contained recognizable food items, from Lake Bao'an, China were examined. The food items were macrophytes, algae, arthropods, oligochaetes, fish, protozoa, rotifers, gastropods, and detritus, and the percent frequencies of occurrence (FO) for these items were 87.3%, 82.0%, 48.2%, 28.2%, 28.7%, 0.3%, 0.6%, 0.3% and 88.7%, respectively. Unidentified animal tissue was often observed and had a FO of 46.1%. In total, FO of plants (macrophytes + algae) was 87.7% and of animals was 89.8%. However, 5.8% of the gastric mills contained only animals, 5.3% had only macrophytes, and 0.3% contained only algae. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in food habits between male and female crabs. The ratio of cell number of macrophytes to algae was about 156:1.


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The microbiotic crust study is among new focuses in investigating on the desertification control. Based on determination of algal crusts with different successive ages (4-, 8-, 17-, 34-, 42-year-old) and unconsolidated sand in the desert area, species composition and clustering analyses were carried out in this study. Results on successional orientation revealed that (1) the abundance of Cyanophyta, specially of Scytonema javanicum gradually decreased; (2) the abundance of Chlorophyta, Bacillariophyta and a species of Cyanophyta, Phormidium tenue increased; (3) the biodiversity increased gradually with the community succession; and (4) biomass of microalgae increased at the early stage, but decreased at the later stage due to the abundance of lichens and mosses. But, the speed of natural succession was so slow that the community-building species was still the first dominant species after 42 years, except that its dominant degree decreased just slightly. However, successive speed and trend were affected by water, vegetation coverage, terrain, time and soil physico-chemical properties as well, especially Mn content in the soil appeared to have a threshold effect.


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Both colonies and free-living cells of the terrestrial cyanobacterium, Nostoc flagelliforme (Berk. & Curtis) Bornet & Flahault, were cultured under aquatic conditions to develop the techniques for the cultivation and restoration of this endangered resource. The colonial filaments disintegrated with their sheaths ruptured in about 2 days without any desiccating treatments. Periodic desiccation played an important role in preventing the alga from decomposing, with greater delays to sheath rupture with a higher frequency of exposure to air. The bacterial numbers in the culture treated with seven periods of desiccation per day were about 50% less compared with the cultures without the desiccation treatment. When bacteria in the culture were controlled, the colonial filaments did not disintegrate and maintained the integrity of their sheath for about 20 days even without the desiccation treatments, indicating the importance of desiccation for N. flagelliforme to prevent them from being disintegrated by bacteria. On the other hand, when free-living cells obtained from crushed colonial filaments were cultured in liquid medium, they developed into single filaments with sheaths, within which multiple filaments were formed later on as a colony. Such colonial filaments were developed at 15, 25, and 30degreesC at either 20 or 60 mumol photons.m(-2).s(-1); colonies did not develop at 180 mumol photons.m(-2).s(-1), though this light level resulted in the most rapid growth of the cells. Conditions of 60 mumol photons.m(-2).s(-1) and 25degrees C appeared to result in the best colonial development and faster growth of the sheath-held colonies of N. flagelliforme when cultured indoor under aquatic conditions.


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We studied in the laboratory the population growth rates of four cladocerans fed both with decomposed Microcystis aeruginosa and with a mixture of fresh colonial M. aeruginosa and Scenedesmus obliquus. The neonates of Diqphanosoma brachyurum and Daphnia carinata were able to develop into adults when they were fed with <64mum decomposed M. aeruginosa, while those of Moina micrura could not use decomposed M. aeruginosa. The population growth rate of the largest species, D. carinata, was less affected by the presence of fresh colonial M. aeruginosa than the other three species. D. carinata obtained the highest growth rate at a biomass level of 10 mg L-1 fresh colonial M. aeruginosa, indicating that, to some extent, it can use colonial M. aeruginosa at a size range of 64-112mum. The population growth rate of M. micrura was negatively correlated with fresh colonial M. aeruginosa within a range of 10-100 mg L-1. The population growth rates of D. brachyurum and Ceriodaphnia cornuta were remarkably decreased by fresh colonial M. aeruginosa, although no significant difference was found within the M. aeruginosa biomass range of 10-100 mg L-1 for either cladoceran. At a biomass level of 50 mg L-1 M. aeruginosa, the population growth rates of the four cladocerans positively correlated with S. obliquus biomass within a range of 0.1-5.0 mg L-1. Our results indicate that the zooplankton community under bloom condition is shaped by the quantity of both M. aeruginosa and other edible algae.


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Gastric mills were examined from 98 early juvenile Chinese mitten crabs (Eriocheir sinensis) from experimental tanks. Recognizable food items were macrophytes, algae, oligochaetes, and detritus; their percent frequencies of occurrence were 94.6%, 86.5%, 10.7%, and 18.3%, respectively. The crabs had a diet feeding rhythm.