932 resultados para Additive sentences
Studies in turbulence often focus on two flow conditions, both of which occur frequently in real-world flows and are sought-after for their value in advancing turbulence theory. These are the high Reynolds number regime and the effect of wall surface roughness. In this dissertation, a Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) recreates both conditions over a wide range of Reynolds numbers Reτ = O(102)-O(108) and accounts for roughness by locally modeling the statistical effects of near-wall anisotropic fine scales in a thin layer immediately above the rough surface. A subgrid, roughness-corrected wall model is introduced to dynamically transmit this modeled information from the wall to the outer LES, which uses a stretched-vortex subgrid-scale model operating in the bulk of the flow. Of primary interest is the Reynolds number and roughness dependence of these flows in terms of first and second order statistics. The LES is first applied to a fully turbulent uniformly-smooth/rough channel flow to capture the flow dynamics over smooth, transitionally rough and fully rough regimes. Results include a Moody-like diagram for the wall averaged friction factor, believed to be the first of its kind obtained from LES. Confirmation is found for experimentally observed logarithmic behavior in the normalized stream-wise turbulent intensities. Tight logarithmic collapse, scaled on the wall friction velocity, is found for smooth-wall flows when Reτ ≥ O(106) and in fully rough cases. Since the wall model operates locally and dynamically, the framework is used to investigate non-uniform roughness distribution cases in a channel, where the flow adjustments to sudden surface changes are investigated. Recovery of mean quantities and turbulent statistics after transitions are discussed qualitatively and quantitatively at various roughness and Reynolds number levels. The internal boundary layer, which is defined as the border between the flow affected by the new surface condition and the unaffected part, is computed, and a collapse of the profiles on a length scale containing the logarithm of friction Reynolds number is presented. Finally, we turn to the possibility of expanding the present framework to accommodate more general geometries. As a first step, the whole LES framework is modified for use in the curvilinear geometry of a fully-developed turbulent pipe flow, with implementation carried out in a spectral element solver capable of handling complex wall profiles. The friction factors have shown favorable agreement with the superpipe data, and the LES estimates of the Karman constant and additive constant of the log-law closely match values obtained from experiment.
Methods that exploit the intrinsic locality of molecular interactions show significant promise in making tractable the electronic structure calculation of large-scale systems. In particular, embedded density functional theory (e-DFT) offers a formally exact approach to electronic structure calculations in which the interactions between subsystems are evaluated in terms of their electronic density. In the following dissertation, methodological advances of embedded density functional theory are described, numerically tested, and applied to real chemical systems.
First, we describe an e-DFT protocol in which the non-additive kinetic energy component of the embedding potential is treated exactly. Then, we present a general implementation of the exact calculation of the non-additive kinetic potential (NAKP) and apply it to molecular systems. We demonstrate that the implementation using the exact NAKP is in excellent agreement with reference Kohn-Sham calculations, whereas the approximate functionals lead to qualitative failures in the calculated energies and equilibrium structures.
Next, we introduce density-embedding techniques to enable the accurate and stable calculation of correlated wavefunction (CW) in complex environments. Embedding potentials calculated using e-DFT introduce the effect of the environment on a subsystem for CW calculations (WFT-in-DFT). We demonstrate that WFT-in-DFT calculations are in good agreement with CW calculations performed on the full complex.
We significantly improve the numerics of the algorithm by enforcing orthogonality between subsystems by introduction of a projection operator. Utilizing the projection-based embedding scheme, we rigorously analyze the sources of error in quantum embedding calculations in which an active subsystem is treated using CWs, and the remainder using density functional theory. We show that the embedding potential felt by the electrons in the active subsystem makes only a small contribution to the error of the method, whereas the error in the nonadditive exchange-correlation energy dominates. We develop an algorithm which corrects this term and demonstrate the accuracy of this corrected embedding scheme.
[EU]Ahots teknologiaren garapenaren gorakadak, hizketan minusbaliotasunen bat duten pertsonen eguneroko bizitza ahalik eta erosoena egitearen saiakerarekin batera, Aholab ikerkuntza taldea ZURE TTS proiektua garatzera eraman du, proiektuaren helburua ahots minusbaliotasun batez jota dauden edo ahotsa guztiz galdu duten pertsonentzat hizketa sintetizadore bat garatzea delarik. Ahots sintetizatua lortzeko, ahots emaileek grabatutako esaldiez osatutako ahots naturaleko corpus bat hartzen da oinarritzat. Sintesi prozesua ahalik eta kalitate altuenekoa izateko, nahitaezkoa da datu basean gordeta dagoen ahotsa egokia izatea, eta horregatik, burutuko den proiektuak grabazioen edukiaren egiaztatzaile bat garatzea du helburu, erabiltzaileak irakurritako esaldiak zuzenak diren edo ez egiaztatzen dituena, horrela ahots sintetizatuaren kalitatea bermatuz.
Estudo dos efeitos de uma dieta rica em sal e / ou gordura saturada em grânulos de peptídeo natriurético atrial (ANP), hipertensão, expressão da renina e ultraestrutura cardíaca em camundongos C57Bl / 6. Camundongos machos adultos jovens foram separados em quatro grupos (n = 12) e alimentados com uma das seguintes dietas por 9 semanas: dieta padrão para roedores (Grupo P), dieta hiperlipídica (Grupo HL), dieta hipersódica (Grupo HS) e dieta hiperlipídica e hipersódica simultaneamente (HL-HS). Foram examinados: alterações no ANP sérico, ultra-estrutura dos cardiomiócitos produtores de ANP, estrutura do ventrículo esquerdo, pressão arterial sanguínea, expressão da renina no rim, taxa de filtração glomerular (TFG), eficiência alimentar, parâmetros lipídicos e glicídicos. Os animais alimentados com dieta hiperlipídica mostraram um pequeno aumento na produção de ANP, discreta hipertrofia ventricular esquerda, aumento da eficiência alimentar, dislipidemia e hiperglicemia. Animais alimentados com dieta hipersódica tiveram um grande aumento na produção de grânulos de ANP e correspondente elevação do seu nível sérico, hipertrofia ventricular esquerda, hipertensão arterial, diminuição dos níveis de renina e aumento da TFG. A combinação das duas dietas (HL-HS) teve um efeito aditivo. A ingestão de uma dieta com alto teor de sal e lipídeos induz alterações ultraestruturais dos cardiomiócitos, aumento da produção de ANP e elevação de seu nível sérico e reduz a quantidade de renina no rim.
[ES]En el ámbito industrial actual, la fabricación aditiva supone una alternativa para dar respuesta a las nuevas necesidades del mercado, que no pueden verse resueltas mediante las técnicas de fabricación clásicas. La fabricación aditiva (AM Adittive Manufacturing) representa un cambio en métodos y procesos industriales, permitiendo llevar a cabo piezas antes imposibles de realizar. Tiene sus principales aplicaciones en el sector médico, aeronáutico o el sector de la automoción. Se dan numerosas técnicas clasificadas por diferentes criterios, como el medio a través del cual se aporta la energía. Presenta numerosas ventajas como la complejidad en la geometría de las piezas que se pueden fabricar, a pesar de que aún no está totalmente desarrollada y presenta limitaciones como el coste de material. Todo el diseño parte de las tecnologías CAD/CAM 3D, y se fabrica ya en una amplia variedad de materiales, tanto metálicos como plásticos. Aún bajo poca normativa, se espera que en las próximas décadas esta tecnología desarrolle todo su potencial y sea de uso habitual en los sectores propicios para su explotación.
H. J. Kushner has obtained the differential equation satisfied by the optimal feedback control law for a stochastic control system in which the plant dynamics and observations are perturbed by independent additive Gaussian white noise processes. However, the differentiation includes the first and second functional derivatives and, except for a restricted set of systems, is too complex to solve with present techniques.
This investigation studies the optimal control law for the open loop system and incorporates it in a sub-optimal feedback control law. This suboptimal control law's performance is at least as good as that of the optimal control function and satisfies a differential equation involving only the first functional derivative. The solution of this equation is equivalent to solving two two-point boundary valued integro-partial differential equations. An approximate solution has advantages over the conventional approximate solution of Kushner's equation.
As a result of this study, well known results of deterministic optimal control are deduced from the analysis of optimal open loop control.
In 1964 A. W. Goldie [1] posed the problem of determining all rings with identity and minimal condition on left ideals which are faithfully represented on the right side of their left socle. Goldie showed that such a ring which is indecomposable and in which the left and right principal indecomposable ideals have, respectively, unique left and unique right composition series is a complete blocked triangular matrix ring over a skewfield. The general problem suggested above is very difficult. We obtain results under certain natural restrictions which are much weaker than the restrictive assumptions made by Goldie.
We characterize those rings in which the principal indecomposable left ideals each contain a unique minimal left ideal (Theorem (4.2)). It is sufficient to handle indecomposable rings (Lemma (1.4)). Such a ring is also a blocked triangular matrix ring. There exist r positive integers K1,..., Kr such that the i,jth block of a typical matrix is a Ki x Kj matrix with arbitrary entries in a subgroup Dij of the additive group of a fixed skewfield D. Each Dii is a sub-skewfield of D and Dri = D for all i. Conversely, every matrix ring which has this form is indecomposable, faithfully represented on the right side of its left socle, and possesses the property that every principal indecomposable left ideal contains a unique minimal left ideal.
The principal indecomposable left ideals may have unique composition series even though the ring does not have minimal condition on right ideals. We characterize this situation by defining a partial ordering ρ on {i, 2,...,r} where we set iρj if Dij ≠ 0. Every principal indecomposable left ideal has a unique composition series if and only if the diagram of ρ is an inverted tree and every Dij is a one-dimensional left vector space over Dii (Theorem (5.4)).
We show (Theorem (2.2)) that every ring A of the type we are studying is a unique subdirect sum of less complex rings A1,...,As of the same type. Namely, each Ai has only one isomorphism class of minimal left ideals and the minimal left ideals of different Ai are non-isomorphic as left A-modules. We give (Theorem (2.1)) necessary and sufficient conditions for a ring which is a subdirect sum of rings Ai having these properties to be faithfully represented on the right side of its left socle. We show ((4.F), p. 42) that up to technical trivia the rings Ai are matrix rings of the form
[...]. Each Qj comes from the faithful irreducible matrix representation of a certain skewfield over a fixed skewfield D. The bottom row is filled in by arbitrary elements of D.
In Part V we construct an interesting class of rings faithfully represented on their left socle from a given partial ordering on a finite set, given skewfields, and given additive groups. This class of rings contains the ones in which every principal indecomposable left ideal has a unique minimal left ideal. We identify the uniquely determined subdirect summands mentioned above in terms of the given partial ordering (Proposition (5.2)). We conjecture that this technique serves to construct all the rings which are a unique subdirect sum of rings each having the property that every principal-indecomposable left ideal contains a unique minimal left ideal.
Let E be a compact subset of the n-dimensional unit cube, 1n, and let C be a collection of convex bodies, all of positive n-dimensional Lebesgue measure, such that C contains bodies with arbitrarily small measure. The dimension of E with respect to the covering class C is defined to be the number
dC(E) = sup(β:Hβ, C(E) > 0),
where Hβ, C is the outer measure
inf(Ʃm(Ci)β:UCi Ↄ E, Ci ϵ C) .
Only the one and two-dimensional cases are studied. Moreover, the covering classes considered are those consisting of intervals and rectangles, parallel to the coordinate axes, and those closed under translations. A covering class is identified with a set of points in the left-open portion, 1’n, of 1n, whose closure intersects 1n - 1’n. For n = 2, the outer measure Hβ, C is adopted in place of the usual:
Inf(Ʃ(diam. (Ci))β: UCi Ↄ E, Ci ϵ C),
for the purpose of studying the influence of the shape of the covering sets on the dimension dC(E).
If E is a closed set in 11, let M(E) be the class of all non-decreasing functions μ(x), supported on E with μ(x) = 0, x ≤ 0 and μ(x) = 1, x ≥ 1. Define for each μ ϵ M(E),
dC(μ) = lim/c → inf/0 log ∆μ(c)/log c , (c ϵ C)
where ∆μ(c) = v/x (μ(x+c) – μ(x)). It is shown that
dC(E) = sup (dC(μ):μ ϵ M(E)).
This notion of dimension is extended to a certain class Ӻ of sub-additive functions, and the problem of studying the behavior of dC(E) as a function of the covering class C is reduced to the study of dC(f) where f ϵ Ӻ. Specifically, the set of points in 11,
(*) {dB(F), dC(f)): f ϵ Ӻ}
is characterized by a comparison of the relative positions of the points of B and C. A region of the form (*) is always closed and doubly-starred with respect to the points (0, 0) and (1, 1). Conversely, given any closed region in 12, doubly-starred with respect to (0, 0) and (1, 1), there are covering classes B and C such that (*) is exactly that region. All of the results are shown to apply to the dimension of closed sets E. Similar results can be obtained when a finite number of covering classes are considered.
In two dimensions, the notion of dimension is extended to the class M, of functions f(x, y), non-decreasing in x and y, supported on 12 with f(x, y) = 0 for x · y = 0 and f(1, 1) = 1, by the formula
dC(f) = lim/s · t → inf/0 log ∆f(s, t)/log s · t , (s, t) ϵ C
∆f(s, t) = V/x, y (f(x+s, y+t) – f(x+s, y) – f(x, y+t) + f(x, t)).
A characterization of the equivalence dC1(f) = dC2(f) for all f ϵ M, is given by comparison of the gaps in the sets of products s · t and quotients s/t, (s, t) ϵ Ci (I = 1, 2).
O termo Teoria da Mente diz respeito à habilidade que os seres humanos adquirem de compreender seus próprios estados mentais e os dos outros e predizer ações e comportamentos dentro de uma interação social. As principais questões da pesquisa em Teoria da Mente são: determinar qual o tipo de conhecimento que sustenta essa habilidade, qual sua origem e desenvolvimento e em que momento se manifesta. (Astington e Gopnik, 1991). Ao levar em consideração que a língua pode ser vista como instrumento da cognição (Spelke, 2003), através da qual o falante adquire suporte para o planejamento de ações, contribuindo para o desempenho de tarefas cognitivas complexas (Corrêa, 2006), de Villiers (2004, 2005, 2007 e subsequentes), no que diz respeito à Teoria da Mente, argumenta que o seu desenvolvimento depende do desenvolvimento linguístico, estando diretamente ligado à aquisição de verbos de estado mental, como pensar, por exemplo, pelo fato de que esses verbos subcategorizam uma sentença encaixada. Para ela, o domínio dessa estrutura possibilita que o raciocínio de crenças falsas da Teoria da Mente seja efetivamente realizado. A presente dissertação tem como objetivo verificar em que medida há uma influência direta e necessária da linguagem para a condução de tarefas de Teoria da Mente. Para tanto, focamos nossa atenção em pessoas que estão, por algum motivo, destituídas parcialmente da capacidade linguística, mas que mantêm intacta a capacidade cognitiva, os afásicos. Por meio de uma pesquisa realizada com dois pacientes afásicos de Broca, selecionados pelos critérios clássicos, procuramos entender se a habilidade de predizer ações está intacta nestes pacientes ou se tal habilidade foi perdida, assim como a linguagem. Para tanto, aplicamos dois testes de crença falsa em Teoria da Mente. O primeiro utilizou-se de suporte verbal, uma narração de eventos e expectativas dos personagens envolvidos. A pergunta-teste foi manipulada em função do grau de complexidade por meio do cruzamento de dois fatores: sentenças simples ou complexas e QU-in situ ou movido. O segundo teste seguiu o padrão não-verbal, sendo constituído de uma sequência de imagens, sendo que o sujeito deveria decidir entre duas últimas imagens apresentadas, aquela que coerentemente finalizava a história. Uma vez que houvesse influência direta da linguagem na condução de tarefas de Teoria da Mente, esperar-se-ia que a dificuldade no teste verbal refletisse o grau de complexidade das questões apresentadas. Adicionalmente, o desempenho no teste não-verbal também deveria ser insatisfatório, dado o comprometimento linguístico apresentado pelos sujeitos testados. Para o primeiro teste, o desempenho dos pacientes foi aleatório e inferior ao do grupo controle, já para o segundo teste, o aproveitamento foi de 100%. Em geral, os resultados sugerem que o raciocínio de crenças falsas em Teoria da Mente é alcançado por esses sujeitos, haja vista o desempenho plenamente satisfatório no teste não-verbal. Os resultados do teste verbal, por outro lado, atestam tão somente a dificuldade linguística característica dessa população. Desse modo, conclui-se que uma vez desenvolvida a habilidade em Teoria da Mente, esta permanece intacta na mente destes pacientes, mesmo que destituídos parcialmente da capacidade linguística
This research is concerned with block coding for a feedback communication system in which the forward and feedback channels are independently disturbed by additive white Gaussian noise and average power constrained. Two coding schemes are proposed in which the messages to be coded for transmission over the forward channel are realized as a set of orthogonal waveforms. A finite number of forward and feedback transmissions (iterations) per message is made. Information received over the feedback channel is used to modify the waveform transmitted on successive forward iterations in such a way that the expected value of forward signal energy is zero on all iterations after the first. Similarly, information is sent over the feedback channel in such a way that the expected value of feedback signal energy is also zero on all iterations after the first. These schemes are shown to achieve a lower probability of error than the best one-way coding scheme at all rates up to the forward channel capacity, provided only that the feedback channel capacity be greater than the forward channel capacity. These schemes make more efficient use of the available feedback power than existing feedback coding schemes, and therefore require less feedback power to achieve a given error performance.
The problem of global optimization of M phase-incoherent signals in N complex dimensions is formulated. Then, by using the geometric approach of Landau and Slepian, conditions for optimality are established for N = 2 and the optimal signal sets are determined for M = 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.
The method is the following: The signals are assumed to be equally probable and to have equal energy, and thus are represented by points ṡi, i = 1, 2, …, M, on the unit sphere S1 in CN. If Wik is the halfspace determined by ṡi and ṡk and containing ṡi, i.e. Wik = {ṙϵCN:| ≥ | ˂ṙ, ṡk˃|}, then the Ʀi = ∩/k≠i Wik, i = 1, 2, …, M, the maximum likelihood decision regions, partition S1. For additive complex Gaussian noise ṅ and a received signal ṙ = ṡiejϴ + ṅ, where ϴ is uniformly distributed over [0, 2π], the probability of correct decoding is PC = 1/πN ∞/ʃ/0 r2N-1e-(r2+1)U(r)dr, where U(r) = 1/M M/Ʃ/i=1 Ʀi ʃ/∩ S1 I0(2r | ˂ṡ, ṡi˃|)dσ(ṡ), and r = ǁṙǁ.
For N = 2, it is proved that U(r) ≤ ʃ/Cα I0(2r|˂ṡ, ṡi˃|)dσ(ṡ) – 2K/M. h(1/2K [Mσ(Cα)-σ(S1)]), where Cα = {ṡϵS1:|˂ṡ, ṡi˃| ≥ α}, K is the total number of boundaries of the net on S1 determined by the decision regions, and h is the strictly increasing strictly convex function of σ(Cα∩W), (where W is a halfspace not containing ṡi), given by h = ʃ/Cα∩W I0 (2r|˂ṡ, ṡi˃|)dσ(ṡ). Conditions for equality are established and these give rise to the globally optimal signal sets for M = 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.
The surface temperature of Windermere has been recorded by the staff of the Freshwater Biological Association on every weekday (with a few minor exceptions) since 11 January 1933. This publication presents this information in a form which can easily be used by individual research workers. There are 43 tables (1 for each year, 1933-1975) which give the data, expressed as degree-days centigrade. The tables show for each month the number of degree-days above each temperature from 0 degree C to the highest recorded, at 1 degree C intervals. Mean temperatures are obtained by dividing the number of degree-days over 0 degree C by the relevant number of days. The advantage of degree-days rather than mean temperatures is that degree-days are additive so data for any desired periods may be combined quickly and simply. Seasonal results for spring, summer, autumn and winter are presented in tabular form, as are selected totals for comparisons between years. Further tables give the mean temperature in each month of the year, and the frequency distributions of monthly mean temperatures.
Measurements of friction and heat transfer coefficients were obtained with dilute polymer solutions flowing through electrically heated smooth and rough tubes. The polymer used was "Polyox WSR-301", and tests were performed at concentrations of 10 and 50 parts per million. The rough tubes contained a close-packed, granular type of surface with roughness-height-to-diameter ratios of 0.0138 and 0.0488 respectively. A Prandtl number range of 4.38 to 10.3 was investigated which was obtained by adjusting the bulk temperature of the solution. The Reynolds numbers in the experiments were varied from =10,000 (Pr= 10.3) to 250,000 (Pr= 4.38).
Friction reductions as high as 73% in smooth tubes and 83% in rough tubes were observed, accompanied by an even more drastic heat transfer reduction (as high as 84% in smooth tubes and 93% in rough tubes). The heat transfer coefficients with Polyox can be lower for a rough tube than for a smooth one.
The similarity rules previously developed for heat transfer with a Newtonian fluid were extended to dilute polymer solution pipe flows. A velocity profile similar to the one proposed by Deissler was taken as a model to interpret the friction and heat transfer data in smooth tubes. It was found that the observed results could be explained by assuming that the turbulent diffusivities are reduced in smooth tubes in the vicinity of the wall, which brings about a thickening of the viscous layer. A possible mechanism describing the effect of the polymer additive on rough pipe flow is also discussed.
Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a disciplina da execução por quantia certa contra os entes públicos no Direito brasileiro e sua compatibilidade com o direito à execução das decisões judiciais. Inicialmente, buscou-se definir o conteúdo do direito à execução das decisões judiciais. Posteriormente, foi analisado o direito francês, com o escopo de comparar esse sistema com o vigente no Brasil. Também foram objeto de nossa análise os fundamentos da execução contra os entes públicos, como a igualdade, separação de poderes, impenhorabilidade dos bens públicos e interesse público, tendo concluído que apenas o primeiro é idôneo à justificar a ausência de poderes sub-rogatórios do juiz sobre o patrimônio estatal. Por fim, analisamos as regras que compõem a execução contra os entes públicos no Brasil, em especial aquelas introduzidas pela Emenda Constitucional n. 62 de 2009. Estes dispositivos, em sua maioria, são violadores do direito à execução das decisões judiciais, na medida em que não permitem o cumprimento das sentenças em um tempo razoável, como ocorre com o art. 97, 1, do ADCT.
从磷酸盐激光玻璃的成分和结构出发,分析了其化学机械抛光(CMP)机制。通过实验验证了磷酸盐激光玻璃对抛光液pH值具有较强的选择性,在微酸性和中性条件下磷酸盐激光玻璃具有较高的抛光效率,在抛光液中添加pH值调节添加剂会保持抛光环境的酸碱性从而影响抛光效率和抛光质量。通过对pH值和抛光剂浓度的控制获得了均方根(RMS)优于0.6 nm的磷酸盐激光玻璃的超光滑表面。