920 resultados para Aleutian Islands Alaska


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Top predators in the marine environment integrate chemical signals acquired from their prey that reflect both the species consumed and the regions from which the prey were taken. These chemical tracers—stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen; persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations, patterns and ratios; and fatty acid profiles—were measured in blubber biopsy samples from North Pacific killer whales (Orcinus orca) (n = 84) and were used to provide further insight into their diet, particularly for the offshore group, about which little dietary information is available. The offshore killer whales were shown to consume prey species that were distinctly different from those of sympatric resident and transient killer whales. In addition, it was confirmed that the offshores forage as far south as California. Thus, these results provide evidence that the offshores belong to a third killer whale ecotype. Resident killer whale populations showed a gradient in stable isotope profiles from west (central Aleutians) to east (Gulf of Alaska) that, in part, can be attributed to a shift from off-shelf to continental shelf-based prey. Finally, stable isotope ratio results, supported by field observations, showed that the diet in spring and summer of eastern Aleutian Island transient killer whales is apparently not composed exclusively of Steller sea lions.


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Top predators in the marine environment integrate chemical signals acquired from their prey that reflect both the species consumed and the regions from which the prey were taken. These chemical tracers—stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen; persistent organic pollutant (POP) concentrations, patterns and ratios; and fatty acid profiles—were measured in blubber biopsy samples from North Pacific killer whales (Orcinus orca) (n = 84) and were used to provide further insight into their diet, particularly for the offshore group, about which little dietary information is available. The offshore killer whales were shown to consume prey species that were distinctly different from those of sympatric resident and transient killer whales. In addition, it was confirmed that the offshores forage as far south as California. Thus, these results provide evidence that the offshores belong to a third killer whale ecotype. Resident killer whale populations showed a gradient in stable isotope profiles from west (central Aleutians) to east (Gulf of Alaska) that, in part, can be attributed to a shift from off-shelf to continental shelf-based prey. Finally, stable isotope ratio results, supported by field observations, showed that the diet in spring and summer of eastern Aleutian Island transient killer whales is apparently not composed exclusively of Steller sea lions.


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Little is known about the present-day occurrence of cetaceans found in offshore waters in the Gulf of Alaska; however, whaling records and a few recent surveys have shown this area to be important habitat. The U.S. Navy maintains a maritime training area in the central Gulf of Alaska, east of Kodiak Island, and has requested additional information on marine mammal presence and use of this area. To describe the occurrence and distribution of marine mammals in and around the U.S. Navy training area, a line transect visual and acoustic survey was conducted 10-20 April 2009 from the NOAA ship Oscar Dyson. The primary survey area encompassed nearshore and offshore pelagic waters of the central Gulf of Alaska. Survey lines were designed to provide equal coverage of the nearshore and offshore habitat.


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In 1948 much interest in trichinosis in arctic regions was aroused, particularly by the findings of Thorborg et al. (1948), who investigated serious outbreaks occurring among the Eskimo of West Greenland during 1947. Consequently, with the founding of the Arctic Health Research Center in the autumn of 1948, a study of trichinosis in Alaska was the first project to be initiated by the Zoonotic Disease Section (formerly Animal-borne Disease Section) of this Center. Field work was begun in January, 1949, and a preliminary note on trichinosis in Alaskan mammals was published by Brandly and Rausch (1950). The subject of trichinosis in arctic regions was reviewed by Connell (1949). The survey to determine the prevalence of T. spiralis in mammals in Alaska was terminated in the spring of 1953; this paper reports the results of this work.


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During the summer of 1953, Mr. Edward T. Roche, of the Department of Zoology, University of Southern California, continued observations on the life history of the ground squirrel, Citellus undulatus barrowensis (Merriam), along the Meade River south of Point Barrow, Alaska. In the course of this work, 55 ground squirrels were examined for intestinal parasites, and were found commonly to harbor cestodes. Mr. Roche kindly offered a number of these cestodes to the writer for study, and they represent an undescribed species of Paranoplocephala Liihe, 1910. In appreciation of the generous cooperation extended to the personnel of this laboratory by Dr. Ira L. Wiggins, formerly Scientific Director of the Arctic Research Laboratory, Office of Naval Research, at Point Barrow, the name Paranoplocephala wigginsi n. sp. is proposed for this cestode.


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The importance to the biotic community of various species of lemmings in arctic and subarctic regions has long been recognized, but there is little known about the ecology of these mammals. of the two species that occur on the Arctic Slope of Alaska, namely, the collared lemming, Dicrostonyx groenlandicus rubricatus (Richardson), and the brown lemming, Lemmus trimucronatus alascensis Merriam, during the spring of 1949 the writer had the good fortune to observe a cyclic decline in the population of the brown lemming on the Arctic Coast of Alaska. Observations were made during the peak density preceding this decline and were continued for more than a year subsequent to it. It is the purpose of this paper to present the results of these studies.


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The study of a collection of cestodes assigned to the genus Diplogonoporus Lönnberg, 1892 disclosed but two species, D. balaenopterae Lönnberg, 1892, and D. tetrapterus (von Siebold, 1848) (provis.). These cestodes occur characteristically in marine mammals but occasionally are found in terrestrial hosts; D. balaenopterae is recorded for the first time from the domestic dog, and it is concluded that D. grandis (Blanchard, 1894), from man, is conspecific with D. balaenopterae. The latter species is recorded for the first time from the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae (Borowski). The relatively small D. tetrapterus, a common parasite of the Steller sea lion, Eumetopias jubata (Schreber), is reported for the first time from the sea otter, Enhydra lutris Linnaeus, and from the domestic mink, Mustela vison Schreber. Descriptions of representative specimens are presented, and the taxonomic status of other species assigned to Diplogonoporus is discussed. Although the diplogonadic organization of these cestodes is somewhat variable, it is nevertheless constant and serves to characterize the genus Diplogonoporus. The process of asexual reproduction by means of transverse subdivision of primary segments is described. This ability and the diplogonadic structure of these cestodes are considered to be adaptations that increase the production of eggs and thereby the probability of reproductive success in the marine habitat.


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The occurrence of a species of Echinococcus (Rudolphi, 1801) on St Lawrence Island was noted by the writers in early 1950. Recognition of its unusual host relationships led to an investigation of the ecology of this cestode, E. sibiricensis Rausch & Schiller, 1954. It is the purpose of this paper to report the results of this work, with emphasis on alveolar hydatid disease in man, of which this cestode is the etiologic agent.


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In Alaska, as in arctic and subarctic Eurasia, important natural-focal zoonoses are rabies, brucellosis, tularemia, trichinosis, alveolar hydatid disease, cystic hydatid disease, and diphyllobothriasis. Most frequently affected are aboriginal peoples in villages within biocenoses that include the natural parasite-host assemblages. Pathogens are transmitted to man from wild animals and from dogs, which are important as synanthropic hosts. The prevalence and rate of transmission of certain pathogens in natural foci are related to the numerical density of small mammals, especially rodents, which may themselves be involved as hosts, and on which the numbers of their predators ultimately depend, such as is evident in the natural cycles of Echinococcus multilocularis and of rabies virus. Some pathogens in northern regions exhibit biological Characteristics that separate them from morphologically indistinguishable strains at lower latitudes (e.g., Trichinella spiralis and E. granulosus). Host-parasite relationships may also differ, as in the Arctic where rabies virus is maintained in populations of foxes, without significant involvement of mammals of other groups. Faunal interchanges during and after the Pleistocene period have influenced the distribution of parasite-host assemblages in Alaska.


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French abstract: La faune des Trématodes Microphallidés d'Alaska étudiée comporte neuf espèces différentes, distribuées en quatre genres: 1° Microphallus oblonga Ching, 1965, M. pygmaeum (Levinsen, 1881) et M. similis (Jaegerskioeld, 1900). 2° Levinseniella (Lev.) propinqua Jaegerskioeld, 1907. 3° Maritrema acadiae (Swales, 1933). M. afanassjewi Belopolskaia, 1952. M. gratiosum Nicoll, 1907. M. megametrios Deblock et Rausch, 1968 et enfin, 4° Pseudospelotrema sp. n° 1. Les caractéristiques morphologiques essentielles de ces Trématodes sont décrites, sauf celles de la dernière espèce citée qui a déjà fait l'objet d'une étude antérieure. English abstract: Microphallid trematodes of nine species, representing four genera, have been studied from birds and mammals collected in Alaska: 1° Microphallus oblonga Ching, 1965, M. pygmaeum (Levinsen, 1881) and M. similis (Jaegerskioeld, 1900). 2° Levinseniella (Lev.) propinqua Jaegerskioeld, 1907. 3° Maritrema acadiae (Swales, 1933), M. afanassjewi Belopolskaia, 1952, M. gratiosum, Nicoll, 1907 and M. megametrios Deblock and Rausch, 1968 and 4° Pseudospelotrema sp. n° 1. Morphological characteristics of these trematodes are described, with the exception of Pseudospelotrema sp. to be considered elsewhere.


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In connection with parasitological studies carried on during 1949 for the U.S. Public Health Service, the writer collected a considerable number of mammals from the northern edge of the "Endicott" section of the Brooks Range, in Arctic Alaska. The mammalian fauna of this region is poorly known, since apparently no previous collecting has been done here. About 200 microtine rodents were collected, mostly near Tolugak Lake (latitude 68° 24' N, longitude 151° 26' W), near the head of the Anaktuvuk River Valley. A few specimens were also taken at Umiat, on the Colville River, about 80 miles north of Tolugak Lake (latitude 69° 23' N, longitude 152° 10' W). Five species are represented: Clethrionomys rutilis dawsoni (Merriam), Microtus oeconomus macfarlani Merriam, Microtus miurus paneaki, n. subsp., Lemmus trimucronatus alascensis Merriam and Dicrostonyx groenlandicus rubricatus (Richardson). More complete details concerning their ecology and reproduction will be presented in a later paper, at which time the other mammals obtained will also be considered. The specimens have been deposited in the U.S. National Museum.


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The Brown Tree Snake (Boiga irregularis) has caused ecological and economic damage to Guam, and the snake has the potential to colonize other islands in the Pacific Ocean. This study quantifies the potential economic damage if the snake were translocated, established in the state of Hawaii, and causing damage at levels similar to those on Guam. Damages modeled included costs of medical treatments due to snakebites, snake-caused power outages, and decreased tourism resulting from effects of the snake. Damage caused by presence of the Brown Tree Snake on Guam was used as a guide to estimate potential economic damage to Hawaii from both medical- and power outage–related damage. To predict tourism impact, a survey was administered to Hawaiian tourists that identified tourist responses to potential effects of the Brown Tree Snake. These results were then used in an input-output model to predict damage to the state economy. Summing these damages resulted in an estimated total potential annual damage to Hawaii of between $593 million and $2.14 billion. This economic analysis provides a range of potential damages that policy makers can use in evaluation of future prevention and control programs.


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Schizorchis caballeroi n. sp. has been described from the collared pika, Ochotona collaris (Nelson), from Alaska, and has been distinguished morphologically from its congeners, S. ochotonae Hansen, 1948, and S. altaica Gvozdev, 1951. Nine species of helminths have been described 10 dale from North American pikas, O. collaris and O. princeps (Richardson). These mammals are markedly allopatric and do not share any species of helminth. Nematodes of two genera, Eugenuris Shults and Labiostomum Akhtar, 1941, occur in O. collaris as weIl as in palearctic species of Ochotona. This, along with other pertinent information, is taken to suggest that O. collaris has invaded North American more recently than did O. princeps or its precursor.


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Eine neue Haploparaxis--Art, H. galli, aus dem Darm des Schneehuhns, Lagopus rupestris (Gmelin), wird beschrieben und von den verwandten Formen differenziert. Die typische Lokalität ist Tolugaksee, Brooksgebirge, arktisches Alaska.


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The following trematodes are part of a collection made by the author at Suva, Fiji in 1951. 1. Prosorhynchus squamatus Odhner, 1905 is believed to be distinct from P. crucibulus and most other species in the genus on the basis of its oval-shaped rhynchus. It thus remains, as originally, the type species of the genus. 2. Prosorhynchus thapari n. sp. is described from Plectropoma maculatum (Bloch) from Suva, Fiji. The "P. facilis (Ozaki, 1924)" of Nagaty (1937) is considered to be a synonym. 3. Neidhartia polydactyli n. sp. is described from Polydactylus plebius (Bonnaterre) from Suva, Fiji.