1000 resultados para Alfabeto do corpo


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This dissertation aims at showing the importance of the Nietzsche s and Spinoza s philosophy in Deleuze thought, about body, force, and potency concepts. The search starts from Deleuze texts around two authors of his inspiration, reaching understand in the plan of immanence of the relationship between concepts and the way life as ethics and political affirmation. The first goal is the concept of rhizome; propose by Deleuze in what manner to walk the ways traced by philosophers and at the same time to create self ways. The second chapter examines the body in Nietzsche as force s relations. Find to show the genesis of the force in its determination as relative quantity strong or weak, and as absolute quality active or reactive; and for other side the genesis of the force from two poles of the will to power affirmation or negation, examining the consequences for life and thought. In the third chapter explained the definitions of body in Spinoza. The body, in Spinoza, defines itself complex relation of movement and repose, velocity and slowness and by it s to affect and be affecter s power. Find to show understanding the mediums for to amplify the power of to exist or the potency of to act, in what manner ethics of to live. The fourth chapter makes one parallel between the war and the thought in the constitution of socials body and collectives agenciamientos, for understand in the fifth chapter the body as war s machine of the thought, from the relationship between nomad way life and war s machine showed in Tractate of Nomadologia. Wait like this to show the importance of the ethics and political thought than affirm the existence in the world through active force from that body s power.


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Psychology is a relatively new scientific branch and still lacks consistent methodological foundation to support its investigations. Given its immaturity, this science finds difficulties to delimit its ontological status, which spawnes several epistemological and methodological misconceptions. Given this, Psychology failed to demarcate precisely its object of study, leading, thus, the emergence of numerous conceptions about the psychic, which resulted in the fragmentation of this science. In its constitution, psychological science inherited a complex philosophical problem: the mind-body issue. Therefore, to define their status, Psychology must still face this problem, seeking to elucidate what is the mind, the body and how they relate. In light of the importance of this issue to a strict demarcation of psychological object, it was sought in this research, to investigate the mind-body problem in the Phenomenological Psychology of Edith Stein (1891-1942), phenomenologist philosopher who undertook efforts for a foundation of Psychology. For that, the discussion was subsidized from the contributions of the Philosophy of Mind and the support of the phenomenological method to the mind-body problem. From there, by a qualitative bibliographical methodology, it sought to examine the problem of research through the analysis of some philosophical-psychological philosopher's works, named: "Psychic Causality” (Kausalität Psychische, 1922) and “Introduction to Philosophy" (Einführung in die Philosophie, 1920). For this investigation, it was made, without prejudice to the discussion, a terminological equivalence between the terms mind and psyche, as the philosopher used the latter to refer to the object of Psychology. It sought to examine, therefore, how Stein conceived the psyche, the body and the relationship between them. Although it wasn't the focus of the investigation, it also took into account the spiritual dimension, as the philosopher conceived the human person as consisting of three dimensions: body, psyche and spirit. Given this, Stein highlighted the causal mechanism of the psyche, which is based on the variations of the vital force that emerges from the vital sphere. In relation to the corporeal dimension, the philosopher, following the analysis of Edmund Husserl (1859-1938), highlighted the dual aspect of the body, because it is at the same time something material (Körper) and also a linving body (Leib). On the face of it, it is understood that the psyche and the body are closely connected, so that it constitutes a dual-unit which is manifested in the Leib. This understanding of the problem psyche-mind/body provides a rich analysis of this issue, enabling the overcoming of some inconsistencies of the monistic and dualistic positions. Given this, it allows a strict elucidation of the Psychology object, contributing to the foundation of this science.


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This dissertation will be marked by our proposal to hold a theoretical perspective to the classical mind-body problem, and more precisely for the defense of the idea that consciousness (or conscious mind) emerges from the interaction and integration relationships between body proper, brain and environment. This purpose will lead us to assume an alternative position with respect to the more traditional perspectives to the mind-body problem, ie an alternative perspective not only in relation to the dualistics forms of mind-body, but also in regards to the reductive physicalists, which usually reduces mind to brain. Aiming to support a position that both avoid the idea that mind and body are distinct substances and the theory that the brain explains the consciousness in its totality, we will dedicate an important part of this work to explain how the structure of consciousness depends significantly of the body proper and the bodily information mechanisms as well as the environment and the physiological mechanisms through which we place ourselves in space, in front of us and the other bodies (organic and inorganic). Given that the relationship between brain, body and environment involves different mental levels — from the most primitive and unconscious mental mechanisms until conscious and sophisticated levels — we will proceed to the task of assuming a model to explain in what sense these levels contribute to that our instincts and the most sophisticated dimensions of our mental life are part of the one and the same process, which is why we will structure our argument from the ideia that mind, self, and consciousness are the different hierarchical levels which make up the totality of our psychic life and therefore organic one. Imbued with this conceptual approach, we will advance to the focus of this work, namely the reasons that will lead us to give a prominent role to the body proper and the environment in the constitution of the conscious mind, or even the reasons that will lead us to defend the thesis according to which we are embodied and situated, as well as the reasons that will lead us to reject the theoretical positions that dichotomize man and world. In order to support the thesis that we are embodied and situated, and therefore with the purpose of overcoming the theoretical paradigms that dichotomize consciousness and world, we will turn out to the authors and the perspectives we believe to be more successful in this endeavor, including the phenomenological approaches to bodily self-consciousness, the enactivists perspectives and the researches dedicated to mapping the interaction and integration relationships between brain, body and environment. To achieve our goals, the dissertation will be divided into two chapters: the first chapter will emphasize in what way the structuring of consciousness depends on the body proper and the environment, while in the second chapter we will resort to the phenomenological dimensions of bodily self-consciousness, emphasizing the bodily information channels that provide us the immediate certainty, in a first person perspective, that the self is bodily in a non-metaphorical sense.


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Neste estudo, propoem-se uma reflexao acerca do "corpo substancial" e "corpo relacional", o movimento humano e suas decorrências na Dança em Cadeira de Rodas (DCR). Compreendemos a DCR enquanto uma manifestaçao/vivência recente que carece de desvendamentos, é relevante pensar na pessoa com deficiência física e seus meios de comunicaçao e interaçao com o mundo. Acreditamos que nao convêm estudar, pesquisar e escrever sobre a Dança seguindo um método pré-definido, alicerçado em pressupostos determinados. Deste modo, consideramos pertinente utilizar-se da Pesquisa Teórica, privilegiandouma leitura teórica sobre a Dança


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Neste estudo, propoem-se uma reflexao acerca do "corpo substancial" e "corpo relacional", o movimento humano e suas decorrências na Dança em Cadeira de Rodas (DCR). Compreendemos a DCR enquanto uma manifestaçao/vivência recente que carece de desvendamentos, é relevante pensar na pessoa com deficiência física e seus meios de comunicaçao e interaçao com o mundo. Acreditamos que nao convêm estudar, pesquisar e escrever sobre a Dança seguindo um método pré-definido, alicerçado em pressupostos determinados. Deste modo, consideramos pertinente utilizar-se da Pesquisa Teórica, privilegiandouma leitura teórica sobre a Dança


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Neste estudo, propoem-se uma reflexao acerca do "corpo substancial" e "corpo relacional", o movimento humano e suas decorrências na Dança em Cadeira de Rodas (DCR). Compreendemos a DCR enquanto uma manifestaçao/vivência recente que carece de desvendamentos, é relevante pensar na pessoa com deficiência física e seus meios de comunicaçao e interaçao com o mundo. Acreditamos que nao convêm estudar, pesquisar e escrever sobre a Dança seguindo um método pré-definido, alicerçado em pressupostos determinados. Deste modo, consideramos pertinente utilizar-se da Pesquisa Teórica, privilegiandouma leitura teórica sobre a Dança


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O presente estudo resulta de uma pesquisa em desenvolvimento na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte que busca estabelecer relações entre o papel do corpo, em um contexto midiático, na construção e constituição da subjetividade de jovens em Natal, capital norte-riograndense. Expressões dessa subjetividade indicam que o corpo, a mídia eletrônica e a Internet são referências importantes que permitem perceber traços ao mesmo tempo singulares e universais de uma cultura juvenil, que é complexa e ambivalente por natureza


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Le tecniche di sismica passiva, possono rivelarsi un'ottimo strumento per migliorare l'analisi e la comprensione di svariati contesti geologici. Tramite il metodo H/V, è stato possibile restituire alcuni parametri ed elaborati grafici, riguardanti un caso di dissesto da frana localizzato nei pressi della borgata "Rudella",Chiampo (VI). Lo scopo proncipale di questo studio è quello di mappare, con buona precisione, il presunto piano di scollamento della frana, così da avere un quadro generale sullo sviluppo tridimensionale del dissesto.


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Las políticas de salud destinadas a las mulheres de la comunidad quilombola de Boa Vista son, de manera general, las mismas políticas destinadas al resto de las mujeres de la región rural del Seridó norterriograndense y también las que se corresponden con regiones marginales del Brasil entero. Aquí, el cuerpo femenino es concebido bajo parámetros universalizantes que lo toman como una entidad homogénea y comparable con otros cuerpos femeninos a partir de su traducción en índices, tasas y estadísticas. En este sentido, decimos que son cuerpos desnudos, cuya intervención no considera los rasgos exteriores, aquellos llamados de culturales, como marcadores de identidad. Por otro lado, la noción de Salud de la Mujer Negra propuesta por recientes políticas de Estado a nivel nacional, se muestra inexistente en la comunidad. El cuerpo que se se exalta hoy a partir de los parámetros de reivindicación étnica es un cuerpo negro, pero también bello, jovem e sobre todo, fuerte; donde la noción de salud no penetra. De esta forma, las dos políticas conciben sujetos sociales diferentes. Sin embargo, existe otro espacio, que es el espacio de las prácticas vernáculas, en el que las mujeres experimentan la articulación entre feminilidad y negritud, pero a partir de otros parámetros local e históricamente delineados. Aquí, tanto las trayectorias de las mujeres como las redes de parentesco y cuidado locales se muestran especialmente significativas, ayudando a comprender las concepciones particulares sobre el cuerpo que imaginan y practican las mujeres de esta comunidad, y revelando la importancia de la maternidad como principio ordenador de identidades sociales. Para eso, hemos realizado un trabajo de observación participante, una serie de 30 entrevista com mujeres de Boa Vista y un estudio de las redes de parentesco organizadas alrededor del término mãe. Con esto, demostramos que existe un espacio cargado de significados sobre el cuerpo femenino y la feminilidad que es construido a partir de una interpretación local de la triple condición de mulher, de mãe y de negra


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O presente estudo resulta de uma pesquisa em desenvolvimento na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte que busca estabelecer relações entre o papel do corpo, em um contexto midiático, na construção e constituição da subjetividade de jovens em Natal, capital norte-riograndense. Expressões dessa subjetividade indicam que o corpo, a mídia eletrônica e a Internet são referências importantes que permitem perceber traços ao mesmo tempo singulares e universais de uma cultura juvenil, que é complexa e ambivalente por natureza


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O documento integral está disponível através do link que se encontra no campo Versão do Editor.


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Although research in the field of performing arts has substantially advanced over the last century, the actor, in general, still needs a repertoire of specific references to guide or support his practice. But how the actor must work the material foundation of his art that is his own body? Starting from a prerogative of a idiosyncrasy that is part of theater, this study intend, from the description and reflection about one physical experience with the Tai Chi, to weave relations between this experience and the possible developments of acting preparation. This research is also aimed to highlight the elements of connection between the principles that rules Tai Chi and the body without organs, idealized by Artaud, with the perspective of pointing possible contributions for actors work. The work presented here refers to a qualitative study that considers the body experience in practice of Tai Chi as a reference to dialogue and reflect about the acting preparation. The process of acting preparation presupposes a constant redoing of the body by certain practices. My experience with Tai Chi within this research allowed me verify that the work from established body techniques could be a way of technical preparation for the actor. As the body conscience expands, Tai Chi promotes a greater freedom of creation and expression, giving the actor the possibility of experience the body without organs, the artistic equivalent of the daily body, present, conscious, the organic foundation of emotions, in wich it is possible the materiality of ideas


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I propose with this paper a reflection on the experiences contained in the creation of the body- in-art (FERRACINI, 2006a, b) that originated the show Rosmaninhos... This process was developed within the coletivo UZUME teatro from João Pessoa PB, through recreations and resignifications of the corporeity and physicality contained in the steps, loas, aboios, songs and choreography observed in the manners that Mestre Zequinha plays in his group of Cavalo Marinho (Sea Horse), resident in the city of Bayeux - PB, and starting from the appropriation of the text Hamlet of William Shakespeare. The body-in-art is understood in this work as a vectorial body that dilates its daily functionality, recognizing a potential learning area capable to generate creative escape lines that destabilize the "subject centered in an individuality and identity" (FOUCAULT apud FERRACINI, 2006b, p.14), being open to the differentiation of itself, indicating the possible existence of an itself-other and of the exchange-in-art space. This process of construction of the body-in-art based on Master Zequinha s ways of playing the Cavalo Marinho was methodically guided by the appropriation of the coletivo UZUME teatro of the stages of Observation, Codification and Theatricalization contained in the technique of corporal mimeses proposed by the LUME Teatro (Campinas - SP). That use resulted in two phases: Active Observation and Composition of the body-in-art. Through the repetition of these aesthetic matrixes of the Cavalo Marinho, the actors discovered actions that when, codified and organized, can configure their body-in-art, which created a vectorial exchange-in-art space to what was found in the Cavalo Marinho party. This search proposed the means of potentiating the actors' work when it comes to a preparation that allowed to dilate the scenic presence and stimulated the production of actions, which culminated in the mounting of the show Rosmaninhos...